Godly Stay-Home Dad



Heavenly Thunder Sect, an ancient sect.    


The inner sect, outer sect disciples, and even outer sect disciples could not be considered the orthodox descendants of the Heavenly Thunder Sect, but there were still 18 peaks that were usually taught by the various Peak Master s, outer sect elders, and Deacons s. If one had any talent, they could be taken in as a disciple by these people.    


Cultivation involved a lot of things, including alchemy, refining, and beast taming. However, most of them focused on cultivating the divine lightning technique.    


Only by entering the Upper Sky Realm could outer sect disciples have the right to enter the inner sect.    


This opportunity was the Martial Competition held every five years. The Xiantian disciples of the 18 outer sect would compete in the arena and compete for the chance to enter the inner sect.    


Only those in the Aurous Core stage could have the strength to go down the mountain to train. The Nascent Soul stage is the backbone of the sect, and the Spirit Transformation stage is the realm of many elders. As for Heavenly Thunder Sect's Sect Master Lei Yi, he is in the Body Fusion stage.    


Even in Immortal Cultivation World, this was considered a large sect.    


And these news was something that Zhang Han had seen from the murals on the wall as well as information. It recorded the various incidents of the Heavenly Thunder Sect that went from its establishment to the development of a hundred years.    


In the beginning, it was Lei Yi, three disciples and the people who followed them who formed the Heavenly Thunder Sect. After ten years of development, the sect had reached a scale of sixty years, and after seventy years, the number of disciples in the sect was over ten thousand, and there were over a hundred elders. After a hundred years, the number of disciples in the sect was over a hundred thousand, and there were a thousand Deity Stage elders.    


However, even the most powerful sects couldn't compare to the passage of time.    


Now, the Heavenly Thunder Sect had disappeared, leaving behind this ancient ruin for them to explore.    


As for the 18 outer sect peaks, there were some treasures. It was obvious that the inner sect had more probing abilities.    


However, opportunities often came with danger, and such sects, and even Zhang Han, had already started to be cautious.    


"Eh? Wait! Did you hear that? "    


Lei Tiannan suddenly paused, and after listening attentively, he asked in shock: "I think I heard thunder."    


"No need to listen, it's over there."    


Wang Zhanpeng's expression was somewhat stiff as he pointed to the right.    


Turning his head to look, he saw that just as the tail of one bolt of lightning landed, the other bolt of lightning rose another thirty thousand feet.    


"Who is it? Why did it have to do with hard steel and thunder? Should we go and take a look? " Lei Tiannan said somewhat apprehensive.    


Seeing Zhang Han nod his head, the three of them moved and rushed over.    


Although the distance was quite far, Zhang Han and the rest were very fast, and after around ten minutes, they reached their destination.    


At this moment, he saw an azure-robed man holding onto a palm-sized sphere.    


Lightning flashed inside the sphere. He was obviously absorbing the lightning here to raise his own treasure.    




"What a pity this is a quasi-Saint artifact."    


Zhang Han shook his head slightly as he fixed himself in place with Wang Zhanpeng and the others.    


It was obvious that the treasure in the green clothed man's hands was a third rank spiritual treasure, but the quality was extremely close to that of a fourth stage spirit beast.    


He could have waited for some refining materials to help the treasure level up, but after seeing the thunder here, he wanted to take this opportunity to subdue some.    


Another example of a good idea, a cruel reality.    


Now he wanted to stop, but he couldn't.    


Just as Lei Tiannan was about to ask, kacha!    


An explosive sound came from all directions as a three thousand meter long Taiyi wood for Lightning dropped down from the sky.    


"This is bad!"    


The green clothed man cried out in alarm. He wanted to retrieve the treasure, but he couldn't place it back into the dimensional ring.    


At this critical moment, he saw that the Taiyi wood for Lightning was about to land and immediately threw the treasure in his hand forward. At the same time, his eyes showed pain.    


But who knew?    


Ka-cha! *    


The descent of the Taiyi wood for Lightning caused a crack to appear on the precious pearl.    


But it seems to be a butterfly effect.    


Ka-cha! *    


A second crack appeared.    


Shortly after, the third and fourth rift appeared.    




An explosive sound echoed out. Dozens of lightning bolts, which were stored within the precious pearl, shot out in all directions towards the green-clothed man.    


Under his bloodless face and lifeless gaze.    


