Godly Stay-Home Dad



Zi Yan and Zhang Li chatted for 5 minutes.    


Under Zhang Li's curious questions, only then did Zi Yan say that it was the question of his predecessor.    


Although Zhang Li had a good relationship with him, she was still Zhang Han's little sister. Normally, if something really happened, she would immediately ask her own brother for help.    


But other than Zhang Li, the others were not suitable either.    


So after he finished speaking, Zi Yan also became silent.    


Evidently, Zhang Li was also aware of the worries in Zi Yan's heart. After hesitating for a moment, she patted her chest and said the guarantee:    


"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I don't care if she has a past or no past, leave this matter to me. Forget about our relationship, even if it's the Mengmeng, I don't have the heart to let her see that mess."    


Hearing this, Zi Yan heaved a sigh of relief, smiled lightly and said: "It's not that serious, I believe in Zhang Han, and that's only because I'm worried that he and Mengmeng will be disturbed."    


"Haha, I know that you and my brother have such a good relationship. I'm still waiting to drink your wedding wine."    




After chatting for a bit, they hung up.    


Zhang Li pondered for a while, then called big brother Long: "big brother Long, please arrange for my venue to be at 8: 30 PM for ten o'clock, oh no, 11 o'clock. I have some matters to attend to recently, as well as Qing Qing, also at 11 o'clock."    


With regards to Zhang Li's request, big brother Long naturally agreed directly.    


In the carriage, after the call ended, Zi Yan walked towards the door, but just as he was about to get up, his phone rang again.    


Looking at the caller ID, it was Tang Jiayi. Zi Yan picked up the phone: Aunt Tang.    


"Hey, Xiao Yan, there's something I want to talk to you about."    


"What is it?"    


In the past few days, I've discussed it with your Uncle Hong, and I feel that I still want you to come to your Uncle Hong's company for development. After all, you don't have any relatives or relatives in the imperial court, so it would definitely be more convenient to ask for your opinion.    


These words full of sincerity made Zi Yan fall silent, and after hesitating for five seconds, he finally replied:    


"I don't have any objections, but... This matter is not that easy to talk about. I signed the contract. "    


"Haha, it's alright. I'll leave this matter to your Uncle Hong."    


"Alright, Aunt Tang, I won't talk to you for now. They're about to start working, they've been waiting for a long time."    


"Mhmm, then go ahead. We'll meet again when you return."    


After hanging up the phone, Zi Yan sat in the car quietly for a minute.    


One thing after another, her mind was in a mess as she worked at her best condition.    


After adjusting her mood, she got out of the car and continued filming the task.    


Around 6 PM in the afternoon, quite a few people had lined up in front of the restaurant.    


The light pink Bentley stopped not far away from the road, and Qiao Luoluo immediately got off and walked over.    


He took a look at the line outside and sat down.    


As a Tall Women wearing sunglasses sat here, the surrounding chatter became much quieter.    


Many men looked over from time to time. There were even two people who couldn't resist going over to strike up a conversation. However, the other person wasn't interested, so the others didn't try. They obediently lined up to greet him.    


After waiting in line for almost fifty minutes, Qiao Luoluo finally entered the dining hall and took a seat at the corner.    


However, she couldn't help but frown when she saw a man with a black beard sitting opposite her.    


If he had known earlier, he would have let the chauffeur queue up with him.    


It took her a minute to realize that she had to go to the kitchen counter to get some Egg Fried Rice before she returned to her seat.    


Xu Yong saw him during this time.    


'What is she doing here? '    


Xu Yong's gaze was focused on her from the time she finished eating to the moment she returned to her seat. After considering it for a while, Xu Yong finally chose to ignore her.    


Since the boss and the others were upstairs, he might as well ignore them.    


Xu Yong shook his head and continued sitting down to fiddle with his phone.    


Liang Hao, Liang Mengqi and the others were also slowly eating roast duck. Regarding the dishes here, Liang Hao would always give his own evaluation: Submit.    


As for Qiao Luoluo, who was eating the Egg-Fried Rice for the first time, he was stunned after eating one mouthful.    


The refreshing feeling brought by the delicacies had diluted some of the hostility in her heart.    


"An impoverished young master like you has actually been forced to practice culinary arts at such a level to earn a living. Interesting."    


Qiao Luoluo looked around as he nibbled on his Egg-Fried Rice.    


The fragrance of the roast duck in the air made her somewhat craving for it.    


Ye Zichen swept his gaze around and saw two men sitting by the window on the side of the piano, causing her gaze to freeze.    


"Isn't that An Yu technology's Mr. Sheng?"    


"He's actually a member here!"    


