Godly Stay-Home Dad



"How strong is Daoist Deadwood right now?" He has been suppressed for a thousand years, and has only been out for a few days. Zhang Guangyou asked.    


This sentence also attracted the attention of others.    


Those who had seen Daoist Deadwood felt that his cultivation was unfathomable and that his every action had some sort of rhythm to it.    


"He's now at the peak of the Spirit Severing Stage. He might have been in the Void Refining Stage in the past." Zhang Han said.    


"He can't control the Netherworld Cold Flame even with such powerful strength?" Chen Changqing was shocked. "Then can this Mengmeng of the Dark Underworld withstand it?"    


"Therefore, I need to calm its energy and make it suitable for absorption and use." Zhang Han laughed and said.    


"What is the Dark Nether Cold Flame?"    


Ah Hu couldn't help but ask after seeing the cold flames of the Profound Nether Realm.    


"It is."    


Zhang Han spread open his right hand, and the Profound Hellfire that was sealed in his palm suddenly rose up.    


Crash! *    


A mass of milky white flames flickered continuously. The air around them suddenly dropped, as if it had been waiting for a long time.    


"It's so cold!"    


Many of those with lower cultivations trembled in the cold, feeling as though their teeth were about to clench together.    


"White flames ?"    


"What a powerful aura."    


"I feel that if I touch this flame, I'll definitely freeze to death. Oh my god, how can the flame be cold? Why is it like this?"    


Many of the people present began to discuss amongst themselves, and they all felt astonished.    


A cold flame, a very contradictory existence, was burning right in front of their eyes.    


"Dad, what's so good about this flame?" Mengmeng blinked his bright eyes and asked.    


"It can increase your attack, defense, cultivation, and so forth. There are many benefits after refining it." Zhang Han laughed.    


"They all say it's cold, but why don't I feel it?" Mengmeng muttered.    




Zhang Han stared blankly. He did not seem to be suppressing the profound fire himself, as he himself could feel the cold aura, as though there was an ice cube in the center of his palm. Everyone present could feel the cold aura, except Zi Yan and Mengmeng, whose expressions did not change at all, as if they could not feel anything.    


In this case... Could it be the kindness of the Dark Nether Cold Flame?    


It was submitting?    


Zhang Han muttered to himself.    


"Can I touch it?" The Mengmeng seemed to be a little bit nervous, walking towards Zhang Han from the side. Standing at the side, she stared at the flame in Zhang Han's palm, looking cute and eager, yet not daring to do so.    


"I can feel it. It's fine."    


Zhang Han chuckled, he increased the force of his Profound Nether Cold Flame, as though he only had a shape, the temperature of the surrounding people could feel that the temperature had returned to normal.    




Mengmeng slowly raised his right hand and stretched out a finger.    


"Don't let it burn." said Phileas suddenly, with a twitch of her lips.    




Mengmeng seemed to be shocked. He quickly retracted his hand and felt that his reaction was too big. He glared at her with dissatisfaction and snorted before extending his right hand again.    


"It's fine."    


Zhang Han laughed.    


With his father by his side, Mengmeng was not really afraid.    


However, the moment Mengmeng's fingers touched the Profound Nether Cold Flame.    


Something that incomparably surprised Zhang Han happened.    


Crash! *    


In this instant, the Netherezim Coldfire seemed to have gone out of control.    


It started to tremble violently, but it was unable to escape Zhang Han's suppression.    




The Sacred Martial Star Orb suddenly appeared on Mengmeng's right hand. The entire planet's simulacrum covered Mengmeng in an instant and started to revolve around her.    


The sudden appearance of this phenomenon made Zhang Han's expression change in an instant.    


But when he felt it carefully, there was nothing abnormal about it. It was the energy fluctuations from the Sacred Martial Star's Jewel, which did not have any effect on the Mengmeng.    


Sssii! *    


In the next second, Zhang Han suddenly realised that the Dark Nether Cold Flame was no longer suppressed by him, it suddenly rose up, transforming into a huge ball of flame a few metres tall, which was absorbed by the Sacred Martial Star Bead.    


"Snatch it?"    


Zhang Han focused his gaze, and fury started burning in his heart.    


'You dare to snatch my daughter's things?    




Zhang Han used a huge amount of spiritual sense s and secret arts in an attempt to snatch the Profound Nether Cold Flame back.    


However, facing the Sacred Martial Star Jewel ?    


'It's useless to rob them! '    


In fact, the pearl had even released a ray of light towards Zhang Han, shining on his face, as if to say:    


"Like how angry you are and how helpless you are against me."    


Zhang Han's facial muscles trembled.    


He could not understand either.    


As a treasure of the Sacred Martial Star, what did he need the Dark Underworld Cold Flame for?    