Thunder crashed down.    




"This thunder is so terrifying! Luckily we found the clothes in time, or else the consequences would have been unthinkable! "    


Lei Tiannan could not help but take in a breath of cold air.    


As the lightning bolts struck down, the green-clothed man was completely shattered into nothingness.    


"Let's go."    


Zhang Han looked at them calmly for a bit before leading them to turn around and leave.    


Previously, he was deep in the mountains in the forest. Under the rolling black clouds in the weather, he was unable to find the right direction.    


Now that he knew the location of the Heavenly Thunder Sect, he could just go over directly.    


He continued to move forward.    


He didn't see any creatures along the way.    


In this beautiful place, there was no human or beast.    


Like the last relic, there were even creatures like Flame Soul.    


And this time, there was nothing left.    


main sect, who had originally thought that he could reach the Heavenly Thunder Sect after walking for more than three hours.    


But they never thought that Zhang Han and the other two would take more than five hours to reach this place.    




The three of them stood on top of a mountain and looked at the Heavenly Thunder main sect from afar.    


Seeing the scene in front of his eyes, Lei Tiannan's eyes gradually enlarged: "I'm afraid this area is comparable to a city! Bigger than even the Xiangjiang s, scary! "    


"The area is indeed very large. There's still around 13 hours." Wang Zhanpeng looked at the time hourglass and shook his head. "Thirteen hours. To explore such a big place, I'm afraid that I'll only be able to explore the tip of the iceberg."    


"Let's go over first."    


Zhang Han took a long breath.    


The Wen Bao's nose was still the same, the other places did not have the scent of any treasures.    


However, when they got close to the city, the entire city seemed to be filled with the scent of treasures.    


Just like the Shadow Bamboo Peak from before, the location of the sect was a treasure. However, it could only be seen and not retrieved!    


After such a long period of time, only the treasure could perpetuate the former prosperity of the sect.    


Reaching near.    


He saw a city wall over a thousand feet tall. The door was wide open, but on both sides of the door, there were two human statues of beast heads with a pair of horns on their heads.    


They each held two giant forks with a fierce glint in their eyes, as if they were staring at themselves.    


"They died alive? Why did I blink at the right eyelid? " Lei Tiannan suddenly shouted out.    


For a moment, his hair stood on end.    


This thing was too scary!    


"I also felt his eyelids blink a moment ago, Xiao Han, what's going on?" Wang Zhanpeng's body did not move, his entire body was ice-cold.    


"Don't look at their eyes. They are just two strange beast statues."    


Zhang Han took a few casual glances before leading the way into the city.    


"Hu ?"    


Wang Zhanpeng and Lei Tiannan looked at each other and heaved a sigh of relief.    


Then, she quickly followed Zhang Han's footsteps, hugging her thighs and rushed in.    


Outside the door, there was no one inside, giving off a deathly still feeling.    


But when he stepped into it ?    


Crash! *    


All sorts of noises resounded.    


On both sides of the street, in front of the buildings, there were many people coming and going. There were also stalls, various snacks, weapon shops, teahouses, restaurants, and even ? In the brothel.    


It was a living painting from an ancient era.    




As they watched, Lei Tiannan and Wang Zhanpeng became a little absent-minded again, even wanting to go to the restaurant for a drink. But at this time, Zhang Han's voice exploded in their minds.    


Accompanying it was a clear stream that filled his head.    


Their spirits were jolted and they recovered from the shock.    


He was slightly shocked by the realism of this place!    


"Zhang Han, should we go to the houses on both sides?" Lei Tiannan warned as he looked to both sides.    


"Let's go in and take a look."    


Zhang Han answered, and the red glow in his eyes disappeared.    


He had just opened his Soul Eye. Under the effects of the Soul Eye, the scene here was completely devoid of any traces of human life. It was extremely desolate.    


This was only the outskirts of the city, so the chances of spiritual treasure appearing wasn't high. Furthermore, there were empty houses on both sides of the city, Zhang Han felt like he was being watched.    


He knew that if he were to enter, he would likely be ambushed.    


He might as well go to the main sect in Heavenly Thunder Sect to have a look.    


After all, there wasn't much time left for them.    


After walking for around an hour.    


Suddenly, Zhang Han stopped in his tracks and looked at the right side of the street. At the intersection, laid a man dressed in black.    


