Unparalleled Talisman God



In the midst of all the competition, Lin Yurou and Xiao Wantian's admiration for each other gradually turned into an indescribable emotion. Even though both of them could feel each other's intentions, they still couldn't break the last layer of paper, and only focused on cultivation.    


It was only when the two of them encountered a hopeless situation, where they had a narrow escape from death and almost had no chance of surviving, that Lin Yurou and Xiao Wantian finally revealed their thoughts to each other.    


and Lin Yurou became husband and wife, and Xiao Wantian also revealed his background, bringing Lin Yurou back into the Xiao Family.    


However, Xiao Wantian was a junior who was most valued by the Xiao Family, so with regards to Xiao Family, the arrangements for his marriage should be made by the Xiao Family.    


For example, the more talented a junior was, the more they would have to control their marriage and use it to marry other clan members to increase their family's strength.    


Furthermore, even though Lin Yurou has a certain level of innate talent, she is of low birth. In regards to Xiao Family, she is only a member of a third-rate clan.    


Because of this, even though Xiao Wantian's attitude was firm, people who recognized Lin Yurou and his Xiao Family were also extremely disdainful towards him, and everyone was extremely cold and detached towards her.    


If not for the fact that Xiao Wantian was highly valued and was extremely resolute in his decision, it was likely that Lin Yurou would not even be able to enter Xiao Family's door at that time.    


But the master of the Xiao Family had wanted her to break all relations with the Lin Family from now on. It was only because in the eyes of the Xiao Family, it was a shameful thing to become relatives of a clan as weak as the Lin Family. Lin Yurou had never thought of doing such a thing before.    


At that time, the Patriarch of Xiao Family, in other words, the old Clan Lord who brought Xiao Yu back to the Xiao Family, Xiao Xingyu.    


"Xiao Family!" Xiao Yu clenched his fists. Although he did not say a word, listening to Lin Yurou talk about these things made his heart bleed.    


So it turned out that even at that time, Lin Yurou had already suffered grievances. She had married into the Xiao Family, but this was how people of the Xiao Family treated them. And on the other side, her own clan's Lin Family, was also so cold and indifferent to her!    


And what made Xiao Yu angry was that, among the two Clan Lord s, Xiao Xingyu and Xiao Hongyuan, the former had actually been so cruel to her mother back then. And the latter, had also wanted to get rid of the both of them many times after he had returned to the Xiao Family.    


Xiao Yu still remembered that not long ago, Xiao Hongyuan had once wanted to expel him from the Xiao Family and take away his surname Xiao!    


Lin Yurou seemed to not have noticed the change in Xiao Yu's emotions.    


Without the approval of Xiao Family, even though Lin Yurou had received all kinds of grievances at Xiao Family, she had never complained, because she had not chosen the wrong person. No matter how the people at Xiao Family treated her, Xiao Wantian would always stand firmly by her side.    


After arriving at the Xiao Family, not many years had passed before Lin Yurou became pregnant with Xiao Yu, and when she said till here, her face revealed a blissful smile, as if the occurrence of this matter could make her forget about all the grievances she had suffered in the Xiao Family.    


Ten months of gestation, that was the calmest and most satisfied period of time Lin Yurou had within the Xiao Family. Finally, after ten months, Xiao Yu was successfully born and he landed on the ground amidst the Xiao Family.    


"I had originally thought that within the Xiao Family, even though I couldn't get the approval of the person with the Xiao Family, as long as your father was by my side, I could at least persevere and persevere on. However, all of this was shattered on the day Yuer was born!"    


Lin Yurou's words were still as indifferent as before, and there was even a slight smile on her face, but in the midst of that smile, two drops of tears silently flowed down from the corners of her eyes.    




On that day, when Xiao Yu was born, he landed on the ground and cried loudly. The sound of his crying pierced the roof, and it was very loud, but at the same time, a clap of thunder suddenly sounded out in the sky. It was as if the sky was shaking, and rolling dark clouds engulfed the area, enveloping the house where Xiao Yu was born.    


At that time, it was as if the heavens had been enraged and wanted this world to be completely destroyed!    




In an instant, this event alarmed everyone in the Xiao Family. Countless figures flew over and appeared in front of Xiao Yu's small house.    


Patriarch Xiao Xingyu, who was at the time Xiao Family, was the first to arrive. Behind him were many other Xiao Family elders as well as various Heaven Sect Stage s.    


Everyone's expression was heavy as they stared at the dark clouds in the sky.    


"A natural phenomenon, actually a natural phenomenon, such a person actually appeared within my Xiao Family!"    


The so-called strange phenomena weren't rare. When a person possessing a precious body awakened, they would trigger a strange phenomenon in the heaven and earth, and all sorts of strange phenomena would occur.    


In the legends, there were some people who would cause a phenomenon when they were born. These types of people were even more terrifying than those who possessed precious bodies. If they could grow up smoothly in the future, they could become terrifying existences.    


A baby that was born to trigger an elephant could mean that a saint was reincarnated and would become a sovereign in the future. However, if the phenomenon that was created was an elephant, then it meant that this newborn baby was extremely dangerous and would lead to disaster in the future!    


"This is such a fierce scene, and it's so shocking! Just what kind of monster is this baby?!"    


The dark clouds that were rolling in the sky were filled with boundless pressure, causing all those who had Xiao Family to feel an intense dread.    


The elders and Heaven Sect Stage s who had rushed over with Xiao Family were staring fixedly at the black clouds.    


"What sort of baby could cause such a scene? What about the baby?" Xiao Xingyu immediately gave the order to break open the door to see what kind of baby it was.    


The door of the small house was broken, and within the house, the newborn baby was immediately exposed in front of Xiao Family and the others.    


That was an infant whose entire body was enveloped in a strange black aura, that black aura gave everyone a very strange and terrifying feeling. Even someone with Heaven Sect Stage would not have the courage to approach this black aura.    


"Damnation Power!" When Xiao Yu heard this, he had the impulse to shout loudly.    


He was well aware that the black mist was the curse that existed within his body right now. It was the most terrifying curse he had ever been cursed with.    


With tears in his eyes, Lin Yurou continued to narrate what happened that day.    


"Curse, this is a Damnation Power! This infant was actually cursed by the heavens right after he was born, which means that he is a Evil Animal, and cannot be left alive! "    


"Clan Lord, this is a Unfilial Son. If he is able to attract such a ferocious scene, if he stays, he will definitely bring about disaster to our Xiao Family in the future and should be killed immediately!"    


"Clan Lord, Unfilial Son cannot stay!"    


When they saw the curse on Xiao Yu's body, many elders of the Xiao Family opened their mouths to suggest to Xiao Xingyu that they should kill him immediately. Otherwise, Xiao Yu's existence would bring about a disaster that would destroy their entire Xiao Family!    


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