Son-in-law's Romantic Life

C467 White Venom

C467 White Venom



Su Ning suddenly widened her eyes. She felt that the amount of venom in her mouth had suddenly increased by many times. It was as if her entire mouth had been filled.    


That situation caught Su Ning unprepared. She widened her pair of black eyes.    


Until there was no more venom flowing out, Su Ning finally moved her mouth away. With a poof, she spat it onto the ground beside her.    


But this time, Su Ning finally realized that something was wrong.    


It was not the black-red venom that she ate, but... something else?    


Like it was mixed with snow?    


From the looks of it, it wasn't poisonous blood.    


No matter how pure Su Ning was in this aspect, it was impossible for her to not know what it was.    


For a moment, the expression on Su Ning's face was exceptionally strange. At first, she was surprised, then her face turned red as she glared at me.    


Of course, Su Ning knew what was going on.    


What can I do? I just smiled awkwardly.    


Looking at my appearance, Su Ning felt more and more annoyed. She raised her hand and gave me a hard slap on the spot, causing me to scream.    


Damn it.    


"Looks like it should be fine..." Su Ning glared at me and said.    


Not to mention, it seemed like it was fine. At least compared to just now, it was already much better. The swelling was also gradually dissipating and her body did not have that kind of dizziness feeling.    


Su Ning ignored me and ran to the side of the stream with a red face. She cleaned up the venom on her face and mouth.    


To Su Ning, even if she had a husband before, nothing like this had ever happened. She could not accept it for a moment.    


As for me, I grabbed the corpse of the snake and cut it open with a knife. I found the snake's gallbladder and swallowed it.    


"What are you doing?" Su Ning just raised her head and saw my actions. When she saw me swallow the disgusting snake's gallbladder, her face was filled with disgust.    


"Snake gallbladder. This thing is very nutritious and has the effect of detoxifying. It cannot be wasted, right?" I said with a smile.    


Su Ning didn't say anything. Her face was red as she cleaned up the rabbit. I tried my best to pretend that nothing had happened and tactfully didn't mention that matter again. Otherwise, I'm worried that Su Ning might become angry from embarrassment.    


After washing and peeling the rabbit, I poked the tree branch and roasted it on the flame.    


To be honest, this kind of barbecue basically has no taste.    


After all, there was no salt and all kinds of seasonings. After being roasted, it would be tasteless to eat in the mouth. However, for our hungry bodies now, this is definitely a rare treasure.    


I was practically wolfing down the meat. As for Su Ning, she was obviously much more elegant. She used her slender fingers to tear the rabbit meat into pieces and stuffed them into her mouth. She used her snow white teeth to gently chew.    


When her throat moved slightly and she swallowed the rabbit meat, she looked a little coquettish.    


Poor rabbit, it became our food.    


The rabbit was not very fat. Other than the bones, there was not much meat.    


But to us, this is already very rare.    


At least there is some warm food in the stomach. That kind of hunger is not as strong as before.    


After eating, his body also has some strength.    


I tried. Although it was still inconvenient to move, I could barely walk.    


"What should we do now? Wait for help, or..." Su Ning frowned and asked me.    


Now Su Ning has almost completely entrusted this task to me. She trusts me very much.    


"Brother Tao and the others are dead, but the police might not know."    


"Maybe because Brother Tao and the others have not contacted the police, the police are worried. Under such circumstances, the police should not dare to act rashly."    


"Furthermore, even if we act, we do not know where we are, so we have to work hard to get out." I thought for a moment and said.    


Su Ning nodded and looked at the stream. Following the stream, they would naturally be able to reach the foot of the mountain, but this place did not seem to be that convenient.    


"Let's climb up. There is a mobile phone in the wooden house up there. Furthermore, we also know that place. Compared to running around aimlessly like headless flies, it is safer to go to the place we know." After thinking for a moment, I said.    


It's just that climbing up the mountain stream isn't easy. Although Su Ning did it before, I can't. In the end, it was Su Ning who dragged my body and helped me climb up bit by bit.    


Then, she supported me and slowly walked up the mountain.    


It was also at this time that I knew how far we rolled down last night. Along the way, we didn't bump into any big rocks. We were simply lucky to the extreme.    


After walking for nearly an hour, I was panting heavily. Just as I was about to collapse, that wooden house finally appeared in front of us.    


Actually, the distance wasn't very far. It was just that my body was too weak and I couldn't walk very fast. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been like this.    


The corpses were still scattered on the ground, and a large group of flies were buzzing and flying on top of them.    


Even now, when she saw the appearance of these corpses, Su Ning felt a little afraid. She supported me into the room and grabbed a phone. There was a series of missed calls on the phone.    


I remembered Yang Xinyi's number and immediately pressed a series of numbers, preparing to tell Yang Xinyi about the situation on our side.    


However, at this moment, a slender finger suddenly stretched out from the side.    


It was Su Ning. Her small hand was grabbing onto my palm, unwilling to let go.    


I looked at Su Ning.    


Su Ning's face was filled with reluctance and bitterness.    


If we leave this place, our relationship will be restored to its original state.    


This was something that they had already agreed on a long time ago. But at this time, Su Ning felt an extremely strong reluctance and pain in her heart.    


Her fingers were trembling slightly.    


A few seconds later, Su Ning loosened her fingers and her soft body leaned into my embrace.    


"A while, a while, a while..." That voice sounded like a kind of begging.    


The face with the tear-stained face slightly lifted up as a pair of beautiful eyes stared at my face. "Can you kiss me once more?"    




That appearance caused a flame to burn intensely in my heart. Suddenly, I hugged Su Ning's body and kissed her fragrant lips. My fingers followed her slender waist and landed on her fair body.    


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