Godly Stay-Home Dad



A few days.    


Mengmeng would occasionally patrol the area, and give some talent disciples a few words of encouragement.    


Every time they stopped calling him "Sect Leader", they would be slightly punished.    


This caused these guys to be in a bad mood.    


"Who's over there?"    


On this day, Yun Han, Tengu, and the others were gathered together, chatting.    


Suddenly seeing a figure in the distance, Tengu shuddered, "It's Zhang Yumeng ?" Headmaster? "    




Yun Han looked at it carefully and shook his head.    


"The Headmaster told you all to go for a meeting."    


"Fine." Tengu nodded.    


They walked towards the Mengmeng's flying ship.    


When he got closer, he found that all the elders and protectors of the sect were present as well.    


The current Mengmeng was standing in the most conspicuous place.    


She was wearing a long skirt and her expression was parallel to one another. Her long black hair fluttered in the wind and her clear eyes, exquisite facial features and contemplative expression ?    


"Actually, she is quite good at being a headmaster." Yun Han suddenly said.    


Tengu was slightly surprised, and thought to himself: Yes, it's pretty good.    


Zhang Han and the rest were also nearby.    


Whether it was Zhang Han, Yue Wuwei or the others, none of them planned to speak.    


"There are a few things to say."    


Mengmeng had an outstanding father. Recently, she always thought about how her father usually does things in New Moon Mountain, and under the influence of her father, Mengmeng also became a bit accustomed to it. When she opened her mouth, she spoke with a tone that did not need any doubt.    


"According to the latest news, less than ten percent of the disciples of the True Martial Sect have fled. They were the first to attack the Red Peak Sect."    


"The Heavenly Fiend Sect was also attacked and suffered heavy losses. Four adults escaped."    


"The same thing happened for a lot of elders from the two martial institutions. Both of them died without a leader. The only difference is that the inner sect was destroyed, and the Heavenly Fiend Sect was taken over like us."    


"There are a lot of people from the Red Peak Faction. I heard they picked a lot of people from their vassal forces to come to Clear Sky Star."    


"Now that we've cut off contact with the outside world, even if it's a subsidiary sect, it probably wouldn't be of any use."    


Mengmeng finished speaking a few words in a row.    


Everyone fell silent.    


"The war that covered Planet Vast Expanse."    


"The Scarlet King wants to use the Star Realm as his backyard."    


"What a ruthless Crimson King."    


Among the discussions, there were those who were resentful and those who were vexed.    


What should he do?    


The Mengmeng gave them time to digest the information before speaking.    


At the same time, the True Martial Sect has taken the initiative to form an alliance. I have also agreed, so for now, the Heavenly Fiend Sect, the Sword Sect, the True Martial Sect, and the three sects have formed an alliance to fight against the Red Peak Sect. Our base area is the True Martial Sect.    


Mengmeng said it was an order.    


This made Elder An, Elder Han Long, and the others somewhat uncomfortable.    


In the past, whenever Tian Chen had anything to do with the Great Elder, he would always discuss it with the Elders Guild.    


As for Zhang Yu Meng, she did not want to discuss it with you. She was so young, yet she was so decisive, causing Elder An and the rest to sigh in amazement.    


They did not say anything, but they were trying to figure out what Mengmeng was trying to say.    


"That's right."    


Han Long nodded his head, "The three sects' alliance, the sword faction, and the Heavenly Demon Sect have quite a number of people. The three sects' alliance, the sword faction, and the Heavenly Demon Sect do have quite a number of people, and the True Martial Sect can barely contend against them.    


There were countless fallen disciples in the three sects, especially in the upper echelons. However, the population of the sects was enormous. Some of the scattered disciples and even teams from the battle zones hadn't gathered together.    


"However, the Heavenly Fiend Sect has always been hostile towards us. After so many years, their beliefs have already been deeply rooted. Would they go back on their word? Push us into the abyss? We have to be on guard. " Some of the elders asked.    


The Mengmeng had already considered this before, and said: "Just be on guard, the Heavenly Demon Sect is being beaten very miserably, the elders have suffered many casualties, the two sects are not enemies in the first place, they can't be considered an alliance. And their sect's Xu Xiaospear, has a lot of authority, I also know that guy, so there will not be a hostile situation at the moment, but being cautious is never wrong."    


Whether it was during their exchange or conversation, Mengmeng could feel that Xu Xiaozheng did not have any enmity between the two sects, but he could not represent everything. After many years of battle, saying that once they met, it would be a lie to act as brothers with each other. To be able to coexist peacefully and fight against the enemy together was what Mengmeng wanted to see.    


