The Ace Bodyguard

C478 Psychologically Abnormal Zhang Wei

C478 Psychologically Abnormal Zhang Wei

With the night breeze blowing, Wang Xiao lowered his head and walked on the road, pulling his collar very high, which covered half of his face. There was a small path near the area where Zhang Wei lived. Wang Xiao had chosen this small path because he came here to deal with Zhang Wei.    


The path was surrounded by flowers and grass, the greening environment was very good. Although these trees were far inferior to the towering ancient trees, they were still a few meters tall, covered with luxuriant leaves, and their lush branches and leaves crisscrossed above the path. This kind of environment was beneficial to Wang Xiao's movements, and would not be recorded by the surveillance cameras.    


When he reached the end of the path, a tall wall appeared in front of him. This wall was very tall, roughly three meters tall. Wang Xiao stood under a big tree and observed the wall carefully. In fact, the height of the wall did not make it difficult for Wang Xiao, but the problem was that there was a monitor every two metres, which was constantly monitoring the surroundings.    


If they went directly over the fence, the people in the security room would notice that all the monitors were connected to the security room computer, and there would definitely be people in the security room who were watching the screen. The higher the level of a residential area, the more strict the security measures would be, especially for a place like Zhang Wei's where people lived.    


Wang Xiao did not want to alert the enemy. If he were to directly jump over the wall, he would definitely be discovered by the monitor. Ever since he had obtained the dagger, he had kept it by his side, never leaving his side. At the beginning, he only felt that the dagger was as hard as mud, but ever since he met the assassin, Wang Xiao realised how mystical the dagger was.    


After taking out the dagger, Wang Xiao activated Genuine Qi, using his Qi to control the sword, he aimed at the direction of the monitor, the dagger in his hand flew out quickly like a gust of wind, it was fast as lightning, it was able to destroy anything.    




Ka-cha! *    


The line of the monitor was easily cut off by the daggers flying out. This dagger was incomparably sharp. Not to mention a trivial circuit, even steel would be easily cut off. After cutting off the line for the monitor, the dagger flew back into Wang Xiao's hand. He was of the same mind with the dagger, so he could use it as he wished.    


After the monitor was cut off, Wang Xiao's figure flashed and quickly jumped over the wall. His speed was extremely fast, so fast that it was hard to see with the naked eye.    


Completing this series of actions, Wang Xiao had done it in one go without any hesitation. This was a piece of cake for him, compared to the missions he had taken before, entering into the wall was a piece of cake. Although the security measures here were not bad, it was nothing compared to ordinary people. For an expert like Wang Xiao, it was just a fake.    


After entering the wall, Wang Xiao looked around to make sure that there was no one around, and then continued forward. There were countless flowers, plants, and trees growing within the walls. The scenery here was very beautiful, and the environment here was very good.    


Wang Xiao walked in the shade of a green tree, because there were many trees, he provided the conditions for his concealment. It seemed that Zhang Wei paid attention to the environment, and so grew countless flowers and plants in the courtyard. However, although the environment was not bad, it was not safe.    


It was said that in the ancient imperial palaces, where the emperor lived, there were very few tall flowers and plants planted. This was because they would obstruct the vision of the assassins, making it easier for them to move around. But in the movies and TV dramas, the emperor's palace was covered with trees and flowers. Zhang Wei's villa was right in front of them, and it was less than a hundred meters away from Wang Xiao's position.    


He reckoned that Zhang Wei was afraid of death and was worried that he would come here, so he arranged for the security guards to come over. If he wanted to enter the villa, even dozens of security guards wouldn't be able to. But with so many security guards, it was still hard for Wang Xiao to move. He could not rush in directly, as it would attract the attention of the masses.    


If Wang Xiao just went in like this, it would definitely cause a huge commotion. He only wanted to finish this matter unknowingly, and didn't want to cause a storm that would shake the entire city.    


There was a signboard on top of Zhang Wei's villa. Wang Xiao picked up a rock from the ground and quickly shot it out. His strength was great, and when he threw a stone, it was at least a thousand kilograms.    


Boom! *    


With a loud noise, Wang Xiao shot a stone out and struck the signboard down.    


"Who is it?"    


The guards heard the commotion and immediately ran over, worried that someone would harm Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei was their parent and their boss, so nothing could happen to him.    


If something were to happen to Zhang Wei, all of them would lose their jobs, and would not be able to support their families. However, these security guards were too stupid, they were not made for being bodyguards. After hearing the commotion, everyone ran over. This was a serious mistake. No matter what, he had to at least leave a few behind. After all, they were just security guards, not bodyguards.    


While the guards were distracted and distracted, Wang Xiao's body swiftly flew up to the second floor like a gust of wind. Although the experts of Innate Stage were not able to fly, this distance was not a problem for Wang Xiao. When the security guards realized that it was just a signboard, everyone was disappointed. They thought something big had happened, but it was just a signboard that had fallen off.    


"So, it turns out that what I got from you was just a signboard." A security guard said.    


"I thought it was some blind person sneaking over."    


"What a false alarm."    


The leader of the guards said to the guards, "All of you stay quiet. Protecting the safety of Director Zhang is our duty, no one can neglect our duty."    


