The Ace Bodyguard

C626 Spiritual Sense Pathfinder

C626 Spiritual Sense Pathfinder

As Lver left, Wang Xiao slowly closed his eyes and began to cultivate his thought reincarnation cycle. Each thought was profound and encompassed everything. Every word and every sentence, it was as if he could comprehend the supreme Great Way of the World. Such a profound absolute art, it was slightly stronger than the Nine-dragon Qigong. In the future, One Thought Reincarnation would become his strongest trump card.    


However, Wang Xiao also knew very well that it would take more than three to five years to complete the One Thought Reincarnation. It might take ten years, twenty years, or even longer. But Wang Xiao could only rush them, he could learn as much as he could.    


One Thought Reincarnation was divided into three levels. The first level allowed one to attack the opponent without anyone noticing, and the second level allowed one to create a domain with one's will. One could not only attack the opponent, but also cause the opponent to hallucinate and so on, making the opponent extremely powerful.    


As for the third level, that was even more incredible and powerful. To be able to say whatever he wanted, that was to say, kill whoever he wanted. As long as he wanted, he could easily kill that person with just a thought, or even make a mountain disappear. The third level is really f * cking heaven-defying.    


However, Wang Xiao did not expect to be able to cultivate to the third level, even if he could cultivate to the first level, and turn his will into an attack that could kill his opponent, Wang Xiao would be satisfied. It was unknown who created the sacred art Reincarnation, but it was so powerful and so powerful. Could it be that it was created by the Divine Monarch?    


Wang Xiao suspected that this was left behind by the Divine Monarch, because the ability to reincarnate was obtained by suppressing the abyss below the Taotie. Other than the Divine Monarch, who would leave such a powerful ability there, waiting for someone fated to come? However, according to what Wang Xiao knew, the Divine Monarch's ability was the Five Elements Desolation Technique, not the One Thought Reincarnation Technique.    


It should be said that no matter how powerful this ability was, in an era where experts were as common as the clouds, it was very difficult to stand out and suppress outstanding talents. One must know that at this time, there were still the Five Emperors and the Ten Gods of the Great Wasteland, and so on. It would be unrealistic to try and suppress all these experts just by relying on the power of the Five Elements Descriptions.    


Maybe Divine Monarch had the mysterious ability of One Thought Reincarnation, but it was only because he rarely used it, and no one knew about it, or perhaps it was not recorded down.    


Regardless of whether or not this was the powerful ability Divine Monarch cultivated in the past, these were not the most important things. As long as they could get out of this place, as long as they could find those brothers of theirs with Divine Monarch Sect, the others were not important. Wang Xiao cultivated slowly according to the chant, carefully. To cultivate for a moment of reincarnation, one had to first understand everything, which was to see through everything. Even if one looked at a grain of sand, they would be able to see a whole world.    


This was very simple to say, but if it was extremely difficult to achieve, it was not something that an ordinary person could do. Even if it was an expert in Innate Stage or an expert in the same realm as Guang Yuanzi, they would not be able to see through it. They would also not be able to discern a small world from just a grain of sand.    


As Wang Xiao trained, he discovered that his consciousness had become extremely clear and sensitive. Everything around him, a single leaf, a small blade of grass, and a grain of sand could all be seen clearly. Even if it was just a light breeze blowing towards him, even if the tree leaves were gently swaying and trembling, he could still see everything clearly.    


Even if Lver was sitting under the big tree and resting, he would be able to discover her with his strong consciousness. This Misty Forest had also changed within Wang Xiao's consciousness. The surrounding fog had actually disappeared, becoming as clear as the universe.    








When he realized that this Misty Forest had changed, Wang Xiao was extremely shocked and astonished. Just what was going on, was this place filled with fog, but after using his consciousness to observe, he discovered why the mist had disappeared? Could it be that this fog was an illusion, or that this fog did not exist at all?    


Could it be that if a normal person were to enter this place, they would be able to see the surrounding fog. However, there was actually nothing here. There was no fog at all.    






That was absolutely impossible, that was too unimaginable. If that was really the case, wouldn't it mean that everything that he and Lver saw while they were in the Misty Forest for so many days, was fake? That couldn't be true. was truly unable to accept this kind of outcome. Everything that he had seen with his mind must be true, and everything that he had seen with Lver in the Misty Forest must also be true.    


It was too contradictory. Wang Xiao was sure that the scene that he saw with his own eyes these days, and what he saw with his own eyes, definitely had one that was fake while the other one was real. As for which one was real, and which was fake, Wang Xiao wasn't sure either. Perhaps everything that he saw with his mind or with his own eyes was real.    


Wang Xiao had fallen into a trap, but luckily, he managed to stop himself from thinking too much. There was no need to be distracted, no need to think about whether what he saw was real or fake, so what? Even if what he saw was real with his naked eye, so what if what he saw was real with his willpower, what did it have to do with him?    