"There's no problem. Let's prepare to move out. Elder Han Long, arrange for the journey ahead." The Mengmeng said without a doubt.    




The Frost Dragon cupped his hands.    


After everyone left, Frost Dragon gave his command.    


The large team began to move, heading towards the 69th Arena.    


The news that Mengmeng had told him was also something that Mu Xue and Leng Yue had long since communicated with each other.    


The alliance was imperative, or else they would be swallowed one by one by the Red Peak.    


How could the other two sects not know of this logic?    


A few days later.    


Heavenly Fiend Sect, Ling Hai Sword Sect's team will meet in the 69th battle area.    


"I really didn't expect that after you became the Sect Leader, you, Zhang Yumeng, would become so formidable. I, Xu Xiaozheng, am truly impressed."    


After the two sides met.    


The elders and elders did not speak to each other. Some even looked at each other with cold gazes and began to look at each other. They were a bit displeased by the sight before them.    


But not the younger generation.    


"Xu Xiaospear, after the great battle is over, let's continue to gamble." Tengu barked from afar.    


"Hur hur, I'll be happy to meet you any time you like." Xu Xiaohou snorted with laughter.    


The Mengmeng opened his mouth and said, "Elder Ju, our two sects have formed an alliance today to deal with the Red Peak Sect together."    


"Since it's an alliance, there are some things I need to say first."    


Elder Ju said, "I don't care how great the enmity between the two sects was before. After the alliance, it belongs to the same faction. If there is an act of privately opposing the enemy or harming one's own people ?"    


Mengmeng spat out one word: "Kill."    


Elder Ju turned his head and looked at Han Long and the other elders. He was lost in thought.    


Did they really allow a young disciple to become their Sect Master?    


Looking at the atmosphere of the team over there, it was clearly much better than the Heavenly Fiend Sect.    


Could it be that when a young man became a sect master, his morale was boosted?    


Or is there something profound about it, young people = new generations = hope?    


That must be it.    


Elder Ju had a strange gaze as he looked at Xu Xiaospear.    


"No other questions."    


Suddenly, Elder Ju didn't want to continue the discussion. She interrupted him and said, "We will discuss the details of the meeting the next day. We'll leave for today's meeting. We're heading to the True Martial Sect."    


The two groups were about five miles apart as they majestically headed towards the True Martial Sect.    


He had just returned to the Heavenly Fiend Sect's side.    


Elder Ju had called a meeting of the elders.    


"Did you find out?" Elder Ju asked.    


"Found what?"    


"Zhang Yumeng is really the head of the Linghai Sword Sect. She, look at the people from the Frigid Dragon Sect, they only follow her lead and do not raise any opinions. They are not useless headmasters of puppets, but real ones. What does this mean?" Elder Ju said.    


One of the elders who was slow to react asked hesitantly, "There's something else? Could it be ? The sword faction's new owner has already been snatched away by someone? "    


Elder Ju suddenly had the urge to hit someone.    




He powerlessly said, "The sect needs hope, but the new disciples need hope. We are all old."    


One sentence provoked many sighs:    


"Yeah, we're all old."    


"Actually, I also feel that the sword faction's atmosphere is very good, vigorous and uplifting, with the heart for revenge, very firm, and most importantly, in their eyes, I see light, especially in the eyes of the disciples of the younger generation.    


In terms of atmosphere, the Mengmeng was extremely firm about it.    


Wherever she was, it meant pleasure.    


"Destroy and then erect!"    


I admire the decision and courage of Han Long and the rest, I am truly impressed, Scarlet King, everyone has seen it, our cultivation is terrifying, we are far from the enemy, the three sects can only gather together, only then can we have a way out, the Scarlet King said, the three sect masters lost in the secret realm, at the beginning I was suspicious, but now ? "I actually believe him, or else he wouldn't have dared to start a war like this. Right now, I suggest that we also destroy the Heavenly Fiend Sect and push out a young sect master. And this person, is Xu Xiaospear!"    


The moment he said this, the entire audience went silent.    


"Young sect master?"    




"Elder Ju, have you considered it?"    


At the beginning, they were doubtful, but after thinking about the situation with the sword faction, they all shut their mouths. The scene gradually became so quiet that one could hear a pin drop, and even many people could hear each other's breathing.    


"Xu Xiaospear is very outstanding."    


An elder said.    


He didn't say yes or no, but his attitude was ambiguous. His meaning was to leave it entirely to Elder Ju, what should he do?    


"Forget it, let's vote by show of hands."    


