The Ace Bodyguard

C604 Bottom of the Abyss

C604 Bottom of the Abyss

Having known Lver for a few days, and experienced so many dangers together with her, it was still the first time Wang Xiao held Lver's hand. They only felt that Lver's hands were extremely delicate and smooth, like a baby's hands.    


Lver's expression was a little complicated. She only raised her head and glanced at Wang Xiao, and then, without saying a word, she silently accepted Wang Xiao's disrespect. For some reason, when Wang Xiao held her hand, Lver did not get angry nor did she get angry, much less think of pushing Wang Xiao away.    


If it was anyone else, she would definitely have been enraged long ago and pushed the other away. There was a difference between males and females; In the past, there were a few men who wanted to take advantage of her, but in the end, those people all ended up in a miserable state. They were all killed by her.    


Lver really hated the opposite sex getting close to him. Touch her body, even if it was just holding hands. But when Wang Xiao held her hand this time, not only did she not feel any sense of disgust, she also felt a warm feeling, as if as long as Wang Xiao was by her side, she felt especially safe.    


Perhaps Lver knew that the reason why she was holding her hand was not because she had evil intentions, nor was it because she wanted to take advantage of her. It was because Wang Xiao wanted to protect her. This entire process was extremely dangerous, and there was a high chance of countless fatal crises below.    


Only someone as responsible as Wang Xiao would think about and protect himself in such a dangerous environment. If it were some self-serving men, they would have already used him as a stepping stone to ask questions. Although they hadn't known Wang Xiao for long and they hadn't known each other for long, Lver knew his character very well.    


Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!    


Wang Xiao looked down with a stern expression. Because the light emitted by the Night Pearl was very strong, it was able to light up the ground below and could clearly make out the oddly-shaped rocks.    


"Lver, are you ready?" Wang Xiao asked.    




Lver replied, indicating that she was ready, and that she could jump into the dark abyss with Wang Xiao anytime.    


"Then let's go down together." Wang Xiao said.    


"Alright." Lver nodded.    


After taking in a deep breath, Wang Xiao jumped down. Lver also jumped down with him as their bodies quickly fell, continuously falling down from the sky.    


Hu hu hu hu!    


As Wang Xiao's body continuously fell, the sound of wind continuously blew into his ears. Because the two of them were descending at a very fast speed, the wind was very strong. Whether it was life or death, whether one obtained a treasure and became an expert from now on, or whether one failed and died here, everything was about to be revealed.    


However, Wang Xiao did not regret, he truly did not regret coming here. Since he had already come here, there was nothing for him to regret, there was too much helplessness in his life, and since he had already chosen this path, Wang Xiao had no choice but to regret.    


If he was only a very ordinary person, he could choose to stay in a big city, go to and fro every day, be with his beloved girl, and stay with his family. However, Wang Xiao was not an ordinary person, so he was not destined to live this kind of ordinary life.    


As Wang Xiao and Lver continued to descend, the two of them got closer and closer to the ground below them. Lver looked down with deep and nervous eyes. Perhaps it was because she knew that a true crisis was about to occur, or maybe it was because she did not know the outcome of this life-and-death battle.    






Wang Xiao and Lver were getting closer and closer to the ground below. Finally, the two of them stepped onto the ground and stood on the ground below. Most of the rocks below were black, and the ground was littered with countless jumbled rocks. Some of the rocks were very large, while others were very small.    


These rocks should have fallen from the top of the mountain. It was most likely due to the passage of time, but the rocks on the mountain top continued to fall, causing the ground to be piled with rocks. Many of these rocks were already riddled with holes and had been eroded by time.    


Although there was no wind or rain here, the power of the changes in time far surpassed the wind and rain. As time goes by, everything will change. Trees will dry up, people will die of old age, rivers will dry up. Even as time goes by, Earth will disappear, and countless stars will disappear. Hence, the most powerful person in the entire universe wasn't a human, nor was it a planet's gravitational force, nor was it a black hole's devouring force.    


Although he had already landed on the ground, Wang Xiao still held tightly onto Lver's body, as if he was unwilling to let go. It was as if Lver was an extremely beautiful white swan that would fly away once he let go of him. He would never come back to him again, and he would lose her from now on.    


Lver pulled her hand, wanting to struggle free, but since Wang Xiao was tightly holding onto her hand, he was unable to do so at the moment. After curling his lips, Lver lifted her leg, stepped on Wang Xiao, and said: "Idiot, why aren't you letting go?"    


The reason why she didn't resist just now, and why she let Wang Xiao hold her hand, was because the two of them wanted to jump down together. But now, it was different; Ever since she was young, besides her mother, no one else had ever held her hand.    


Wang Xiao laughed, and then let go of Lver's hand. Perhaps it was because it was a bit awkward, and because he did not know what to say, Wang Xiao casually said: "Lver, the environment here is really good, the scenery is beautiful, and it is a good place."    


