The Ace Bodyguard

C580 Happy to be Cheated

C580 Happy to be Cheated

Wang Xiao felt that he couldn't say anything about this woman, but he was sure that this woman had actually appeared. She definitely wanted to travel together with him. After grabbing onto the opponent's weak point, Wang Xiao decided to leave on purpose. He believed that this woman would definitely keep up with him.    


When the woman realized that Hong had ignored her, she opened her eyes and watched Wang Xiao's departing figure. She said with a slight smile, "You must be worried about me, so you can't bear to hurt me."    


"You and I met by chance and did not have any faint feelings for each other. On what basis should I care about you? I don't care about you at all." Wang Xiao said indifferently.    


"You don't mean what you say. I've seen a lot of men like you who don't mean what they say."    


"I think you're overthinking it." Wang Xiao intentionally replied indifferently.    


"If I encounter any danger in the future, you will definitely come and save me." The woman said decisively.    


"Your life or death has nothing to do with me. In the future, if you encounter any danger, I promise that I will absolutely not lend a helping hand."    


"You're really angry and won't forgive me." The woman asked seriously.    


"The two of us only met by chance, and we've only met a few times. You and I do not have the slightest bit of connection, so why say such words?" Wang Xiao's words were not from his heart, he just wanted to make the girl angry.    


It had always been the other party who had made him angry and depressed. It was truly unfair.    


"Alright, since that's the case, I will definitely not pester you. If you encounter any danger, I will also absolutely not save you." The woman said.    


"Are you kidding me? Do I need your help?" Wang Xiao said.    


"Alright, since that's the case, then I won't need your help when I encounter danger in the future." This woman seemed to be extremely hurt and in great pain.    


However, Wang Xiao was very clear that she was faking it.    


"Rest assured, I definitely won't help you again. If I save you again, I'll be a puppy." He originally wanted to make this woman angry on purpose, but he didn't expect her to be so heartless.    




The girl angrily turned around and left. Her figure disappeared into the mist, as if she would never turn back, never appear again.    


Looking at the woman's disappearing figure, Wang Xiao regretted it very much. He really wanted to chase after her. However, he had said those words so heartlessly before, so he really didn't have the face to continue chasing after her. With this woman's personality, if he went chasing after her, he would definitely be laughed at.    


As he stood alone in the mist, Wang Xiao felt that he was lonely. It was as if he had fallen into silence, as if he was the only person in the entire universe. The cold wind constantly blew from the dense fog. Wang Xiao stood there alone, watching the other party's figure disappear. He was disappointed, disappointed, and regretful.    


He shouldn't have been so heartless just now. He wanted to chase after her, but he didn't have a better reason to do so. It was all his fault. Since that girl had appeared earlier, she must have sincerely wanted to apologize. Because of his personality, even if he wanted to apologize, he didn't know how to express it. Even he himself should be more lenient and accommodating.    


However, it was too late to say anything now. He could only hope that the girl would be safe and not encounter any danger. If fate wills it, they could meet again next time. Wang Xiao didn't want to turn back, he didn't want to catch up. He didn't want to be laughed at.    


It was true that the other party was a beauty, but there were many beauties in the world. Love between men and women required fate, and Wang Xiao was not the kind of man to love one another. If he was a kid, he would have chased after them happily. Wang Xiao was sure that if Xiao Gui met such a beautiful woman, as long as there was a little chance, even if it was just a little chance, he would definitely chase after her without caring about anything else.    


Even if he had to kneel and apologize, the little demon would not hesitate because in front of beauties, the little demon did not have the slightest bit of resistance, nor did it have the slightest bit of dignity.    


He was actually still worried about that woman, worried that she was in danger and that he was in danger. It seemed that he couldn't put her at ease.    


Forget it, let's go. Anyone who could enter this place was no ordinary person. Wang Xiao believed that this woman definitely had the ability to self-destruct, and the opponent's strength was definitely not low.    


If that woman did not have a powerful cultivation, she would not have entered this place so easily. Furthermore, she had been poisoned previously, and the extremely cold poison was something even his own Genuine Qi could not resist. However, this woman was actually able to resist the poison with her own Genuine Qi.    


After turning around, Wang Xiao left quickly. He just wanted to leave this area as soon as possible and find his sect's brothers. He didn't know how the Little Demon Empress and the others were doing right now, or whether they had met with danger. Back then, when everyone had entered this space, everyone had separated from each other. Ever since he had entered this space, Wang Xiao had not seen the little demon and his other good brothers.    


Judging by the time, they had already been in this space for four or five days. It was just that there was no night or day in this space.    


However, there was one thing for sure, after those good brothers entered this space, they must have been looking for him. I hope those good brothers aren't in danger. I hope those good brothers aren't separated after entering this dimension. Other than worrying about the little demon's group, Wang Xiao couldn't do anything either. They didn't know where the other was, even if their good brothers met with danger in the space, Wang Xiao couldn't do anything.    