Qiao Luoluo's eyes became serious, all the members in the restaurant could develop their own connections.    


Although it was just a small restaurant, if there were a few big shots at that time, their statuses would increase layer by layer.    


"Very good, your life is beautiful, just like a gorgeous colored balloon. Only, I will pierce through that balloon to punish you for throwing me away and ignoring me, and if you can continue to be like this in the future, I, Qiao Luoluo, will admire you."    


Women understood women just as men understand men. She knew that if she made a move, the owner of the restaurant would be put in an awkward position.    


This kind of punishment was perfect for the few years of suffering he had felt in his heart.    


Qiao Luoluo had already made up his mind to do something.    


At this moment, the door to the dining hall was pushed open, and three women walked in.    


Liang Hao smiled and nodded when he saw it.    


To the boss's sister, Zhang Li.    


Zhang Li grinned and took the lead to the second floor.    


However, Qiao Luoluo's gaze was fixed on Li Anna who was behind him.    


"She seems to be that Li from Di Guang Stock Company?"    


Qiao Luoluo's gaze revealed a trace of doubt, and after pondering for a moment, his eyes slightly lit up.    


She looked at the bearded man who was sitting on the other side and whispered, "Hello, may I ask who the three women who just entered are? Why don't you have to queue up? "    


"Ah?" Of them, one is the boss's sister and the other two are her friends, so of course their family doesn't have to line up. "    


"Oh." Qiao Luoluo nodded lightly, he stood up and walked towards the counter and took out a small stack of money from his bag. He placed the money on the counter without counting, then turned and left.    


Returning to her Bentley, she did not tell him where to go. Instead, she took out her card bag, rummaged through it for a while, found the phone and called:    


"Boss Liu? I am Qiao Luoluo, go and make some arrangements, give me the identity of the female employee of your company named Li, around 24 years old or so ? "    


After the call, she instructed, "Return to Eastern Yang Pavilion."    


Halfway to the North Point, she received a message on her cell phone.    


There were 45 or so female surnamed Li at the company that were around the age of 24, which was not a lot, Qiao Luoluo started reading. Halfway through, his gaze finally fell onto a photo.    


"Li Anna!"    


After thinking for a moment, Qiao Luoluo dialed Boss Liu's number again, "Help me get an appointment with Li Anna at noon tomorrow.    


"? ?"    


That night, Wang Yihan played until 9: 30 in the restaurant before reluctantly leaving, the two little fellows having fun.    


After they left, Zhang Li pulled his brother into the main bedroom and closed the door.    


"What is it?" "Thieves?" Zhang Han asked in amusement.    


"Brother, who came to look for you today?" What ex-girlfriend? Are you for real? " Zhang Li asked.    


"Well, really."    


"Who is it?" "So what if you're shameless?" Zhang Li said somewhat angrily: "Brother, sister-in-law has already told me this already, and doesn't want anyone to disturb you and Mengmeng. Also, I'll tell you this, you have never had a proper girlfriend before, don't make any connections, don't make any breakups, and still act like a friend. This was so infuriating! Who was that person? If I see her, I'll have to say it! "    


Looking at Zhang Li's indignant expression, Zhang Han did not know whether to laugh or cry. He lightly patted on Zhang Li's head and said: "Rest assured, your brother cherishes this family the most."    


"That's good." Zhang Li rolled his eyes and said: "You still haven't told me who that person is!"    


"Qiao Luoluo."    


"It's her?" Humph! In the past, I didn't like her and she was extremely hypocritical. Anyway, I will be coming over in the next few days. Zhang Li looked at his watch and said.    


"Alright, then just be my little bodyguard for the next few days." Zhang Han chuckled.    


At this time, Mengmeng's shout came from outside the door. Zhang Han took the lead and walked out.    


Around ten in the morning, the father and daughter duo chatted with Zi Yan via video chat for a while.    


On the other hand, because of this matter, Zi Yan somewhat urgently wanted to finish the work quickly, which made the pace of the work much faster.    


At 11 PM, Liang Mengqi's rented apartment.    


Chu Hui walked in and handed over the key to the Cadillac Kaird to Liang Hao and smiled:    


"Brother Hao, just drive this car in Xiangjiang."    


"Thank you." Liang Hao took the key and smiled: "You still understand me."    


He knew he preferred SUVs or off-road cars.    


"Of course, it's not like I've never been with you before." Chu Hui laughed loudly, and said: "It's just that I've been busy with some business lately, I don't have much time during the day. I'll accompany you properly in a few days."    


"Let's talk about it when you're free." Liang Hao replied with a smile.    


