Godly Stay-Home Dad



"Which Lin Jie?" Li Cheng was slightly stunned, and asked doubtfully.    


"In the Shang Jing, how many people with the surname Lin could possibly be mentioned out loud by my name?" Wu Chengdong laughed and said.    


The moment these words came out, Li Cheng seemed to have thought of something, his expression stiffened, and he lost control of his voice as he said:    


"Shang Jing! The son of the Lin family, Lin Jie? One of the Four Young Masters of Shang Jing, Lin Jie? "    


"That's right!" Wu Chengdong nodded.    


"This ?" Li Cheng's face turned ugly.    


His heart was in pain, in his eyes, Zi Yan was already in his pockets, but Lin Jie had set his sights on him, wasn't he finished?    


How much did he spend for Zi Yan's trip this time? The fruits that were about to ripen had been plucked! Li Cheng's heart was thumping, and he said a little absentmindedly:    


"Then, then will Zi Yan be unable to come back for the next few days?"    


"Normally speaking, that is indeed the case." Wu Chengdong shook her head slightly, and said: "But there is no absolute in this world. If by any chance she is very unyielding, she might come back early, but that will depend whether Lin Jie uses his methods on her. Since Lin Jie has already called me, that means it is inevitable, I can only cooperate with her, and ?"    


Wu Chengdong thought for a bit, then patted Li Cheng's shoulders again, and said meaningfully: "Sometimes beautiful objects and playthings are the same definition, like toys. When you get tired of playing, you will get new ones, but this toy is not necessarily old.    


"This... "Sigh, I understand. Uncle Wu, I'll head back first then." Li Cheng left in disappointment.    


He felt that when the meat in his mouth flies away, he would need to be bitten by someone before he can come back. He painstakingly ate the rest of the meat in the mouth, this feeling made him very uncomfortable, but unfortunately, his status and position was not even comparable to Lin Jie.    


However ? There were policies and countermeasures.    


Li Cheng took the elevator and left the company. In his own car, he called Zi Yan:    


"Zi Yan, I'm Li Cheng, it's been a few days since I last saw you, I only found out about your situation in the Shang Jing after asking around, I have more information on you, your situation right now isn't too good, there's a Lin Jie ?"    


Two minutes later, Zi Yan hung up.    


She glanced at Zhou Fei, who was standing in front of her, and frowned slightly.    


At this moment, how could she not know what Lin Jie was thinking?    


Just now, Fu Shan had called and said that he would arrive at Shang Jing tomorrow to discuss the cooperation between him and Wei Chao regarding Zi Yan's role.    


Most importantly, because of the reporters in front of the door, Lin Jie kindly arranged eight bodyguards for Zi Yan, who was standing at the door, waiting for orders anytime. This gave Zi Yan the feeling that this was not a simple form of protection.    


Elder Sister Yan, that Lin Shao must have fallen for you. He will arrange a program for you and arrange a movie and TV show for you. Sigh, it's a pity that I, Zhou Fei, already have a brother-in-law." Zhou Fei turned and sighed.    


"It's not that simple." Zi Yan shook his head lightly.    


"It's not complicated. Lin Shao has set his eyes on you and wants to give you resources to express your love and admiration. It's very normal." Zhou Fei said with some doubt, he did not know what Zi Yan meant.    


"I'm talking about the things that happened. The things that happened, the programs, the movies, the dramas, and the Director Fu coming over to negotiate the contract. This kind of feeling is like Lin Jie pulling my nose, I don't like it." Zi Yan frowned, she did not like the feeling of being manipulated.    


"Then what should we do? Fu Shan is coming personally, so we must definitely negotiate on this contract. " Zhou Fei thought for a while and said.    


"I've decided. Let's not talk about the film contract. After we finish recording the program the day after tomorrow, we'll go straight back to the Xiangjiang." Zi Yan's eyes flashed with determination.    


In addition to what Zhang Han had said to her before, it made her make up her mind. No matter what, after she finished the catalog, she would definitely return to the Xiangjiang.    


As he was speaking, there was a knock on the door.    


