Godly Stay-Home Dad



"Sir, you really have raised a divine dog!" Before the delivery man left, he glanced at Xiao Hei lingeringly and praised it before driving away.    


More than 30 dogs lined up under Xiao Hei?s pressure and obediently came to the pet area. It was only after Xiao Hei went to play with Meng Meng that they started running around.    


Fortunately, the pet area was large enough, and they had no intention of running outside.    


Half an hour later, the animals were delivered as well. This time there were six delivery workers and also five cars. They drove the animals up the mountain. Like the previous group, it was like the first time that they have seen such a place. They praised took pictures, and only then left.    


Zhang Han stood beneath the Thunder Sun tree and surveyed his surroundings.    


In the livestock section, the adult chickens had already begun to play with their nests in their houses, and ducklings and geese were also playing back and forth, now running on the grass, now swimming in the pond, and now running to the left to eat some meat team grass.    


The adult cows paced back and forth in its territory. The Japanese blacks were quite lively as they constantly sized up the new environment. The cow, the Ujimqin sheep and the Taihu black pigs also strolled in their respective fields.    


They all know that the meat team grass was their food, but even though they did not know what they were, they could not help but eat some as they smelled the allure of the grass.    


Fortunately, the meat ? team grass was the first rank spirit treasure. A few days after it was eaten, the fruit of the grass would grow again. This cycle would continue, and it would produce enough energy to consume.    


In the growing area, the rice was even higher than the day before. Wheat, corns, and soybeans were also growing at a rapid rate. If the seed seller were to see this scene, he would definitely be shocked.    


This kind of situation could only be described as unimaginable, but Zhang Han had long since become accustomed to it.    


This was just a small place. In Zhang Han's eyes, New Moon Bay was not even considered a treasure trove. How could a real treasure trove be so simple?    


The pet area was livelier. Meng Meng sat on the lawn and threw one toy after another to the dogs.    


She also had a furry teacup dog in her arms. On her side, there were two flattering golden retrievers beside her. High and cold Chow Chows were lazily lying on the side while the other dogs gathered together and played with their toys to their heart's content.    


What about Xiao Hei?    


Of course, it could not let go of the opportunity to put on a show of force.    


It looked around with its big eyes, and its expression was like a king looking at his people.    


Whenever a dog wanted to go somewhere else, Xiao Hei would first observe for a while. When the dog was about to run out of the pet area, Xiao Hei would rush over with a roar. Xiao Hei picked it up in its mouth and tossed it into the air.    


Bang bang bang.    


The puppy fell onto the grass. Although it didn't hurt, the puppy still fell down in a daze.    


After a while, the dogs stopped running away to the faraway places and started playing around Meng Meng.    


Upon seeing this, Zhang Han nodded his head in satisfaction.    


As planned, the territory had to slowly develop, and now it was beginning to take shape.    


Then Zhang Han picked up a milk pail and filled it with over two liters of Pure Yang Water. After he fed the cows, sheep, and adult hens, Zhang Han came to the pet area to play with Meng Meng.    


It was almost noon. Zhang Han brought Meng Meng down the mountain for lunch and headed over to the dining hall to take a look by the way.    


Due to the dust in the decorated room, Zhang Han did not bring Meng Meng along as he walked in.    


He took a look and saw that the decorations were almost done.    


The lifelike Lotus Jade TV wall had been completed, and there were even colored lights around the lotus. When they were lit up, they must be dreamlike beautiful.    


The pattern on the roof was half done and the tiles and bricks on the floor were all set up.    


"Mr. Zhang, you're here." Upon seeing Zhang Han, Zhao Kai walked over and greeted him with a smile.    


"The progress is not bad." Zhang Han nodded with satisfaction.    


"Of course, Mr. Zhang, when you have ordered, I will definitely do my job well, and it will all be finished in two days. Oh right, Mr. Zhang, do you want to change the signboard outside the restaurant?" Zhao Kai said.    


"Yes, I want another one." Zhang Han also forgot about this and pondered for a moment, trying to think of a better name.    


"I have a relative who makes signboards. Mr. Zhang, think about a name, I'll make one for you for free." Zhao Kai scratched his head with a smile.    


"I shall be called... Meng Meng's casual restaurant. " Zhang Han had always been casual in his choice of name.    


"Alright, Meng Meng's casual restaurant. Do you have any requirements for the colors and fonts?" Zhao Kai asked.    


"Normal white characters with a black background. Add a cartoon pattern in front of 'Meng Meng's casual restaurant'. Wait until I hand you the pattern tonight. Make the plaque in a more exquisite manner. I'll give you the money normally." Zhang Han pondered for a moment before answering.    


"Alright, then thank you, Mr. Zhang." Zhao Kai said with a smile.    


After saying this, Zhang Han drove Meng Meng back to New Moon Mountain.    


Meng Meng happily went to play with the dogs while Zhang Han sat beside the little princess, learning English.    


It only took him three hours to finish learning everything. After watching a video of a level 8 English, he could completely understand it. He read a set of level 8 English examine paper. It?s so easy for him!    


So Zhang Han began to learn other languages.    


The afternoon passed quickly.    


Xiao Hei was always around, waiting to establish its might and show off. However, after a few tries, the puppies and sheep had learnt to behave themselves. Xiao Hei didn't have much fun, so it also ran over to Meng Meng's side with a flattering face.    


