Dragon Blood Devil Soldier



Walking out of the residence's gate, Long Bufan looked up and what entered his line of sight was actually an elite troop of soldiers. Other than Lei Ta himself leading more than a hundred Six-winged personal guards, as he looked towards the rest of the troops, he estimated that there were at least a few thousand Four-Winged Dragon Blood Demon General s.    


"We greet Vice Guild Leader Huo Chen!"    


When they saw Long Bufan appear, all the many royal warriors present straightened their backs and shouted out with great vigor, without exception wearing respectful expressions.    


The street outside the mansion belonged to the Main Street of the inner city. Although it was very wide, thousands of royal warriors were lined up in a neat row here, filling the entire street.    


The Royal living in the inner city all hid in the corner and watched in surprise. They didn't know why this newly appointed vice leader had suddenly summoned so many warriors in the middle of the night.    


For a moment, countless surprised and doubtful gazes gathered on Long Bufan.    


At this moment, Long Bufan was wearing battle spirit armour and had transformed into the battle form of the Eight-winged Dragon Blood Demon King. He was nearly two meters tall and looked strong and sturdy.    


"Monarch has ordered us to search for any suspicious people within the inner and outer city. Our target is the wanted criminal from before, Long Bufan."    


Long Bufan revealed a dignified face, his dark golden eyes swept across the Royal Warriors present, and shouted with a powerful voice.    


"Yes sir!"    


As Long Bufan's voice fell, in practically the next moment, a loud and clear simultaneous roar resounded. That kind of imposing manner was enough to intimidate the bystanders nearby.    


Long Bufan was clearly very satisfied with this kind of imposing power, and at the same time secretly praised the Demons's army in his heart, it was indeed one of the strongest army he had ever seen.    


As for the other branch, perhaps only the robotic race could compare to it.    


After all, the robotic race was a scientific and technological Power passed down from Earth's civilization. Following the great nuclear war on Earth and the extinction of mankind, the robotic race was undoubtedly the last remaining technology and intelligence. After thousands of years of evolution, it had already transformed into a powerful army that could traverse the universe.    


Perhaps, in the future, if the continent of the firmament were to really fall, he would still need to rely on the robotic race's Power for the most hopeful support.    


As for how to contact the robotic race, Long Bufan had a method. He remembered that when he was in the drop plane, the robotic race gave him a metal watch to locate his current location on the planet he was on.    


Long Bufan guessed that the metal watch was most likely something similar to the portal. Of course, to robotic race, who mainly used the technology of Power, it would be used as a tool to create the wormhole.    


After that, he looked at Lei Ta sharply and ordered: "Lei Ta, I'll give you two thousand horses. You will be in charge of leading the team to search the outer city. Within the hour, no matter what the result is, I need the most accurate information!"    


"Yes sir!"    


Lei Ta nodded heavily. Then, with a wave of his hand, he led two thousand royal warriors as they flew towards the outer city with a murderous look on their faces.    


As for Long Bufan, who was in charge of searching the inner city, he naturally led the remaining Royal Warriors in a serious and strict attitude and started to quickly sweep through both the land and air areas of the inner city.    


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