Looking at his clothes, he was someone who had come to explore the ruins, and Zhang Han had also seen him before, a disciple of another sect who had followed Gai Xingkong.    


"This, why did another one die?" Lei Tiannan raised his brows.    


He was lying on the ground in the middle of the road, but it was as if the crowd couldn't see him.    


However, the three of them could clearly see it.    


Not only could he see it, there was even a palm-sized wooden board next to him that had a line of words on it:    


"If you see it, start from here, don't explore the houses on both sides. Go deeper in, that is the location of the main sect."    


There was a hint of warning in his words.    


It also meant that the peeping that Zhang Han felt was a dangerous element.    


Zhang Han muttered to himself for a moment, then nodded his head.    


"Let's go inside."    


"Alright." Wang Zhanpeng and Lei Tiannan nodded.    


Of course they followed Zhang Han wherever he went.    


The two of them finally understood that in this city or the Shadow Bamboo Peak just now, without an experienced person leading them, they would be in danger.    


However, the two of them were also experienced people, like Wang Zhanpeng. They only tried moving aside at the outermost area of the Shadow Bamboo Mountain, and they immediately retreated after coming into contact with it.    


If they were in the forest, they wouldn't encounter any danger, but in this city, they were completely blind.    


The sky at this place was still a black cloud but one could vaguely see that the black cloud in the distance ahead was constantly churning and there were even a few faint green colored lightning bolts descending. Obviously, that was the center of the city, the location of the main sect!    


They went in again.    


The houses on both sides of the road were getting more and more high-end, and there were even some small palaces here and there.    


Finally, the three of them arrived at a somewhat different place.    


The front part of the building was empty, but there was a huge lake in front of them.    


The water in the lake was constantly churning. In the center of the lake, there was a large island.    


There were many buildings on the island, and there was a huge palace at the very side. The three words on top of the palace could be clearly read here:    


Heavenly Thunder Sect!    


He looked to both sides, but he could not see the end of the lake, because the distant lake was shrouded in a faint mist.    


In other words, there was a thin layer of fog on the surface of the lake. When looking from afar, one wouldn't be able to see through the superimposed fog.    


On the left, a few hundred meters away, stood a small group of people. On the shore, there seemed to be a small group of people standing on the shore, next to the words Heavenly Thunder Sect, a total of six long chain bridges.    


It seemed very far, but for cultivators like them, it was just a step forward.    


The three of them moved toward Wang Lin.    


There were a total of eleven people, and even the barnyard was among them.    


Everyone seemed to be discussing something. There were two people standing by the bridge, their gazes extremely solemn. It was as if crossing the bridge required a great deal of courage.    


But before they could do anything, Gai Xingkong turned his head to look, and was stunned.    


"Xiao Han!"    


He laughed out loud.    


"Hahaha, you've arrived too. I thought it was just three projections. If I looked carefully, it's you guys."    


"Yes, we came from Shadow Bamboo Peak." Zhang Han nodded and answered.    


From the small wooden tablet that he previously mentioned, he felt that Gai Xingkong or the others should know of the map here.    




Gai Xingkong was slightly stunned for a moment, and then said: "The area around the Shadow Bamboo Peak is truly quite far away, it should be at the edge of the ruins, and is also the farthest and most remote place among the eighteen outer sect peaks. I am relatively lucky, and directly landed at the Dragon Enlightenment Peak, which is the closest place to the main city."    




The corner of Zhang Han's mouth twitched.    


What kind of situation was this? Why was it that every time he reached the ruins, it would only be at the edge of the region? He felt like there was a little bit of malice hidden within!    


"I only found a few Heaven-grade treasure in the mountain, there were quite a few of them, but they weren't really worth looking at, so I came to the main city early on, in the houses on both sides of the city, there were light green lightning bolts, and the degree of attack seemed to be related to the level of the house, but there weren't any treasures inside, so I came here to prepare to go to Heavenly Thunder Sect, but who would have thought that I would have to pass through the bridge first? There were more than a thousand stone tablets on the bridge, and every single one of them would have a light green lightning bolt.    


Gai Xingkong explained the situation here:    


I can withstand one, and can rest on the stone for two minutes. I tried it three times, the first time was 500 stone tablets, the second time was 570, the third time was 660. This should be the affinity of the thunder here, I think if I tried it a few more times, I would be able to enter, but unfortunately, there isn't much time left.    


