The Ace Bodyguard

C595 Entering the Mysterious Passage

C595 Entering the Mysterious Passage

If his strength was not strong, in the future, he and his sect's brothers would definitely die in the hands of the Expert of Qianqiu Sect. Thus, entering the dark cave to search for the treasure within the Ancient Times was the top priority for Wang Xiao.    


"Lver, why don't we go in and take a look?" Wang Xiao said.    


"I think so too. But this secret passageway has probably been empty for more than ten thousand years. Therefore, the air inside must not circulate, and there might be dangers inside." Lver said. Some of the tunnels that had been sealed off for a long time were not opened for a long time, so the air inside would definitely not circulate. If one recklessly entered, they would definitely die from lack of oxygen.    


"Wealth comes from danger. The reason we entered this space was to find treasures. If we were to look around and wait, wouldn't that mean that we would be unable to accomplish anything and could only return empty-handed?" Wang Xiao said in a serious tone.    


Lver curiously looked at Wang Xiao, and said: "Stupid, not bad, I didn't think that you would still have so much courage."    


Wang Xiao thought, could it be that you can only see it now?    


The two of them walked towards the dark tunnel. From a distance of more than ten meters, one could see that the dark tunnel was like a dark tunnel of time and space, as if no one would be able to walk out alive once they entered it.    


Wang Xiao walked with heavy steps and a stern expression. His deep gaze never left the secret passage. This time, he had to obtain the treasures, and he had to become stronger, because Wang Xiao did not have time, nor did he have the time for Divine Monarch Sect. Once the wave of the treasures ended, Qianqiu Sect and Qianqiu Sect would definitely work together to deal with Divine Monarch Sect.    


Although Wang Xiao was not afraid of Divine Monarch Sect, he was very afraid of Qianqiu Sect. After all, Qianqiu Sect had a few experts and their Patriarch was even more powerful. Towards such a sect, Wang Xiao had no choice but to be wary. This time, he would not be able to rise to prominence in the secret realm, and after exiting the secret realm, he would be in danger.    


Wang Xiao shook his head bitterly. Why was he thinking about it for so long, he wasn't sure if he would be able to leave this place alive.    


"Idiot, what are you thinking about? Are you afraid of death?" Lver asked.    


Wang Xiao replied, "Who am I? How could I be afraid of death?"    


"That's true. You are a fool. How could a fool be afraid of death? Because even fools are not afraid of death." Lver seemed to have suddenly realized something.    


Wang Xiao didn't want to argue with Lver, he only called him idiot, as if she was really dumb. Amongst everyone he knew, including those who used to be his brothers in the ocean, and the beauties beside him, there had never been anyone who called him an idiot. Lver was the first.    


"Idiot, since you aren't afraid of death, then what were you thinking about just now?" Lver continued to ask.    


Wang Xiao did not answer. In any case, his grudges with Divine Monarch Sect and the grudges with White Tiger Sect were not something that could be explained with a few words. Furthermore, Wang Xiao knew that Lver was definitely not interested in these things either.    


Lver continued to speak: "I saw your eyes rolling just now, did you think you had some kind of scheme? You planned to enter the secret passage, and if you encounter any treasures, abandon me, or assassinate me."    


Wang Xiao was speechless, Lver's imagination was actually so plentiful, she could even think of such a thing, but it was normal for her to worry so much, people die for money while birds die for food, who knows how many Wulin People died for treasures. Furthermore, in the hearts of the Wulin People s, treasures were even more expensive than money.    


Lver continued to ask, "Idiot, you still haven't answered my question. Just now, your eyes were rolling about, did you want to enter the secret passage and kill me after finding some treasures?"    


Wang Xiao felt that Lver was being a little too excessive. Her description was too inappropriate, to actually say that her two eyeballs were rolling around. Was it that exaggerated? It wasn't as if he was a character in a cartoon screen. His eyeballs would probably roll around in circles.    


Because the cave was very dark and the fog was white, it looked very strange. It was as if this dark cave was filled with countless ancient Vicious Beast, as if anyone who entered this cave would have a slim chance of surviving.    


The dense fog was cold and gloomy. It was as if he was in a cold pond, cold to the bone. The two of them stood in front of the dark cave and didn't dare to rashly enter. They didn't know what dangers were inside, so they didn't dare to rashly enter in case something bad happened.    


But no matter what, Wang Xiao had to enter this cave right away. This was his opportunity, and also his chance to become strong.    


"It seems that someone has entered this cave before, and it seems like they have entered recently." Lver said in a serious tone.    


"What do you mean?" Wang Xiao asked.    


There were no footprints on the ground, and there were no traces of pedestrians either.    


Lver pointed to the stone door, and then said to Wang Xiao: "Look at this stone door, it is completely spotless and there is no dust. It must have definitely been opened recently. Although this sort of stone door is sealed very well, in the course of tens of thousands of years, a large amount of dust must have been left behind in the crevice. "    


Wang Xiao thought that Lver's analysis was very logical. Not bad, the stone door was indeed spotless, and there was not even a speck of dust on it, so someone must have definitely been here before. Because the stone door had been opened recently, the dust on it fell, and it was extremely clean.    