This damned fog area was shrouded in fog. It was originally very easy to get lost in the forest, and if there was fog that appeared in one's life, then it would be even more difficult to differentiate between north, south, east, and west. Not only that, but because of the fog, it was very easy to take the roundabout route because one could see them from very close. Perhaps after a few hours of walking and a day's time, they would return to their original starting point.    


Furthermore, forests were different from plains. One could travel in a straight line in plains, but absolutely not in forests. There were trees everywhere in the deep forest, and there were even mountain ranges in some areas. The cliffs were precipitous, and there were tens of thousands of ravines. It was extremely rugged.    




Just as Wang Xiao was walking forward, he heard a scream that cut through space and time and cut through the Misty Forest. It was extremely miserable and painful.    


This is...    


The green-clothed young girl was not bad, it was her. It was precisely the green-clothed young girl.    


Her voice sounded very desolate. Good, she must have met with some life-threatening danger, so she let out a cry for help, a scream of pain.    


Without thinking too much, Wang Xiao immediately rushed over, his speed was extremely fast, he moved as fast as lightning, as though even with a large army in front of him, it was unable to stop him. At this moment, Wang Xiao's mind was full of that green clothed lady's safety. He was extremely worried for her safety, worried that he would encounter danger in his life.    


He only wanted to immediately rush to the girl's side, regretting that he had used her battle spirit just now. If he hadn't fought with the green-robed girl earlier, such a thing definitely wouldn't have happened.    


But now it was useless to regret it. He hoped that she would be safe. After a minute or two, Wang Xiao arrived at a region in the valley that was filled with rocks. He saw the woman lying on a rock, quietly lying there without moving, as if she had lost all her life force.    


Wang Xiao's face was extremely ugly as his body trembled. After seeing the girl lying on the rock, his heart was filled with regret. It was all his fault. He clearly knew that she was a womanizer and that the reason why she had caught up with him was definitely because she wanted to accompany him. It was definitely to apologize to him.    


It was only because the way she expressed herself was different, but because her personality was different, that's why …    


It was useless to say anything now. The most important thing was to save this woman. If she was late, she might not make it in time. If she delayed it by one more second, her life would be in danger.    


"Are you alright? What happened to you?" Wang Xiao anxiously rushed over, and wanted to hug the girl. Afterwards, he would take her pulse and check her condition.    


However, in the next moment, the woman stood up from the rock and smiled proudly.    


It turned out that he had been deceived by this woman. It turned out that she had not been injured at all, and had not encountered any danger at all. But for some reason, even though this woman had lied to him time and time again, Wang Xiao did not get angry. Instead, he felt a sense of joy. This was because the other party was safe and sound. It was just a farce.    


As long as she was safe and sound, it would be a sunny day. He himself was truly too stupid. He had clearly been deceived by the other party. However, not only did he not get angry, he instead felt a sense of joy.    


"Hey, puppy."    


The woman smiled slightly and taunted Wang Xiao.    


"You're the puppy." Wang Xiao was angry, gloomy and helpless. There was nothing he could do about this woman.    


"Who said just now that if he saved me again, he would be a puppy?"    


Wang Xiao laughed embarrassedly, he was the one who said those words, and he did say it earlier, and if he saved the girl again, he would be like a dog, but it was only because he was angry at the moment, and in order to act quickly, Wang Xiao said those words, but he never thought that Green-clothed Beauty took it for real.    


Although he was being deceived, Wang Xiao was actually willing, and even willing to accept it. He realized that he was too unambitious, and was clearly deceived, and was obviously being ridiculed, yet he was actually so happy to accept it. However, this brat was also not a good person. In front of a beauty, he had no power to resist at all.    


"Since you are fine, then I will leave."    


Wang Xiao turned around and then intentionally left.    


Although Green-clothed Beauty had deceived him, Wang Xiao knew what her intentions were. She must have deceived him over to travel together with him. If she didn't want to travel with him, why would she use such a method to lure him here?    


Seeing that Wang Xiao was about to leave, the Green-clothed Beauty said: "Hey, idiot, are you really going?"    


"I'm not a fool." Wang Xiao explained.    


"You're just a fool." The Green-clothed Beauty said in a serious tone.    


"I'm not." Wang Xiao explained again.    


"You are." Green-clothed Beauty still insisted on what she thought.    


Wang Xiao didn't want to explain, because he felt very tired and he couldn't even say Green-clothed Beauty. Since the other party said that he was an idiot, then he might as well, it didn't matter.    


"Idiot, are you angry about this?" Green-clothed Beauty was so sad that she wanted to cry, it was as if she was bullied by Wang Xiao. But with her personality, it would be good if she didn't bully Wang Xiao. Wang Xiao felt that he wouldn't be able to do anything in front of her.    


"You don't find me pleasing to the eye anyway, why would I be in your way?" Wang Xiao said.    


Who said that you don't like the way I see things, you are truly a fool, an idiot who doesn't know how big the Misty Forest is, I do not want to live alone, it is good to have a fool accompanying me, although I feel wronged myself, but it is better than nothing. The Green-clothed Beauty said.    


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