Godly Stay-Home Dad





When this thirty kilometers of lightning descended, Lei Tiannan's face paled slightly, and he asked subconsciously.    


The heavens were mighty!    


This bolt of lightning had truly made him tremble with fear.    


Zhang Han's eyes looked towards the right, and then he raised his head and looked at the thirty thousand meter tall lightning. At this moment, his body was radiating a dazzling golden light.    


"Normal thunder, no matter how much energy it has, it's still not even a 10,000% of the attribute thunder!"    


Zhang Han planned to forcefully endure this hundred meter long bolt of lightning because he could vaguely sense, or perhaps he wanted to see, just what would happen after this lightning!    


Right at this moment.    


A person wearing a green robe ran out from the right, it was Wang Zhanpeng.    


At this time, Wang Zhanpeng was holding the Mountain and River Banner in his left hand with the flag slightly shining with light, constantly activating array formations behind him.    


At the same time, when he saw that it was Zhang Han and Lei Tiannan ?    




"No way!" Xiao Han, you have already attracted a hundred meters of thunder? Fast! I'll give you a robe to wear, there are pursuers behind you, quickly save me! "    


Wang Zhanpeng then took out two of the other three robes hanging around his waist and threw them towards Zhang Han and Lei Tiannan.    


Lei Tiannan looked at him, startled, and then understood what was going on.    


That robe could block out the senses of the lightning!    




Lei Tiannan was caught off guard as he quickly draped the long robe over his body.    


Weng! *    


Instantly, a faint cyan began to spread around Lei Tiannan's body, and then dissipated.    


However, what he did not notice was that the dissipating cyan was floating towards a direction along the ground.    


After receiving it, Zhang Han muttered to himself for a moment, and did not put it on.    


Ka-cha! *    


Thick bolts of lightning came crashing down.    


Because of its length, the lightning fell on him from the beginning all the way to the end, and the entire process actually lasted for an entire minute!    


After the Righteous Dao Thunder was endured.    


Zhang Han maintained the same standing posture the entire time.    


"Xiao Han why aren't you wearing your robes, the pursuers behind you are about to break my formation!"    


Wang Zhanpeng said anxiously.    


"What pursuers?" Lei Tiannan vigilantly looked to the right, and other than the trees, there was nothing else.    


"They seem to be dead spirits with the strength of Late master stage, and are especially difficult to deal with." Wang Zhanpeng still had a little fear in his heart.    


But, standing beside Zhang Han, she felt a lot more relaxed.    


Just as the two were speaking, Zhang Han let out a long exhale, moved his stiff body slightly, and quickly calmed down.    


The chop just now had numbed his body for five breaths of time, and that was all thanks to the gold nail, otherwise, Zhang Han would have been unconscious for even longer.    


After moving for a bit, Zhang Han looked at the robe. It was normal and ordinary, but the local robe was able to block lightning.    


"What is it?"    


Zhang Han asked as he raised his head to look at Wang Zhanpeng.    


It seems to be a sect. Not long after, I saw an incredibly large mountain, and at the foot of the mountain, there were some ancient houses, similar to villas, but with smoke floating above them, it was a little scary. Later on, I saw lightning becoming increasingly stronger, so I broke into a house.    


As he spoke till here, Wang Zhanpeng's gaze revealed a hint of a throbbing emotion:    


"Later on, when I put on this robe, there was suddenly an additional person in that room. His eyes were staring straight at me, scaring me to death! And then I ran away. "    


"Sect?" Zhang Han was slightly stunned.    


If he wanted to understand this ruin, he would have to go and take a look at that sect.    


Right at this moment, Wang Zhanpeng's expression changed. He looked behind him and said: "He broke through my formation, he's here!"    


"Where?" Lei Tiannan looked around with his eyes wide, for a long time he did not see any movement, so he asked in a strange tone.    


"Xiao Han is here! "It's about fifty meters in front of us!" Wang Zhanpeng suddenly pointed to the right.    


"No!" Lei Tiannan shook his head, suddenly he also felt that it was a little strange.    




Zhang Han frowned.    


Because he did not see anything either, even the spiritual sense did not sense anything.    


"Do I have to put on a long robe?"    


Zhang Han pondered for a while, because he wanted to see if the lightning would still strike after ten minutes, so he did not put on the long robe.    


Fortunately, he could now use one technique, allowing him to see through illusions.    


Weng! *    


A huge amount of spiritual sense gathered in Zhang Han's eyes.    


Soul Eye, open!    


In an instant, Zhang Han's pupils turned blood-red.    


