Invincible Smart-Guy System

C346 Civil Aviation Conference

C346 Civil Aviation Conference

3,000 units of annual production for domestic airlines... Basically, the demand could be met. In other words, if Dong Chen only produced the DC11 engine in the early stages. Then all 737 and 320 series airplanes in the country can be equipped within a year. This was very meaningful to domestic airlines.    


The biggest competition for airlines came from domestic airlines. First of all, there were too many ways for domestic airlines to be chosen. Furthermore, the high-speed railway in China was getting more and more developed. Whether it was the speed or convenience of high-speed rail, then the price and time... It was much more convenient than airplanes, which caused domestic airlines to lack competition in most of the mid-range and short-range routes in China. The profits were very low.    


If they were mid-range airplanes, they could change into DC11. Then the profits of domestic airlines will be greatly increased. At that time, they would be able to lower the price and increase the number of seats available. On the one hand, they could also guarantee that the profits of the units would be much higher than before. The popularity of the entire civil aviation industry would be increased in a short period of time.    


Since the government had already issued a travel permit for the DC11, the biggest problem now was... It was about how Dong Chen distributed the orders in front of him. The heads of the aviation companies present raised their proposals one after another. The biggest procurement was the South China Airlines, and the total number of orders had reached 730. However, they were able to replace more than 300 Boeing 737 and Airbus A320, while East Airlines ordered 700. They had 200 A320 and 100 Boeing 737, which covered all the routes in the country. Apart from that, more than 200 Navigation Navigation Navigation, Qilu Airlines, Sichuan Airlines, and other small airlines also had dozens or more orders...    


The large airlines were of different scale and the number of orders were different. Hence, even if they were to split the output evenly, for a major aviation company... It was also very unfair. Under the circumstances of an equal distribution of production, small airlines were able to complete the changing of all mid-range and short-range airplanes faster, increasing their overall profitability. And large airlines often had hundreds of large aircraft, so the replacement cycle was too long. The effect was also very slow.    


The people from the Civil Aviation Administration had discussed many times, but it was also very difficult to find a way to satisfy everyone. The small airlines hoped to split the production capacity evenly according to the number of companies they ordered. The large aviation company wanted to split the orders evenly according to the number of different airlines ordered. For example, in the first month, the airlines were guaranteed to receive 9% of their orders. This way, everyone could complete the engine change within a year.    


Regarding this proposal, the small airlines immediately became anxious. Especially the person in charge of Yunnan Province's Xiangpeng Airlines, whose face was red and neck was thick, shouted, "Our small company's survival has always been difficult. There are fewer planes, fewer flight routes, and the time of departure are all arranged at the edge of awkward times. Survival is difficult to begin with. If we go by this ratio, we have a total of 18 planes, the person in charge of Yun-province Xiangpeng Airlines said. We can only get about three engines per month. We can only complete the changing of three planes in two months. Compared to the big airlines, this speed is too unfair! "    


"That's right!" The manager of Tianjin Airlines also agreed and said, "South China Airlines is one of the best in Asia. There's no need to compete with small companies at this time! You should look into the long term. Your international shipping route is developing so well. It's good to put in more effort on the medium and short international shipping routes!"    


The person in charge of the South China Airlines said, "We have so many planes. We need a large amount of capital to change our equipment. Almost all of the previous engines have to be replaced. Not only is the cost high, but also... Resources are also very wasteful. Even spare parts cannot be used. Do you think you must eat a lot just because you have a big plate? No matter how big the plate is, there is only so little food inside. It is not much more than your small company. In the end, you will use more effort to wash the plate! That detergent and water is also much more expensive than yours! Such a large plate, even if it's placed on it, it would still occupy more space than your small plate!"    


The South China Airlines person-in-charge's words made everyone not know whether to laugh or cry. All the large and small airlines were eager to finish changing their clothes as soon as possible. However, it was not possible to produce tens of thousands of engines in a short period of time. After all, it was a very long process to complete the full-line installation.    


The entire conference room was filled with noise. For a moment, everyone was expressing their opinions and arguing nonstop.    


The central organizer of the Civil Aviation Administration looked embarrassed. Who would get the Dongchen Engine first? This meant that whoever got the ___ first would have a huge cost advantage. This was not an increase in one party. The other side had stagnated, but once one side improved, the other side would definitely decline.    


Zhang Yunfeng listened to the arguments of the crowd and felt a headache coming on. He thought for a moment and knocked on the table with his finger. After everyone had calmed down, Zhang Yunfeng asked, "What is the route with the greatest pressure now?"    


The people in charge of the aviation company looked at each other. Finally, the person in charge of East Airlines said, "I think the most stressful route we are currently on is the ones opened by the high-speed rail. Among them, the pressure from Yanjing to Zhonghai should be the greatest. "    


The other airlines also expressed their stance. From Yanjing to Zhonghai. It could be said to be the hottest route in the country. The traffic was the largest, the number of flights was the most, the competition was the most, and there was also the greatest pressure. Because after the high-speed rail from Yanjing to Zhonghai was opened, the distance between the two cities from the city center to the city center would only take five hours. Furthermore, the price of a second-class seat was only about 500 yuan. And the economy class price of the plane during the golden period would basically be maintained at the same price. However, this was the price of a second-class seat, not the final price. In the end, the consumers would have to bear an additional 180 yuan oil tax and airport construction tax.    


