Godly Stay-Home Dad



Only now did the three of them realize.    


Why had Zi Yan never spoken a word from beginning to end?    


Furthermore, when they were singing with Zhang Han earlier, he had pointed at Zi Yan and said the phrase "I have already fallen in love with her".    


What they saw was Zi Yan, whose eyes were shining brightly. The three of them even felt a sweetness when they asked that question at that moment.    


He tried recalling his memories.    


Extremely terrifying thought!    


Why did it look like he was in love?    


What was going on?    


The three of them looked at Zi Yan at the same time.    


"Zi Yan, why don't you make a comment? This song of his was sung for you. " Zuo Dong laughed as he spoke, hesitated for a moment, and still joked: "His song's love is rich, I think this' I'm very cute 'Mr., is because he wants to court you."    


"Eh ?"    


Zi Yan's beautiful eyes quickly blinked thrice, thought and said: "Perhaps it's true, but I ? I was very happy to hear this song, because I felt something different. "    


While speaking, Zi Yan looked at Zhang Han again. Her long eyelashes playfully blinked a few times, and she added: "It should be something that I can feel for myself."    


What is it?    


Love, sweet, happy, of course.    


"Hahaha ?" Zuo Dong and Da Hua both laughed.    


Amongst them, Zuo Dong clapped continuously, and said: "Why do I feel like there's something fishy? Don't you know each other from before? "    


"Guess," Zi Yan turned his head slightly and laughed.    


"How should I guess?" Zuo Dong shook his head and laughed.    


"Seems like you came prepared, Zi Yan!"    


Da Hua made a rare joke and then looked towards Zhang Han and said: "'I am very cute', I remember your name."    


Zuo Dong looked at Zhang Han again and thought for a while. Then, he said, "Although you came here for the beautiful teacher, you don't have to join her team, you can just try taking a detour. I think with your voice and techniques, we can produce quite a good song together, and if you are interested, you can consider joining."    


This was openly asking for help.    


Zhang Han heard and nodded his head lightly.    


Choose you?    


How could that be possible?    




At this time, Gu Fan could not help but say:    


"Recently, I have been researching the new era's trend music of the Chinese National Style. I hope that the Chinese music will be spread more widely around the world, so I hope that we can produce songs together and sing out Chinese New Voice s."    


"Since they've already won over someone, shouldn't I say a few more words?" Zi Yan's head slightly tilted, as if he was considering what to say.    


"Of course not, I'm one of you." Zhang Han chuckled, and showed interest towards Zi Yan.    


This caused the other three coaches to break out in laughter, but they didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


It seems that Zi Yan's group had already produced a candidate to be the champion.    


Too strong.    


Seeing the situation develop into a chat mode.    


Director Cheng Xu finally could not hold back and gave a reminder:    


"Instructors ?"    


Zuo Dong came back to his senses and nodded: "Okay, then I'll go next, I'm really looking forward to the next performance of 'I'm very cute'."    


"Thank you."    


Zhang Han nodded and left the stage.    


At this moment, as the next student prepared to enter the stage, a low and deep host's voice sounded out on the stage.    


Just as Gu Fan was looking at the tablet computer in his hand, preparing to learn more about the next student, his hand suddenly paused.    


"Eh? Did you notice something? "    


"What is it?" Zuo Dong asked.    


"The song that 'I'm Very Cute' sang just now was an original work. He was the creator!" Gu Fan said.    


"Yes, it's very powerful." Zuo Dong and Da Hua both nodded their heads.    


"He came for Instructor Zi Yan!" Gu Fan reminded her again.    


"Yeah, I already knew that." Zuo Dong replied.    


"I remember that Teacher Zi Yan's album < Eternal Rest > is especially popular. The lyricist inside all came from one person." As they spoke, Gu Fan slowly turned his head, looked at Zi Yan and smiled: "I have a very bold guess right now."    




When Zuo Dong and Da Hua heard this, their expressions changed, and they could not help but stand up.    


"This ?" Da Hua's palm trembled slightly. "Zi Yan, is he really?"    


"Oh my god, Gu Fan, this reminder of yours feels more and more like him. If it really was him, then that would be too terrifying. With his strength, he could completely replace any one of us!" Zuo Dong's gaze was also fixed at Zi Yan.    


Zi Yan's expression froze, his big eyes blinked.    


He saw the attitude of the three coaches, 'If you don't say it, I won't turn my head'.    


She thought for a moment, then feigned ignorance as she replied:    


"Why can't I understand what you're talking about?"    


"How could you not understand?" Zuo Dong sighed and laughed: Now, who doesn't know of Han Yang's great name? He only gave you the song for the entire album, but now that you're on the show, a dark horse suddenly appeared. The song he just sang is one of the best, and this level of singing doesn't seem to be something that can be casually written.    


"Whether it is or not, you can tell us in secret." Gu Fan couldn't help but ask in a small voice as he gossiped in his heart.    


"Eh ?" Zi Yan muttered to himself, then suddenly pointed to the students on stage and said: "He has been standing for a minute, should we test him first?"    


F * * k, you finally saw me!    


The male student was on the verge of tears.    


The feeling of his own existence was very low.    


However, it wasn't because of the presence, but because the previous student's singing was too explosive. It could be said that the one who sang the next song was the unlucky one.    


However, this unlucky person was obviously him!    


Helplessness ?    


Hearing Zi Yan changing the topic, the other three laughed and shook their heads, but did not ask any further.    


