Dragon Blood Devil Soldier



Borrowing a knife to kill someone    


As the furious shout of the vice-captain rang out, the noisy commotion from before immediately quietened down. However, there was still dissatisfaction in the eyes of the crowd.    


"This operation, I am following Monarch's orders to lead a group of people to investigate. If anyone disobeys my orders, that will be disobeying to Monarch!"    


Seeing this group of wet behind the ears Royal young generation daring to disobey him, the vice-captain was obviously enraged, he stared at Long Bufan and the rest with eyes that could not hide the killing intent: "So, no matter who it is, I have the authority to kill them first!"    


While speaking, the eight black dragonwing behind the vice-captain completely spread out. In an instant, waves after waves of violent Blood Evil Seal whizzed out, lingering around his body, emitting a dense wave of bloody smell.    


Seeing this scene, many of the royal students present, including the second prince, Mo Yu and Violet Princess, immediately retreated backwards, vigilantly staring at the other party.    


Long Bufan similarly shrank his body back, hiding himself within the crowd of people, while his eyes flashed crazily, as a method of escape quickly spun in his mind.    


"Bastard, I don't believe you would dare to attack this prince!"    


Although his strength was not as strong as the latter, as the son of the Monarch, he had nothing to fear. He did not believe that if he did not cooperate with the investigation, this vice-captain would have the guts to kill him first!    


In fact, his true identity was not that of a loyal follower to the Monarch, but that of a mother who was from the First Prince. His goal was to assist the First Prince in inheriting the position of the next Monarch.    


And in the struggle for the Demon Palace's throne, Mo Yu's existence was undoubtedly the biggest threat to the First Prince.    


"Since you don't know what's good for you, I shall take this opportunity to get rid of you!"    


Cold intent surged within the eyes of the vice-captain of the Eight Wings Clan. After which, he said in a cold voice, "Alright, the first investigation will start from you!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, the murderous Eight Wings Vice Leader did not waste any more time talking nonsense. In an instant, the Blood Evil Seal around him turned into streaks of scarlet Blood Light, locking onto Mo Yu's figure and shooting over in all directions.    


They could clearly see that the attack of the vice-captain was extremely sharp and without the slightest mercy. If so many Blood Evil Seal s were to bore into his body, even if he did not die, his body would be gravely injured!    


Six wings and eight wings, even though their appearance was only two wings apart, there was a heaven and earth difference on the Power. Facing the attack of the vice-captain, by the time Mo Yu reacted, the densely packed Blood Light had already arrived.    


Of course, even if they fought head on, Mo Yu's Power was still unable to stop them all.    


"Swoosh swoosh!"    


However, in that moment of life and death, Violet Princess and Long Bufan attacked from the side at the same time.    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


Long Bufan's fists danced wildly, the dense shadows of his fists contained an extremely violent power of Dark Magic Secret Art's hidden strength, intercepting the dozen or so Blood Evil Seal s that had rushed to Mo Yu's front the first, and taking advantage of this short period of time, Violet Princess had already used teleportation, bringing Mo Yu along with him and suddenly disappearing from his original position, causing the remaining large amount of Blood Evil Seal attacks to miss.    


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