Invincible Smart-Guy System

C333 The First Overseas Proxy Businessman

C333 The First Overseas Proxy Businessman

Achieving a preliminary collaboration is just the first step, and most importantly, it needed to go through precise calculations and give a universal final price... After a comprehensive evaluation of the general use, if one felt that it could be done... Then, he would sign a real cooperation contract, and then Dong Chen would be able to take part of the model of the car. He could give it to General Appraisal for production.    


However, Zhang Yunfeng was also very clear in his heart. He could authorize the model of the vehicle to be manufactured by General Motors. Only the S1, S2, C1, C2 of the SUVs, and the P1, P2, and MPV multi-purpose vehicles M1 and M2. Furthermore, he would never authorize General Motors to be produced.    


The engine was the core technology of Dong Chen, and... The material of Dong Chen's engine was a new aluminum alloy, which was made of this material. This material could not be authorized to be produced overseas, even if Dong Chen authorized it to be used for engine production. The material must also be exported from China. Since that was the case, it was better to directly cut off the production process of the engine. All the engines were produced in China. Or perhaps, General Manager rented the engine production line to Dong Chen. Dong Chen would be in charge of the production.    


As for the transmission system and the transmission box, they were also made using the steel alloy that Dong Chen had. Therefore, this part was the same as the engine, either it was an exit or an exit. Or, Dong Chen would take over their production line and produce it himself.    


The four-drive system and the suspension were not kept confidential. Although Dongchen's four-drive system was very powerful, however, the core of the system was the precise calculations and allocation of the central control computer. Dong Chen was not afraid that outsiders could imitate it, and the interaction system was even simpler. It was a set of motherboards and chips, and most importantly... It was also the program created by the waiter and the invincible server command library.    


Even so, Carter was still full of joy when he left China. Furthermore, on the same day that he returned to China, Universal was the first to release the news. It claimed that it had reached an initial agreement with Dong Chen. After the cooperation was finalized, most of Dong Chen's cars would be produced in America.    


Out of courtesy, Dong Chen also released an announcement with the same content. With that, he wanted to give Carter some comfort so that others would not think that he was the one who was calling the shots. After Dong Chen confirmed the news, in the world's automotive industry: Another uproar broke out.    


Who wouldn't be afraid of those in the same industry? Although General Motors had not been doing well in recent years, but... A lean camel was still bigger than a horse. This company had over ten million annual production capacity, and there was no doubt about it. If General Manager used 50% of his productivity to work with Dong Chen, then Dong Chen would have an annual production of more than five million cars. This was a bad news for any car Manufacturing Enterprise.    


Originally, they thought that Dong Chen would not have enough energy to cover the mainland in a short period of time if he focused all of his energy on the US Market. However, with this disturbance, the matter was not as clear as before. In just a few months, Dong Chen might even have the ability to transport millions of cars to the European Union market every year. What the f * ck! The European Union's market had been poor these few years. Another ferocious carnivorous animal had come. Wouldn't this take the lives of other companies?    


But the European Union was not the Northern Chill Country. They had to abide by the International Trade Organization's import and export regulations. There is no reason to reject the trade between the companies of the Member States and their own countries, if it is macro-micro-control... They were also worried that the public opinion would be dissatisfied.    


Europe was in a period of economic downturn. Under such circumstances, the people needed more energy-saving and economical products to reduce daily expenses. For example, the taxi drivers in Europe had long been looking forward to the appearance of S2. Because if the cab was switched to S2, their daily cost would only be in terms of fuel consumption. There was a 40% decrease, if looking at long-term maintenance, taxis, which had a strong fatigue level, could save a lot of money.    


The people thought so too. This was also the reason why the sales of energy-saving and environmental vehicles in Europe had been rising over the years. Because of this... It seemed that the European Union could not stop Dong Chen from entering. Otherwise, they would have complied with the local Automobile Enterprise but went against the wishes of most of the citizens.    


From then on, the Dongchen Automobile was regarded as the synonym of top technology and perfect cost-performance ratio among the people. However, among the peers, it was described as an unpardonable slaughter. Wherever it went, it would be a barren land.    


