Godly Stay-Home Dad



"I heard that Jiajia went with Zhang Guangyou to that mysterious place to avoid disaster."    


Before entering the hotel, Rong Yong finally opened his mouth, and the words he said were actually not pleasant to listen to:    


"He doesn't even care about his own children. This is really ? Heh ?"    


In the end, Rong Yong laughed softly, and only used one word to express his dissatisfaction.    


It was obvious that he was somewhat dissatisfied with Zhang Guangyou.    


Seeing that, Rong Jiaxin helplessly shook his head: "Second brother, didn't I say it already, other than Xiao Han's parents who have yet to be brought back, his life is still very good, and he is extremely powerful."    


"As long as you have potential." Rong Yong said indifferently, and did not speak any further.    


Rong Sheng and his wife looked at each other and chuckled.    


They were already used to Rong Yong's calm temperament, but the two of them, although not being part of the core of the family, were still executives of the family's companies. Although their lives weren't as luxurious as usual, they were definitely rich people in the eyes of ordinary people.    


Therefore, compared to Rong Yong who was mixed in with the officials, their lives were much more relaxed and leisurely. Thus, he was very welcoming of the arrival of Zhang Han and his sister. At the same time, these two uncles of Zhang Han's, could be considered as the minority who supported Rong Jiali and Zhang Guangyou in the beginning.    


The group entered the elevator and reached the ninth floor. Rong Jiaxin led the way to Zhang Han's room.    


After knocking, the door was quickly opened by Zhang Li who ran over.    


"Aunt, you came."    


Zhang Li smiled and greeted them, then curiously looked at Rong Sheng and the other two and did not greet them. Because she had already forgotten which one was the eldest uncle and which one was the second uncle.    


"Hey, they're here."    


Rong Jiaxin replied as he changed his shoes at the door. During this time, everyone looked to the side, there was a very sunny man sitting on the sofa, beside him was a very pretty girl who was curiously looking at them, she must be Zhang Han and his daughter.    


After changing their shoes, led the group to the side. Zhang Han also carried Mengmeng and walked towards them.    


"Xiao Han, Little Li." Rong Jiaxin took the initiative to introduce them, "You two shouldn't remember this soon, this is Big Brother and Sister-in-law, and this is Second Brother."    


"Eldest Uncle, Aunt, Second Uncle, how do you do?"    


Zhang Han and Zhang Li nodded as they greeted each other.    


"Hey, good, good. Quickly sit down. What a beautiful little girl." Rong Sheng's wife said while laughing.    


"Xiao Han is also a talented man, and Little Li is also very beautiful, not bad." Rong Sheng also praised him.    


On the other hand, Rong Yong was as indifferent as ever, only nodding and giving a light 'Mn' sound.    


After everyone had sat down, Rong Sheng's wife sat beside Zhang Li. She looked at Mengmeng and asked: "What is your name?"    


"My name is Zhang Yu Meng, everyone calls me Mengmeng." Mengmeng replied as she blinked her large watery eyes.    


Before he came into contact with Zhang Han, Mengmeng was a little timid. Because there weren't many strangers around, the number of people by his side gradually increased. Although the little guy would be shy, it still greeted him generously.    


It also caused the eyes of Rong Sheng and his wife to light up. Rong Yong's eyes flashed slightly as she recognized the little beauty that the Mengmeng had.    


"Mengmeng, why are you so beautiful?" Rong Sheng's wife Jia Wei asked.    


"Wu, because, because Baba is handsome, and Mama is beautiful, Mengmeng is beautiful."    


Mengmeng's words made Zhang Han laugh involuntarily.    


"Hehehehe." Jia Wei covered his mouth and laughed, then said: "Then do you know who I am?"    


"Eh?" Mengmeng was stunned and looked at Zhang Han with clear and large eyes.    


This was the first time they had met.    


"She's your aunt, and they're your uncle." Zhang Han introduced the place to the Mengmeng.    


"Mhmm." Mengmeng leaned her head against Zhang Han's arm and said a little shyly: "Hello, uncle grandpa."    


"Alright, alright. Hahaha." Seeing that, Rong Sheng's eyes turned green: This cute little girl, she is really envious. Ahh, my disappointing son, is almost 32, and yet he is still unable to return home, and has been worried to death for an entire day!    


While talking, Rong Sheng seemed to be gnashing his teeth in anger, but he quickly reacted and laughed:    


"Xiao Han still has something important to take care of."    


Rong Sheng gave Zhang Han a big thumbs up, and said: "If there was still Guangyou who sees this biological granddaughter, she probably will be smiling from ear to ear, it's really really great!"    


"That's right, I want a granddaughter so badly that I can play with her every day. I'm not like you, Xiao Han, who would rarely meet her." Jia Wei also shook his head.    


The two of them laughed, and then, Rong Yong opened his mouth for the first time:    


"Mengmeng's mother didn't come over?"    


"Sister-in-law would definitely come, she just went to busy herself with her work. She won't be able to come back until late at night." Zhang Li shook his head and replied.    


"Did you go to work?" Rong Sheng was slightly taken aback: "They're going to start a company soon, or is it?"    


"Yi, my Mama is a big star." Mengmeng explained as she snuggled up to Zhang Han's side.    


"Celebrity?" Rong Yong heard and frowned. He looked at Mengmeng for two seconds, then looked at Zhang Han for another two seconds, and finally said: "If the people from Zhang family knew that you have married a star, it would be hard to recognize you, but ?"    