At this moment, the scene in front of his eyes changed. The sky and everything around him turned light red.    


However, what was different from before was that there was indeed another person tens of meters in front of him!    


This person was a Young man. His long hair was fluttering in the wind, and he wore the exact same robe as Wang Zhanpeng. With a burning rod in hand, he charged straight towards Wang Zhanpeng, eyes filled with killing intent.    


This feeling, was as if Wang Zhanpeng had stolen something from him.    


"Elder Wang, try attacking him."    


Zhang Han said.    




Wang Zhanpeng replied as both his hands fiercely slapped forward.    


Suddenly, the two half-meter long palms made of Spiritual Qi slammed down. However, when it reached near, it directly passed through the man's body and landed on the ground behind him.    


Weng! *    


Anger flashed across the man's face, and he quickened his pace.    


"This kind of attack is useless. Only an array formation can restrict him." Wang Zhanpeng said as he wiped off his cold sweat.    


Zhang Han observed for a bit, when the man reached the front 20 metres.    


Green Dark Seal!    


A profound imprint flashed after the Green Dark Seal was completely summoned by the spiritual sense.    


However, what corresponded to it was the disappearance of that man's body.    


Before he dissipated, he looked at Zhang Han with slight malice.    


It made Zhang Han look like he had done something outrageous.    


"This is the Earth Soul. It's the map of some kind of treasure in that sect. Let's go take a look." Zhang Han slowly said.    


"Map of the treasure?" Wang Zhanpeng slightly froze for a bit, then his eyes lit up: "So you're saying, that sect has a treasure within?"    


"Damn, the rank of the treasure must not be low, right? Can you have a saint artifact? " Lei Tiannan asked.    


Zhang Han muttered to himself irresolutely before spitting out a sentence that caused both of them to turn pale with fright. "To be able to reach such a stage, one must at least be a divine object."    


Earthly souls were divided into many different types. The one he saw just now was the location, which meant that the soul was a reflection of a person's personality or actions before death.    


But the servants in Late master stage ?    


It looked like that sect was quite strong as well.    


Although this Earth Soul Master did not have the true strength of Late master stage, the degree of strangeness and the treasures at that place meant that he was not ordinary.    


"Then let's go."    


Wang Zhanpeng licked his dry lips, then took the lead to walk towards the right.    


He quickly dashed forward.    


Ten minutes later.    


Ka-cha! *    


A loud sound exploded from all directions.    


"Aiya, I'll go!"    


Lei Tiannan trembled in fear.    


Looking up, he saw a hundred feet long bolt of lightning descending from the sky. He could not help but curse:    


"Smaller thunder!" Such a small thunder, and it's even so loud! "    


Actually, at this moment, Wang Zhanpeng also had the same thought.    


The three of them raised their heads to look at the sky, only to see the lightning bolt enter the range of Zhang Han's spiritual sense.    




His expression changed slightly. With a flick of his right hand, he immediately draped the long robe over his shoulders.    


This was because this thunder had already transformed into an attribute thunder!    


This faint green colored lightning, was the Taiyi wood for Lightning!    


All right.    


Since the attribute thunder has been formed, I won't play with you anymore.    


Zhang Han then donned his robes.    


He put on his robe, but the lightning still continued to fly straight at Zhang Han.    




When it landed on Zhang Han's body.    


He realized that the robe did not absorb any kind of lightning energy, and even the gold nail only blocked fifty percent of it, while the other fifty percent made Zhang Han's body go numb from the electricity.    


At the same time, a strong destructive force surged through Zhang Han's body, and the Taiyi wood for Lightning was continuously exterminated by Zhang Han's spirit energy.    


However, it was a wood attribute lightning that continued to grow. It destroyed ten inches, causing it to regenerate three inches.    


This caused the amount of time that Thunder could last for to increase by a lot.    


Two minutes later, Zhang Han finally expelled the numbing sensation from his body.    


However, what he did not notice was that a faintly discernable light green colored lightning entered Zhang Han's divine sense sea and was absorbed by the clouds above his divine sense sea in the blink of an eye.    


"Hu ?"    


Zhang Han exhaled a long breath.    


Just as he was preparing to continue.    


Lei Tiannan screamed in shock, "Ah!"    


Then, he quickly retreated. Zhang Han focused and used his Soul Eye again.    


A figure was standing behind Lei Tiannan, holding a kitchen knife in his right hand, ready to wave it.    


Behind the man, fifty metres away, a fatty holding a cooking shovel rushed towards Zhang Han.    


