I Am Overlord

C22 Fortunately, This Young Master's Quite Agile

C22 Fortunately, This Young Master's Quite Agile

Xiang Shaoyun and Wu Mingliang's battle had ended.    


Xiang Shaoyun's victory was shocking, and it made Xiang Shaoyun popularity shoot through the heavens.    


However, the fact that he was a seventh grade cultivator also spread like wildfire. Everyone wondered how he went from third grade to seventh grade so quick.    


However, this still didn't faze Xiang Shaoyun. Defeating a ninth grade cultivator with a seventh grade cultivation just went on to show the heaven-defying aspects of his talent.    


"Boss, you're so awesome! You said that you'll protect me in the future! So, from now on... I'll be yours!" Xia Liuhui said as he held Xiang Shaoyun's hand.    


Xiang Shaoyun kicked Xia Liuhui away and cursed, "Damn it! Bastard, don't touch me after saying something like that!"    


Feeling wronged, Xia Liuhui said, "I'm not a bastard! I was just excited."    


At this time, a clear and gentle voice sounded out, "Xiang Shaoyun, congratulations on your victory."    


Xiang Shaoyun turned his head to look and saw Lu Xiaoqing, that beautiful girl from before, congratulating him from a distance.    


Xiang Shaoyun laughed, "Thank you! But I just defeated a small fry, nothing worth mentioning!"    


Although his words were supposed to convey humbleness, the smug smile on his face said something else.    


After all, who wouldn't like being praised by a beauty?    


"Your skin is really thick!" Lu Xiaoqing said with a faint smile.    


"How could that be?" Xiang Shaoyun replied. He stared at Lu Xiaoqing for a second and then said, "Hey beauty, I want to invite you to the restaurant for a meal."    


"If you keep calling me that, I'll get angry!" Lu Xiaoqing didn't like the way he addressed her. It was like he only cared about her beauty.    


"Alright, alright. Junior Sister Qing, I was to treat you to a meal. Please give me some face and accept the invitation, okay?" Xiang Shaoyun asked.    


This way of addressing further embarrassed her; her already blushing face was now like a ripe tomato. She looked beautiful. "Call me Lu Xiaoqing!"    


"Boss! I wanna go too. I want to go too!" Xia Liuhui, being the eternal third wheel, decided to get a piece of the free-food pie.    


Xiang Shaoyun glared at Xia Liuhui, cursing him in his heart. "The hell?!?! Can't he read the room? I wanna eat with a beauty, not you, dumbass!!"    


How he dreamt of having a nice romantic meal with Lu Xiaoqing... but this bastard just had mess everything up, didn't he?    


Just as Xiang Shaoyun was about to bring Lu Xiaoqing and this hungry ghost to the restaurant, two people blocked his path.    


"It's Senior Brother Mo Wuhui and Senior Sister Mei Lianhua!" Xia Liuhui exclaimed.    


"May I ask what business you two have with me?" Xiang Shaoyun asked the people standing in front of him.    


Xiang Shaoyun was well aware that the people standing in front of him were the third and second most powerful outer court disciples.    


"Haha, I heard that Brother Xiang was treating his friends to a meal, so we decided to join in. Since we came uninvited, can brother treat us to a meal too?" Mo Wuhui asked with a smile.    


"I believe that Brother Xiang is not a petty person. He wouldn't mind at all," Mei Lianhua said as she threw him furtive glances.    


If the two of them had previously looked down upon Xiang Shaoyun, their current attitudes were a complete 180.    


Xiang Shaoyun was not only as famous as them, but he also had a five star talent. His future prospects were destined to be even better than theirs. His future achievements would surely overshadow anything they would do.    


Xiang Shaoyun was a person who liked to make friends, so he waved his hand and said, "No problem, since the two of you are giving me face, then I, Xiang Shaoyun, will naturally entertain you well!"    


Thus, Xiang Shaoyun led the group towards the restaurant.    