Even though it was the second tier, in reality, it was extremely difficult to control. He had even heard of a few cultivators obtaining the Xuanming Fire, but in the end, there was only one person who could unleash fifty percent of the Xuanming Fire.    


As for the other materials, they were all around thirty percent. It was extremely difficult to control and refine this kind of foreign object.    


The Sacred Martial Star Bead was a treasure in the first place, what use would it be if he wanted the Dark Underworld Cold Flame?    


Zhang Han was also puzzled, his eyes staring straight at the Sacred Martial Star Jewel.    


The milky white flames shrouded the faint shadow of the Sacred Martial Star's pearl. At this moment, it seemed extremely strange.    




"What's going on?"    


"How could this be?"    


The entire audience was shocked.    


If one were to say who was the most favored person in the New Moon Mountain, it would be the Mengmeng.    


Zi Yan, who was standing at his side, without saying a word, directly ran over and stood beside Zhang Han:    


"What happened to her?"    


He asked anxiously.    


Although my mother sometimes likes to cheat, when things go wrong, the maternal glory will immediately shine.    


"I'm fine." Zhang Han shook her head: "In this situation, we will see more. The Sacred Martial Star Bead is a little strange, it won't cause any harm to her."    


Under Zhang Han's gaze, the Sacred Martial Star Bead flickered with a different luster.    


Taking a closer look, there seemed to be something flickering inside the pearl. This was a strange feeling ?    




'The Sacred Martial Star has too many secrets.    


Looking at the figure of the Mengmeng, Zhang Han muttered in his heart.    


Although it was a good thing for the master of the Heavenly Flows, the Sacred Star Jewel, he would often give Zhang Han a feeling of losing control. This was not what he liked, but his mood would also frequently become joyous. After all, his daughter would definitely be very powerful in the future.    


After two minutes of mixed emotions.    


There was complete silence on the battlefield, no one spoke, the atmosphere was heavy, and even Da Hei s who approached stared with widened eyes, seemingly frightened. The Blacky's eyes were ice-cold, staring at the afterimage of the Sacred Martial Star Jewel, it had never thought that no matter how strong the enemy was, if it wanted to hurt the people it protected, it had to step on its corpse to do so.    


It was obvious that the Blacky viewed the Heavenly Sacred Martial Treasure Pearl's illusion as an enemy.    


The little guy let out a few "guji" sounds and also became silent. He blinked his small eyes and fell into deep thought as he looked at Mengmeng's side.    


What is little master doing?    


Finally, the phenomenon changed.    


The silhouette of the Sacred Martial Star was constantly revolving around the Mengmeng. The milky-white flames on the outer layer were completely absorbed by the Sacred Martial Star, allowing the next second to pass.    


The Sacred Martial Star Jewel shrunk in size and returned to Mengmeng's right hand.    




On the surface of Mengmeng's body, crystal clear pure white flames rose.    




Zhang Han was shocked as he looked at the ball of fire with shock.    


He finally understood the meaning behind the appearance of the Sacred Martial Star Jewel.    


He let out a long breath and smiled:    


"The precious pearl actually directly refined the Dark Nether Cold Flame, and completely fit Mengmeng's body. It seems like I don't need to use the Thunder Sun Treasure Land to calm my energy anymore."    


"The Dark Nether Cold Flame was absorbed?"    


"I was wondering why Mengmeng closed her eyes and sat on the ground." Chen Chuan scratched his head. "So he's cultivating."    


"Hahaha, a false alarm. Mengmeng is the Lord of Skyflow, he's so powerful."    


"Looks like it won't be long before I can absorb the Dark Nether Cold Flame?" Xiao Han, how many days do you need? " Zhang Guangyou asked.    


"I'm not sure. I think we'll see how smooth it is, but it should be fast. It's just a matter of a few days."    


Zhang Han laughed happily.    


Only he could feel that the Dark Nether Cold Flame was much stronger than before. Previously, there were many impurities that did not conform to the cultivation methods of humans and required the purification of energy to refine the 'Heavenly Flame' to bring them out.    


In other words, the Dark Nether Cold Flame from before was at the bottom of the second level, so it belonged to the upper level now. There was a huge difference in nature.    


It was just that he didn't know how much power Mengmeng would be able to unleash after absorbing the Dark Nether Cold Flame.    


"Over 30%, cultivating to the Body Fusion Technique will not be a problem."    


"After fifty percent, there won't be any problems until the tribulation."    


"70% of the power I can use is at the ninth level of Tribulation."    


"If I can get fifty percent, that would be a very good result."    


Zhang Han smiled as he looked at Mengmeng. Anyone could tell the joy on his face.    


Nina and Elena, on the other hand, were a little confused regarding the master of Tianliang and the holy star treasure. They had never heard of it, but they felt that the Mengmeng was very powerful.    