'These are really the clothes of a servant... '    


The corner of Zhang Han's mouth twitched.    


"You may leave."    


With a wave of his hand, the Green Dark Seal took out two of its souls and dissipated.    


The three of them immediately continued forward.    


This time, because they were all wearing long robes, there was no lightning that struck again.    


After advancing for another twenty minutes, they finally arrived at the place Wang Zhanpeng had mentioned.    


This was a very wide mountain with a very high altitude.    


At the foot of the mountain, there were many residential areas.    


At this place, Zhang Han scanned the place with his spiritual sense, but discovered that he could only extend it by three hundred meters, and even the houses could not be inspected.    


"Let's explore for a bit."    


Zhang Han said as he looked at the houses.    


"Alright!" Then let's take a look at these three rows of houses? If there's anything strange, we can take care of each other. Furthermore, this place is too big, so I estimate that it will take us a long time to finish exploring everything here. " Lei Tiannan took a glance at them and suggested.    


Time was limited, and he couldn't waste too much time here.    


Zhang Han also had the same thought, he nodded, and then moved.    


He began to explore an ancient house that was connected to another.    


It was spotless, as if it had just been cleaned. On the other side was a wooden bed, and five sets of clothes were neatly placed at the edge of the bed. From the looks of it, it seemed like there were five people who used to live here.    


With nothing left, Zhang Han started on the second room.    


When he came out, he also saw Wang Zhanpeng and Lei Tiannan.    


They also shook their heads, indicating that there was nothing.    


Thus, the three of them quickly tried to explore the interior of the house.    




The group gathered at the inner side, forming a stone path that spiraled upwards.    


"Let's go up and take a look." Zhang Han said.    


He continued to climb until he reached a point where the trees were all red bamboo.    


Bamboo also looked very ordinary.    


It was empty, but suddenly.    




Wang Zhanpeng and Lei Tiannan suddenly opened their eyes wide.    


Turning to the right, he saw that there were over a hundred people in the bamboo forest. They were hacking bamboo with machetes.    




Zhang Han softly said.    


"The images that appeared were from the past. To put it in perspective, they looked like a mirage of time warping."    


"Phew ?" I was really shocked that I could see it all of a sudden. " Lei Tiannan slowly shook his head and sighed: "As expected of a relic that is close to [A] class, astonishing!"    


"Fortunately, it's not particularly dangerous." Wang Zhanpeng also said.    


He felt that if he could find the laws of thunder, then the danger level after dodging would be much lower.    


"This should be the outskirts."    


Zhang Han shook his head slightly, feeling that this place was a little unusual.    


Because he could feel that the spiritual treasure that he had previously guessed to be at least stage five.    


It was obviously this entire mountain.    


Immovable like a mountain.    


Since he couldn't take it away, he could only watch.    


As he continued upwards, he saw numerous buildings along the mountainside.    


The buildings here were all mansions with a small courtyard and cultivation areas in front and behind.    


"Let's go take a look!"    


Zhang Han said, the three of them dispersed once again, and continued their exploration.    


"Xiao Han, Xiao Han! I found a treasure! "    


Ten minutes later, Wang Zhanpeng suddenly called out.    




Zhang Han and Lei Tiannan quickly appeared at the intersection, only to see a palm sized brown stone peacefully lying in Wang Zhanpeng's right hand.    


The undulations above it was that of a Heaven-grade treasure.    


Only, Lei Tiannan and Wang Zhanpeng could not recognize him even after looking at him for a few times.    


Zhang Han was the one who observed it for a while and revealed its origins:    


"Brownwind Stone is a type of formation stone. The effect of setting up the formation is very good, and it can also be used as the eye of the formation. How many times can it be used?"    


"Array Stone ?" Wang Zhanpeng looked at it a few more times, then passed the treasure to Zhang Han: "Xiao Han, you ?"    


"Elder Wang, take it yourself. Coming here to find a treasure, it naturally belongs to whoever gets it. If I really want it, I will trade it with you." Zhang Han shook his head slightly.    


Usually, they would exchange favors and gifts with each other, but in the relic, Zhang Han preferred to be more clear about it, and did not want to take advantage of anyone.    


"This... "Alright then." In the end, Wang Zhanpeng kept the treasure and placed it in the cloth sack by his waist.    


In this relic, he had just tried it, but he couldn't put it inside the Mountain and River Banner, so he could only bring it with him.    


"Then let's continue our exploration?" Lei Tiannan was in high spirits.    


The first treasure meant there was a second treasure.    




Ten minutes later, Lei Tiannan let out a hearty laugh, "I've found a crystal!"    