"Captain, of course, the safety of Director Zhang is of the utmost importance." A security guard said.    


"Yes, the safety of the boss is of utmost importance. The boss's life is tens of times more important than ours."    


The more they spoke, the more hypocritical they became, and the more exaggerated their words. It was as if Zhang Wei was their parent and their ancestor.    


Actually, they were all a group of hypocritical people. The reason they said all these was because they wanted Zhang Wei to hear them and give them a raise in salary. If Zhang Wei really met with danger, and if that danger really killed them, Wang Xiao was sure that these security guards would definitely escape without a trace.    


"Alright, let's go back quickly and protect the safety of Director Zhang." The captain waved his hand and said to everyone.    


Under the Captain's fate, the security guards left at the same time and arrived in front of Zhang Wei's villa, protecting the safety of the place. It was just that they did not expect that Wang Xiao had already entered the villa.    


Arriving at the second floor and standing in front of the window, Wang Xiao used the dagger in his hand to cut off all the fences on the window sill. His dagger was incomparably sharp, cutting through these fences as though it was cutting through tofu. It didn't take much effort for him to get into the villa and into the hall on the second floor. Standing in the hall, he heard voices coming from the bedroom next door.    


"No, no." A delicate voice of a woman sounded.    


This woman's voice was not only tender and delicate, it also had a hint of fear, as if she was really afraid of Zhang Wei. She also didn't know what Zhang Wei had done to this woman that made her so scared.    


Wang Xiao was sure that the woman was not afraid because Zhang Wei wanted to do that to her. If Zhang Wei really wanted to do that to her, she would not mind at all. It must be because Zhang Wei had thought of a lot of new things and he was comfortable, but she wasn't comfortable with him, so he begged for mercy.    


"Brother Zhang, please don't, don't do this." The woman said.    


"Haha, you bitch! Only now do you know that you shouldn't! It's already too late!" Zhang Wei said proudly.    


"Brother Zhang, you can't be like this, you really can't be like this, you will hurt me." This girl was begging for mercy. She was probably going to kneel down and beg for mercy.    


"You are a dead man. Who knows how many men have tortured you before. You have long been impervious to water and fire. You have seen all kinds of new things that you have never seen before." Do you think I don't know, you actually begged for mercy for me. " Zhang Wei said evilly.    


"Indeed, I have never experienced these things before. I have never seen a method like yours. I beg you, please do me a favor and let me go. I don't want money anymore." This woman begged for mercy in fear.    


"What's your name?" Zhang Wei asked.    


"Brother Zhang, don't tell me you don't know my name. My name is Du Xinting." The woman said.    




A slap sounded. It must be that Zhang Wei gave this woman a tight slap, so hard that even Wang Xiao could hear it clearly from the hall. Zhang Wei would never be merciful to a beauty, how could he be so brutal to her?    


"Why did you hit me?" The beautiful woman cried as she asked.    


"You son of a bitch, remember this, from now on, call me Yang Lei." Zhang Wei said fiercely.    


Brother Zhang, my name is Yang Lei. The woman said.    


Maybe Zhang Wei had grabbed onto that girl's body part or maybe he had used too much strength, so the other side begged for mercy in pain.    


"Brother Zhang, don't pinch me. I beg you, please let me go." The woman cried.    


"You should say that, I beg you to let me go, please don't torture me, Yang Lei." Zhang Wei said.    


"Brother Zhang, I am Yang Lei, I am Yang Lei! I beg you, please don't treat me like this." This woman knew that Zhang Wei must have fallen for a woman called Yang Lei. Because he couldn't get her, he thought of her as Yang Lei.    


However, even if Zhang Wei really liked a woman named Yang Lei, this beauty would not mind, because when he was with Zhang Wei, she only liked his money.    


When I came to Zhang Wei's place tonight, I thought that we would be able to take good care of him for one night and get at least a few hundred thousand. Not only did he think of such a despicable method, he even thought of himself as that Yang Lei woman.    




Zhang Wei slapped the woman again. He did not know what part of the person in the Dao Sect was hit on the face or other parts of the person in the face.    


"Brother Zhang, I beg you, don't hit me, don't treat me like this." The woman was crying and begging for mercy.    


"You bastard, who do you think I'm hitting?" Zhang Wei said evilly.    


"You hit me." The woman cried as she replied.    




Suddenly, the woman cried out in pain.    


"Wrong answer!" Zhang Wei's evil voice came out.    


"Brother Zhang, I am Yang Lei. You were beating up Yang Lei just now." The woman said.    


"Then isn't Yang Lei very cheap?" Zhang Wei asked.    


"Yes, Yang Lei is indeed very lowly. I am Yang Lei." The woman cried as she answered.    


Hearing the conversation between Zhang Wei and the beauty, Wang Xiao was a little surprised, because he did not expect Zhang Wei to be such a person. Furthermore, Zhang Wei actually liked Yang Lei that much. It could be said that his cultivation had already went berserk. Maybe Zhang Wei didn't really like Yang Lei, he just wanted his body, so he found a beautiful woman and treated her as Yang Lei. This probably wasn't his first time doing this.    


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