Zhou Fei walked over and opened the door, only to see a well-dressed Lin Jie with a smile on her face, holding a bunch of champagne roses, light pink roses, if it was in normal circumstances, people would definitely fall in love with her, but Zi Yan did not even glance at her.    


"Lin Shao." Zhou Fei smiled and greeted her.    


Even if he didn't like it, he still had to put on an act.    


"Yes." Lin Jie nodded his head, thought for a while, then placed the rose on the table. He laughed: "You all still haven't eaten, it's almost 6 o'clock, shall we go out for dinner? I have already reserved a place at the Ailee Restaurant, and I heard that there was a piece of Kobe beef meat there today. Miss Zi, why don't we go over and taste it together? "    


In the upper class society, the quality of food was even more important. It was like the world-famous Kobe beef, a 5A grade steak, one of the favorite delicacies of the rich family's children. However, because of its low yield, they could not eat it every day.    


In the face of Lin Jie's invitation, Zi Yan didn't even think twice before directly shaking his head and saying:    


I'm sorry Lin Shao, I've recorded an entire afternoon's worth of programs, and I'm a little tired. I want to rest in a hotel, so I won't accompany Lin Shao there.    


"So it's like that." Lin Jie pretended to sigh regretfully, and said: Alright, looks like I can't have dinner with my beautiful lady anymore. If that's the case, then I'll have my people send food over later. Miss Zi and Miss Zhou will rest here well, if there's anything I need to call anyone by the door, I'll take my leave first.    


"Okay, thank you Lin Shao." Zhou Fei laughed as she made a gesture to send Lin Jie out of the room and to the door. She called out, "Lin Shao, please take care."    




Closing the door, Zhou Fei's smile disappeared. He turned and walked to Zi Yan's side and sat down.    


"Aiyo, with him acting this way, it's not good for us to get out."    


Outside the room, the smile on Lin Jie's face gradually disappeared. He took a glance at the door, slightly shook his head, and softly muttered:    


"This is getting more and more interesting."    


With that, he turned around and left.    


To him, this chase was a game, and he was destined to be the victor.    


Roughly two hours later, Zi Yan's door was knocked again.    


This time, it was a cleanly dressed chef, and a foreign chef at that. He was the head chef of Delucci Restaurant, so he personally made Zi Yan and Zi Yan two pieces of steak, two pieces of seafood pizza, and some snacks.    


Zi Yan and Yue Yang couldn't reject being sent to their doorstep to do this, hence they directly enjoyed the food.    


As for the steak, it was after all, a Kobe beef. Although it didn't taste as good as the meat food Zhang Han cooked for them, it wasn't by much either.    


On the second day, Lin Jie did not appear again, but someone had brought a handful of fresh flowers at noon. This time, it was a bunch of blue demoness, and on the flowers, there was a small card, on it wrote Lin Jie's personal message:    


The Miss Zi, who was even more beautiful than these flowers, had such a happy day.    


In the afternoon, Fu Shan brought two of his subordinates over and asked about Zhou Fei's program briefly. After finding out what would happen the next day, the three of them left.    


As for Zi Yan and Zhou Fei, they had no plans to leave the hotel room the entire time.    


On the other side, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, an interesting thing happened on Zhang Han's side.    


"Are you the owner of the restaurant?"    


The three youths swaggered in. The thin faced man who led the group arrogantly asked.    


"Yes." Zhang Han replied indifferently.    


"Hur hur." The skinny faced man sneered and said: "I am Eisling's Restaurant's chef and our Eisling's Restaurant is at the 2-star level of Michelin. After watching the program related to your restaurant, the promotions are too exaggerated and fake, so we are deceiving the customers, thus, our chef Lv Chao decided to invite you to go there the day after tomorrow, this weekend to fight it out, I hope you will show us your true abilities, and not lose too unsightly."    


With that, he placed an invitation letter on the table, turned around, and left in a carefree manner.    


However, if he came two hours earlier and had such an attitude, the customers in the restaurant would probably throw a tantrum at him for doubting his life.    


"Hur hur." When Zhang Han picked up the invitation letter, he didn't even have the interest to take a look. With a flick of his finger, he threw the invitation letter into the trash can.    