"It's only eleven o'clock. Shall we go out and take a look?" Chu Hui asked.    


"Where to?" Liang Mengqi said as he walked out of the bedroom and ate an apple.    


"Why don't we go to that Starry Sky Bar and have a seat." Liang Hao suddenly said.    


The atmosphere instantly became quiet.    


"Huh?" Liang Mengqi opened his eyes wide, and said: "Why are we going there? Yesterday, you went again today, aren't you ? Like Zhang Li? Or Luo Qing? "No way, you can fall in love at first sight too?"    


"No, where did he go?" Liang Hao's expression froze and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I just saw that Zhang Li is very interesting on stage, if you don't want to go, then we can go somewhere else."    


"It's rare for you to be interested in someone, let's go see Zhang Li!" Liang Mengqi said.    


Thus, the group went downstairs. Liang Hao drove the chauffeur, Chu Hui drove the Ferrari 458, and headed towards the direction of Copper Bay.    


During this time, Liang Mengqi asked Liang Hao about it a few times, whether he had feelings for him.    


This caused Liang Hao to laugh bitterly.    


At the beginning, Zhang Li's stubborn temper attracted his attention. The wildness of the stage made him think of it from time to time, and felt it was interesting.    


It was just like a few Internet cafes in front of a university, but they were interested in one of the Internet Cafe employees.    


Soon, they arrived at the location.    


Seeing her brother staring at Lili who was standing on stage with interest, Liang Mengqi curled his lips.    


If her brother liked Zhang Li and they were to be together, if the boss didn't have a wife and she was with the boss, then what would they call each other ?    


Noon of the next day.    


On Calm Street in Sharp Sand District, Li Anna's expression was a little perturbed as he looked at the signboard of the blues teahouse.    


Before coming here, she knew that the other party was a large shareholder, so her superior told her to treat him well.    


After entering, he gave his name and was led to a quiet booth near the window on the second floor.    


"Hello, Miss Qiao." Li Anna greeted with a smile.    


"Hello, please take a seat." Qiao Luoluo replied with a smile.    


After Li Anna ordered the drinks, three minutes later, the drinks were served up.    


During this time, Qiao Luoluo did not say anything, so Li Anna kept silent. He didn't know why she had called him over.    


"Do you know why I called you here?" Qiao Luoluo retracted his gaze from the street outside and asked Li Anna.    


"I don't know." Li Anna shook his head slightly.    


Qiao Luoluo laughed and said: "Your work ability is not bad, so I remember you. Yesterday, when I was at the Mengmeng's casual restaurant, I saw you."    


"Did Miss Qiao go there to eat?" Li Anna was also relieved and asked with a smile.    


"The taste is very delicious."    


"I feel the same way." Li Anna said.    


"Yesterday, I saw that you didn't line up. So, it turns out that you're very familiar with the boss's sister."    


"Yes, Lili and I have lived in the same rented apartment for a long time, and we are very familiar with each other." Li Anna nodded and replied.    


"Oh, you're very familiar with Zhang Li."    


"Yes, yes." Li Anna replied, then froze: "Miss Qiao, you know Lili?"    


"Of course, not only do I know Zhang Li, I was also old friends with her brother Zhang Han. I only found out about it by chance yesterday, so after I saw you yesterday, I wanted to give him a pleasant surprise. Qiao Luoluo said as he took a sip of his tea.    


"It's not a problem, if Miss Qiao has anything, just let me know." Li Anna's expression changed as he remembered what his superior had said to him before. The person in front of him was here to chat as a leader.    


"Then I'll be frank. Wait for a while at the restaurant, get a member and take my car there. The driver will pay you on your cell phone, but don't reveal my name."    


"Alright." Li Anna nodded, and said: "Should I go over now?"    


"Go ahead. Oh, right." Qiao Luoluo thought for a moment, then asked: "I didn't see Zhang Han's wife, and I heard that she was away on a business trip.    


"I... "I do." Li Anna did not know what Qiao Luoluo was thinking, and nodded honestly after thinking about it.    


"Who is it? Maybe I know him too. "    


"Yes, Elder Sister Yan, Zi Yan." Li Anna answered truthfully.    




Qiao Luoluo's hand that was carrying the tea stopped, and he was stunned.    


It was her!    


Han Yang, Zi Yan, so that was it!    


There was a smile on his face as he said: "I do know him. It seems that I have to prepare some gifts. You should go and do something first. The driver will bring you back later."    


"Alright." Li Anna nodded, he turned and walked downstairs and boarded a brown Jaguar palanquin.    


It seemed to be getting more and more interesting.    


Qiao Luoluo looked out the window, his eyes filled with a cold smile.    


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