I Am Overlord

C36 Injured!

C36 Injured!

"I'll kill you all!" Xiang Shaoyun's eyes revealed killing intent as he responded. His energy turned golden as it enveloped his blade and charged forward like a wild wolf.    


The two of them were in a state of panic. Although they were able to dodge the attack, they still suffered some injuries.    


Just as Xiang Shaoyun was about to continue chasing, someone took this moment to attack him.    


An enormous ax enveloped in dense star energy was moving towards his back. The attacker, without a doubt, was a first grade Astal Force cultivator.    


Xiang Shaoyun was quite agile; he did not even look before he slashed his sword back.    




The inelastic collision between the sword and the ax resulted in energy being released in the form of sparks. (E/N:- *Insert signature look of superiority meme*)    


Without stopping, he sent out three rapid ax slashes, each attack stronger than the last.    




Xiang Shaoyun blocked three consecutive strikes and was forced to take three steps back. His feet were left behind deep imprints on the ground, and his arms were completely numb from the impact. From this, one could deduce that his attacker wasn't a newbie in the first grade of the Astral Force Stage.    


When the opponent's fourth ax came smashing down, Xiang Shaoyun no longer clashed with it head-on. His steps were as serene as the wind as he dodged every attack that came at him. Finally, he came to a halt when he was standing before the injured Mei Lianhua.    


"Brat, who the hell are you? You actually have the captain's Wolf's Auric Feral Sword skill!" The ax-wielding man stared straight at Xiang Shaoyun and bellowed.    


"Your captain has already met with the King of Hell; I'll send you'll to go meet with him!" Xiang Shaoyun replied.    


"You're courting death!" The ax-wielding man shouted, and the enormous ax hacked down once again.    


Mountain Splitting Axe!    


This ax seemed to possess the suppressive force of Mt. Tai. Every slash was seemingly capable of shattering mountains and overturning oceans.    


Talented Astral Force cultivator could have a vague understanding of the natural element called the Force. It was something akin to an aura and could be used to deter opponents.    


It was a pity that while this small change may be effective against others, it was not effective against Xiang Shaoyun.    


Why? One might ask. While growing up, Xiang Shaoyun was surrounded by countless experts. So, he was kinda desensitized to this aura thingy. It was to the point that he made an aura of his own to counter it. It was that arrogant and smug one that everyone hated; it did the job, and he wasn't suppressed.    


Xiang Shoyun decided against a defense this time and used the Overlord's Nine Nether Steps to move. He avoided the ax slashes coming towards him and responded with the Wolf's Auric Feral Sword skill.    




The ax-wielding man's reaction speed was not fast enough. A bloody hole appeared in his abdomen.    


He had no choice but to retreat into a defensive position. "Why aren't you standing there for? Go kill him!"    


The three guys who were still alive consisted of two Astral Force cultivators of the first grade and a ninth grade Martial Entering cultivator.    


When the three heard this, they drew their weapons and joined the battle.    


Soon, those three cultivators surrounded Xiang Shaoyun, putting Xiang Shaoyun at a disadvantage.    


"Be careful, Shaoyun!" Mei Lianhua had already come back to her senses. She tidied up her clothes and reminded him.    


Looking at Xiang Shaoyun's figure, her beautiful eyes were filled with emotions. Feeling regret, she thought, "I wonder if he will hate me because of what happened previously! I was in the wrong, after all!"    


Xiang Shaoyun naturally did not know what Mei Lianhua was thinking. Right now, his complete focus was on the battle ahead. His skill, Insight, was working overtime right now as his eyes were opened wide. If one looked in his eyes, they would get lost in the magnificent universe that was within those eyes. It was akin to the all-seeing eyes of Horus.    


Those attacks that he couldn't even follow before were seemingly hanging in the air, waiting for him to take action. Moreover, the flaws behind each strike were also clear to him.    


"Incapicite the king; incapacitate the army." Even when Xiang Shaoyun was defending against the trio's offense, he didn't forget to examine their leader's actions. This man was the biggest threat to him!    


Just as the other party was about to strike again, Xiang Shaoyun, who was keeping an eye on him, also decide to take action.    


Astral Asunder!    


Xiang Shaoyun sneakily raised his other hand, and a finger long beam of energy left his finger and pierced the ax-wielding leader.    




The ax-wielding man was struck before he could hack Xiang Shaoyun down. In the intense pain, he dropped his ax.    


"Die!" Xiang Shaoyun ignored the trio's attack and struck the leader with the Wolf's Auric Feral Sword skill.    


The ax-wielding man was still in pain and had no time to retreat. Before he knew it, his head was no longer on his shoulder.    


Due to ignoring the trio's attack, Xiang Shaoyun was slashed twice in the back, his white bones in clear view.    


The pain forced Xiang Shaoyun into a corner. However, the stars in his body burst out with energy, and he slashed back!    




A two-meter long golden wolf charged towards the trio, and before they knew it, those two Astral Force cultivators had a clean hole in their stomach.    


Their movements froze, and their eyes bulged out. Even at death's door, they could not believe what they had just witnessed.    


Let alone the Astral Force cultivator, the ninth grade cultivator was shitting bricks right now.    


He turned around and tried to escape, but Mei Lianhua had already launched a sneak attack.    


All the people who wanted to humiliate Mei Lianhua were dead now.    


Mei Lianhua pulled out the Longsword and ran to Xiang Shaoyun's side. "Shaoyun, your injuries are so heavy, I'll help you bandage them!"    


Xiang Shaoyun stabbed the golden wolf sword into the ground, using that to support his body. He looked at Mei Lianhua coldly and said: "No need. I will take care of it myself!"    


Mei Lianhua felt Xiang Shaoyun's cold eyes and started panicking. "I-I know I let you down before, but I won't do it again. Please give me another chance? I really love you!"    


Xiang Shaoyun shook his head lightly and said, "There are two types of people that I hate the most in my life—traitor and backstabbers."    


After Mei Lianhua heard these words, her countenance turned pale. Her body began shivering, and she fell down to the ground.    


Xiang Shaoyun did not bother with Mei Lianhua anymore. He sat down cross-legged, opened his package, and swallowed an inferior-grade herb. After that, he applied some medicinal paste to his wounds.    


Little White looked at Xiang Shaoyun's pained face and began licking his wounds. His usually childish face looked sad now as if blaming himself for being unable to help Xiang Shaoyun.    


"If you want to help me, you have to become stronger as soon as possible!" Xiang Shaoyun said to Little White. After the necessary first aid, he decided to leave this place.    


Those people just now were obviously part of an organized group. If someone from their party arrived now, he would definitely die.    


"Shaoyun!" Mei Lianhua shouted at Xiang Shaoyun with tears streaming down her face.    


She wanted to step forward and support him, but when she saw Xiang Shaoyun's eyes filled with disgust, she halted dead in her tracks. (E/N:- I actually don't blame her. Wasn't this idiot the one who forced them to leave? What useless drama!)    


They belong to Wild Lion Hunting Legion. They have captured Senior Brother Mo and are forcing him to lead them to the Earth Star Spring. Don't go there!" Mei Lianhua reminded Xiang Shaoyun.    


"Wild Lion Hunting Legion?" Xiang Shaoyun muttered but continued to walk forward with clenched teeth.    


He was already close to the location of the Earth Star Spring. How could he give up now?    


He was gonna take that Earth Star Spring regardless.    


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