The Ace Bodyguard

C417 You also Know How to Massage

C417 You also Know How to Massage

She was very disappointed that Wang Xiao had actually rejected his offer. She had actively proposed to marry Wang Xiao, but Wang Xiao actually didn't agree. However, the one who rejected her was Wang Xiao, so Yang Lei felt a little better. If the person who rejected her was another man, she would definitely feel very ashamed.    


"I'm sorry, but it's not that I don't want to, but I can't do it now. Let's talk about it in the future." Wang Xiao said apologetically.    


Yang Lei must be very sad and upset at her rejection, but Wang Xiao really couldn't marry Yang Lei right now. If she didn't find the Female Boss, Wang Xiao would feel guilty for the rest of his life. Even if she wanted to be with Yang Lei, she would have to wait until she found the Female Boss. If she did not find the Female Boss, Wang Xiao would never marry in his entire life.    


Wang Xiao still had to say the same thing. If he wanted to see someone's dead body, he had to see his corpse. Regardless of whether the Female Boss was dead or alive, he had to find it. If not for the Female Boss, he would have died a long time ago and wouldn't be alive today. " I'm really sorry, I broke your heart. " Wang Xiao said apologetically.    


"You don't have to say sorry, I know you have a knot in your heart." Yang Lei said.    


"No, it's not because of you." Wang Xiao said.    


"It's not because of me, but because of who?" Yang Lei asked curiously.    


Knowing that the knot in Wang Xiao's heart was not because of him, but was because of someone else, Yang Lei felt very uncomfortable. If the knot in Wang Xiao's heart was due to him, it at least proved that Wang Xiao still had her in his heart. But Wang Xiao's heart was tangled up because of her. Could it be that Wang Xiao liked her woman and did not have any feelings for her?    


"Was it a woman?" Yang Lei asked curiously.    


Wang Xiao didn't answer, but he didn't deny it either.    


"I understand, I understand. It was just my imagination."    


At this moment, Yang Lei was very disappointed, disappointed, ashamed, and angry. So it turned out that Wang Xiao had long ago thought of her as her woman. If she had known it would be like this, she definitely wouldn't have thought that she was being sentimental, but now she was being laughed at.    


"That woman and I are not lovers." Wang Xiao said.    


Yang Lei only laughed coldly. She did not believe Wang Xiao's nonsense, if that woman and Wang Xiao were not lovers, then why would Wang Xiao be so reluctant to part with her? For her sake, Wang Xiao had even rejected her.    


"That woman is my Female Boss. When we were in the ocean, she had saved my life many times. If it wasn't for her, I would have died countless times over already. But now, it's unknown whether she's dead or alive, so I have to find her. If I can't find her, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life. "    


Wang Xiao's expression was serious, when he mentioned the Female Boss, his heart was in pain. After so long, there was still no news from the Female Boss, so Wang Xiao was unable to sleep at ease.    


"Wang Xiao, I'm sorry. I was wrong to blame you just now." Yang Lei apologized to Wang Xiao.    


"Female Boss and I are not lovers. In my heart, she is my blood sister, and in her heart, I am his blood brother. "Female Boss, little demon, and I will depend on each other for life, everyone please be brothers and sisters, and be closer than ever. Now that the location of Female Boss is unknown, how can I be at ease to build a family?" Wang Xiao said with a pained expression.    


"Wang Xiao, you don't need to say anything else. I understand, don't worry, I will never mention this ever again." Yang Lei said in a serious tone.    


After hearing Wang Xiao's words, she knew he was mistaken about Wang Xiao. Although Yang Lei had never experienced such things, she could imagine that the relationship between Wang Xiao, the little demon, and the Female Boss must be very good.    


"Thank you for understanding!" Wang Xiao said with gratitude.    


"Wang Xiao, although I have never seen the Female Boss before, I know that she is definitely an extraordinary woman." Yang Lei said.    


"Yes, Female Boss is indeed an outstanding woman. I admire her. In my entire life, there were only two people whom I respect the most. One is my Female Boss, and the other is my master. " Wang Xiao said.    


Actually, Yang Lei was not feeling well about it, because Wang Xiao actually admired her woman. Then, what position did have in her heart? However, this was still the first time she knew that the master of the Female Boss and Wang Xiao had never mentioned these two to her before.    


"Wang Xiao, you still have a master?" Yang Lei asked curiously.    


"Yes, I have a master. When I was young, I was kidnapped and sold to the Middle East. There, I lived a life worse than death. At that time, I was already in despair, but when an old man appeared, he imparted his skills to me. Afterwards, that old man never appeared again. He was my master. "    


Although Wang Xiao talked about it, he did not tell Yang Lei Master's name.    


This was the first time Yang Lei found out that she had been kidnapped and sold off. It seems that Wang Xiao had indeed suffered a lot during her childhood. That sort of pain and torment wasn't something ordinary people could imagine.    