Saying that, Gai Xingkong laughed bitterly.    


There was a certain type of person who, upon seeing a precious mountain, could only look at it.    


"That's right!" Geiger has some attainments in the physical body, unlike me. " barnyard helplessly shook his head, and said: "I forced myself to go up, but I still managed to persevere to only three hundred and ten stone tablets."    


"Not bad, I only held on to a hundred and sixty points."    


"I'm fine, more than 400, but I don't think the time is up even before we enter the relic."    


"Only the Geiger would have any hope of entering."    


"That's right, Geiger, why don't you continue moving forward? We're looking at it? " The two people who were originally standing in front of the metal chain bridge asked.    


Amongst the two of them, one of them had medium term of master stage and the other was the late stage.    


Seeing that, Gai Xingkong waved his hand, and said:    


"If you want to try, then go ahead and try. There are six bridges in total, so it won't be a big deal."    




After the two answered, their bodies moved and each bought a stone tablet.    


From the looks of it, the two were planning to have a duel.    


Ka-cha! *    


The moment they stepped on the stone slab, a hundred meter long bolt of lightning appeared out of nowhere. It was the Taiyi wood for Lightning, and it directly smashed into the two of them.    


Tsssssss! *    


He saw the two of them 'epilepsy' on the stone slab, but it only lasted for two seconds.    


And then, it was followed by a second stone tablet. Like before, a thousand feet of thunder crashed down.    


Tsssssss! *    


The two of them walked forward while shaking.    


During this time, Gai Xingkong shook his head and said:    


Thunder is different depending on the person, even 3 meters is different. My thunder is 300 feet tall, the others are also 100 to 200 feet. At the start, the striking power of thunder was not high, but it gradually increased.    




Zhang Han nodded, and carefully observed the two in front.    


They walked to one hundred and seventy stone slabs and two hundred and five stone slabs before retreating explosively. They sat on the edge of the platform and panted, "My entire body is numb."    


"Xiao Han, are we going together?"    


At this time, Gai Xingkong's eyes suddenly had a tinge of fighting intent.    


He planned to fight with Zhang Han in this way.    




Zhang Han calmly nodded.    


Seeing that, the people on Gai Xingkong's side all laughed.    


Although there was no intention to mock him, he still said with certainty:    


"Master Zhang, although your fighting strength is strong, this Thunder Bridge might not be able to compare to Geiger's!"    


"That's right, the Geiger has a body refining secret art, which is why they are able to achieve a terrifying battle record of nearly seven hundred stone tablets."    


"This is the fourth time for Geiger, I think you will definitely be able to break through 700 stone tablets. If you can reach 500 stone tablets, you would be considered to have surpassed the Geiger, but this is very, very difficult."    




Several people started to discuss with each other, as they firmly believed in Gai Xingkong.    


Zhang Han did not mind, as this was not something he could say, but the five hundred stone tablets should be enough, right?    


"I'll give it a try too."    


Lei Tiannan was eager to give it a try, and immediately treated the stone tablet as a competition.    


"And me."    


Wang Zhanpeng also came over.    


There were a total of six bridges, and now there were four.    


The others thought for a moment and decided not to participate. After all, there were two powerful experts. If they were to go up too close, it would be embarrassing for them.    


"Let's begin!"    


Gai Xingkong laughed, and then he moved and stepped onto the stone platform.    


Zhang Han and the other two followed behind, walking towards the stone slab of their bridge.    


Ka-cha! *    


The one hundred and fifty meters long thunder and lightning appeared from nowhere.    


Ka-cha! *    


Above Lei Tiannan, a six hundred meter long lightning appeared.    


Ka-cha! *    


Above Wang Zhanpeng's head, another six hundred meters of lightning also appeared out of nowhere.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


Then to the far right.    


The crisp sound of thunder turned into a dull and deafening sound.    


It was as though an explosion had occurred beside their ears, causing them to feel slightly dizzy for an instant.    


Soon after, a blinding light illuminated the entire city.    


The next second.    


After seeing the screen, everyone's expressions became blank.    


The heck! "This, this, this, what is this thing?"    


Only ?    


A thirty meter long lightning formed above Zhang Han.    


Looking at this gigantic Taiyi wood for Lightning.    


The corners of Zhang Han's eyes, mouth, and mouth were trembling uncontrollably.    


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