"Eh?" Baba, they, what are they doing here? " Mengmeng asked, a little confused.    


"They must be brainless Waters ?"    


"? ?"    


On the afternoon of the next day, Zi Yan and Zhou Fei once again went to the television station to record the program.    


When he went out this time, he saw more than 30 people swarming in front of the door. They were either taking pictures or holding microphones for interviews.    


This time, there were many people who were media reporters who were not invited, and they all had a keen sense of smell. With so many reporters blocking Zi Yan's path, there must be some sort of gimmick, so ? That was the situation.    


Fortunately, the bodyguards that Lin Jie arranged for were all very professional and got on the car unhindered.    


Arriving at the television station, after the recording of the program was completed, Zi Yan immediately rejected the feast and returned to the hotel to get Zhou Fei to book a plane ticket for the night. Before he could even notify Zhang Han, Fu Shan had already arrived.    


"Zi Yan, get ready. We'll have dinner with Lin Shao and Director Wei at seven o'clock." Fu Shan said directly.    


"Going to dinner?" Zi Yan shook his head, and rejected: "Sorry, Director Fu, I have already booked a plane ticket for eight o'clock, we are returning to Xiangjiang."    


"What did you say?" Fu Shan's face sunk. Carrying an unquestionable tone, he said: "The flight ticket is back, I'll give you half an hour to prepare. We'll set off on time at six-thirty."    


After Zi Yan heard this, her expression also calmed down, and she said directly: "You can discuss the matter of the collaboration with Director Fu yourself, but I must return to Xiangjiang tonight."    




Fu Shan frowned, he was obviously angry, his fat face trembled, he angrily glared at Zi Yan and said:    


"What is it? Have your wings hardened? "    


"I have my freedom. I'm just an artist in the company, not a criminal." Zi Yan answered stiffly, and looked coldly at Fu Shan.    


"Hahaha, freedom?" Fu Shan laughed out loud, then retracted his smile, and said coldly: "Zi Yan, you have to be clear about your status and your situation, and now that I am preparing a job for you, why are you being so picky? Do you think you're still as popular as you were? You're wrong! You're not even comparable to a third-rate celebrity right now, don't you think so? The company is willing to spend resources to nurture you, you are not grateful and yet refuse? Is that something you can refuse? "    


"I think I have the right to refuse. Besides, is this a resource given by the company? Don't you have any idea?" Zi Yan was not willing to back down against them.    


"Good, good, good. I didn't expect you to be so stubborn. Very good. You don't even have a Director in your eyes, do you?" Fu Shan was so angry his body trembled, and he said: "Don't forget that you have signed a three-year contract with the company. With your attitude, I can completely refrigerate you! Do you understand? "    


"Then you can give it a try!" Zi Yan suddenly stood up, and said with a cold voice.    


However, in his heart, he was even more angry than before. He had many ways to deal with his subordinates who were disobedient, and right now, he did not want to quarrel, nor did he want his face to be ripped off so quickly. Thus, his tone softened a bit as he said:    


If not, I will not personally come here. Now is not the time for you to play with your temper, I think, if Wu Tong is unhappy, in Dynasty Entertainment, no one can protect you. "    


After Zi Yan heard this, his eyes faintly flashed. He also did not expect that it was Wu Chengdong who had ordered Fu Shan to come here, but he just did not know whether it was the real Wu Tong's orders or him pulling the flag to pull the tiger's hide.    


On the other hand, Zhou Fei, who had held back for a long time, could not hold it in any longer, stood up and said: "Don't use the Wu Tong to pressure people, is there any use to that? Today we are going back! I have to go back, even if the heavens are on my way, I have to f * cking f * ck off ? "    


Zhou Fei's words caused Fu Shan's eyes to gradually widen.    


Was he trying to rebel?    


Fu Shan was somewhat unable to suppress the fire in his heart.    


But before Zhou Fei could finish his words, Zi Yan interrupted him and said, "Fei Fei, no need to say anymore. We'll go meet up in half an hour!"    


This sentence caused Fu Shan, who originally wanted to be furious, to be stunned for a moment. Then, he laughed and said: "You should have done so earlier, this is also your chance.    