The biggest problem in the aerospace industry was that most airports were located in remote locations. The boarding time was long and the accuracy rate was low. Take Yanjing for example, from the city to the airport. It also took 30 minutes to get to the airport, and an additional 30 yuan of transportation fees. The airport bus would take an average of more than an hour.    


The high-speed railway stations of these two cities were located in the urban area. It was convenient to take the bus, the procedures were simple, and the accuracy was very precise. Therefore, the pressure on civil aviation on this line was the greatest.    


The others did not have any objections to this. It was indeed a big problem for Yanjing to go to Zhonghai. A problem that seemed to be very difficult to break through. And... It is said that... The speed of the high-speed railway would soon increase to 350 kilometers per hour. At that time... The whole time would be reduced to around four hours. At that time, civil Aviation would be even more painful on this route.    


Zhang Yunfeng saw that no one had any objections about the fact that the route from Yanjing to Shanghai was the most stressful, so he said, "Then, let's start with this route. According to the current number of flights you have on this route, the number of flights will be in units. All the airlines will be replaced at an average speed. Dong Chen's productivity will ensure that the four planes will be replaced every day. All the airlines will be arranged according to the order of the first letter on the spreadsheet. Each aircraft company will change one plane every time. Circular change. First, let each of your airlines reduce a certain amount of pressure on this flight route. After all the planes on this route have been replaced, we will start to change the second route. "    


Zhang Yunfeng's method made everyone's eyes light up. If that was the case, for all the airlines, they all wanted to be fair, because they were different in terms of scale and strength. The resources allocated to each flight path are different. So, it would allow them to concentrate and solve the pressure of a single sailing route first.    


This rule was readily accepted by everyone, and Zhang Yunfeng said, "Since no one has any objections, then let's start signing the purchase contract now. After signing the contract, from this week onwards, Dong Chen would start working on the airplane modification work from Yanjing to Zhonghai. During the DC11 test period, the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering had never stopped manufacturing the DC11. We now have about 80 engines that have gone offline smoothly, and are currently in the trial phase on the ground. Three days later, we will rent a maintenance warehouse at Zhonghai Hongqiao Airport. We will complete the installation of your engines at Hongqiao. "    


After that, the person in charge of the South China Airlines said, "I think, other than the route from Yanjing to Zhonghai, the route from Yanjing to Yang City is also facing a lot of pressure. The number of high-speed trains from Yanjing to Yang City is very high. The impact of the route along the way is also very great. Therefore, after the journey from Yanjing to Zhonghai is completed, the next step should be from Yanjing to Yang City. "    


The person in charge of East Airlines also nodded and said, "Right now, the route with the least pressure is the major tourist hotlines, and the route to the southwestern and north-western cities. On these routes, the competition of the airlines is still very strong. We don't need to worry about it for now. The most important thing is to gradually change the routes between the major cities on the third step. If that is the case, we will have enough competition to compete with them for the passenger routes when we face the various high-speed rail lines. "    


"What about the overseas routes?" The person in charge of Navigation Navigation said, "Don't forget the importance of the sea routes, especially the sea routes between the Asian countries. Dongwo, Cold Country, Thailand, these are the business and tourist routes with the greatest customer flow. Foreign airlines have been fighting with us over the customer flow. If we can change the airlines of these airlines, then our competition against the outside world will be greatly increased. "    


The person in charge of Xiangpeng Airlines said bitterly, "Can we talk about these things in the future? We don't have any international airlines so far. You want to change the airlines of the international airlines. We have to wait until we small companies finish changing, right? "    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and stood up. He said, "The first stage is about the route from Yanjing to Zhonghai. As for the other matters... Let's not talk about it for now. When this route is about to end, let's meet and discuss. We will stop here for today. After everyone goes back, we'll arrange the arrangements of the planes as soon as possible. See you at Hongqiao in three days. "    


Currently, the production capacity of the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering was three a day. During the flight test these few days, the accumulation of over 80 engines is enough to equip each of these airlines with three planes. As for Shang Fei, he was in Zhonghai, and the airlines of the various major airlines were on the route to Zhonghai. Most of them landed and disembarked at Rainbow Bridge Airport in Zhonghai, so he changed the engines of these airlines at Rainbow Bridge. It was also the most convenient.    


After the meeting in the domestic aviation community, Dong Chen announced to the world: The DC11 will be supplying to the China Airlines from today onwards, and it will start to change the airplanes of the China Airlines in the shortest time possible. After General, Puhui, and Rolls-Royce found out that Dong Chen had entered the market so quickly, they all issued warnings to the major airlines in the country. They claimed that if the company changed the engine without permission, all the consequences would be caused. The airlines would take responsibility for all of this. Furthermore, in order to reduce the losses caused by the fall in stock prices and orders, the three companies jointly made a move similar to a punishment to all the customers in the world, which was to maintain all the engine maintenance and spare parts costs. It increased by 50%.    