Zhang Han didn't wait for him to come over, she directly waved her hand, and interrupted:    


"Right now, I am not someone from the Zhang family. Moreover, I don't need the approval of anyone to marry me."    


This made the corner of Rong Yong's mouth twitch, speechless.    


His expression was not very strange, but his heart was feeling a little strange. Most juniors would feel a bit afraid when facing themselves, which was related to their serious expressions, but the Zhang Han in front of them, did not care at all.    


'This is a rather good mind.'    


Although Rong Yong was choked to the point that he did not speak, he was secretly praising her in his heart.    


At the same time, Rong Yong's silence and Zhang Han's somewhat stiff words caused the atmosphere on stage to become a little awkward.    


Rong Sheng's eyes froze for a moment before he smiled and said: "Second brother, if Big Brother didn't say anything about you, what's wrong with being a star? "Your family's girl even dreamed of being a celebrity. It's not good to have such ambiguity when you're in the government."    


"That's right." Jia Wei also rolled his eyes at Rong Yong, and said: "Ah, you're here, don't put on airs, there's no one outside, I'm not tired."    


In that moment, the corner of Rong Yong's mouth twitched.    


Alright, I was only able to say a few words before I was attacked by a group of people?    


He finally laughed twice, shook his head, and said, "I don't have any other meanings, I'm just guessing whether the people of the Zhang family would do that or not."    


Jia Wei chuckled, then looked at Mengmeng and asked: "Then what is your mother's name? They're big stars, and we might even know each other. "    


"My Mama's name is Zi Yan." Mengmeng pouted and replied.    


"Ah?" Zi Yan? "    


Jia Wei's expression suddenly froze, then he stopped himself and couldn't help but say: "I really know her. She just saw the Chinese New Voice a few days ago. She's too beautiful. There will always be people chasing after her in the program. "    


She had even seen Zi Yan holding hands with the man wearing the big sunglasses, looking happy. She was a woman, and she had obviously felt it was very sweet at the time, but when she heard that she was Zhang Han's wife, she felt that it wasn't sweet, but a little green instead.    


"Aunt, that person who is pursuing me is my brother. Can't you tell?" Zhang Li said while laughing.    


"Your brother?"    


Rong Sheng and the other two were startled, and started to carefully examine Zhang Han.    


"Now that you mention it, I feel like it's true. Aiyo, that's Xiao Han." Rong Sheng said in surprise: "I really can't see through something like a model for a program."    


"That's right." Jia Wei covered his mouth and laughed: "You scared me, I really like Zi Yan. Seeing her sing in the program, I thought that she had gotten a boyfriend, but I didn't think that that would be Xiao Han, gege, I was wondering why Mengmeng is so cute and beautiful, so mother is so beautiful."    


"Oh, my Baba is also very handsome." Mengmeng added.    


One less?    


After they talked for a bit, Zhang Han looked at Rong Yong and casually asked:    


"I wonder what level second uncle is at now?"    


"Err ?" Rong Yong's expression froze.    


However, Rong Jiaxin answered a question for him. "Your second uncle is now the Division Chief."    


Division Chief?    


Zhang Li's expression paused for a moment.    


Even the corners of Zhang Han's mouth could not help but twitch.    


Damn it, with such authority, he thought it would at least be the backbone of a department head or something like that.    


"Your second uncle was in the vice division a year ago. Originally, he had hopes of becoming the minister this year, but due to some reasons, he was reduced to the department ?"    


As they continued to chat, Zhang Han and the others understood the situation of these relatives. Rong Sheng and Jia Wei had a son, so they worked easily and loved to play. Rong Yong was just a daughter, so they could understand from their situation that they were still a distance away from the core of Rong family.    


They were planning to wait for Zi Yan to come back to entertain them in the evening.    


Usually, Zi Yan would be back by three o'clock, but there was a problem.    


On the eleventh floor of Ru Xin Hotel, Zi Yan was singing on the stage.    


Beside them stood a few uninvited guests.    


"As expected of Zi Yan, she's so f * cking beautiful, even a dead ghost under a peony flower is so amorous, I don't want her to leave this hotel anymore!"    


Ning Xiaotian had a face full of desire, but his gaze was fixated at the two men beside him.    


Gu Peng and Gu Shuai were the sons of the Patriarch of Gu family. The twins were also playboy sons, but they were much stronger than Ning Xiaotian.    


They wouldn't give up on such a beautiful woman like Zi Yan. Gu family, with his extraordinary status, had given them a life without fear of the heavens or the earth.    


The key was that they did not touch the martial world, and they did not know who Zi Yan's woman was!    


Ning Xiaotian also carried a heavy burden, so he wanted to show off and borrow a blade to kill someone.    


But after he said that, he realized that Gu Peng and Gu Shuai did not make any movements.    


Therefore, Ning Xiaotian continued to exclaim:    


"She's too beautiful. Her figure is protruding from the front and back. If she were to ravage him while hugging him, it would be unimaginable."    


"The most important thing is the face. Just thinking about it makes me react."    




Ning Xiaotian muttered to himself, and very quickly, he finished singing this song.    


After an intense round of applause, Zi Yan nodded at the few of them, and then walked towards the side.    


Why is there no movement?    


Ning Xiaotian looked at the two people on the right side in shock and bewilderment, then took two steps forward.    


Only now did he realize that Gu Peng's eyes were wide open, and there was saliva at the corner of his mouth.    


The MMP, so these two were completely dumbfounded!    


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