After a few minutes, Wang Zhanpeng said, "I also found a crystal stone."    


As for Zhang Han ?    


There were five crystals and two stone-like treasures hanging from their waists, and there were even a few pill bottles that were in perfect condition. However, none of the pill s were found.    


The pill bottle was also relatively ordinary so Zhang Han didn't take it with him.    


It seemed like there were some treasures of the stone attribute left behind, but almost nothing else.    


It took him an hour to finish exploring this area.    


The harvest was not bad.    


This made Zhang Han a little curious, maybe there would be some bigger gains at the top of the mountain.    


As a result, the three continued to ascend.    


They passed through a few mountainside main residance regions.    


Each of them explored and found a few crystals, all of them to be low-grade crystal s.    


After that, the three of them passed through a cloud and arrived at the peak of the mountain.    


Looking at the scene before him, he couldn't help but be shocked in his heart.    


This area was formed from many large halls.    


In the center, there was a palace with the largest area of all of them on the back.    


This made them clear that these people had come from the back mountain.    


"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!"    


Just as he entered the palace area, a hubbub of noise came from afar.    


"What's going on?"    


"How many people are there?"    


The expressions of Wang Zhanpeng and Lei Tiannan slightly changed.    


"It's an image!"    


Zhang Han's eyes focused, he looked to his right and said: "This is a scene that has happened before, we are only searching for a treasure."    


Thus, they began to search the palace from the outside for treasures.    


Naturally, his harvest was much more than the rest.    


As they walked towards the main hall, they passed by the rear part of the main hall.    


Shua shua shua!    


The three of them saw that there was a huge hall at the back of the main hall. There were more than a thousand people standing there, and there were eight arenas.    


There were two or three pairs of people fighting in the arena. There was a small platform at the back of the arena, and there were dozens of men standing on it.    


It didn't look like an image at all, as if it was real. Even its voice, expression, and demeanor were all so natural.    


However, none of them seemed to be able to see the three foreigners.    


"Is this a competition?" Lei Tiannan was stunned.    


This kind of scene completely exceeded his understanding, and it was also his first time exploring a B-class relic.    




Lei Tiannan suddenly became alarmed, looked at a disciple fighting on the stage, and was in a daze for a moment.    


Wang Zhanpeng was the same, looking at the other stage, his expression became more at a loss.    


Even Zhang Han's gaze turned towards the leading stage, his thoughts following the rhythm of the competition.    


Suddenly, Zhang Han's pupils contracted slightly.    




His spiritual sense shook, bringing Wang Zhanpeng and Lei Tiannan back to reality.    


"Don't keep watching. If you lose yourself in it, your soul will vanish."    


Zhang Han said very seriously.    




The two of them could not help but suck in a breath of cold air.    


The more he looked at it, the more engrossed he became. It was as if he had comprehended something. In fact, this was a type of killing intent!    


If not for the sudden jolt in their heads, they would have ?    


Thinking carefully, he was extremely terrified.    


Without Zhang Han, they would have been lost here!    


"This relic is really dangerous!"    


The two of them wiped off their cold sweat.    


"Let's go take a look at the main hall."    


After Zhang Han said this, he took the lead and walked forward as if there was no one around him, there was a person who had just appeared, but he did not care at all and directly rushed forward, but was unable to touch the image.    


The main hall was extremely large and there were many different types of rooms. However, Zhang Han stayed in the hall, looked at the murals on the walls, and waved for Wang Zhanpeng and Lei Tiannan to go search for treasures.    


Two hours later.    


Lei Tiannan and Luo Hua City Mistress had a great harvest, most of them were crystal stones, some of them were stone-type treasures, but they were both Level 3.    


"I found a storage bracelet. It can store the items in there, why don't you put it in there first, and then if you guys are going out, Xiao Han, Elder Wang, you guys choose first. I'll take the rest." Lei Tiannan said.    




Wang Zhanpeng nodded and kept all of the treasures into his bracelet of holding.    


At this time, Zhang Han finally turned around and silently left the main hall.    


Raising his head, he saw three large words written on top of the main hall:    


Shadow Bamboo Peak!    


"Is this a sect?" Lei Tiannan muttered.    


"This is only one of the eighteen outer sect peaks of Heavenly Thunder Sect. It's about half the time now, let's go to Heavenly Thunder Sect."    


"I estimate it will take three hours to get there."    


Zhang Han replied.    


He was surprised to find that the ancient sects here were not small!    


Looks like this Earth, was without a doubt Sacred Martial planet!    


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