With that, he left the room.    


"Elder Sister Yan ?" Zhou Fei frowned, and said unhappily: "This is obviously bullying!"    


"Since they're going to have dinner, then let's go. I want to see what tricks they can pull!" Zi Yan replied coldly.    


There were about eight or nine of them, other than the two staff members who came with Fu Shan, there were also a few subordinates of Wei Chao. After seeing Zi Yan's appearance, all of them praised him, saying that he was very suitable for a certain role.    


As for Lin Jie, he had been looking for a chance to communicate and chat with Zi Yan, but Zi Yan had a cold expression the entire time, he did not give a proper answer, he only used "Mmm" and "oh" to half-heartedly.    


Even if others could see through his expression, Fu Shan did not pay attention to them.    


This caused Lin Jie's good mood to gradually fade, as he was already starting to get impatient.    


It was at this time that Zi Yan opened her mouth to speak for the first time.    


"Thank you, Lin Shao, for receiving me. I'm not feeling well, so I will take my leave first."    


After he finished speaking, Zi Yan took another glance at Fu Shan, and said coldly:    


Director Fu, my flight will be rescheduled to 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. I have some matters to attend to back home, so I will have to trouble you with the cooperation.    


With that, Zi Yan and Zhou Fei left, leaving behind a table full of staring people.    


"This ?" Fu Shan's face was a little ugly, he was furious in his heart, but he had no choice but to say to Lin Jie with a smile: "I'm sorry Lin Shao, Zi Yan might have come over there these two days, and his body is not feeling well, that's why ?"    


"Oh, if that's the case, then that's understandable." Lin Jie laughed lightly, shook his head and said: "However, I feel that if she is not present, then you are not the one who can talk about this matter. What do you think?"    


Yes, yes, yes. Lin Shao is right, she definitely cannot go back. Fu Shan saw Lin Jie's unhappy gaze and cold sweat almost flowed down his body. If he was to be offended by Lin Jie this time, he would not feel good either.    


As for Lin Jie, he was also getting impatient, and even his mood was getting worse:    


Zi Yan, you are just a mere star, how can you dare to be disrespectful to me, Lin Jie? He really didn't know what he was capable of. It is your honor that I, Lin Jie, have my eyes on you. Since it's like this, there's no need for me to be polite.    


To Lin Jie, even a young master like Zhang Han would need some tricks to destroy him, let alone a mere star.    


He had many ways to deal with Zi Yan. Since he couldn't be gentle enough, he might as well try something else.    


However, Zi Yan's cold appearance, aroused Lin Jie's desire to conquer the world.    


The next day, at one o'clock in the afternoon, Zi Yan and Zhou Fei prepared to go out.    


However, just as he opened the door and walked out, one of the eight bodyguards standing on both sides of the door blocked his way.    


"What are you doing?" Zhou Fei raised his eyebrows and asked.    


"I'm sorry, Mr. Fu Shan has an order, you can't leave for the time being." The man calmly replied.    


"Is he your father? What did he say? What did you hear? Get out of my way! " Zhou Fei said with a cold snort.    


"If Mr. Fu Shan doesn't speak, you can't leave." The man answered again.    


"Fei Fei!" "Call the police!" Zi Yan frowned as she spoke coldly.    


"Right, call the police. Do you know what you're doing now that it's illegal?" Zhou Fei took out his phone angrily, and was about to make a call.    


"Hur hur." The man sneered, and said: "Go ahead, go ahead and report, it's useless. You are Mr. Fu Shan's artists, it's legal to arrange travel arrangements for you if you want to cooperate, so don't be too naive."    


"You're right!"    


Suddenly, a voice of applause sounded out, he turned his head, only to see the fat figure of Fu Shan sneering as he walked over.    


When he got near, he said with a fake smile: "Zi Yan, let's go in and chat."    


Seeing that, Zhou Fei put down his phone and returned to the house with Zi Yan.    


Fu Shan walked in and closed the door.    


"Director Fu, isn't your table manners a bit too unsightly?" Zhou Fei said coldly.    


