I Am Overlord

C23 Second Room of the Hall of Limits

C23 Second Room of the Hall of Limits

The second room of the Hall of Limits was called the Bedlam Boulder Formation.    


Dozens of rocks flew from left to right haphazardly in this tight space. They would sometimes crash on the ceiling, on the walls, and sometimes even amongst themselves. If a person failed to deflect or avoid even a single one of them, only a meat patty would remain to lament that mistake.    


Oblivious to the rules of the room, Xiang Shaoyun charged into the room headfirst. Before he could even register his surroundings, he was struck by a rock right on his chest and then by the second one and then by the third one... Within seconds, he was bellowing in agony.    


"My God, damn! How is this something designed for Martial Entering Stage cultivators? How do people even clear this trial?" Xiang Shaoyun criticized while being "rocked." (E/n:- Yup, I can make bad puns.)    


He felt as if he was being attacked by dozens of ninth-grade cultivators simultaneously.    


"No! I will not give up!" Xiang Shaoyun was not one to easily give up. After adjusting his state of mind, he started to dodge the rocks.    


Fortunately, he had experienced the trial of the first room. It allowed him to be as light as a swallow, allowing him to find a place to dodge amidst the rubble.    


However, he couldn't just keep on evading the rocks for an entire hour. It was physically impossible!    


It was also at this time that Mo Wuhui, Mei Lianhua, and Lu Xiaoqing came in.    


As soon as they entered the room, they brought out their weapons and began fighting against the rubble.    




A series of thunderclaps sounded out.    


Xiang Shaoyun only realized what had happened after taking a glance, "So we can use weapons here!"    


If he could use his weapon, the pressure on him would reduce by a lot.    


Yet, Xiang Shaoyun, after a moment of consideration, decided against using his weapon.    


If he wanted to increase his combat ability and prepare for the future, he would have to rely on his fists to destroy everything here.    


The destructive scene reminded him of his home, and all of a sudden, Xiang Shaoyun's gaze hardened. From out of nowhere, the Overlord Dominating Heaven Mantra went into overdrive. The nine stars in his body began pumping out pure energy, seemingly from the abyss. The energy slowly enveloped his fists and started flowing like water. "Break for me!"    


His voice was like thunder, and his fists were like lightning.    




Using his full strength, Xinag Shaoyun struck the rock flying towards him.    


As if waiting for this moment, another rock came and hit him in the back of his head.    


Scared for the well-being of his head, he wanted to dodge. However, another rock came flying from the other side and left him with no other option but to fight.    


However, this time his strength and focus just weren't enough. His fist was already beginning to bleed from the constant clashes.    


It was as if the rocks had a mind of their own. They just weren't giving him enough time to think and formulate a strategy.    


"Come, I will crush all of you!" Xiang Shaoyun awakened his fighting spirit with a thunderous shout. With each passing second, his fists were becoming faster and sturdier.    


Bang! Bang!    


The effect of the Overlord Dominating Heaven Mantra, coupled with his extraordinary physique, made it possible for him to continuously shatter the rocks. Now, the situation was much better than before.    


However, this did not mean that he was going to clear this trial unscathed. On the contrary, there were already many wounds on his body. Moreover, on two distinct occasions, he had been beaten to the ground by the rocks. It was like a nightmare from which he couldn't lift himself up.    


Finally, when he was able to get up and counter the onslaught, no one was able to recognize him. Why? Because his clothes were torn, his body was wounded everywhere, and his handsome face was no longer handsome.    


At this point, handling two or three Wu Mingliang's would have taken less effort.    


Hall of Limit was the place that pushed people to their very limits, so no one could complain.    


One's willpower had to be strong if they wanted to clear the trial.    


At this time, and Mo Wuhui was also in a difficult situation. His physical body could not compare to Xiang Shaoyun’s, which had been tempered since young with various medicines. After receiving several heavy blows in a row, he was practically on his last breath.    


