The Ace Bodyguard

C603 Dark Abyss

C603 Dark Abyss

A powerful expert like the Divine Monarch, even if it was a treasure that he had abandoned, to experts like himself, it was still a treasure of heaven and earth. It was already very valuable, but after obtaining it, he would become the strongest expert in the world.    


Finally, Wang Xiao and Lver were about to reach the end of the path, when they saw a gigantic black hole in front of them. The huge black hole was as black as ink, as if it was a huge karst cave, like a small galaxy, filled with endless dangers.    


The pitch-black cave was different from the tunnel.    


Although the path was also as black as ink, because of the limited area, after the Night Pearls emitted light, one could faintly see the stone walls around them. However, the enormous black hole was different. Not only was it pitch-black, it was also like an abyss of darkness. It also seemed to be able to swallow all the light.    


The white light emitted by the Night Pearl was completely devoured by the pitch-black cave. Lver looked at the pitch black abyss with a serious expression, and Wang Xiao was the same way. It was because the two of them knew that the real danger was over there, and the opportunity was right there.    


They walked for several hours in the passageway without encountering any danger. They only felt that it was a bit boring. However, once they entered that pitch-black abyss, a true crisis would occur. However, there would also be great opportunities.    


Wang Xiao walked in front of Lver and walked towards the dark abyss with heavy steps. He wanted to protect Lver. If there was a crisis, he at least could resist it for a while.    


Lver understood her intentions, she knew that the reason Wang Xiao was walking in front, was to protect her own safety, but she was not a weak person, nor was she a delicate woman. She did not need Wang Xiao's protection, nor did she need anyone's protection.    


After taking a step forward, Lver walked beside Wang Xiao. She said to Wang Xiao: "Idiot, although I am a woman, please remember, I, Sara Su Lver do not need the protection of others. I do not want to live under the protection of anyone either, because I have the ability to protect myself."    


"Lver, I'm sorry." Wang Xiao apologized.    


"Why did you say sorry to me?" Lver asked.    


Wang Xiao said: "I shouldn't think that you are so weak, I shouldn't think that you need the protection of others."    


Lver was indeed different from a majority of the other girls. If it was her woman, she would definitely stand behind Wang Xiao, trembling with fear, hoping that Wang Xiao would protect her and attack her in the event of danger. However, it was very normal for Lver's character to be like this. If her personality was like most other girls', she wouldn't have such achievements to date. It was precisely because she was different from others, and because she had a very strong personality, that allowed Lver to achieve her current achievements.    


"It doesn't matter. Since you are truly concerned about me, and since you are not a fake, I can let go of all these. This time, I'll forgive you." Lver magnanimously waved her hand, indicating that she did not want to argue with Wang Xiao and wanted to forgive him.    


Wang Xiao felt that Lver was a woman with a lot of responsibilities, and also a very brave woman. Such beauty, such a strong personality, and such a strong sense of responsibility, such a woman was indeed rare. A few years later, as well as ten years later, even if she wasn't with Lver, when she thought back to everything that had happened, her heart would probably still be filled with sweetness.    


Two minutes later, the two of them finally arrived at the end of the corridor. At the end of the tunnel was a broken rock, and it was very dark down there. This was probably the location where the tunnel in the middle of the mountain was broken off, which was why this kind of a situation had occurred.    


Standing here, Wang Xiao could feel a berserk aura.    


This berserk Qi was extremely chaotic and strong. Furthermore, this Qi was different from the others, it was not spirit qi nor was it the cultivators' Genuine Qi, it seemed to be the Qi emitted by some powerful Vicious Beast, maybe it was the Taotie's Qi. However, Wang Xiao could not be sure if this was the Taotie's aura or not. After all, he had only seen this kind of powerful Vicious Beast from ancient books and had not seen it in reality. However, there was one thing he knew clearly, if he really met the Taotie, he and Lver would not be able to escape.    


For the sake of the treasure, the two of them came here without caring about the dangers. If it weren't for the treasure, even if Wang Xiao was given a lot of money and benefits, he wouldn't have made such a choice. He also definitely wouldn't have come here, because no matter how much money and benefits there was, life wasn't as important as it was before. The berserk aura seemed to be warning Wang Xiao and Lver not to continue approaching, warning them to return immediately, otherwise, like the other dead people from before, they would be left in the path forever, lying quietly on the ground.    


