Unparalleled Talisman God



Chu Yinsha was known as one of the four strongest newbies in Sky Blue Martial Academy. He was definitely strong and was not weaker than most of the older disciples.    


Although he could not enter the Tenglong Stage, it was not because his strength was lacking, it was only because he had just entered the Martial Arts Academy and did not have the qualifications to enter. However, in terms of true strength, he was definitely on par with the disciples of the Tenglong Stage.    


But now, facing the God of Slaughter Luo Cha, just one strike was enough to make him suffer!    


"I said, you ?" "Not qualified!" Luo Cha's smile and eyes were filled with wildness, and said while grinning.    


"Hehe, good!" Very good! As expected, Tenglong Stage's disciples did not disappoint me! " Chu Yinsha didn't feel dejected, but the excitement in his eyes became even more apparent.    


"I'm not interested in you. Although I'm going to kill someone, I will still have to see if that person is qualified to be killed by me. You can't!" Luo Cha turned his head, he did not have any intention to continue attacking and was about to leave.    


"You're injured and I still want to leave? Whether you can do it or not will not be up to you! " Chu Yinsha laughed out loud.    


Since he was called a madman, he definitely wouldn't be willing to admit defeat so easily.    


Both his hands formed a strange seal as he growled, "Open!"    


After he shouted, the eleven Spirit River on his body suddenly underwent a strange change.    


Spirit River s originally had no color, so everyone's Spirit River s looked like a streak of white light on the outside. However, at this moment, the eleven Spirit River on Chu Yingsha's body had suddenly changed.    


His front Six Spirit Rivers, was pure white, and the Five Spirit Rivers behind him, at this moment, had swiftly turned black. Half black, half white.    


At the same time, the fluctuations coming out of his body changed drastically. Waves of berserk aura came out from the eleven Spirit River.    


"Hmm?" Luo Cha, who had just turned around, immediately felt this berserk fluctuation and quickly turned his head.    


He stared unwaveringly at the mutated Spirit River on Chu Yingsha's body and said with a grin, "Interesting. Although I don't know what you did, but it's definitely going to be interesting."    


"Xiao Yu, what is he doing? Are you crazy? Why did his Spirit River become like that? " Yan Qiushui watched in shock, he had never heard of anyone having such a change in a Spirit River.    


"He's going all out!" Xiao Yu's face also became serious.    


Chu Yinsha had been infected with the Yin Fire's poison since he was young, and over the years, this poison had already permeated into every part of his body. Even the Spirit River that had been condensed there were affected by the poison.    


Under the effects of such a long period of time, Chu Yinsha's innate talent and potential were actually being suppressed by the Yin Fire's poison. If he wanted to cultivate normally, he would have to forcefully suppress the poison.    


But this way, the speed of his cultivation, as well as the power he could display, would be far from his true level.    


The current situation was for Chu Yinsha to forcefully break through the Spirit River's suppression, in order to allow him to unleash his full strength for the time being.    


He had been infected with this poison for a long time. Using this method, it might cause the Yin Fire's poison to go berserk, and he might even die on the spot.    


To a madman like him, he was naturally unwilling to lose to Luo Cha in this way.    


"Is this guy really that powerful?" Yan Qiushui listened to Xiao Yu's explanation with his eyes wide open.    


Based on this, Chu Yinsha's current talent and strength were the result of being suppressed by the Yin Fire's poison all year round. If not for this poison, he would definitely be a monstrous genius!    


Xiao Yu did not say a word as he quietly watched the battle between the two. If anything went wrong, he would immediately take action.    




At this moment, Chu Yinsha seemed to have become a completely different person. Every time his fist landed, it would bring with it the power of thunder. When it struck the ground, it would usually create a large hole, and even the ground would constantly tremble.    


"Haha, interesting, interesting!"    


Luo Cha's wild voice continued to laugh, as if he had found something interesting.    


Facing Chu Yinsha's powerful attack, he did not dodge or evade. Instead, he met him head on and was unexpectedly not at a disadvantage at all. The two people were fighting head on and did not have any tricks up their sleeves.    


This kind of fighting style was a competition of absolute strength and cultivation. Without the suppression from the Battle Spell, it was entirely dependent on the individual's strength.    


"This won't do!" Xiao Yu frowned. Chu Yingsha's fighting style could not be sustained, and could only be used for a temporary burst, while Luo Cha's own strength was strong. If this continued, Chu Yingsha would lose very soon.    


Sure enough, with Luo Cha's overbearing punch, Chu Yingsha was sent flying once again, and landed heavily on the ground.    


"Heh, I have to admit that you are indeed qualified to be killed by me. In that case, I'll grant your wish!"    


Luo Cha was like a wild beast, with a sinister smile on his face, he walked towards Chu Yingsha who had fallen to the ground.    


To him, there was no mercy and no mercy. As long as he decided to kill, he would not care about anything else.    


"Hehe, is the God Slayer so strong?" Although Chu Yinsha was wounded again, his face was still full of an unrestrained smile. He didn't show the slightest sign of being afraid of death.    


It was not that he was inferior to Luo Cha, but the poison in his body.    


"Killing you is enough!" Luo Cha laughed, he did not look like he was trying to kill someone, but was chatting with a friend.    


But after saying this, his figure immediately sped up, charging towards the fallen Chu Yinsha.    




Just at this time, Xiao Yu moved, using his fastest speed to rush to Chu Yinsha's front, and then pointed at Luo Cha.    


Dragon-Breaking Fist!    


Luo Cha did not panic in the slightest. Facing Xiao Yu's finger attack, he was still extremely domineering, so he casually threw a punch forward.    




With a light sound, Luo Cha was startled, and his attack also slowed down.    


Taking advantage of this gap, Xiao Yu was already protecting Chu Yinsha's body, ensuring that he wouldn't die.    


"Hehe, I never thought that I would have to wait until someone comes to save me!" Chu Yinsha chuckled as blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.    


For someone as wild and proud as him, being saved by others would definitely make him uncomfortable.    


"In the future, after I help you deal with the Yin Fire's poison, it won't be too late for you to battle him again." Xiao Yu knew what he was thinking, and replied without turning his head.    


Chu Ying Sha laughed, and did not speak anymore, and did not think that Xiao Yu would have a way to deal with him just because of his words.    


On the other side, Luo Cha suddenly quietened down, and quietly stood there.    


He seemed to have lost his mind as he looked down at his right fist. It was as if his fist was foreign to him, as if it was the first time he had seen it.    


There was a finger mark on his fist. Although it wasn't a deep wound, blood had already been seen. The place he was staring at was precisely this wound.    


Only after a long time had passed did the motionless Luo Cha raise his head again. He looked towards Xiao Yu and said, "Do you know the consequences of obstructing my way of killing?"    


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