A few days later, Dong Chen once again negotiated with Universal. Carter once again came to China. This time, his mood was no longer as perturbed as the last time. The current Carter was a highly praised figure in America. The people pursued him because he was the first one to realize the nationalization of the Dongchen Automobile. At that time, the Dongchen Automobile in the North American market would have a higher cost-performance ratio. The political world admired him because he helped to alleviate the impact of the Dongchen Automobile on the Bei Mei market. He had turned the entire General Motors into a buffer zone for the market. Everyone in the General Motors Company admired Carter even more. He had taken the initiative to break out of the encirclement, making General Motors the industry. The only company that would not reduce their productivity under Dong Chen's pressure was also Dong Chen's company in the global automotive industry. It was the first overseas contractor.    


And during this negotiation, Dong Chen directly gave out the price of each model. Furthermore, Carter did not have any objections to the request of renting the two engines and transmission production lines that were commonly used in China and North America. He knew that it was impossible for Dong Chen to give the core components to the general production line. Therefore, he readily agreed to Dong Chen's request. As for the rent... Dong Chen was not stingy. There were a total of four production lines. During the period when Dong Chen rented the production line, all maintenance and maintenance fees were borne by Dong Chen. The annual rent was 380 million USD, and the equipment depreciation fee was 150 million USD. It would be good if this thing could not be compensated in the hands of General Manager. Now that there was still a profit of 530 million US dollars, it was a perfect choice.    


In addition, Dong Chen had ordered at least 7.5 million cars per year, so General Manager did not have to worry about any sales problems. The total profit margin of 7.5 million orders could also reach around 2 billion USD. General Manager still had 30% of his productivity, which could at least guarantee his annual profit of more than 2 billion US Dollar. For General Manager, this situation was perfect.    


After the conditions of the contract were basically finalized, General Manager signed the contract with Dong Chen without hesitation. And Dong Chen also applied to the United States government. This was exactly what the White House wanted. The White House had been thinking about how to stabilize the domestic employment rate without angering the people. And to them, the cooperation between Dong Chen and the general public was... It was good news that made them feel relaxed.    


In the application submitted by Dong Chen to the White House, Dong Chen made a unilateral promise. The S, C, P, and M series sold in the North American market, two cars each at level 1 and 2. As for the more than 30 models with different configurations, all of them would be produced and equipped in the United States. Dong Chen would only keep the exports of the high-end models. The products from the 20 plus countries in North America, including Canada and Mexico, would all be produced in the United States. This was to ensure the employment rate in the United States.    


In addition, Dong Chen also promised to cooperate with other car manufacturers in the United States. He would only choose to work with local companies in the United States, and not the production lines of other companies in the United States. In this way, he would directly exclude the production lines of Japanese cars. This point made the Americans very satisfied. Dong Chen came in. After crushing the other overseas brands of the US Market, he began to cooperate with the local companies. He ensured the management and employment of the domestic companies. It was during the process of Dong Chen eating away at the world. This was a relatively gentle method.    


At the same time, Zhang Yunfeng made an announcement. Dong Chen's luxury car series. Dong Chen's luxury car would be divided into two grades. Level 1 The designated competitors would be the Leksas series, Mercedes-Benz series, BMW 7 series, Audi A8, Leopard XJ, etc., Level 2. They will compete directly with Bentley, Maserati, Rolls-Royce, and other mass-produced cars. Dong Chen announced. This time, the location of the luxury car would not be based on the so-called brand heritage. They would be competing on the hardware configuration and the technological level.    


Other than that, there was another piece of news that shocked the whole world. The original text was very simple: Due to the strategic error in the location of SC1, SC1 was seriously out of touch with the majority of the market. Therefore, Dong Chen had already started the development of the "cheap sports car." The market of the cheap sports car was set at 52,000,000.    


The words cheap sports car like Dong Chen made Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Maserati, Porsche, and Paganini extremely embarrassed!    


Because Dong Chen only had one sports car, which was the world's top sports car, SC1, which cost more than 50 million RMB. The so-called cheap sports car concept of Dong Chen was that it would be launched into a public sports car with a price of 50 million and 2 million RMB.    


What a bully!    


