Godly Stay-Home Dad



But ?    


Does this man have the strength to make his Ah Yan approve of him?    




Ah Yan was suspicious.    


Zi Yan hung the golden chain himself?    


Zuo Dong went to snatch him?    


Ha ha, perhaps he might be someone with a backer.    


At this time, he was sitting at the innermost side of the TQ with a cold demeanor and a lazy look in his eyes.    


A friend beside him had similar thoughts as the Ah Yan.    


He whispered into TQ's ear:    


"He might have someone backing him if he wanted Instructor Zuo Dong to cross the border to snatch him away."    


"Do you have a backstage?" The corner of TQ's mouth rose into a sneer.    


There was something he did not say.    


'Who doesn't have a backstage? '    


He was not very interested in the things around him, but his eyes looked at Zi Yan a few times, showing that he was very interested in them.    


On the other hand, Lu Ze, who was sitting at the back and did not say a word, was somewhat bewildered and uncertain when he looked at Zhang Han's back.    


'Seems somewhat familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere before... Wait, Mr. Zhang? "    


In the company, he had seen Zhang Han once, but only saw the side of his face and the back. He had heard that Zi Yan already had a family, his husband was Mr. Zhang, the company's chairman all respected him, it was said that he was a person of extremely high status.    


'Am I mistaken? '    


Lu Ze shook his head again.    


He rejected his own idea.    


How could the Mr. Zhang participate in an entertainment show?    


But that was the truth.    


Seeing Zhang Han in the camera, the preparation room quieted down.    


From the door on the right, there was a dimmer room, like a duplex, which led up a flight of stairs to the front door of the stage.    


On the right side of the stage door, there was a small cabinet, with a microphone on top. Zhang Han picked up the microphone and waited at the door for three seconds.    


"Greetings, coaches."    


Zhang Han walked to the center of the stage and greeted politely.    


"Hello." Zuo Dong immediately replied with a smile, then laughed and asked: "I am very cute, this name has a lot of personality, but I feel that this name is a bit feminine, was it randomly picked by you?"    


"Eh ?" Zhang Han's gaze focused, looked at Zi Yan, and slowly said: "It was obtained through meticulous discussion."    


Wearing the black sunglasses, everyone could not see his gaze, but Zi Yan could feel it.    


She pursed her lips and smiled.    


"Then why did you give me such a name?" Zuo Dong asked with a smile.    


He planned to chat more and increase the amount of time Zhang Han spent in the mirror to express his good intentions.    


"Because the person I love is very cute, cute or silly." Zhang Han laughed and replied.    


This caused Zi Yan's nose to be slightly sealed.    




That Scoundrel must be talking about Mengmeng, and that Xiao Meng must be talking about him.    


"The name is very cute, but I wonder if it will be cute in the future." Da Hua said calmly.    


The meaning behind his words was that they wanted to see just how strong he was.    


At this time, Zuo Dong laughed again, looked at Da Hua, and said: "He's very powerful. During the preliminary auditions, I accidentally heard his song, and it's very likely that he's a dark horse."    


His words caused quite a few people in preparation room to be slightly stunned.    


Gu Fan, who was also seated at the instructor's seat, raised his head.    


"Oh? I have read your information, the song displayed is called "Love is You". The lyrics are not bad, I have never heard of this song, did you write it yourself or did you sing it again? "    


"He could be considered to have written it himself."    


Zhang Han answered ambiguously.    


Although he was in the role of a porter, he had 'written' it down himself.    


On the other hand, upon hearing the name of the song, Zi Yan's gaze paused.    


"Love you?" A song for me? '    


Zi Yan had asked Zhang Han what song he would prepare, but he did not tell him, saying that he would know when the time comes.    


It seems... This guy wants to be romantic again.    


Thinking about that, Zi Yan could no longer suppress his emotions, he picked up the microphone, and said with a smile:    


"I really look forward to your performance. Let's begin."    


After Zi Yan finished speaking, he also stopped chatting and extended his hand, indicating that Zhang Han could begin.    


Zhang Han calmly held the microphone.    




He looked to the right and spoke into the console.    


Drip drip drip drip drip ?    


A melodious prelude sounded.    


It was a very cheerful and melodious rhythm.    


Immediately after, Zhang Han's low voice came out:    


"No matter where I go, I can't stop thinking about you. My darling, no one in my heart is more beautiful than you.    




"I want to make a melody for you so that the stars can unravel the mysteries of the fairy tale."    


Zhang Han sang as he walked on stage.    


After the first line was sung, the expert immediately knew if the song was real or not.    


Everyone realized this.    


This was an expert, and the melody of the song was also very comfortable.    


Everyone in preparation room quieted down, including TQ, Ah Yan and the others, all of them were focused on the screen.    


But Zi Yan, knowing that this song was sung for herself, felt as sweet as if her heart had eaten honey.    


Her beautiful big eyes blinked, looking at Zhang Han full of spirit.    