"Shut up! You don't have the right to speak here! " Fu Shan coldly snorted, his gaze sweeping past the two of them and said: "Am I being ugly while eating, or did you two make it too early? Ah? Do you have any points to return? Did he really think he was incredible? What happened last night? No matter what, after staying in the Entertainment Circle for so many years, he doesn't know any rules? Was he stupid? I really don't understand what you are thinking! What do you want to do? "    


"What's your name?" Zhou Fei's temper came as well. He glared with his eyes and was about to gobble it down.    


At this time, Zi Yan interrupted him with a cold voice: "There's no need to reason with him. Director Fu, it should be said that what exactly do you want to do? If you still want to do this, then I will use a legal method to protect my rights and interests."    


"Legal path? Great! "Sure!" Fu Shan laughed loudly, he took out a document from his briefcase and threw it on the table, then laughed coldly: Take a good look at this prosecution letter, if you leave today, this prosecution letter will be in operation, at that time, what you need to prepare is up to 100 million compensation for breach of contract, with your current status, you can't even afford to pay back all your money, right?    


"You're going too far!" Zi Yan's expression had gone completely cold. She was very angry in her heart, and at the same time, she was becoming more and more disappointed in Dynasty Entertainment!    


As for Zhou Fei, his face was pale white. Recalling the contract he signed at the beginning, he felt a little helpless.    


When Fu Shan saw the two of them becoming silent, his tone softened and he started to sing with a pale face, "Zi Yan, I know that this may not be fair, but there's no other way. If this cooperation is to continue, and you two are in a rush to return to the Xiangjiang, I don't know what's wrong, but if there's an emergency, why don't you wait another two days? I'll directly finalize the contract in one or two days. If possible, I'll give you guys a small holiday as much as possible, right? "    


Looking at Fu Shan's face, Zhou Fei really wanted to say something: Don't pretend to be good! How disgusting!    


However, she knew that her arms were not able to wrap around her thighs, and she could only shut her mouth and not speak. She was holding it in with a bit of discomfort.    


Just then, Zi Yan's phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Mei Qi who had opened it. After thinking for a moment, Zi Yan picked up the phone.    




"Zi Yan, I heard about what you did over there. Although I don't really care much about you, but no matter what, you are my, Mei Qi's, man, so what if I get bullied? However, this matter is still a little difficult to handle. Regarding the matter regarding the contract, if you look carefully, and think that it is fine, you can sign it. Roughly tomorrow, at the latest the day after tomorrow, I will arrange for you to return.    


"Thank you, The elder sister." At this moment, Zi Yan's cold heart also felt a little relieved.    


"It's fine. After all, we've known each other for many years and we've always had feelings for each other. Let's just leave it like this and pay more attention outside." Mei Qi said as he hung up the phone.    


Actually, if Li Cheng did not exist, then Mei Qi had planned to train him well, but things always turned out helplessly. She had to give up many things in order to make her own decisions.    


After Zi Yan received the call, he looked at Fu Shan and said coldly: "Hand over the contract as soon as possible."    


"Then wait two days." Fu Shan looked at her strangely. He didn't know what Mei Qi had said to her, but after thinking for a bit, he didn't say anything else, and directly turned around and left.    


At this time, Zhou Fei's anger was huge, and she was in extreme pain. She angrily took out her cell phone and made a call.    


"Weird? Brother-in-law! Elder Sister Yan and I have been bullied! Isn't Shang Jing my brother-in-law's former territory? Hurry up and find someone to help us ? "    


"Hmm?" After Zhang Han heard this, he took Mengmeng down from his embrace and placed him on the sofa so that the little guy could watch the cartoon himself. He then walked to the window of the dining hall and asked with a cold gaze, "Tell me everything."    


"Let me tell you, Brother-in-law ?" Just as Zhou Fei was about to complain, he extended out his hand and said: "I'll say."    


"Oh." Seeing that, Zhou Fei directly said: "Let Elder Sister Yan tell you himself."    


With that, she handed the phone over to Zi Yan.    


"Zhang Han." Zi Yan pouted her lips, as she spoke with a tone of grievance.    


"I'll pick you up!"    


Regarding this, Zhang Han answered these four words without hesitation.    


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