"Will our daughter be able to break through to the Jindan Stage this time?" Zi Yan asked with a smile.    


"Definitely. A breakthrough as if it was a natural thing to do. Very good." Zhang Han nodded.    


"He's going to be amazing again." Zi Yan was elated.    


The atmosphere on the field also gradually became lively.    


"Hahaha, my granddaughter is already in the Aurous Core stage." Zhang Guangyou laughed loudly.    


"Not bad at all." Rong Jiali, Rong Jiaxin was also full of smiles.    


"Do you see? Your Mengmeng Sis is already in the Aurous Core Stage, you have to work hard to cultivate as well." Zhou Fei touched Chen Chuan's head.    


"Sister Mengmeng herself is extremely powerful." Chen Chuan mumbled.    




Everyone chatted and laughed for a while before leaving.    


After a while, Zhang Han's family was the only ones left on the stage.    


It was already late at night. The crescent moon hung high in the sky and emitted a radiance, giving the New Moon Mountain a layer of silver silk.    


Under the shadow of the thunder sun tree, the Mengmeng sat cross-legged on the ground. A faint white flame lingered around his body as he was in the state of cultivation, absorption, and breakthrough.    


"Aouuu ?"    


Zi Yan yawned.    


"Let's go to bed first." Zhang Han pulled Zi Yan's hand.    


"What about the Mengmeng's side? I'll go back myself. Stay with her and watch out for her. " Zi Yan said.    


"I'll lie down with you for a while. I'll come over when you fall asleep."    


Zhang Han laughed, knowing that Zi Yan liked to sleep with him, so he pulled her jade palm and flew back to the bedroom. After a while, when Zi Yan was fast asleep, Zhang Han slowly pulled his hand out and quickly went under the thunder sun tree.    


"Seems like it will take a few days."    


Zhang Han looked at Mengmeng's beautiful face that was faintly discernable under the flickering white flames, and the corner of her mouth held a gentle smile.    


After looking for a while, Zhang Han sat in the pavilion and started to mutter to himself.    


"Now that I've mastered the Five-elemental Immortal Body, I still need a battle technique."    


"All powers are invulnerable, and they are not invincible. There is no true invincibility. Only by becoming stronger and stronger in all aspects can one stand in an invincible position."    


"In all the martial arts in the world, only speed is unbreakable, but sometimes speed is not the only thing. I need to practice fist and foot techniques."    


Zhang Han thought, and then moved his body.    


He suddenly punched forward.    




The sound suddenly exploded.    


Zhang Han laughed bitterly.    


Relatively speaking, the speed was simply too fast. Every move of his broke the sound barrier, and even the fastest speed he could muster was seven times the speed of sound.    


In this situation, there didn't seem to be any need for any moves.    


In the world of martial arts, speed was unbeatable, but speed was reasonable.    


"Normal punching and kicking techniques are useless. I can use them to create a fighting style suitable for my Five Elements Immortal Body."    


Zhang Han suddenly slowed down his speed, and used all of the skills that Zhang Han had seen before with his punches and kicks.    


Some of them were powerful and vigorous, while others were extremely slow, but they were filled with a mysterious aura.    


Just like that, in the latter half of the night.    


The Mengmeng cultivated behind closed doors as he continuously absorbed the profound energy and cold fire. Zhang Han trained not too far away until around seven in the morning.    




Wearing his pajamas, Zi Yan walked to the balcony. He looked at Zhang Han sleepily and called out.    


"Phew ?" "It's here."    


Zhang Han exhaled a long breath, his muscles and bones refreshed, and under his full concentration, he began to sweat profusely, even his sleeves were all wet.    


After looking at the situation of the Mengmeng a few times, he found that it was very stable.    


Zhang Han moved to the balcony in a flash.    


"Why are you sweating so much?" "Hurry up and take a bath." Zi Yan said.    


"Let's go and take a shower now. I'll make some food later." Zhang Han laughed.    


They went to the bathroom together. Zi Yan went to wash up and Zhang Han took a shower.    


This kind of living aura was very enjoyable for Zi Yan.    


They arrived at the kitchen together. Zi Yan sat at the side, and without letting her help, he casually flipped through the hot news on his phone.    


"Puchi ?" "Hubby, we did an interstellar war, opened in May. It's already July now, and everyone's public reputation is still at 9: 05. There are quite a few entertainment companies that are showing movies and others are comparing. I just saw a few bosses complain."    


"Look at President Tang Meng, he said that the films that we have released definitely can't compare to those produced during the interstellar wars. Please give your comments and be reasonable."    


"It's been two months, but the impact of his reputation is still great."    


"This movie will probably get a lot of awards."    




Seeing the smiling Zi Yan behind him, Zhang Han started to cook. It was full of motivation and did not start hanging up, but just calmly sat there. Twenty minutes later, a simpler breakfast was brought to the table.    