"I can't hold on any longer. I have to leave!" Mei Lianhua could no longer endure the onslaught and retreated.    


Lu Xiaoqing was able to stand tall for a few minutes more than Mei Lianhua; eventually, she too had to retreat.    


As for Mo Wuhui, since he was stronger than them, he clenched his teeth and kept on pushing forward. The long spear in his hand spun like a tornado and sent the rocks flying. Yet, he too could not endure the onslaught for too long.    


"I have to retreat!" Mo Wuhui gave a silent nod of acknowledgment before retreating. When he saw Xiang Shaoyun, his eyes couldn't help widen in astonishment.    


Mo Wuhui wanted to stay and look at Xiang Shaoyun's technique, but the flying rocks forced him out.    


"Damn it, I could not even last fifteen minutes!" After getting out of the room, Mo Wuhui couldn't help but punch a wall in frustration.    


"Senior brother Mo, there's no need to be so angry. I'm sure you will be able to clear this trial once you reach the peak ninth grade." Mei Lianhua tried to comfort him while nursing her battered and bruised body.    


"No! It would be difficult even then. I must temper my body to perfection if I want to clear the room," Mo Wuji replied.    


After recuperating for some time, the trio left the hall to wait outside.    


"Martial Entering Stage refines the body's strength. If your physical strength is at its peak, one fist will be able to shatter boulders and shake the earth. How difficult would the second room be then?" The elder reminded the three of them when he saw their dejected faces.    


"A punch that could shake the earth?" The three of them carefully mulled over this sentence.    


This only meant one thing: they still haven't reached physical perfection and had to go a long way to go before they could reach their physical limits.    


"I need to double my efforts in training my body!" Lu Xiaoqing clenched her fists as she came to a decision.    


Mei Lianhua and Mo Wuhui naturally understood the reasoning, but they knew even better. Reaching such perfection was no joke and would require hard work.    


Even with the growth of their strength, they would still choose to condense their energy in their acupoints to awaken the stars within their bodies, raising their strength within the shortest amount of time. Why would they spend time training their physical bodies?    


After fifteen minutes mark passed, Xia Liuhui crawled out of the first room. His gait was a bit staggering.    


He looked like the last panel from a manhua.    


"Not bad, not bad. Had you been able to last half an hour, you would have gained huge cultivation gains." The elder looked at Xia Liuhui and laughed.    


After Xia Liuhui left the first room, he immediately flipped over and fell to the ground. He cried out in pain, "I-I'm about to die!"    


"Sit down and meditate. This is the best time to consolidate your energy. Whether you can break through to the eighth grade or not depends on this moment!" The elder's voice rang in Xia Liuhui's ears.    


Xia Liuhui did not dare hesitate. He bounced back up and began meditating.    


Fifteen more minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and Lu Xiaoqing's face revealed a trace of worry. "Half an hour has passed. Why has Xiang Shaoyun still not come out?"    


"Did he suffer an internal injury? Is he injured and unable to leave?" Mei Lianhua said from the side.    


"I believe that Xiang Shaoyun will be able to clear the trial!" Mo Wuhui said with conviction.    


Both Lu Xiaoqing and Mei Lianhua revealed a surprised expression as they could not understand why Mo Wuhui was so sure.    


At this time, the elder said, "That kid's examination time isn’t over yet. He'll in there for another half an hour."    


"Another half an hour? Isn't that four times the clear time?" Lu Xiaoqing exclaimed.    


"Elder, wh-what's going on? Did he ask for it?" Mei Lianhua asked in disbelief.    


Mo Wuhui also revealed a puzzled expression, waiting for the elder to reply.    


"I just hope that he is satisfied with the amount of time I gave him. But what if he isn't satisfied with just an hour and decides to hole up in there?" The elder muttered to himself as if he did not hear their questions.    


The moment he finished speaking, the trio’s jaws dropped, and they were stunned speechless.    


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