Elder Ju said, "If you agree, those who support Xu Xiaozheng as the Sect Leader, please raise your hands."    


Amongst the crowd of elders, there were a few who raised their hands, while the others were unsure of what to do.    




Elder Ju was slightly discouraged.    


He suddenly realized that the decision of Han Long and the others was truly marvelous!    


Look at Sect Leader Zhang Yumeng. She spoke straightforwardly and decisively.    


The bunch of old guys hesitated.    


After being 'educated' by the sword faction in this matter, Elder Ju suddenly had a bit of a grudge.    


He said, "If you don't agree, please raise your hand."    




There were only a few.    


"Have you old bastards gotten used to being pampered?" Elder Ju said angrily.    


"Old Ju, who do you think is the oldest here?" Someone refuted.    


Elder Ju smiled in anger, "Fine fine fine, I won't die. I'll agree and disagree. It's a very simple choice. What are you guys doing? Can you give me a clear attitude?"    


An old man with long hair sighed, "We are worried about what would happen if Xu Xiaozheng did not do it well. As the Sect Leader, we are afraid that he would act impulsively and cause the sect to lose something. And what if the Scarlet King is lying and the Sect Leader returns?"    


Hearing this, Elder Ju stopped talking nonsense.    


"I understand what you mean, I'll ask again." Elder Ju said, "If you agree to let Xu Xiaozheng become the Acting Sect Master, please raise your hand."    


Crash! *    


This time, there was no hesitation as everyone raised their hands.    


It could be seen that they approved of Xu Xiaospear, and they were also a bit worried. Actually, they had never thought of this, but seeing the sword faction's atmosphere and team, they felt that the Heavenly Fiend Sect could not fall behind, and had to keep up.    




Elder Ju gestured grandly.    


Due to a coincidence, Xu Xiaozheng also became the Acting Sect Master.    


"No, why did he add a word?" Upon hearing the news, Xu Xiaozheng immediately said, "There's an extra generation."    


"With your little ability, you actually want to become a headmaster?" Elder Ju harrumphed coldly.    


"Zhang Yumeng and I are on par with each other. If she can take us in, then I can also take her in." Xu Xiaozheng said, "Elder, you should take your substitute word with you. If the Sect Leader comes back one day, I'll abdicate my position."    


"F * ck off."    


"Oh, oh."    


Xu Xiaozheng slipped away, but her face was filled with joy as she walked out the door.    


He didn't expect that, with a single turn, he would become the next Sect Master. How could he possibly justify this?    


That day, Elder Ju announced the news.    


"A group of dragons cannot be without a leader. Heavenly Fiend Sect also needs an outstanding, young, and vigorous disciple for a high position. Xuan, disciple Xu Xiaozheng, from today onwards, will be the Acting Sect Master of Heavenly Fiend Sect."    


This news swept through the Heavenly Fiend Sect like a hurricane.    


"What?! That guy is the Sect Leader?!" "I refuse to accept this." A disciple of the Heaven Sect shouted.    


"Are you unconvinced?"    


A voice full of danger came from behind him.    




The man sucked in a breath of cold air.    


F * ck, Xu Xiaozheng is here.    


Turning around to take a look, Zhang Xuan's spear came sweeping over.    


Bang bang bang ?    


Being beaten up by Fatty.    


"I'm convinced."    


"Humph!" Xu Xiaozheng coldly snorted, patted her butt and left.    


After becoming the Acting Sect Master, Xu Xiaospear began to walk around the group.    


There were too many people, too few ships, mostly flying squads.    


Some of the airships were patrolling in the distance to prevent enemies of the Red Peak Sect.    


Many details were clearly arranged by the Elders Guild.    


For the entire day, Xu Xiaozheng had been looking for someone to beat up.    


Of course, not everyone was going to beat him up, just like how Tengu specifically scammed talent disciples.    


With this move, they could see that Xu Xiaoze's strength was several times more terrifying than before.    


After being beaten to the point that even if he felt unwilling to accept it, he still had to accept it orally.    


However, among the sect disciples, most of them were quite loud and were very optimistic about the result.    


"Sect Leader Xu!"    


"I pay my respects to Headmaster Xu."    


"We pay our respects to Acting Headmaster Xu."    


Xu Xiaojin: "What did that brat say?"    


"Pay respects to Acting Headmaster Xu?"    


"It seems like you have a nerve?" Xu Xiaozheng stared at him and said, "You are the one acting as an agent!"    


"Ah, ah, ah. Headmaster Xu, it's Headmaster Xu. I was wrong earlier."    




With a cold snort, he left.    