Lver curiously looked at Wang Xiao, then looked at his surroundings. This kind of place, she really couldn't see anything beautiful about it, but Wang Xiao actually said that it was good to fly here, could it be that there was a problem with Wang Xiao's vision, or that there was a problem with his appreciation of the place?    


"Really? Is the scenery here beautiful?" Lver asked.    




Wang Xiao was unable to reply immediately, so he could only pretend to be deaf and mute. Actually, it was not that he found the scenery here beautiful, nor was it that he found the place beautiful, but it was just that he had been holding Lver's hand the entire time. Afterwards, he was scolded by Lver, and because he did not know what he had said, Wang Xiao could only casually say that the scenery here was not bad.    


"What a fool." Lver said.    


The two carefully looked at their surroundings, worried that a powerful Vicious Beast would appear, as well as some powerful traps. However, as for traps and Vicious Beast, they probably did not exist here. After all, there was no food here, so Vicious Beast s would not appear.    


As for traps, it was impossible for there to be one. What kind of big shot was the Divine Monarch, how could such a high and mighty big shot like him set traps, it would damage his status and position, so the Divine Monarch would definitely not be able to do such things, nor would he be willing to do it.    


Previously, he had heard the sound of flowing water in the passageway, but after arriving here, he hadn't seen a single river. Not only was there no river, there wasn't even a single drop of water. So Wang Xiao suspected that he was hallucinating, or did the two of them hear wrongly? In fact, there was no river here.    


However, why did he hear the sound of flowing water? According to common sense, it was impossible for a river to appear here. After all, this was the belly of a mountain. What made Wang Xiao even more baffled was that just as he stood there, he felt a strong killing intent.    


The killing intent was very powerful and it invaded Wang Lin's mind, but after he entered, the powerful killing intent disappeared without a trace. The strong killing intent from before seemed to have retreated because of Wang Xiao and Lver, like a ruthless venomous snake hiding in the grass, spitting out red apricots, looking for an opportunity to give Wang Xiao and Lver a fatal attack.    


Lver looked around sternly, she felt that there was definitely danger here. As the two of them walked in the darkness, they had bypassed countless rocks, there were countless big and small rocks on the ground, some were tens of thousands of kilograms and some were even hundreds of thousands of kilograms. These rocks, had fallen over time.    


No powerful expert or solid object could withstand the changes of time. No matter if it was the powerful Divine Monarch Huang Emperor, or the sturdy iron and stone, they were all unable to compete with the passage of time. Under the passage of time, those strong experts of Ancient Times also disappeared within the river of history. Under the passage of time, the countless mountains and rivers also underwent changes.    


Looking at the surrounding topography, Lver said to Wang Xiao: "If my guess is correct, this place should once be very neat and tidy, and is a very beautiful paradise, but ten thousand years has passed by so many years of time, and the heavenly paradise has become like this."    


Wang Xiao completely agreed with Lver's analysis. It was impossible for Divine Monarch to choose his Blessed Paradise to stay in this kind of chaotic place that was filled with rocks and stones. Ten thousand years ago, this must have been the Blessed Paradise. The scenery inside was like countless historical monuments, but no matter how beautiful the Blessed Paradise was, it would eventually pass by without being able to defeat the passing of time.    




Wang Xiao sighed helplessly.    


"Idiot, why do you sigh?" Lver asked.    


Wang Xiao said, "No matter how beautiful this Heavenly Passage Paradise is, no matter how powerful a person is, they won't be able to defeat the passage of time. This space is still there, Misty Forest is still there, the tunnel and the cave are still there, but the Divine Monarch is no longer there. It makes me remember that the Great Wall is still there today, and I can't see the First Emperor Qin back then. "    


Speaking to this point, Wang Xiao felt a myriad of emotions. From ancient times until now, it was unknown how many experts and celebrities had become history. They could only be recorded in ancient books.    


Lver looked at Wang Xiao curiously, then said: "Idiot, I really can't tell. So you're actually a sentimental person who even knows how to lyric feelings, and here I thought you were a complete idiot who didn't know anything."    


Wang Xiao thought, Lver was underestimating him too much.    


Lver continued: "But what you said makes sense."    


As a result, she muttered to herself: "The strongest is indeed time, and that which cannot be resisted is also time. As humans become stronger, they can resist natural disasters in the future and also asteroid impacts on Earth, etc. However, no matter how strong humans are, they are still unable to resist the passage of time.    


Thinking about the heartlessness of time, Lver's expression became sad, and her mood dropped. Beautiful women cared a lot about their looks. However, as time passed, no matter how beautiful they were, they would eventually age and die. It didn't matter how beautiful and vibrant the flowers were, they would eventually wither.    


What used to be the most beautiful women in the history of China were not even dried up bones. This was the ruthlessness of time. Time had taken everything away, and given everything to people. In time, humans were like fishes swimming in the great river, ready to be swept away at any moment.    


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