Son-in-law's Romantic Life

C1013 I Look down on You

C1013 I Look down on You

Huff, huff, huff!    


There were obviously two extremely beautiful women in this room that seemed to be within his reach. He had the time to enjoy these two women at any time.    


But now, Liang Yuloong had no such thoughts. His forehead was covered in cold sweat, and his body was trembling violently. His eyes revealed a strong fear that couldn't be melted.    


There was even despair.    


His body was pacing back and forth in the room.    


There was no longer the arrogance and arrogance on his face. All that was left was a pale fear.    


Damn it, what the hell is going on? Why hasn't that guy died yet?    


The sound of gunfire below did not subside, instead, it became closer and closer.    


Damn it, what's going on? Could it be that that damn guy is getting closer and closer?    


Damn it, damn it, why?    


Liang Yuloong was afraid once again.    


Initially, he thought that with so many bodyguards here, it would be absolutely safe, and no one would be able to do anything to him.    


Even if that Ye Chen chased after him, he would only be sending himself to his death. These subordinates of his could kill that fellow at any time. But now, the situation didn't seem to be the same as before. He was constantly dying. It wasn't Ye Chen, it was the members of his side.    


Damn it, how could this be?    


Could it be that so many of his bodyguards couldn't stop that person?    


A group of trash. Usually, each and every one of them was bragging to the heavens, but now, so many people actually could not stop a single person?    


He was very afraid in his heart. That kind of fear made Liang Yuloong almost go crazy.    


But did he regret it?    


He didn't regret it.    


Liang Yuloong had never regretted his decision. All he felt was a strong hatred towards Ye Chen.    


That damned bastard was just a scum at the bottom of society. What right did that trash have to fight with him?    


He didn't have that qualification. Wouldn't it be fine if he just died obediently? There wouldn't be so many things to do. Why didn't that person die yet?    


Eighteen bodyguards.    


The most elite members all appeared by Liang Yuloong's side.    


These eighteen people were definitely the strongest.    


Even among all the bodyguards of Liang Family, these people were the best, the most accurate, and the strongest.    


Under normal circumstances, if these 18 people were protecting him, Liang Yuloong wouldn't have to worry about anything. But now, he didn't feel safe at all.    


"You can kill him. Right? You can definitely kill him, right?" Liang Yuloong's face was completely pale. Because of the intense fear, even his voice was trembling.    


Liang Yuloong really hoped to hear an affirmative answer. As long as these people could say a single word, there would be no problem. He would definitely be able to kill that guy, and Liang Yuloong would feel at ease.    


But now, even if it was just these words, it had become an extravagant hope for Liang Yuloong.    


The security captain frowned slightly and said, "Sorry, boss, we can't guarantee it."    


He really couldn't guarantee it.    


These people were all fearless people. No matter how strong the enemy was, they would still dare to go up and fight.    


But now, the things that happened made these people completely uncertain.    


That enemy was truly too powerful, powerful to the point of making one despair.    


There were a total of fifty to sixty people below. How many people were still alive now? How many people had already died?    


Under such circumstances, even with so many members, they were still unable to intercept such a person.    


Even the elite members of their group felt their hair standing on end. They truly did not have the slightest confidence.    


These words instantly made Liang Yuloong furious.    


He really wanted to curse loudly. What were you people doing?    


A bunch of trash. I've always given you so much salary. Even women, now that you need to protect yourself... You don't even have the confidence to kill the intruders, you're just a bunch of trash. What's the use of having you guys?    


Of course, these words were just a thought in Liang Yuloong's mind. Before he could say it out loud, although Liang Yuloong was afraid, he didn't completely lose his mind. He still needed these people to protect his life. Offending these people wasn't a good thing.    


"Boss, don't worry. We will do everything we can to kill that person. If we can't do it, we will let the Boss leave safely." The bodyguard captain said in a deep voice.    


Although he was still quite dissatisfied in his heart, this was already the limit of what these people could do, right?    


Liang Yuloong forcefully suppressed the irritation in his heart and inadvertently saw Yang Xinxin and Lin Xueying beside him.    


These two people were also controlled by the two bodyguards now.    


But on the faces of these two women, there was no fear at all.    


It seemed that as long as that man appeared, there would be nothing to worry about. The two of them had extreme trust in that man. They believed that no matter what kind of enemy it was, no matter what kind of situation it was, that man would be able to easily solve the problem.    


That firm belief made Liang Yuloong's heart even more irritable.    


Especially the mocking look in Yang Xinxin's eyes, it deeply hurt Yang Xinxin's heart.    


"Damn it, what are you thinking about?" Liang Yuloong roared.    


Yang Xinxin only glanced at her mouth and looked at Liang Yuloong. "I, look down on you."    


That's right, I look down on you.    


I look down on you.    


Liang Yuloong was very awesome. He had a lot of money and power in his family. He had a large group of bodyguards around him. It seemed like he was really a very powerful person.    


Insolent, arrogant, and arrogant.    


But what about the truth?    


This fellow was merely a trash.    


He was truly a piece of trash.    


When faced with true danger, the nature hidden under the arrogant mask of this guy was fully displayed.    


That kind of appearance was even worse than that of an ordinary person.    


Thinking that she was actually forced to this extent by this kind of trash, Yang Xinxin felt that it was somewhat funny.    


Looking down on her?    


These few words had pierced the most humble dignity in Liang Yuloong's heart. His face had already twisted together.    


Damn it, what right did this woman have to look down on me? What right does she have to look down on me?    


"Yang Xinxin, don't be so proud of yourself. Don't think that everything will be fine after Ye Chen appears."    


"Let me tell you, it won't happen."    


"Absolutely not. That guy won't be able to do anything."    


"If I were to say that I was still considering whether or not I should really kill him, now I'm telling you, he's dead for sure. I will definitely kill him in front of you..." Liang Yuloong roared.    


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