This fellow had the same kind of fun as the Mengmeng.    


Like to stroll.    


After a few rounds of inspection.    


Elder Ju observed the situation and nodded in satisfaction. "Look, the atmosphere is much better. The Linghai Sword Sect is indeed smart. To push out Zhang Yumeng as a Sect Leader, this move is very smart."    


They had no idea.    


It was entirely because Elder Tian Chen hoped to get Yue Wuwei's support when he became the sect master.    


Han Long, Elder An, and a few others who knew some inside information.    


When they found out about the news of the Heavenly Fiend Sect.    


For a moment, he was dumbfounded:    


"What is the Heavenly Demon Sect playing at?"    


"He wants Xu Xiaozhu to be his Sect Leader?"    


"That kid is not a peaceful person."    


"Hahahaha ?" Han Long and Elder An thought of something and their eyes darkened. They then burst out laughing.    


It has been almost a month since the sect was attacked. This is the first time the two of them have laughed.    


The Immortal Cultivation World's law of the jungle, their ability to accept reality was also very strong.    


He had adapted to the new situation.    


The next day.    


The Elders Guild met once again.    


However, the main characters in the exchange this time were Xu Xiaospear and Mengmeng.    


When Elder Ju arrived, she looked at Han Long, Elder An, and the others with a pleased expression.    


The expression seemed to say: Hehe, you have it, we have it too! You have Zhang Yu Meng, and I have Xu Xiao Gun.    


"Aiyo, acting headmaster, how are you?" Tengu waved his hand from afar, "Xu Xiaozheng, as the Sect Leader, I give you my regards."    


Xu Xiaozheng could clearly hear that the other party was putting quite a lot of emphasis on the word 'substitute'.    


Ye Zichen snorted in his heart and ignored her.    


"Sect Leader Zhang, how have you been?" Xu Xiaozheng said indifferently.    




Seeing that, the Mengmeng's expression was calm like water, his Qi was extraordinary, with both of his hands behind his back, it was barely possible for him to nod his head, and he replied with a nasal voice, "En."    


This posture caused the corners of Xu Xiaozheng's mouth to tremble.    


He nearly flew into a rage.    


"With my temper, if it wasn't for your beauty, I would have beaten you up already."    


Xu Xiaohou muttered in his heart.    


Only then was he able to calm his heart and say:    


"We can talk about the details of the alliance."    


Mengmeng waved his hand: "Speak."    


Xu Xiaoqin: "..."    


It made him look like a subordinate of the Mengmeng.    


"Hu ?"    


He let out a long breath and asked, "Does Sect Leader Zhang have any objections?"    


"The three sects' alliance is based on the northern part of the True Martial Sect."    


Mengmeng directly said, "There aren't many remaining members of the True Martial Sect, but they have an advantage, which is the fleet. After they discovered the problem with the Red Peak Sect, many of the fleet left, and the space station was gone, but their fleet held back, this way, we can be prepared for the Star Fleet War. So, the Heavenly Fiend Sect and the Sword Sect must not treat the True Martial Sect with contempt and disrespect."    


"You're right." Xu Xiaozheng nodded.    


"First of all, we will discuss the details of the encirclement and annihilation of the Red Peak Faction in the True Martial Sect when we meet with the members of the True Martial Sect."    


"Sure." Xu Xiaohou nodded again.    


"Once we have a base, more teams will come back. The counterattack is certain. At that time, I do not want anyone to act in private. They will act as an alliance, discuss and obey the orders of the headquarters." The Mengmeng said.    


"You're right."    


Xu Xiaohou nodded.    


"Cough, cough." Elder Ju could not help but let out a light cough.    


Can't you talk about it? What's wrong with you acting Sect Leader?    


"I have a suggestion."    


Xu Xiaozheng immediately said when she heard this.    


"What suggestion?" Mengmeng asked.    


"My suggestion is ?" Xu Xiaozhen said half a sentence before she fell silent.    


He was also thinking, what was his suggestion?    




Mengmeng waited for ten seconds, but he still did not answer.    


"My suggestion is ?"    


Xu Xiaospear finally found a reason. He glanced at the distant Tengu and said:    


"We two sects bid farewell to the old enmity, and the disciples of the two sects communicated with each other more. In fact, everyone is very good, such as that Tengu. I suggest that we exchange pointers after we finish fighting in the Zhen Wu Sect's territory."    


Hearing this insignificant topic.    


The faces of Elder Ju and the rest of the Elders darkened.    


He suddenly began to doubt whether letting Xu Xiaozheng be the Sect Leader was a good decision or not.    


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