"Wang Xiao, your master is my master, and your Female Boss is my Female Boss. Don't worry, I will definitely look for them with you." Yang Lei said.    


told herself that he was looking for her, and it meant that she was getting closer and closer to him. If it was in the past, Wang Xiao would definitely not tell her these things. Those two people should be the secrets in Wang Xiao's heart, and the most important people to him in his entire life. Wang Xiao would not easily mention them to anyone. But today, when Wang Xiao mentioned these two people to her, it proved that Wang Xiao was concerned about his and that was why he was so happy.    


"Thank you, thank you for understanding." Wang Xiao said.    


"Wang Xiao, you don't need to thank me, because your loved ones are my family. If I meet the Female Boss in the future, I will definitely thank her properly. Yang Lei said.    


Wang Xiao only laughed, and did not reply, because a person like him would not have a happy and happy life. These people spent their days fighting and killing, and might one day be killed by their enemies.    


"Wang Xiao, you must have worked really hard last night. Go back and rest quickly. Yang Lei said with concern.    


"You can massage?"    


Wang Xiao expressed his curiosity.    


"Of course not, but you can learn. If my skills aren't good enough, then please forgive me." Yang Lei said.    


"No need, you're not that kind of person." Wang Xiao said.    


"But I can change it for you. I can't help you with other things, but I can still help with something small." Yang Lei said.    


"I appreciate your kind intentions, but doing this sort of thing is truly detrimental to one's status and position." Wang Xiao said.    


"You really are a fool." Yang Lei was a little dissatisfied.    


Actually, Wang Xiao did not need it, if he really needed a massage, he could look for someone else like Zhou Susu. These women knew how to take care of men better than Yang Lei, especially Zhou Susu. When he thought of Zhou Susu, Wang Xiao remembered that night with her. If you have time another day, you must go and find Zhou Susu, and then fix this man's needs.    


As a normal man, Wang Xiao needed that kind of thing as well. After being away from a woman for a long time, she felt depressed. In these past few days, because he had been delayed by many things, Wang Xiao did not have time to accompany the beautiful woman by his side. But in the next period of time, he could leave these matters to Di Loong.    


With Di Loong's help, Wang Xiao didn't have to do it himself. This way, Wang Xiao would have more time to accompany the beautiful girls by his side.    


"Wang Xiao, where's my father? Where did he go? I called him recently. Yang Lei asked curiously.    


Ever since she was young, her father Yang Bo had rarely left her, but recently, her father had gone somewhere.    


"I don't know. Maybe he went out on a trip to relax." Wang Xiao replied.    


Actually, Wang Xiao did not know where Yang Bo went, but the last time he saw Yang Bo, Wang Xiao felt that he had to go and take care of some very important matters, but he did not want to tell him, nor did he want to worry Yang Lei. Yang Bo was Yang Lei's father. If Yang Lei knew about these things, he would definitely be anxious.    




Yang Lei could only sigh helplessly. In the past, when her father was in front of her everyday, she always thought that her father was too annoying and often forced her to get married. However, ever since Wang Xiao had appeared, she had very rarely seen his father Yang Bo, and actually missed him a lot.    


"You don't have to worry, Uncle Bo has worked hard all his life, he should be out travelling now to relax." Wang Xiao said to Yang Lei.    


"That's right. My father has worked hard all his life. He should be able to enjoy the bliss now." Yang Lei said. Snuggling into Wang Xiao's embrace and feeling the warmth of his body, Yang Lei felt very at ease. Only by staying by Wang Xiao's side would she feel at ease.    


"Wang Xiao, if you are very tired, go and rest. I won't disturb you." Yang Lei said gently.    


"No need, I still have to go out later." Wang Xiao said.    


Divine Monarch Sect had defeated White Tiger Sect, so Wang Xiao had to go see a few people, Wang Tian, Zhang Baiwan, White Hair. When the sect was facing a crisis, it was hard to tell if they were dead or alive, and it was hard to tell who would win. For the safety of the three of them, Wang Xiao sent them away, and now that the sect was victorious, everything was calm. Therefore, Wang Xiao planned to bring Wang Tian, Zhang Baiwan and White Hair back to the sect.    


Di Loong and the rest would definitely return to the temporary headquarters, but as no one had lived there for a long time, it had long since become abandoned. He needed someone to take care of it, and it just so happened that Zhang Baiwan and the White Hair could take care of it. In case the two of them had nothing to do all day and caused trouble. As for Wang Tian, they would not let him deal with such things, because Wang Tian had the talent for cultivation.    


As long as he meticulously nurtured them, Wang Tian would definitely become a Innate Stage Expert sooner or later, and it wouldn't be for long.    


You're going to meet someone." Yang Lei asked. Wang Xiao was already so exhausted, yet she still had to go out to see a few people. Could it be that he wanted to see a few beauties? When you fall in love with someone, you start to let your imagination run wild. For example, after a man truly fell in love with a beauty, even if the beauty hadn't returned for a few hours, the man would still let his imagination run wild. Who did she meet and do things with when she went out for a few hours?    


Yang Lei was a little angry, but expressed dissatisfaction. At this time, Wang Xiao should rest well and not go anywhere.    


"Don't let your imagination run wild. Those people I'm going to see are my brothers and friends." Wang Xiao said.    


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