This action was protested by all the airlines around the world, and the three companies had already seen through it. With Dong Chen's current powerful manufacturing ability, it was only a matter of time before they fell. The Dongchen Automobile had already shown them enough examples. The Dongchen Automobile had almost crushed all the big companies around the world. It had turned these companies into Dong Chen's contractor factory, and the aerospace engine field. Dong Chen was more competitive than cars because of the users of the aviation engine. It was an aviation company around the world, not an individual. Individuals might have branding tendencies. However, the aerospace company was a company that valued profits as the core. It was impossible to think about old relationships and nationality.    


Although all the airlines in the world were opposed to the malicious increment of the three giants, the fact that Dong Chen was unable to cover the entire world in a short period of time was an irreversible situation. The three giants were also very clear that even if there was a day when all of their users would fall into Dong Chen's arms, however, before the fall, all the airlines had to rely on them.    


Although on one hand, they raised the price maliciously, on the other hand, the three giants also lowered the price of their own engines by a large margin. Now, Boeing and aircrafts had given up on using the engines of the three giants. However, dong Chen's coverage would take at least a few years to complete. In these years, if the aviation company had a demand, there would definitely be a new aircraft that would be put into operation. They lowered the price of the new engine in order to attract users to temporarily give up waiting for Dong Chen. Instead, they chose the engines of the three giants to meet the needs in front of them.    


Zhang Yunfeng was not worried about that. The engine of an aircraft engine was different from a car. The user of a car might not blindly make repeated investments. But... The aviation company's plan was very simple, even if they chose the engines of the three giants in order to meet the demand. But once the Dongchen engine had a supply, they would definitely replace all the engines of the three giants as quickly as possible. This was the only way to reduce the cost to the greatest extent.    


The overseas airlines were not only angry about the maliciousness of the three giants in raising maintenance and the cost of spare parts, they were even more furious. They were also worried about China Airlines. Currently, Dong Chen's DC11 was not enough to carry out international long-distance flights. However, once Dong Chen developed a large thrust engine, he would be the first one to change into a new one. It would definitely be China Airlines. At that time, China Airlines would use lower cost planes. They would compete with them for the market for international shipping routes, and they were more worried. If Dong Chen started to export the aircraft engines in the world, then every aircraft company that obtained Dong Chen's engine would be the first to do so. They all set off an unfair competition in their own country.    


In order to increase productivity as much as possible in a short period of time, Dong Chen invested one billion US dollars for the construction of the new production line of Dongchen Aerospace Engineering. Dong Chen had endless cash, and most of it was in foreign currencies. This made Dong Chen the company with the strongest purchasing power in the world. If he decided to build a production line, with the close relationship between the Dongchen Automobile and the various countries in the world, he could easily purchase and assemble the products in the world.    


Because of Dong Chen's powerful financial support and the powerful technological support of the Dongchen Aerospace Engineering, the entire world's Civil Aviation System had its eyes fixed on Dong Chen. They were looking forward to Dong Chen's next move, as well as the next product that would shock the world.    


At the same time, more than a month had passed since Dong Chen logged off. The first engine was still in the trial phase on the ground, supported by powerful technology, materials, and manufacturing processes. It was running for 23 hours a day, for more than 30 days in a row. It was still functioning well, without a single malfunction.    


The powerful manufacturing ability allowed more and more people in the world to pay attention to Dong Chen's performance in the DC11. Dong Chen intended to prove the working ability of the DC11's Order, the degree of reliability of the machinery, and the time limit of its major maintenance.    


The three engine manufacturers in the world were targeting the location of the commercial engine. They all used a detailed classification method to further cater to the demand of the market. The subdivision of the thrust was even precise to 100 kilograms of units. In fact, the general classification was only three levels, consisting of medium-scale, medium-scale, and medium-scale passenger planes. There were more than ten types of engine models in the world for medium-sized and small dry line passenger planes. However, in front of the super cost-effective ratio of Dong Chen's DC11, these ten types of engines were developed for medium-scale, small-scale, and passenger planes. All of them were eclipsed, even some small and narrow dry line passenger planes. After equipping the DC11, there would be a certain amount of thrust that would be wasted. But... Due to precise fuel consumption control, the part of the engine designed with more thrust... It would not increase the cost of usage.    


This was also the reason why Boeing praised the DC11 as the perfect power system for all middle-sized and small-scale dry line passenger planes and cargo planes. Dong Chen did not need to make any more detailed classifications for this level of market. Just one DC11 was enough.    


From this, it could be seen that if Dong Chen developed a higher thrust version of the medium-sized passenger planes that originally covered Boeing, such as Boeing, the A330 and 340 tons of A330 and 340 tons of large thrust engines, then, with Dong Chen's strength, he only needed one product. He would be able to fully cover this area. In fact, dong Chen only needed to develop two engines, and that would be enough to cover most of the models in the entire civil aviation field. As for the A380, this kind of super-large passenger plane, the output was too low. The proportion of the Civil aviation aircraft reserve was also very small. Would it help him develop a large thrust engine with more than 30 tons of thrust? It also seemed that it was not necessary.    


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