Everything had its limits. They knew it well, and once a joke was over, it would not be good.    


During this period of time, the conversations and expressions of the few instructors were all noticed by everyone in the preparation room.    


Hearing that guess, aside from Sun Dongheng, the rest of the people present went into an uproar:    


"What the f * ck!" Are you for real? "Is it the cold sun?"    


"This song of his is really invincible. If I think about it carefully, it might actually be true!"    


"Could this be a move from the programme division? On the surface, there are four instructors, but there's actually still Great God Han Yang in the dark. After he appears, he can form an CP team with Instructor Zi Yan. "    




Hearing the discussion, TQ on the left side of the first row felt a bit uncomfortable.    


He was also prepared to sing the same song as Zi Yan! However, it had been snatched away by someone else and had even gained the limelight!    


It made him feel like he had eaten a fly.    


After hearing these words, he could not help but retort,    


"Stop making wild guesses, how could it be? If it was true, he would have just become a teacher and come to participate in the audition? Her singing was pretty good, but she decided to sing "Hanyang" just because of one song. It's too funny. "    


His words actually caused the discussion on the field to fall to a lower pitch.    


Soon after, Zhang Han walked in from the door, causing the entire competition grounds to suddenly become quiet.    


All eyes gathered on Zhang Han.    


It was different from before.    


Their gazes earlier had been filled with contempt, curiosity, doubt, and encouragement.    


But now.    


Astonishment, admiration, adoration, and a sense of solemnity.    


There was a 180 degree difference in their attitudes.    


Thus ?    


Under such an atmosphere.    


The student exam on the stage had ended.    


Many people did not even have the time to react.    


"Did he just sing?"    


The conclusion was that they had sung it!    


Most people only saw the result of the vote that was yet to be decided.    


Even the four coaches were a little ? He was speechless.    


The song just now was too good, so the next one was indeed lacking.    


His singing was average, with some mistakes, but the sound quality was not bad. Zi Yan finally gave her a chance and did not press the voting button.    


After the male student left the stage.    


Roughly a dozen students went up on stage. Most of them sang in an average voice, possibly due to nervousness or something. Many of them made mistakes.    


This caused the passing rate to be rather low. Out of the eighteen people who passed, only six passed.    


It was Tong Jiajia.    


Even though she was nervous, her performance was stable and out of the ordinary. The result was good.    


"The following 51 examinees, singer TQ from the Dark Tribe's media company, once received 30 million hits for a single song, so we want to invite you on!"    


Under the low host's voice, the TQ wearing a white hat, white casual jacket, black jeans and white shoes appeared on stage.    


"Hi fellow coaches, my name is TQ."    


The TQ went up to the stage and greeted him first.    


"TQ, I've heard of you. I've also seen your MV. It can sing and dance. It's an all-around singer. Not bad." Zuo Dong said with a smile.    


"His popularity is indeed pretty good. Is there any pressure in participating in such a program?" Da Hua picked up the microphone and asked.    


"There's no pressure at all, because I came to this program to show off myself." TQ calmly replied.    


Hearing his words, a few students shook their heads.    


Only those who truly knew how to use their skills would have such a steady attitude.    


"I saw your MV a few days ago." Zi Yan smiled and made two movements with his right hand, then said: "The dance of the song is very interesting, I hope you can do it!"    


"Okay, thank you. At the same time, I also have something that I want to say to Instructor Zi Yan."    


TQ stared at Zi Yan and said:    


"Actually, I like you as well, and I have a song for you as well. It's a slightly modified version of 'The Beautiful', but it seems that someone else took it first. But it doesn't matter, I will use my song to make this stage even more explosive!"    


With that, he looked towards the control board and said:    




Three seconds after he turned his head.    


He had not noticed at all that Zi Yan's somewhat interested expression had already dimmed down!    


At this moment, her mind was like this:    


She was a teacher, not someone who students could joke around with!    


This caused Zi Yan's first impression of TQ to plummet.    


The TQ's words caused many students in preparation room to jeer. They also wanted to see if the songs he prepared could be more explosive or not.    


"In my eyes, you are the most beautiful person    


Every smile intoxicates me. "    


So, TQ began to sing towards Zi Yan, it could even be said to be filled with feelings of love.    


Although it had been modified, it had been modified to a lesser extent. Its personality was neither very good nor very special.    


"You're bad, you're good, you pouted when you got angry, wow wow wow ~"    


She sang very well, but Zi Yan felt uncomfortable listening to her.    




Zi Yan immediately pressed down on the key.    


The word "eliminated" appeared on the electronic screen.    


This caused TQ to be slightly surprised.    


His heart was in a mess.    


Why is it different from the previous one?    


Just now, when that student was singing ?    


Zi Yan's expression and gaze were extremely enjoyable!    


Thus, his next line of lyrics suddenly slowed down by two beats, even though he found it in the second line.    


But Gu Fan still pressed the elimination button.    


Two votes eliminated, this made Gu Fan's face turn red, and his heart become even more chaotic!    


He was a dignified TQ, yet he still had a vote to decide.    


Unknowingly, his rhythm was a bit unstable, and his mind was a mess. It was very difficult to sing a song.    


Da Hua and Zuo Dong looked at each other.    


In the end, Da Hua pressed the elimination button.    


Three votes eliminated!    




TQ stopped singing, a burst of brain paste, a bit of fire in the heart.    


How could the script be different?    


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