Unparalleled Talisman God



On this day, Ye Jiuqiong consecutively lost a thousand matches, and after hearing some news, he hurriedly left.    


From this, it could be seen how important this information was to Ye Jiuqiong that he could make him, who had gone mad from the bet, withdraw his hand after losing a thousand rounds consecutively.    


No one knew where Ye Jiuqiong had gone to after he left, because no one in the Demon City saw him again.    


"Hurry, let's go, from here to the Yanzhou is a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles. With our speed, if we didn't go earlier, we would have missed the battle between Tyrant and Xiao Yu!"    


Yuanzhou, many young people started their journey. Although there was still a long time until the battle, for these young people who were not kings, it would still take a lot of time to reach Yanzhou.    


"Crazy Xiao Yu, he's a genius who walked out of our Luoyun Prefecture. When he fights with Tyrant, no matter what, we have to go take a look!"    


Because Luoyun Prefecture was the weakest province in the entire Profound Sky Continent, they had always been looked down upon by others. Now that the news of Xiao Yu and Jun Xie's battle had spread, many of the young people's blood boiled, and they also embarked on the road to Yanzhou.    


Aside from Yuanzhou and Luoyun Prefecture, Cangzhou, Haozhou, Yuzhou, Lanzhou, and Lanzhou, all the young people from the various provinces had also set foot on the road to Yanzhou with excitement and hot-bloodedness.    


Xiao Yu and Jun Xie, these two were rare genius figures, the two of them could absolutely be considered the representatives of the young people of this world. The battle between the two not only attracted the attention of the great powers, but also attracted the attention of countless youths.    


The youngsters from all over the Ten Prefectures began to move, and at the same time, the various major forces, including those from the Ancient Clan, all began to take action.    


The so-called attention of the world was only mediocre.    


In this tense and solemn atmosphere, the days passed one by one. However, in just a short month, many people felt that time was too slow. They only hoped that the day of the battle between these two heaven's pride level experts would arrive soon.    


In this day filled with anticipation, another shocking piece of news spread throughout the land.    


"With this battle being the gambling house of a mysterious character, who can bet on the victory or defeat of these two?"    


This news, had already spread to all parts of the Ten Prefectures within a few days, causing everyone who heard it to be dumbstruck.    


"What kind of person has such big words? It must be known that this battle has already attracted the attention of the entire world. If everyone were to place their bets, who would be able to afford it? "    


Not to mention the young people, even the Old King who had lived for an extremely long time sucked in a breath of cold air when they heard this news.    


Xiao Yu's battle with Jun Xie had now spread throughout the entire continent, and anyone who knew how to cultivate would be paying close attention to this battle. There were even tens of millions of young people who were rushing to the Yanzhou.    


In addition, the Dao God Palace, the various great Ancient Clan, as well as those cultivation families with slightly weaker Ancient Clan, added together, there were countless of them.    


If all these people had placed their bets, then what kind of astonishing wealth would that be?    


At this moment, someone actually dared to stand out and set up this bet. Just what kind of wealth did the owner have to be able to afford?    


Everyone had a premonition that this was definitely a terrifying big shot. Otherwise, no one would dare to set up such a gambling house!    


"Are you for real? If it's real, I want to buy it as well. Where are you betting on?"    


"I heard that you only need to get to the Star Pavilion!"    


"Star Pavilion? Could it be that the gambling house was started by Star Pavilion? "    


"It might not be so, since the Ten Prefectures is too big, and the Star Pavilion is everywhere so we can place our bets. Otherwise, if we have to go to a specific place to place our bets, it would be impossible for the people from the other provinces to rush over, so it might just be this mysterious person who is cooperating with the Star Pavilion!"    


Everyone began to speculate, who exactly was that mysterious figure? Many people went to find out about it from the Star Pavilion, but none of them were able to find anything. As for the person who set up the villa, not a single person was able to find out about it.    


"Oh my god, those Ancient Clan must be crazy!"    


"How long has it been since the bet started?" So you're already betting on the Ancient Clan? "    


"I heard that many Ancient Clan have placed heavy bets on this battle, causing the various provinces to boil over. In addition, the patriarch of Huangfu Family has seized the entire clan. If he loses, then Huangfu Family will be irreparable!"    


"The Huangfu Family used to be known as the Royal Family. Although they have been declining gradually, the thin and dead camel is bigger than a horse. Has the Huangfu Family's ancestor gone mad?! He actually suppressed the entire Royal Family!"    


After several days passed, news came from all over the country. Each news was more shocking than the last.    


Those Ancient Clan s, one after the other, increased their bets, and even the king level characters appeared in the various pavilions in the various regions of the Star Pavilion.    


"Yuanzhou, one Regal Dao Artifact, three King Medicines, one piece of King Level Refined Iron and one King Level Cultivation Method!"    


"The Xiao Family has also shown itself. There were two Regal Dao Artifact, four king level spirit formations and four king level spirit pellets!"    


"There's actually someone betting on Dao God Palace. Four Regal Dao Artifact s, nine King's Medicine, three King's Battle Spell sets, and seven King's Bones!"    


"Madness! Madness!"    


"This is nothing, the other Ancient Clan bets are not much worse than this. Other than this, there are also many other beast kings that bet on their own identity, although they cannot compare to Ancient Clan, how can becoming a king be low?"    


"These are all big powers and big figures. You haven't even included the young people from this world as well as those from ordinary families. Even though their wealth is not comparable to Ancient Clan, it is still greater in quantity. Adding them together, is still a terrifying fortune! "    


All sorts of astonishing bets appeared in the various provinces one after another. News filled the sky, causing the entire Ten Prefectures to boil before the date of the battle.    


Someone calculated carefully that before the fight between Xiao Yu and Xiao Yu had even begun, it had already caused an unprecedented gamble.    


It had to be known that this gamble involved all the cultivators in the world. What kind of gamble was this? In front of such a huge gamble, no one was as good as dog shit!    


The appearance of the gambling house made the people of this world look forward to the upcoming battle even more.    


They were originally outsiders, but now that they placed their bets, they felt as if they had also participated in this battle. That kind of feeling was completely different from before.    


While every region of the Ten Prefectures was noisy, the date of the battle was approaching day by day.    


The Ten Prefectures were boiling, but there were also some places that were far away from the mortal world, far from the bustling noise.    


Under a tree, a young man, half black, half white, was sitting cross-legged. It was as if everything that was happening outside had nothing to do with him.    


He closed his eyes. As the focus of the battle, Tyrant was like an outsider sitting alone in the deep mountains, motionless.    


In the silence, a leaf flew out from an unknown place. Fallen leaves flew everywhere. As they moved, the leaf was black on one side and white on the other. When the leaf landed, the white color rose up and landed in front of Tyrant.    


Tyrant who was sitting with his eyes closed opened them at this moment.    


In his eyes, he saw green water and green mountains, as well as a young figure slowly walking towards him from afar.    


At this moment, a smile appeared on Tyrant's face. When he smiled, he looked like a Demon, a Devil!    


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