Dragon Blood Devil Soldier



Gazing at the pattern on the stone table, Long Bufan studied it very carefully, recording every point that was suitable for his strategy. However, when his gaze moved to the blood-red lake in the middle of the map, he suddenly stopped.    


"Thousand Demonic Blood Lake?"    


Long Bufan's heart skipped a beat. Because he was not strong enough, he had always been suppressed by the Demon Emperor Mo Lianyun. If he wanted to make a comeback, then this Ten Thousand Demonic Lake, which was classified as a dangerous place by the royal family, was his only chance.    


The Myriad Demon Blood Lake was the closest to the Black Sun Empire. If they lured the Demon Emperor to send troops to attack the Mo Yang Empire, they would definitely pass by the lake.    


Thinking about it, Long Bufan seemed to have a plan in his mind.    


Seeing that Long Bufan's gaze had stopped at the location of the Thousand Demonic Blood Lake, Mo Lianyun's gaze darkened slightly. He stared at Long Bufan with a sinister gaze and said coldly, "If your proposal is to have this emperor head to the Thousand Demonic Blood Lake to find resources and attempt to break through to the Twelve Winged Dragon Demon Emperor, then, you can scram!"    


Hearing this, Long Bufan's expression turned slightly cold, then he immediately shook his head. An extremely clever look of fear appeared on his face, and he immediately explained: "Master, please calm down, I'm just a little curious about this Myriad Demon Blood Lake, it's not related to the strategic plan ?"    


But, before Long Bufan could finish speaking, a Black light pattern suddenly shot towards him.    


Long Bufan's heart suddenly sank. He forcefully endured the urge and stood still, not moving to dodge in the slightest. He didn't even summon out the battle spirit armor from his body.    




In almost an instant, the Black light pattern had smashed into his left shoulder without any suspense. The violent energy, like a sharp blade, directly pierced through and shot out a blood hole.    


"Err ?" Long Bufan groaned. As he staggered, he retreated two steps.    


"When discussing matters with this Emperor, I must focus my attention. If there is a next time, I will definitely be severely punished!" Mo Lie Yun stared at Long Bufan with a ruthless gaze. He was very satisfied with the latter's lack of resistance, and his cold eyes contained a sense of majesty that could not be hidden.    




Long Bufan nodded his head in reverence. Because the force of qi and blood was so powerful in his body, the blood hole on his left shoulder was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, the Demon Emperor's indifferent contempt and humiliation was like a steel needle that pierced Long Bufan's heart.    


His dignity had obviously once again suffered a serious provocation at this moment, causing the killing intent that Long Bufan tried his best to suppress to become even richer. It was like a volcano that was about to erupt at any moment!    


However, the dense killing intent was quickly suppressed.    


Long Bufan knew that this trap, even the current him was still unable to solve it. Even if he summoned his Symbol Spirit Puppet and the two parties were lucky enough to kill Mo Lie Yun in the end, so what?    


Because, what they would face next, was definitely the encirclement and pursuit of countless experts in the Demon Palace. At that time, all their plans they had planned and planned would come to naught.    


The current him had no way to intimidate the other Royal with his strength after killing Mo Lianyun. All of this was because he was still not strong enough!    


So, no matter how much of a humiliation he received, he had to continue holding back. Waiting, was the only way Long Bufan could do it!    


When the sleeping lion woke up, the entire royal family was trembling!    


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