On the other hand, Zhang Han leisurely walked over to Zi Yan's side following the lyrics of these few lines.    


When he sang the next line, Zhang Han took a slightly larger stride, his right hand pointed horizontally at Zi Yan, causing a huge uproar.    


Everyone was stunned!    


Zhang Han was singing:    






"God, I have already fallen in love with her. It's a true expression. It's like I've been bewitched by some weird potion and I'm strolling leisurely on the streets. I still don't want to go home ?"    


As Zhang Han sang, his hands and feet moved randomly, yet very nicely, and his target was Zi Yan.    


"The one I want to love and love is you, cute girl. I'll pick the stars in the sky for you, I'll buy all the bills ?"    


The current Zhang Han was like a different person. When he was talking to his teacher, Zhang Han was very calm, but this time he was also a bit lively and sunny.    


It already made Zi Yan a little dazed.    


Her big eyes blinked, her mouth opened slightly, and she covered it with her right hand.    


It was a look of surprise.    


However, the glimmer in her eyes made people feel that she was in quite a good mood.    


It was sweet and happy, of course, and a pleasant surprise.    


At this time, the people of preparation room had already exploded.    


"What the f * ck!"    


"Too fierce, too awesome!"    








Almost 90% of the people let out their own shouts, feeling their blood boiling.    


In their opinion, for a song to be so beautiful, and even sing to Teacher Zi Yan, this was simply too ruthless!    


Even the Ah Yan, who was usually proud of himself, couldn't help but clap with a face full of shock.    


The atmosphere of the entire stage, the entire venue, had exploded!    


Very few people have ever been able to blow up an entire stage like this.    


This represented absolute power, as well as control of the stage and the quality of the song.    


"Follow me, act cool, and wear your hat crooked together. In this entire world, I only love you and never change my mind. The one I love is you!"    


With the end of the last line.    


The accompaniment played a few times before stopping.    


Crash! *    


Da Hua, Zuo Dong, Gu Fan and the others all started to clap.    


All three votes passed!    


But at this time, they had never noticed such a problem, and looked at Zhang Han with a face full of shock.    


Gradually, Da Hua stood up and clapped. Zuo Dong and Gu Fan also stood up and applauded.    


Seeing that, Zi Yan hesitated, but he did not stand up, and his eyes lit up as he looked at Zhang Han.    


He handed over a message:    


I'll reward you when we get back tonight.    


Zhang Han raised his eyebrows and expressed: What reward?    


Zi Yan's lips slightly bent forward.    


Zhang Han's eyebrows loosened up, and his mouth curled into a smile: Roger that!    


This made Zhang Han feel that this program did not come for nothing!    


No one noticed their little movements.    


The atmosphere of preparation room had already exploded.    


"I told you, he's very, very powerful! So powerful! The first three votes have all passed! " Tong Jiajia stood up and clapped as he cheered.    


"Boss is awesome!" Sun Dongheng called out.    


Hearing his voice, Lu Ze looked over, carefully examining Sun Dongheng a few times, his expression changing:    


"It's really the Mr. Zhang! Heavens, the Mr. Zhang's singing is actually so nice to listen to? No wonder ? No wonder he was able to be together with the Elder Sister Ziyan.    


At the same time, TQ, Ah Yan and the others who were at the front felt the pressure multiplied.    


They were sighing, and so were the coaches at the front of the stage.    


After Da Hua finished clapping, he picked up the microphone and said:    


This song really shocked me. Whether it was the rendering of the stage, the use of singing skills, the change of voice, or even a variety of other things, they were all vividly displayed. It really was like what Old Zuo had said, you are a dark horse.    


Just as he finished speaking, Gu Fan took over and said:    


"I don't think you're cute!"    


After saying that, he paused for two seconds and then raised his voice:    


"I think you should call me 'I'm very strong!'" This song is really great. I just felt like I was watching a concert. Good, good, good. "    


He said three good words in quick succession and clapped a few more times.    


Just then, Zuo Dong raised the microphone, smiled and said:    


"I already said that he was very powerful, but in the end ? I wanted to go over to pick up the loot, but he rejected it in the end. Now that I think about it, he really did come over for Zi Yan, so is your song just now a pure song or an opportunity to confess? Can you satisfy my gossiping with everyone? "    


At this time, the instructors had forgotten about the time. Even the programme division didn't say anything as he captured everyone's expressions.    


Cheng Xu felt that the first phase of the promotional stunt had arrived, and it was the most explosive kind of promotional stunt!    


In the face of Zuo Dong's question, everyone in preparation room widened their eyes.    


Under everyone's gaze, Zhang Han picked up the microphone and replied:    


"This is not a confession, but a sweet, or rather dog food."    


"No, no, no." Zuo Dong smiled as he shook his head: "Only lovers can throw dog food, Zi Yan ?"    


As he spoke ?    


Zuo Dong was stunned!    


Da Hua was also stunned!    




Gu Fan was also stunned!    


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