How could he possibly see through the plans of an expert of the Divine Monarch's level? The most important thing was to leave this place and not gather all of these things. Fortunately, Wang Xiao had a clear mind in time, otherwise, he would have fallen into a Qi deviation. "It's too dangerous, too dangerous. Just a small thought just now had caused his Qi to go berserk, which left Wang Xiao with a lingering fear.    


Lver sat under a big tree and rested her body. She stared at Wang Xiao and noticed that his face was a little ugly, sweat was coming out of his forehead. That was why she was curious, what was Wang Xiao doing?    


Could it be that Wang Xiao was cultivating? This fool, he is really too hateful, at this moment, how could he still have the mood to cultivate? The most hateful thing was that not only did Wang Xiao waste his time cultivating, he had also lied to himself.    


Lver really wanted to walk over aggressively, and then hold Wang Xiao's ear to viciously punish him, but after thinking about it, Lver gave up on this impulsive thought. If Wang Xiao was really cultivating, the moment he was disturbed by his, something would definitely happen.    




After she let out a helpless sigh, Lver continued to patiently wait, to cultivate would do, but since Wang Xiao still had the mood to cultivate, then let him train in peace. At worst, he would just wait for a few more hours.    


Just as Lver was sighing and disappointed that she had walked out, Wang Xiao stood up and quickly walked towards him. She was covered in sweat, as if she was very tired.    


Lver stood up, she originally wanted to say something, but she unexpectedly grabbed her hand with some force.    


Lver wanted to be angry, Wang Xiao was too excessive, he directly grabbed onto his hand, it was not gentle at all, men and women could not bear to be close, could it be that Wang Xiao did not even know this simple logic? Lver, who had originally wanted to be angry, repressed the discontent in her heart when she saw Wang Xiao's serious expression. Actually, she knew that Wang Xiao was not a lecherous man.    


Although Wang Xiao always had a naughty feeling during this short period of time they had been together, it could still be considered normal and honest, and didn't do anything to him.    


"Lver, follow me." Wang Xiao said in a serious tone.    


He did not explain to Lver, but instead, directly grabbed onto Lver's hand, and quickly walked forward. It was not because Wang Xiao did not want to explain, but because he did not have time to explain. The current him was constantly displaying the One Thought Reincarnation Intent, and because he was not familiar with this ability yet, as well as the fact that he had just trained in it, Wang Xiao felt very tired. This kind of exhausted feeling was not because of the fatigue of his body, but it was because of the exhaustion of his mind, the exhaustion of his soul, and the exhaustion of his thoughts.    


Lver saw that Wang Xiao was serious, so she could only follow him. But she was very gloomy, what was going on with her, what was going on, to actually follow Wang Xiao so obediently.    


Not only did Wang Xiao hold her hand, he was not only unfriendly towards her, but he also had a somewhat overbearing feeling, as if he had to follow her, and he had to do it even if he didn't want to. If any other man dared to do something like that, Lver would have already mercilessly attacked, but in front of Wang Xiao, she was actually unable to do anything, nor could she oppose Wang Xiao's tyrannical actions.    


Lver couldn't really understand what was going on. Not only did she not resist when meeting such a tyrannical and unreasonable man like Wang Xiao, she was even so obedient.    


The current Lver was like a little girl who had been forcefully taken away. Although she really didn't want to leave with that unfamiliar man, she had no choice but to obey. She looked very helpless and pitiful.    


Along the way, Wang Xiao didn't say a word, nor did he say a word. He only felt that his energy was exhausted. His soul was exhausted. He wanted to relax his entire body, lie down in this forest, and then have a good rest. But Wang Xiao continued to grit his teeth and bitterly persevere on.    


Wang Xiao knew very well that he couldn't give up. He absolutely couldn't give up, and once he gave up, all of his previous efforts would be for naught. No matter how tiring it was, he had to persevere, and he had to grit his teeth and persevere.    


Lver had originally wanted to talk with Wang Xiao, as well as question him. Why did he hold his hand and tyrannically request for his to follow him? Seeing how Wang Xiao's head was covered with sweat, as if he was extremely exhausted, she could only endure it. With a little grievance and many doubts, he followed Wang Xiao as he walked forward.    


It was not known how many times the exhausted Wang Xiao had wanted to give up, but he still relied on his tenacious willpower to persevere and grind his teeth time and time again. Under his perseverance, Wang Xiao finally arrived at a familiar place. He was very familiar with the terrain of this place because when he was chased by the Qianqiu Sect experts and the Infinite Sect experts back then, he had concealed himself within a patch of grass and successfully ambushed and killed three Qianqiu Sect experts.    


To prove that this place was the place where three Expert of Qianqiu Sect s were killed, Wang Xiao carefully looked around. He realized that there were indeed three corpses on the ground, and this Small Space was very strange, the three experts of Qianqiu Sect that he had killed had not rotted.    


If it was in the outside world, the corpses would have rotted a long time ago. However, in this Small Space, even if so many days had passed, the corpses were still not rotten. When he saw these corpses, Wang Xiao heaved a sigh of relief, because he was just about to walk out of the fog area area. He could then continue to search for other heaven and earth treasures, as well as his brothers who were searching for Divine Monarch Sect s.    


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