"Fei Fei, Wang Ya, my sister Shiya, and I will be going shopping later. We won't be back for lunch later." Zi Yan said.    


"Sure, I also want to watch the Mengmeng, and also practice fist arts." Zhang Han nodded.    


After dinner, a few young beauties left.    


Zhang Han also arrived not far from Mengmeng's side and began to slowly fight with punches and kicks.    


"This is the feeling of a martial art."    


"I don't care how fast my battle technique is, but rather, it will fit the body and bring out the best results. With the power of my Five Elements Immortal Body, once this battle technique is successfully evolved, it will be a great boost to me."    


"It's a very normal method. In the eyes of others, one's fist probably possesses the power of a divine ability."    


Zhang Han found that trace of feeling, and it was filled with a special feeling when his fists moved rhythmically.    




Wang Ming, Great Elder, Wang Zhanpeng and a few others were walking towards the Thousand Array.    


The Great Elder had just said, "The Thousand Array has finally finished comprehending. There are still a few array formations left that I can't tell from eating it.    




Just as they finished speaking, the few of them stopped in their tracks and looked at the far away Zhang Han using what seemed like the skills of a bright force warrior.    


"Zhang Han is practicing martial arts, why can't I feel it?" Wang Ming was baffled: "It doesn't seem to have the energy of the array, it's weird, why can't I feel that he's practicing his fist art? It's as if there's no one in that place? "    


"I feel the same way." The Great Elder's gaze turned serious. "Could he be cultivating? it unconsciously affected the surrounding space? "    


"Formidable, I wonder what sort of method this is." Wang Zhanpeng shook his head and sighed, "The difference between us and him is getting bigger and bigger."    


"Ah, I'm getting old. The youngsters now rule this world." Wang Zhanhong laughed.    


Currently, the pillars of the three Wang family s were also at the late stage of the Aurous Core stage. Their cultivation speed was slower by a lot, but they all knew that in time, their nascent soul would be able to relax, but it would take much longer than those young people.    


He could not help but sigh.    


Each person's aptitude was different, and from this point onwards, it could be seen.    


They all cultivated the techniques that Zhang Han had bestowed them, but there was still a gap between them. There were even a hundred Security corps s, like Zhao Feng and the other Great Generals of the Five Tigers, including Leng Yue, who were now in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul stage. The rest were mostly in the early stages of the Nascent Soul stage, and a few were at the peak of the Aurous Core stage.    


With different talents, the speed of one's cultivation would be different as well, and the heights one could reach would also be different.    


Seeing Zhang Han practicing fist arts, they did not know what to do. The few of them did not disturb him and after watching for a while, they walked towards the back of the mountain.    


Wisps of smoke rippled through the dense forest. The three black overlords were barbecuing and eating meat.    


Beside the cliff, in the eyes of the Great Clan Elder and the others, the thousand Array s were as attractive as ever.    


The next day, the third day, it was still the same.    


Other than eating and waiting for Zi Yan to sleep, Zhang Han spent the rest of his time practicing martial arts by the side of Mengmeng.    


On the fifth day.    


Xiu Xiu! *    


Between Zhang Han's fists, the surrounding space seemed to tremble.    


Ka ka ka!    


Along with all sorts of deep rumbling sounds.    


"The roar lasted from morning until noon."    


"Boss seems to be in a state of cultivation."    


"The aura of this fist art is too overwhelming."    


Mu Xue, Leader Mu, Chen Changqing and the others stood a hundred meters away, feeling the overflowing aura.    


Even Zi Yan, Zhou Fei, Yue Xiao Luan and the others were standing at the side.    


"Uncle Uncle Zhang is so strong." Nina's face was filled with shock.    


"Space is tearing apart." With a grim expression on her face, she whispered, "If I were to take such an attack, I might not be able to withstand it."    


"The suppressing force is getting stronger and stronger."    


"I really can't imagine what kind of attack method this is. I feel that it's much more powerful than the divine abilities I've comprehended."    




Everyone whispered their discussions.    


Zhang Han acted as if there was no one around, as if he was in the midst of comprehending.    


With just a wave of his hand, the ability to tear space apart became increasingly powerful.    


Around Zhang Han, the buzzing and shaking sound swept in all directions.    


It was also only the space several meters around Mengmeng, which was completely calm.    




Zhang Han stopped in his tracks.    


He let out a long breath and stopped cultivating.    


"Comprehending one's own battle technique."    


"It fits my Five Elements Immortal Body."    


"I will name this battle method ? "Void Splitting Fist."    


Zhang Han's eyes flashed with a cyan.    


On the 5th of July, at 12: 32 AM, the Sky Splitting Fist appeared in Xiangjiang.    


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