Wang Xiao reckoned that the dead would definitely enter this dark abyss and would encounter a dangerous object that was emitting a berserk Qi. Perhaps those people had the same hesitations as him when they entered the dark abyss, but the temptation of the treasure was too great. Although they knew that this place was very dangerous, and that there was a high chance that they would die here, under the temptation of the treasures, they still made the decision to perish.    


Lver also felt the berserk Qi, she had the same thought as Wang Xiao, but when she felt the berserk Qi, she also thought about the corpses she saw earlier. But since it had already reached this point, Lver would definitely not retreat, and she would continue moving forward.    


"Lver, did you feel it?" Wang Xiao asked in a low voice.    


Lver nodded seriously, then said: "Yes, I can feel that, I have already sensed that berserk aura, and I also know that the danger is very close to us. After walking in the path for so long, entering this Small Space for so long, we are about to encounter a true crisis."    


"Lver, why don't you stay up there. I'll go down to take a look first, and if there's no danger, you can come down later." Wang Xiao said. Although his strength was not much stronger than Lver, but his ability to preserve his life, was definitely stronger than Lver's by a little.    


"Idiot, are you looking down on me? Or do you think I'm afraid of death? I already told you before, I, Sara Su Lver am not a person who fears death. If I were a person who was afraid of death, I wouldn't have come here, and I wouldn't have chosen to continue forward as I was before. " Lver said in a serious tone.    


The first time he knew that Lver's name was Sara Su Lver, Wang Xiao felt that it was a little strange, and even a little awkward. But now, he felt that Sara Su Lver's name was actually quite nice to hear.    


Perhaps it was because she had a better and better impression of Lver, but not only was she beautiful, her name was also very nice to hear. For example, if it was a beauty surnamed Zhang, if it was a girl called Zhang ShengNan, then people would feel uncomfortable hearing this name. She was not that nice to look at, and she was not bad looking, but her name did not match. However, once someone truly fell in love with someone, and it wasn't because of that person's appearance, but rather because of that person's feelings, they would feel that that person's name was very pleasant to hear and different from the norm.    


"Idiot, if there really is danger, then let us face it together. In any case, we have both helped each other along the way, so if there really is danger, then let us face it together." Lver said sincerely.    


Wang Xiao laughed heartily, "That's right. If I'm really destined to die here, with you accompanying me, Lver, I won't be lonely anymore.    




Lver said unhappily: "What are you saying, I don't want to die with a fool like you, it's not worth it. I, Sara, Su Lver, am not a person with a beautiful life.    


"Fine, then live for a hundred years. If you really meet with danger, and if you really want to die here, then let me die alone." Wang Xiao seemed to be joking.    


After hearing Wang Xiao's words, Lver said very seriously: "Idiot, remember this: I won't allow you to say such dejected words, and I won't allow you to say such unlucky words, what death or not, I won't allow you to die, we must leave this place safely."    


Wang Xiao laughed, "That's right, the two of us should be leaving this place alive. Because you and I still have a long way to go, so we have a better future ahead of us."    


Lver corrected him: "It's not you and I, it's because we still have a long way to go. After we leave this place, I will break off all relations with you.    


He never thought that Lver would be so heartless, but Wang Xiao had already thought of this question before, he had thought that once he left this place, he would walk on a foreign path with Lver, and the moment he walked out of this place, would Lver still come into contact with him, and be with him?    


He was still in the mood to think about these things at this time. Forget it, I'll think about it later. If I can leave this place alive, it's not impossible for him and Lver to be together. If they can't leave this place safely, everything would be illusory.    


Before entering the dark abyss, Wang Xiao and Lver had even talked about a few very relaxed things, and Lver had also habitually made Wang Xiao angry on purpose, as if she would feel uncomfortable from head to toe if she did not let Wang Xiao be angry for a few hours.    


But even though Lver always made him angry, Wang Xiao was actually willing to accept it, and in front of Lver, he was not truly angry. The two casually flirted with each other for a while before they decided to enter the secret passageway.    


Lver shone the Night Pearl upon the bottom of the abyss, and saw that the height of the abyss was only a few dozen meters. Even though the abyss was pitch black, the light that the Night Pearl was emitting was extremely strong, so it was able to reach the bottom of the abyss at a height of a few dozen meters, which wasn't difficult for Lver and Wang Xiao.    


After taking in a deep breath, this was the first time Wang Xiao held Lver's hand.    


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