The Ace Bodyguard

C884 A Sharp Sword

C884 A Sharp Sword

These water snakes had no natural enemies in the lake and could continuously reproduce. However, these were not what Wang Xiao was most concerned about. He only wanted to escape right now, and although the two of them wanted to continue searching for treasures underwater, after seeing so many water snakes, they were no longer in the mood to do so.    


Wang Xiao gave his long sword to Di Loong, and then he took out his dagger.    


Gently patting Di Loong on the shoulder, Wang Xiao leaped up and swam towards the lake's surface.    


Di Loong also quickly followed.    


Countless water snakes saw Wang Xiao and Di Loong trying to escape, and so surrounded the two of them. But Wang Xiao waved the sharp dagger, Di Loong also brandished his sword, killing countless of water snakes. In that moment, the water within a few meters of the lake was dyed with red.    


After the two of them surfaced, they quickly ran to the shore. However, their swimming speed was far inferior to these water serpents. Thus, they were quickly caught up to. Countless water serpents crazily chased after them, as if they wanted to divide up the two of them.    


However, with weapons in the water, the two of them could easily avoid getting rid of the water snakes. After all, they were experts in Innate Stage, so to deal with these mere water snakes, they did not need to consume too much Genuine Qi and physical strength.    


A five meter long water snake appeared behind Wang Xiao's back at an unknown time, wanting to coil around him. After Di Loong discovered this, he immediately waved his sword, and at the same time, the sharp dagger in Wang Xiao's hands quickly swung out, in an instant, the water serpent's blade was cut by two people.    


After a short battle, they finally made it to the shore.    


Although they were on the shore, the two of them still felt a chill down their spine. Although the water snakes were not scary, but in their previous situation, no matter who it was, they would still feel uncomfortable.    


In addition, the two of them had been in the water earlier, and their bodies were stained with the mixed snake blood, so the scent of blood on their bodies was quite heavy.    


Wang Xiao unleashed the blazing Genuine Qi, causing his originally wet body to immediately become dry.    


Afterwards, he saw a hand placed on Di Loong's shoulder, once again displaying the blazing Genuine Qi. After the two of them had dried up, they changed into different clothes. If not for the appearance of those damned water serpents, they would have continued searching in the water. They were no longer in the mood to continue searching.    


Di Loong sighed: "It's such a pity, if not for the appearance of those damned water snakes, we would have been able to find some treasures."    


"If my guess is correct, there must be something underwater. The area we've searched for so long only to find only a tenth of the lake's surface area. The underwater terrain is very complicated, so we must have missed out a lot of things." Wang Xiao said helplessly.    


"If you want to find a better place, you have to let go of all the people in the lake." Di Loong suggested.    


Wang Xiao felt that Di Loong's words made sense, and it was indeed true. If he wanted to search inch by inch underwater, carefully searching under water, the only way would be to release all the water in the lake, and then wait for the lake to dry up before slowly descending to look for treasures.    


It was just that although the lake was not very big, if he wanted to release all the water inside, it would need at least ten to fifteen days. If that was the case, it would definitely attract many experts, and at that time, the Divine Monarch Sect would become a battlefield, and Wang Xiao did not want to do that.    


Because after obtaining this lake, the Divine Monarch Sect would be by the side of the mountain and by the water, making the scenery beautiful. As for finding treasures at the bottom of the lake, there would be many chances for the future, so there was no need to seriously cooperate with the lake, and destroy the feng shui of Divine Monarch Sect.    


"Let's talk about it in the future. This matter tonight must be kept a secret." Wang Xiao said in a serious tone.    


"Of course." Di Loong said in a serious tone.    


"But tomorrow morning, when the members of the sect see that many snake corpses floating on the lake, I don't think anyone would dare to go into the water." Wang Xiao laughed.    


Di Loong said: "This will be better, more confidential, and will benefit us."    


"Let's go. Let's find a quiet place to take a look at the power of this godly sword." Wang Xiao suggested.    


Di Loong had this intention, he wanted to see just how powerful this Divine Sword really was. Just now, dealing with those water snakes in the water was just a small test for him, and if he wanted to know the true power of the Divine Sword, he would need to test it further. After all, when dealing with those water serpents, even an ordinary treasured sword could do it.    


If this treasured sword only had this little bit of power, and could only deal with those water serpents, then this sword wouldn't have much of a use. The two of them stayed far away from the lake and entered a forest. Wang Xiao asked Di Loong to light a flashlight while he waved the sword towards a big tree.    




Ka-cha! *    


Where the Sword Qi came from, the large tree actually fell down easily. This large tree was extremely thick, but such a tall tree was actually easily sliced apart by Wang Xiao with a single slash. Not far away, there was a huge rock. It looked at the rock and activated its Genuine Qi.    






With the explosion of Wang Xiao's Genuine Qi, the sword's powerful and sharp sword qi rushed forward like a rainbow.    


In the next moment, both of them were dumbfounded because the huge rock had been easily split apart by the sword Qi.    




Wang Xiao was so shocked that he couldn't even speak. This sword was too powerful, and too strong, such a huge boulder was actually easily split apart. If it was not a rock in front of him, but an expert, then wouldn't his opponent's fate be … He would die without a doubt. He would die without a burial ground.    


