Godly Stay-Home Dad



Chapter I: Assistant to the President    


Anmei Company was a company in the field of fashion.    


Regarding Zi Yan's situation, Zhang Han had not investigated at all, and did not know much either. As for his growth, he wanted to hear personally from her.    


This process was what Zhang Han had anticipated.    


Sssii! *    


Zhang Han wore shorts and was bare-chested. When he woke up, he opened the curtains.    


The morning sun shone on the devilish city of Demonic City.    


Outside the gigantic window in front of Zhang Han, there was An Mei Fashion Company.    


An Mei Corporation occupied a total of five floors on the 8th to 12th floor of the office building. From Zhang Han's perspective, he could coincidentally see Zi Yan's office.    


Where is this place?    


It was also an office building.    


When he found out about Zi Yan's situation, the Mengmeng directly bought the place. It was a first floor building which was decorated with luxurious residences in two days and there were around ten different types of luxury car in the underground parking lot.    


In the past, Zhang Han and Zi Yan had prepared these for Mengmeng when he was still in school. But now, Little Princess had prepared these for Zhang Han himself, so he could feel at ease to chase after a great beauty.    


"A new day has begun."    


Zhang Han stretched.    


Upon reaching the Spirit Transformation level, he instead felt somewhat comfortable. At least he now slept soundly. The fragrance of food and hunger filled him with the feeling of not being able to eat for a long time.    


After Zhang Han went to wash up, he put on a pair of glasses.    


He put on a blue shirt, a black casual suit and shoes, and carried a briefcase.    


Anyone could see that he was a standard office worker and seemed to be in the elite category.    


He walked down the stairs and arrived at an intersection.    


"Give me a pancake and fruit." Zhang Han said as he walked over to the breakfast stand.    


"7 RMB, add the intestines and eggs?"    


"Add them." Zhang Han nodded.    


"Ten dollars."    


The stall owner accepted the money and started to lay out the pancakes. A few minutes later, Zhang Han was eating as he walked towards the office building opposite him.    


Coincidentally, a black Audi A8L passed by.    


There were two people inside, and the one driving was Zi Yan's secretary who was interviewing Zhang Han, while Zi Yan sat in the front seat, and the two of them were chatting.    


"Then Young Master Long still won't give up." The secretary harrumphed, "The collaboration has been dragging on. We can't wait for him or we'll miss this opportunity to show off."    


"Talk to the other families." Zi Yan nodded slightly.    


"Eh? Isn't that Zhang Han? " The secretary suddenly looked to the left and said.    


"Zhang Han?" Zi Yan was slightly startled, he felt that he had heard of this name before.    


Following that, the moment the secretary who was driving said that, she came to a realization.    


"The one that I successfully interviewed yesterday, what a talent, proficient in many different languages, a Ph.D. with several degrees, and also a PMP certificate. He's really amazing."    


"What makes me even more surprised is that I paid 20,000 in the intern period and he directly agreed to it. I even thought that he would reject it, but this person, he really earned way too much ?"    


Hearing her words, Zi Yan looked out of the window. The man who was eating the fried pancakes was also curious.    


But when Zi Yan turned back, he was a little depressed, and was also a little worried about the company's development recently.    


They went up to the office building and the HR department.    


"You are Zhang Han?"    


The receptionist smiled.    


The scale of the company could not be considered big, most of them were women. After Zi Yan came, people said that they were beautiful like the clouds.    


At this time, Zhang Han came to such a company.    


"You're so handsome."    


A talented handsome man would look even more handsome.    


The receptionist was secretly sending her off. "Here's your ID card. Your office is on the 12th floor, next to Director Jiang's office. I'll take you up to take a look first."    


"Alright, sorry for the trouble." Zhang Han smiled slightly.    


After entering the employee elevator, they arrived at the 12th floor. The layout here was much more relaxed.    


"We're Director Jiang?" Zhang Han casually asked.    


"Yeah, don't you know?" The receptionist said, "Our Director Jiang is a flower of the Demon City. She's exceptionally beautiful. The people who are chasing her can line up from here to the river bank."    


The corner of Zhang Han's mouth twitched, "What's Director Jiang's name?"    


Call me Jiang Zi Yan, I have all this information on the internet. You came to apply and yet you don't know, you are so free and easy. " The girl grinned.    


Being handsome was something he could freely do. If he wasn't handsome, then it was likely that he was very ambitious.    


"This is your office."    


The room was not big, and its arrangement was simple. There was a table and a chair, a sofa, and some other simple facilities by the side of the window.    


"If you need anything, you can tell me. Do you want to add me on WeChat?"    


"Uh, okay." Zhang Han did not refuse and generously added in his WeChat. Then, he sat on the chair.    


"Then I'll go back first. Sister Dong should be bringing you to see Director Jiang later."    




After greeting them, the receptionist left.    


Half an hour later.    


Dong, dong, dong.    


Knock knock knock! Zi Yan's secretary walked in.    


"Hello, I'm Dong Yan, you can call me Sister Dong from now on." Dong Yan nodded, her attitude not far off.    


"Ah, alright, Sister Dong." Zhang Han was a little strange, and he opened his mouth to call out in a very friendly manner.    




Dong Yan nodded in satisfaction: "Come with me, I want to see you."    




Zhang Han got up and followed her to the next room.    


Walking in, Zi Yan was sitting on the desk, looking very serious at the computer screen. After waiting for two minutes, she finally clicked the mouse, pursed her red lips, then looked at Zhang Han with her beautiful eyes.    