But this is a hidden place. Who could have entered here? Is it a coincidence that this person has entered? Or is it that he already knows of the secret passage?" But Wang Xiao believed that it was a coincidence, it must be a coincidence, it must be a coincidence, since no one had entered this space before.    


This was a space opened by the Divine Monarch tens of thousands of years ago. Since ancient times, not many people had entered here, and if not for the recent natural phenomenon of the Small Space s opening, no one would have been able to enter here. Then, the person who entered this secret passage could be considered to be a coincidence.    


He hoped that the people who entered the secret passage weren't strong, and didn't obtain any treasures. If the people who entered were strong, and had obtained countless treasures in the secret passage, wouldn't he and Lver have to return empty-handed?    


"Let's go in." Lver said.    


"Wait a moment." Wang Xiao said.    


"What's wrong? Are you scared?" Lver asked.    


Wang Xiao said: "Since I have come here, I am absolutely not afraid.    


After picking up a piece of dried wood from the ground, Wang Xiao used the scorching Genuine Qi. In a blink of an eye, the dry wood immediately burnt up. After the wood was burned, Wang Xiao used a Genuine Qi to control the wood, and gently sent the wood dozens of meters away.    


Seeing Wang Xiao's actions, Lver immediately understood his intentions.    


If they rashly entered, it was very possible that they would lose their oxygen, causing death. If they did not have enough oxygen, even Qi Master Stage Expert would definitely die, even if they had surpassed the Qi Master Stage by a level, they would still need to breathe, and they would need oxygen.    


If there was oxygen in the secret passage, the wood would continue to burn, and if there was no oxygen in the secret passage, the wood would soon be extinguished. Wang Xiao wanted to use this method to see if there was any oxygen in the secret passage. Under the teleportation of Wang Xiao and the Genuine Qi, the burning wood slowly fell to the ground and continued to burn.    


The two of them stood outside the secret passageway, quietly looking at the wood that was being heated.    


"Idiot, I didn't expect you to be so cautious." Lver said.    


"Of course, when I was a mercenary in the sea, I've experienced countless dangers. If I wasn't careful, I'd have died in the sea long ago." Wang Xiao said.    


Lver was slightly surprised, she never thought that Wang Xiao had once been a mercenary before, it was truly amazing. Mercenary soldiers were not that easy to be. Not only did they need strength, they also needed intelligence and courage to not fear death. If they had strength, but they had strong limbs and brains, they would probably be destroyed in a few days.    


As a result, the mercenaries were not only desperate criminals, but they were also very cautious. Seeing how refined Wang Xiao was, he was not ferocious nor evil, but he never thought that Wang Xiao was actually a mercenary before, he could not be judged by appearances.    


"Idiot, you're really something, I didn't expect you to be a mercenary." Lver praised.    


After receiving Lver's praise, Wang Xiao said complacently: "What's there to be proud of? Even if it's a mission that's thousands of times more dangerous than a mercenary life, I don't know how many of it I've carried out."    


"I said you're fat, you're really out of breath." Lver said in disdain.    


In the passageway, the wood was still burning, but after a few minutes, the fire became smaller and smaller, not because of lack of oxygen, but because the wood was about to burn out. Looking at the wood flames, Lver said to Wang Xiao: "Looks like there's no oxygen inside, we can go in."    


At first, Wang Xiao thought that there was no oxygen in the secret tunnel, since the seal was so good. However, he didn't expect that even though the secret passage was sealed well, there was still oxygen inside. It seemed that there was something else in the secret passage, perhaps there were other vents and other special things.    


"Lver, we need to be careful." Wang Xiao said in a serious tone.    


Lver also nodded seriously: "Go ahead, I will definitely be careful."    


This was a matter of life and death, so Lver had no choice but to be careful. In this space, she had to be careful. They had encountered powerful Vicious Beast s before in the Misty Forest, and even in the mountain ranges outside the Misty Forest. This secret passageway might be even more dangerous.    


After taking out the dagger, Wang Xiao held it tightly in his hand, and then, he was the first one to enter the secret passage. Although this dagger wasn't as good as the longsword, it was still incomparably sharp. In fact, in this kind of environment, the use of a long sword by a dagger was even greater.    


But Wang Xiao's dagger was extremely sharp, extremely powerful and sharp. With this dagger in his hand, Wang Xiao felt more at ease. If he met with danger, this sharp dagger might be able to protect his life and protect his and Lver's safety.    


"Lver, follow closely behind me." Wang Xiao explained in a serious tone.    


"Idiot, I won't abandon you. Let it go, I'll protect you from the back." Lver said.    


Lver was at a loss whether to laugh or cry. Lver was serious, although she was obviously hiding behind her and she was the one protecting him, she actually said that she was protecting him. However, Wang Xiao did not want to argue with Lver right now, as long as the two of them could safely enter the secret passageway and get out of here safely.    


"Alright, then follow behind me and protect me." Wang Xiao said.    


Lver said in a righteous tone, "Idiot, you can rest assured. As long as I am here, you can move forward confidently.    


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