Those companies that relied on selling sports cars to survive almost collapsed in an instant. The so-called top sports car products that they were so proud of. In Dong Chen's eyes, it was synonymous with cheap sports cars. The hidden meaning in Dong Chen's words was also very simple. They said that it was a strategic mistake to make SC1. It meant that Dong Chen regretted making SC1 so much that no one could match it. Now, Dong Chen lowered his value and built some "cheap sports cars" to match the market.    


What was the point of the Ferrari sports car manufacturers from now on? Other than bankruptcy, there was probably no other choice.    


Regarding this, the chairman of the Ferrari F1 motorcade, Luka Di, publicly questioned Dong Chen in the media. He said, "I've heard that Dong Chen is preparing to enter the F1 and other competitive car fields, but let me ask Dong Chen. If you crush Ferrari, Medseus, Renault, Coswell, and BMW brands, then who will be able to continue participating in the F1 competition? If other brands go bankrupt or lose money, Dong Chen will enter the F1 in the future. I can only play with myself!"    


That's right, F1 was a game that burned money. The companies that participated in this game not only have strong research and development capabilities, but also have strong economic capabilities. The reason why the F1 had withdrawn for so many years was mostly because the companies did not have that much money to continue investing in the F1. If these companies did not have money, what would they use to participate in F1?    


Lucar Di's words instantly set off a wave of popularity in the world of competitive cars. Many of the chairmen, drivers, and companies came out to protest, thinking that Dong Chen had appeared. Not only did it disrupt the order of the world's car economy, but it also disrupted the order of all competitive sports. If this continued, perhaps the whole world would run with Dongchen Automobile one day. If that was the case, how could competitive cars continue to develop?    


Facing doubts, Dong Chen declared very domineeringly, If any company is unable to continue participating in the competitive car project because of Dong Chen's impact on the market, they can bring relevant documents to Dong Chen to seek sponsorship. Dong Chen would unconditionally give appropriate support and guarantee that the company would participate in the competition.    


This sentence even detonated the car manufacturers in the world who participated in the competition. Dong Chen's meaning was very simple. If you can't afford to play, come and find me. I will give you money to continue playing.    


This motherf * cker... Truly fearless and unscrupulous bullying!    


However, Zhang Yunfeng also knew in his heart that the world economy could not allow Dong Chen and his family to monopolize the car economy to a large extent. Over time, due to the pressure from various countries, the entire W2 would probably change the relevant regulations. They would use this to put some restrictions on Dong Chen, but this did not matter to him. Zhang Yunfeng's goal had been achieved. He had established the Dongchen Automobile. He had also made the Dongchen Automobile the most powerful car brand in the world, Dong Chen. This was a private car Manufacturing Enterprise that came from a country that was relatively weaker. In one year's time. He had stepped onto the top of the world. This achievement was unprecedented. After that, it was even more impossible for anyone to come!    


Zhang Yunfeng's current idea was to make the world's automotive domain bow down to Dong Chen first. As Dong Chen continued to expand, and as Dong Chen continued to approach the critical points of the various governments, at that time... Dong Chen would stop expanding and seek long-term and stable development. In the end, Dong Chen would be the one to make porcelain cars. And after having a deep-rooted impression of a top powerhouse in the eyes of the consumers worldwide, Zhang Yunfeng would lower his competitive awareness. At that time, he might take out some second-tier technologies. Under the premise that Dong Chen's position as the king would not be shaken, he would increase the level of car manufacturing in the entire world. This was also a good thing for Chiaki.    


Not to mention, oil energy was an era. This era would definitely be overturned in the future. Zhang Yunfeng hoped that Dong Chen would be the only one who could promote the clean energy to the whole world. There were almost no companies that could promote the transition of a hundred years of society on their own. Dong Chen would be the first one.    


The aerospace field was also Zhang Yunfeng's biggest goal. First of all, he needed to reduce the cost of commercial transportation by a large margin and further promote the development of commercial transportation. Then, he would carry the flag that the hero abandoned when he was in his twilight years. He would push the cheap and safe supersonic commercial service to the world.    


Dong Chen was destined to become an unprecedented industrial empire!    


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