"It is indeed a good sword. With this sword, our Divine Monarch Sect's fighting strength will also increase." Wang Xiao said in joy.    


Di Loong sighed: "It's just a pity."    


"What a pity." Wang Xiao asked.    


Di Loong said: "It's a pity that I don't have a sword sheath."    


"A truly good sword does not need a sheath." Wang Xiao said.    


Unfortunately, this godly sword did not have a name.    


After playing with it for a while, Wang Xiao gave it to Di Loong. I'll let you have it if you don't mind. "    


Di Loong shook his head: "No."    


"Why?" Wang Xiao asked.    


Di Loong said seriously: "Brother Xiao, you are stronger than me, so if I let you use this sword better, you can release its power." In his opinion, the strongest person in the Divine Monarch Sect was Wang Xiao, so this sword was also the most suitable for Wang Xiao to use, and only Wang Xiao was able to unleash the true power of the sword.    


Wang Xiao said: "Di Loong, I'm not used to using weapons, I'll just give it to you."    


He was also a person who had seen the world. Back then, among the Small Space, Wang Xiao had personally witnessed the sword, which was a divine weapon used by the Ancient Times Holy Maiden to open the Fairy Kong Sang, and when he saw the Edgeless Sword, Wang Xiao did not bring it out either.    


Wang Xiao believed that he would be able to get an even better Divine Artifact in the future.    


"Di Loong originally wanted to continue refusing it, not using the sword, and give it to Wang Xiao to use. However, after seeing Wang Xiao's serious expression, he could only accept it." Brother Xiao, since this is the case, I will accept this sword. "    


"Don't use it so easily. This is your trump card. Once you use it, you must make your opponent pay the price." Wang Xiao said in a serious tone.    


Di Loong said: "Don't worry, I know that when the experts of Qianqiu Sect and Dai Family appear in the Divine Monarch Sect, I will shock you all."    


Wang Xiao thought so too. The experts of Qianqiu Sect and Dai Family did not know that there were Divine Artifact s of this level, when they confidently appeared in their Divine Monarch Sect, the moment they discovered that there were treasures there, they would be extremely regretful and terrified.    


"It's just that I don't understand how there could be such a thing at the bottom of the lake." Di Loong asked curiously.    


"I reckon that White Tiger Sect encountered a destructive crisis a few hundred years ago." Wang Xiao said.    


Looking at the situation at the bottom of the lake, he indeed had reason to suspect that a few hundred years ago, White Tiger Sect had encountered an especially serious crisis. This crisis was definitely related to the life and death of the people at the bottom of the lake.    


But perhaps at that time, this place was not the White Tiger Sect headquarters, but the headquarters of other sects. The White Tiger Sect Ancestors led people and personally attacked here, after going through a life-and-death battle, they exterminated the once standing sect, and thus, the White Tiger Sect took over this place.    


But Wang Xiao wasn't sure about the real reason, and it wasn't important. Under the pitch-black night sky, the forest was very tranquil. However, this kind of tranquility wouldn't last for long. Every sect had their ups and downs.    


Divine Monarch Sect was the same as well. Although the Divine Monarch Sect had been destroyed, and the sect had become the overlord of Huahai City, one day in the future, the Divine Monarch Sect might encounter an even more serious crisis, and the sect might even be annihilated. Maybe a hundred years later, the clan masters of Divine Monarch Sect would lose to their sects, generation after generation.    


Hu hu hu hu!    


Rustle, rustle, rustle!    


Inside the forest, a burst of cool night breeze blew past. Wang Xiao felt a little cold, so he said to Di Loong: "Let's go back and rest early. We can prepare to deal with that Heaven-dragon Society expert anytime."    


"Alright." Di Loong nodded.    


Under the night sky, the two returned back to the sect with their torches, only to see the old members of Divine Monarch Sect strictly following Wang Xiao's orders, solemnly standing guard.    




Deputy Sect Leader!    


Seeing Wang Xiao and Di Loong appear, everyone bowed respectfully.    


"Is anyone out?" Wang Xiao asked.    


"Sect Leader, don't worry. Absolutely not." An expert promised.    


The other man also said, "Ever since we received your order, we have been standing guard here every inch of the way. None of us have been out for a long time."    


"That's good, you've all worked hard." Wang Xiao smiled slightly.    


"Sovereign, we don't work hard at all. We are willing to do things that make things difficult for you." The members said.    


After returning to his room, Wang Xiao entered the shower room and took a comfortable bath, so as to not stink all over his body, but tonight's operation was worth it. The Divine Artifact that he and Di Loong obtained, if they sold it in the Tianji Sect, would probably be worth at least tens of billions.    


However, Wang Xiao would obviously not sell such an expensive Divine Artifact. As long as one's strength was strong, as long as one's Divine Monarch Sect was powerful, it was only a matter of time before one would have money. But without strong strength, even if one was as rich as a nation, it would be difficult to escape death.    


A person without sufficient strength was as wealthy as a kingdom. Wasn't such a person courting death? Shen Wansan during the Ming Dynasty was a very wealthy person. He helped Zhu Yuanzhang build the city walls once and rewarded the soldiers, but in the end, he was still killed by Zhu Yuanzhang.    


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