On the other hand, Xia Liuhui, this scoundrel, was enchanted by Mei Lianhua's beauty and kept looking at her with a bashful face. She was simply a pure youth!    


Xiang Shaoyun realized what was going on and couldn't help but regret taking him in as a subordinate. This guy would surely ruin his stellar reputation.    


When everyone was halfway through, Xiang Shaoyun suddenly patted the back of his head and exclaimed, "Oh no!"    


"What happened?" Lu Xiaoqing, who was at his side, asked.    


"Is something wrong? Boss, don't scare me!" Xia Liuhui asked from the other side.    


"You guys wait for me. I have something to do in the Hall of Limits. Once I'm done with it, I will invite you for the finest food and drinks. I won't go back on my words!" Xiang Shaoyun said with conviction while running towards the Hal of Limits.    


"Damn, I almost forgot that I don't have any points. Luckily, this young master was quick on his feet!" Xiang Shaoyun exclaimed in his heart.    


If he really went to the restaurant and could not cough up any points, he would lose all his face.    


He had to challenge the second room of the Hall of Limits.    


"Something to do in the Hall of Limits? Is he trying to challenge the first room?" Mei Lianhua was surprised.    


"I think so. With his strength, he should be able to challenge the first room in the Hall of Limits. Why don't we go over and take a look too?" Mo Wuhui asked.    


"No! Boss isn't going to the first room. He will be challenging the second room!" Xia Liuhui threw them a befuddling statement.    


"Are you for real?" Lu Xiaoqing asked in surprise.    


"It the undeniable truth. Boss had already cleared the first room. He told me this himself," said Xia Liuhui with a smug face.    


"Then, it's about time I go over and take a look. I also want to challenge the second room!" Mo Wuhui said with a flash of determination.    


Thus, the few of them followed behind Mo Wuhui.    


When they arrived, Xiang Shaoyun had already entered the second room of the Hall of Limits.    


"Elder, is Xiang Shaoyun challenging the second room?" Mei Lianhua asked the deacon.    


The elder replied, "Indeed, he just entered."    


"I told you. Boss will definitely clear the second room," said Xia Liuhui as he basked in Xinag Shaoyun's glory.    


"I want to go in!" exclaimed Mo Wuhui with determination.    


"Are you sure?" the elder confirmed.    


"I'm sure!" Mo Wuhui had made up his mind.    


"Alright, go on. If you can last fifteen minutes, I'll consider it a clear."    


"I want to go in too," Lu Xiaoqing decided to join in the fun too.    


"If even Junior Sister Qing has such guts, then I, Mei Lianhua, will not fall behind!" Mei Lianhua stated.    


"Very good, all of you are brave. You all deserve praise even if you end up failing the trial." The elder laughed and caught sight of Xia Liuhui. "They all went in? What about you?"    


"Um, elder, I-I haven't even challenged the first floor. So... you see. Hehe..." Xia Liuhui evaded while giving a peal of embarrassed laughter.    


"Then why don't you challenge the first room? You are already at the peak of seventh grade of the Martial Entering Stage. You aren't all that weak." After pausing for a moment, he added, "Just stay there for fifteen minutes, and I'll consider it a clear. How about it? Do you want to try?"    


Xia Liuhui hesitated; all of a sudden, he saw Mei Lianhua throwing him a disdainful look. "I will try! I, Xia Liuhui, have nothing to fear!"    


And so, the group went their separate ways into the Hall of Limits.    


Inside the second room of the Hall of Limits, Xiang Shaoyun was already experiencing the trial.    


This room actually contained a stone formation. Numerous rocks, each weighing 1,000 pounds, were flying non-stop throughout the room. The strength behind the rocks was something only ninth grade cultivators possessed. If one was careless for a single moment, one would immediately be trounced by the various flying boulders, possibly leading to death.    


Disciples who weren't at least of the ninth grade wouldn't even last a minute her.    


Hall of Limits pushed people to their very limits. So, once they clear it, they would receive benefits befitting the trial.    


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