It was until the sky gradually darkened that Zhang Han took out the milk pail and other tools to squeeze the cow milk and goat milk together.    


After going through the purification of first rank Spiritual Treasure Pure Yang Water, the bodies of cows and sheep reached a perfect state. For example, after Meng Meng and Zi Yan drank it, their health and immunity had been improved by a lot.    


This was the benefits of Pure Yang water. When the cow milk and sheep milk out, a very rich milk fragrance was released.    


"Meng Meng, it's time for us to go back. Say Bye bye to Xiao Hei and the others. We'll come back tomorrow to play with them." Zhang Han was carrying four buckets of milk.    


Two big pails and two small pails. In the big pail was cow milk. One pail was about fifteen kilograms, and two of them was about thirty kilograms. In the small pail was goat milk and each weighed two kilograms.    


The production of cow is relatively high, and a cow can produce 30 kgs of milk a day. Squeezed once in the morning and once in the evening. The goat milk was less. A milk sheep can produce 4 kgs a day.    


Returning to the main topic, after Meng Meng heard her Daddy?s words, she stood up and patted her butt. She obediently said, "Alright. We will come back tomorrow. Xiao Hei, and... Eh... Everyone, see you tomorrow."    


After saying that, the little princess eagerly ran over to Zhang Han and asked in her milky voice, "Daddy, there are so many dogs here. What are their names?"    


"Eh ?" Zhang Han paused for a second, and then said with a helpless tone, "Let's call them by their breeds. For example, the male golden (Jin in Chinese) retriever is called Da Jin, the female golden retriever is called Xiao Jin, the male Husky is called Da Ha, and the female Husky is called Xiao Ha. Call them like that."    


"Hehe, Da Ha, Xiao Ha, so cute ?" Meng Meng giggled upon hearing this.    


On Zhang Han?s way back, Zhang Han passed by the Thunder Sun Tree and took out a mineral water bottle of and filled 500 ml Pure Yang Water in it.    


In total, there were less than ten liters of Pure Yang Water. There was only about five liters of water left. The rate at which it was being consumed was so fast.    


Zhang Han drove directly from Crescent Bay Road in the direction of Copper Bay.    


When he was about to leave, he called Zhang Li. She was ready to go to work, but when she heard that Zhang Han was coming, she decided to stay at home and wait for him.    


Twenty minutes later, Zhang Han and Meng Meng arrived at Zhang Li's house.    


"Hello, Big Brother Zhang. Aiya, what a cute little girl." Li Ana ran over to open the door. When she saw Zhang Han, she greeted him sweetly. When she saw the little princess standing next to Zhang Han, she was astonished.    


"Brother, what are you carrying? Milk? " Zhang Li walked over and asked curiously.    


"Yes, in the big one is cow milk while in the small one is goat's milk. These fresh milks are for you to drink, and you guys should boil them yourself." After saying that, Zhang Han placed two buckets of milk in the kitchen.    


"Hey! Bro, we still have a lot of Wanda Mountain milk in the fridge. Why you bother to buy this?" Although Zhang Li said this, but her heart still felt warm. This was the feeling of being loved and cared for by her family.    


"This milk I'm giving you is not any ordinary milk. This is the milk produced by cows and milk sheep I raised myself. How can you compare them to Wanda Mountain milk?" Zhang Han gave a faint smile and said, "Don't take them as bad stuff. No one else can buy this milk."    


"I really envy Zhang Li having a good brother." Li Ana smiled and said, "Brother Zhang, she is your..."    


Anna Li pointed at Meng Meng and asked hesitantly.    


"I ? I ? I ? I'm called Meng Meng. I'm my daddy?s daughter." Meng Meng answered with her little voice.    


"Daughter?" Anna was slightly surprised, she smiled and said, "Brother Zhang, you already have a daughter?"    


"Yes." Zhang Han nodded slightly, then handed the bottle of mineral water to Zhang Li and said, "Drink it."    


"Why? I'm not thirsty. " Zhang Li did not understand.    


"I told you to drink it, hurry up." Zhang Han put the mineral water bottle into Zhang Li's hand.    


"Drink it quickly, Auntie. You have a diarrhea after drinking it." Meng Meng blinked her clear eyes as she spoke.    


"Alright, I'll drink." Zhang Li opened the bottle cap, wanting to drink a few mouthfuls to deal with her domineering brother, but who would have thought, after taking a sip, she wanted to drink a second.    


She finished the entire bottle of water in one breath.    


"What is this? Not milk? Why does it taste even better than a drink? " Zhang Li asked curiously.    


"This is diarrhea water." Meng Meng answered first.    


Zhang Li smiled and did not mind. However, at the next moment, her abdomen began to turn upside down!    


"Brother! You actually drugged me with laxatives? I, I'll remember you! " Zhang Li yelled with her eyes wide open as she quickly walked to the bathroom.    


Seeing this, Zhang Han smiled and shook his head. He then said goodbye to Li Ana and went downstairs with Meng Meng in his arms.    


Twenty minutes later.    


"Aiyo, why did I shit so much?" Zhang Li walked out of the bathroom dispiritedly.     




Lianna screamed when she saw Zhang Li.    


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