"Your name is Zhang Han?" Zi Yan asked.    


His voice was soft and pleasing to the ears, causing Zhang Han to be confused. He nodded: "Yes."    


"I heard you came back from overseas." Zi Yan said again.    


"Yeah." Zhang Han could not help but laugh as he said, "I fought for so long in such a faraway place ? "For many years, I have always loved my hometown and everything else here, so I have come back."    


The corner of Zi Yan's mouth raised as he smiled and said: "I can tell, but what kind of arrangements do you have for your residence?"    


Towards this level of talent, he was usually more concerned about them.    




"If you have any questions, please contact Dong Yan at any time. Your internship will be in three months. If you perform well enough, you can also improve in advance. I'm very happy to see you join An Mei."    


Zi Yan said very politely.    


"Thank you."    


Zhang Han thanked her seriously, but it wasn't true, and said with a stern expression: "This subject will do everything I can to help His Majesty achieve his achievements."    




Zi Yan couldn't help but laugh out loud.    


This laugh also made Zhang Han burst out in laughter.    


The atmosphere was very casual, gentle.    


Dong Yan then glared at Zhang Han: "Be more serious."    


Look at what kind of assistant this is. It's only the first day, and he's already causing trouble.    


In the end, he was dismissed by Zi Yan that day. Zhang Han was not the first, or to be more specific, he should have been the fifth person to enter, just that he did not expect Zi Yan to return a smile, and appear very casual.    


Dong Yan was on guard. Could it be that this talented person had a wild ambition and wanted to chase after Director Jiang?    


'This won't do. I have to watch carefully.    


Dong Yan looked at Zhang Han with a more cautious gaze. "Let's go first. We'll familiarize ourselves with the environment first. As for the work issue, Dong Yan will let you know." Zi Yan smiled.    




Zhang Han laughed, then got up and left.    


Just as he reached the door.    


Zi Yan suddenly said: "Oh yeah, are the pancake and fruit delicious?"    


Zhang Han stopped in his tracks, turned his head, and said: "It's delicious. I'll bring one over for you tomorrow morning."    


After saying that, he left.    


The first time they met, they had a pleasant chat.    


After Dong Yan closed the door.    


"Sis, why are you asking about pancakes?"    


Dong Yan said with a helpless expression, "Oh my god, I'm impressed. You were just joking with me. You have to maintain the CEO's image. Also, why does this assistant of mine feel so out of place? It looks like he doesn't even treat you as a CEO."    


"Is that so?" Zi Yan blinked his eyes and said, "He is very interesting, don't you like interesting people? This time, I just happened to come at the right time. "    


"My Elder Sister Yan Sis, I really can't do anything to you, I'll go talk to him next door."    


Dong Yan did not make a move and ran over to Zhang Han's side.    


"Zhang Han!"    


Dong Yan frowned and said seriously, "I've found out that you have a few problems, and need to be careful in the future."    




"First, you have to be serious when facing the CEO, you have to respect her, not be mischievous. Second, you have to call her Director Jiang, no need for yours. Third, in the company, you are the assistant to the CEO. I'm the personal secretary. You just need to keep an eye on your work."    


"Alright." Zhang Han replied.    


Only then did Dong Yan calm down a bit, she said: "You have talent, we appreciate you, but we value your character more, as for your job, you are an assistant, mainly facing the problem of translation, because we are a fashion company, we often communicate with foreign companies, and also have some tasks that make you busy, I believe that with your ability, or attending some activities, you will also have to be there to protect us, you know, Director Jiang has too many suitors, it's hard to guard against them, so don't look at your relaxed job, it's actually not light work, you already had four assistants before you."    


"Understood, no problem." Zhang Han nodded slightly.    


"This is the latest document. Take a look at it first. It's very important to us, so you should understand first." Dong Yan left behind a written document.    


Zhang Han started to look through it.    


The event was hosted by the Demonic City Fashion Association. It was famous in Demonic City and had a small influence in the inner circle.    


The show was held by Long Jun's company, Young Master Long Xianglong's industry. He was responsible for setting up the site and planning it.    


However, there were some problems with the location. Long Xiang had arranged for many companies to take their positions, but Ami didn't move for a long time. The communication between the two sides, the order in which they appeared, and so on, all of these problems stopped Ami from happening.    


"Is it the brainless young master of a popinjay?" Or is he an online love rival with an IQ? "    


Zhang Han touched his chin.    


The brainless and hedonistic young master was meaningless. He was arrogant and despotic, flaunting his fangs and brandishing his claws; he thought that he could do whatever he wanted in his own territory.    


Zhang Han was too lazy to bother with this kind of person, he didn't even have the qualifications to be considered a love rival, and for the other kind of person, it didn't matter if he pursued Zi Yan, it was just a love rival? He was here to fight until all the love rivals returned with a beauty in their arms.    


After thinking for a moment, Zhang Han stood up, took the document, and knocked on the CEO's door.    




Zhang Han walked in and saw Zi Yan and Dong Yan chatting.    


"I suggest that we talk to Long Xiang directly about this show."    


Old Zhang hoped that all the friends who liked this book could see the stories. They didn't know where it was, so they also sent a few chapters. No one needed to subscribe to it for the next few days. Looking at the external series, Guan Lu's heart skipped a beat. Note. public Everyone. number. Single. Wang. Zhang, it's going to be published every day,    


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