I Am Overlord

C270 Why Don't We Work Together

C270 Why Don't We Work Together

Liang Zhuangmin listened to Xiang Shaoyun's suggestion, as he was also clear that they were very close to the location of their Man-Eating Clan.    


Originally, Xiang Shaoyun wanted to bring Liang Zhuangmin and find a place to stay.    


Unexpectedly, Liang Zhuangmin actually took the initiative to lead the way, as he knew of a better place to hide himself.    


Xiang Shaoyun was very curious, he did not ask further, and just followed Liang Zhuangmin.    


Very quickly, Liang Zhuangmin brought Xiang Shaoyun to a relatively inconspicuous place. After he moved a piece of rock away, he revealed a cave entrance that wasn't very deep.    


"I want to heal my injuries here. If you don't have any plans, then come here and hide. No one will find out!" Liang Zhuangmin looked at Xiang Shaoyun and said.    


Xiang Shaoyun did not hold back, and immediately dove in.    


Liang Zhuangmin followed him in and then moved the boulder over.    


His knees had become completely black, but with Xiang Shaoyun's eyesight, he was still able to see everything clearly.    


Liang Zhuangmin sat on the floor with a pearl in his hand, causing the cave to immediately become clear.    


Only now did Xiang Shaoyun realize that Liang Zhuangmin's expression was terrifyingly pale. It was clear that the injuries he had received were not light, and he was unable to recover from his previous rest.    


"You heal first!" Xiang Shaoyun said.    


"Un, I'll talk to you later!" Liang Zhuangmin did not argue, after agreeing to it, he was fully immersed in healing himself.    


Xiang Shaoyun secretly said in his heart: "This guy really trusts me!"    


But when he thought about how he was the one who saved Liang Zhuangmin, and how the other party had reason to believe that he would not harm him, why bother doing so!    


Xiang Shaoyun did not think too much into it, and started to think about what he should do next.    


At the same time, he was also wondering why Liang Zhuangmin had appeared on Man-Eating Clan's territory.    


After all, many people were after the Soul Spring, so very few people would run over to the Man-Eating Clan.    


Very quickly, he felt that Liang Zhuangmin's motives were the same as his, all directed towards the Heart of Earthly Stone!    


After all, Liang Zhuangmin trained in the Strength of Earth. If he could get his hands on the Heart of Earthly Stone, it would be extremely beneficial for him.    


Half a day later, Liang Zhuangmin woke up from his recovery, his condition evidently much better than before.    


"Xiang Shaoyun, are you here for the Heart of Earthly Stone as well?" Liang Zhuangmin asked Xiang Shaoyun straightforwardly as soon as he woke up.    


Xiang Shaoyun was stunned for a moment, then admitted, "That's right, I am here for the Heart of Earthly Stone, so you must be the same!"    


"It seems like our goal is the same, why don't we work together!" Liang Zhuangmin said.    


"We cooperate? Are you not afraid that I will obtain the Heart of Earthly Stone? " Xiang Shaoyun was surprised.    


"Haha, I dare to cooperate with you, so of course I'm not afraid anymore. Once we get the Heart of Earthly Stone, we can compete a bit more, and whoever wins can get the Heart of Earthly Stone!" Liang Zhuangmin said in an extremely heroic manner.    


Seeing Liang Zhuangmin say this, a good impression of him rose greatly in Xiang Shaoyun's heart, and he nodded his head, "Alright, since Brother Liang is so confident, then we'll cooperate,". After pausing for a moment, he then said, "It's just that there are a lot of kings in the Man-Eating Clan, based on the two of us, what do you think the odds of victory would be?"    


"This is indeed a problem, but it's not that there is no other way, it's just that there are some risks," Liang Zhuangmin said, trying to sound open.    


"What is it?" Xiang Shaoyun asked.    


Liang Zhuangmin sighed lightly, "Ten years ago, I had already been here. I know of a secret passage here that was near the Man-Eating Clan Clan temple, and that is the place where Heart of Earthly Stone s are kept!"    


"What? Brother Liang came here ten years ago?" Xiang Shaoyun sighed.    


"There's nothing special about this, at that time, I was about the same age as you, the first time I came to Land of Soul Spring, I was proud and arrogant, and a group of senior brothers wanted to come to seize the Heart of Earthly Stone, but in the end... "We were almost completely annihilated, and I was lucky enough to discover that secret pathway, which allowed me to survive," Liang Zhuangmin revealed a face full of regret, and after pausing for a moment, he continued, "However, I found out that the secret pathway was sealed off with Man-Eating Clan, otherwise, I wouldn't have been discovered by them."    


"Uh, since it's been sealed, what's the use?" Xiang Shaoyun said.    


"It's sealed. We can try to get through again!" That's why I need your help! " Liang Zhuangmin said sincerely.    


"Are you saying that we should once again open up this passage, go near the Man-Eating Clan Clan Temple, and then seize the Heart of Earthly Stone? But have you thought about it, good brother? That place should have a strong Man-Eating King guarding it. Xiang Shaoyun asked.    


Liang Zhuangmin revealed a wry smile, "I know it will be difficult to accomplish, but I already have no other choice. If you do not dare to go, I will fight it out myself!"    


Xiang Shaoyun could feel that Liang Zhuangmin was determined to win the Heart of Earthly Stone.    


Even if he was going to die, he wouldn't give up this opportunity!    


Suddenly, Xiang Shaoyun laughed, "Since good brother is willing to go all out, then I will accompany you to the end!"    


"Are you sure?" Liang Zhuangmin asked again.    


Xiang Shaoyun had already seen the danger of this trip, but he was still a little surprised that she still agreed to work with him.    


"Of course, I also came here for the Heart of Earthly Stone, how could I give up just like that!" Xiang Shaoyun answered with certainty.    


"Alright, this matter should not be delayed, let's act immediately!" Liang Zhuangmin said anxiously.    


"No, no, I can't rush it. Brother Liang, your injuries are so severe. If you don't recover to your peak state, you can't act rashly. Otherwise, you'll only die!" Xiang Shaoyun denied.    


"If that's the case, I'm afraid I'll need another two to three days!" Liang Zhuangmin sighed.    


"It's alright, don't we have a month? consoled him for a few days, and then said after pausing for a while, "If Brother Liang trusts me, you can tell me where the secret passage is, I will open the secret passage first, and after Brother Liang's injury is completely healed, we can go inside the Man-Eating Clan Clan together!"    


Liang Zhuangmin squinted his eyes as he looked at Xiang Shaoyun, and hesitated for a moment before saying, "Alright, I'll approach you!"    


After the two of them exited the cave, Liang Zhuangmin pointed in a direction and told Xiang Shaoyun the location of the secret passage.    


Xiang Shaoyun realized that the secret passage was near where he had saved Liang Zhuangmin. Presumably, Liang Zhuangmin had wanted to enter the secret passage at that time, but unexpectedly, he was discovered by the man-eater.    


"Brother Liang, you recuperate well. I will open the secret passage as soon as possible," Xiang Shaoyun said before rushing to the secret passage.    


Liang Zhuangmin looked at Xiang Shaoyun as he left, and said to himself secretly in his heart, "I hope that you won't disappoint me!"    


Soon after, he once again returned to the cave entrance to focus on healing his wounds.    


This time, Liang Zhuangmin was truly in a healing state. The energy around his body was much stronger than before, and he was recovering even faster.    


It seemed like this seemingly simple and honest man had concealed a trick in front of outsiders.    


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