I Am Overlord

C20 Three Moves!

C20 Three Moves!

"Damn! Isn't this Xiang Shaoyuna a little too handsome? No wonder Lu Xiaoqing was interested in him!"    


"That's right! He does look good. He has that kind and considerate charm working for him. I like it!"    


"I really hope that he can win later. He seems to be more pleasing to the eye than Wu Mingliang."    


"You shouldn't get your hopes too high. I'm afraid he'll be beaten black and blue by Wu Mingliang."    




A majority of the female disciples yelped in shock. Some quickly got over their shock and even threw seductive looks towards Xiang Shaoyun. Quite bold!    


Xiang Shaoyun enjoyed it. After a long time, he was once again the center of attention.    


But unfortunately, his good mood was completely ruined by some dumbass's words.    


"Boss, all the best! You are my boss... so don't lose too pathetically!" Xia Liuhui looked quite peculiar today. He wore white headband, white grabs, white shoes, and, to top it all off, he was even waving a white sheet.    


It seemed like he would jump onto the stage and accept defeat in Xiang Shaoyun's stead at a moment's notice.    


Listening to his last sentence, Xiang Shaoyun almost vomited blood in anger.    


"Rascal!" Xiang Shaoyun cursed in his heart.    


After that, he ignored the gazes of the crowd and confidently stepped onto the stage.    


At this moment, Xiang Shaoyun was carrying a heavy sword on his back. He no longer looked like an impoverished scholar but more like a young prodigy swordsman!    


"Xiang Shaoyun, you actually came? Young Master Wu will definitely teach you a lesson!" A resentful voice came from below the arena.    


The person who spoke was one of Wu Mingliang's henchmen, Gou Zai. He was still injured and wrapped in gauze. But he couldn't sympathize with him as he looked like a dumpling in those dressings.    


Xiang Shaoyun looked down and sneered, "It's a pity that there aren't any bricks here. I really wanted to give Young Master Wu a taste of what you enjoyed."    


"All you know is how to talk big. Do you really think that you can defeat me just because you have a five star talent? Me, a ninth-grade cultivator, losing to a third-grade cultivator? What a joke!" Wu Mingliang said in disdain.    


"Whether it is a joke or not will be revealed after the battle!" Xiang Shaoyun replied confidently.    


To channel his inner rage, he recalled the time he was bullied by Wu Mingliang in the canteen a few days ago.    


From being a lofty young master with much influence, he fell to the point where he was made fun of by mere Martial Entering Stage cultivators. This debt had to be settled!    


At this time, the martial instructor standing in the middle of the arena said, "I don't care what grudges you have, but you will settle them right here and now. Remember this, regardless of the winner, intent to kill is forbidden. Violators will be expelled from the Hall of Martial Arts, do you understand?"    


"Yes, sir!" Xiang Shaoyun and Wu Mingliang answered at the same time.    


"Alright, you can begin the competition now!" The martial instructor announced.    


"Xiang Shaoyun, if you kneel down and worship me as your master, I will spare you. Submit to me and become my slave, and I will give the resources to reach the heavens. I will nurture you as a five star slave and help you grow. What do you think?" Before taking action, Wu Mingliang made an offer to Xiang Shaoyun.    


"With just you? Haha! This is the best joke under the heavens. I'm pleased; I'll give you a swift defeat. I will defeat you within three moves!" Xiang Shaoyun laughed like a maniac while looking at the sky.    


"It seems like you are an idiot. You want to defeat me in three moves? This young master will beat you in one move!" Wu Mingliang scolded him, and without further ado, he rushed towards Xiang Shaoyun.    


Blazing Air Fist!    


The skill that Wu Mingliang used was the first public skill of the Hall of Combat Skills.    


The power of his punch was not ordinary. His comprehension was already at the seventy percent mark, a mere thirty percent away from full completion.    


Not only that, combined with Wu Mingliang's strength, the Blazing Air Fist caused the air around him to howl due to the friction.    


A 500-pound punch!    


This was the strength of a ninth-grade Martial Entering Stage cultivator.    


Outer disciples couldn't turn their gazes away from the punch even when they felt the pressure from the punch.    


At the same time, they were all waiting to see if Xiang Shaoyun could block this punch.    


"Today, I will show you true domination!" To the surprise of everyone, Xiang Shaoyun did not dodge the punch. He leaned forward and swung his fist too.    


He retaliated with the Blazing Air Fist of his own.    




A dull sound immediately rang out.    


No one expected that Xiang Shaoyun, a low-level Martial Entering Stage cultivator, would dare to fight against a peak Martial Entering Stage cultivator.    


Just when they thought Xiang Shaoyun would definitely fly away with broken bones, they discovered that Xiang Shaoyun's figure did not move at all. On the other hand, Wu Mingliang was forced to retreat a few steps, and he even supported onto his arm, looking very miserable!    


At this moment, all the outer court disciples burst into an uproar.    


"H-how is this possible! How could Xiang Shaoyun be so strong!! Did he actually force Wu Mingliang to retreat?"    


"This can't be true! Could it be that Xiang Shaoyun had been hiding his true strength all along? He only revealed it today to amaze everyone?"    


"This can’t be real, right? Remember his first day of trying to get food from the canteen? Even I could beat him then! Was that also an act?"    


"The nineteenth elder must have helped him! If Xiang Shaoyun were to consume a stalk of elixir, it would be not too exaggerated for his strength to reach such degree."    




"Watch carefully! Here comes the second punch!" Xiang Shaoyun took the opportunity to give chase. With a shout of surprise, he rushed forward like a sprinting Demonic Beast, full of momentum!    


He rushed forward with another Blazing Air Fist in-store and sent it out with all his might.    


This punch was the result of ninety percent comprehension of the Blazing Air Fist. It increased the power behind the punch by 100 pounds.    


Since Xiang Shaoyun wanted to take down Wu Mingliang in three moves, he didn't want to give his opponent too many opportunities. He had to take him down in three moves!    


Wu Mingliang's reputation as one of the top ten outer court disciples was not just for show. He immediately reacted and changed the stance of his fist. With a voice laced with rage, he said, "Let me show you how powerful this young master is!"    


Second-grade boxing skill—Oscillating Fist!    


When the fist was unleashed, the air around him seemed to ripple. This punch contained more devastating power than the Blazing Air Fist.    


The strength behind Blazing Air Fist was nowhere near Oscillating Fist.    


This combat skill had been traditionally passed down in the Wu Family. No one else in the Hall of Martial Arts could learn this skill as it didn't emerge from here.    


The two fists crossed again, and both fighters actually managed to stand their ground this time. No one retreated a single step!    


"How is this possible!? Oscillating Fist carries a force of 1,300 pounds behind it! Even if I'm only at twenty percent comprehension, this brat shouldn't have been able to withstand it." Wu Mingliang was stunned speechless.    


One must know that this punch was enough to make most warriors of the ninth grade accept defeat. Had Xiang Shaoyun really broken through the ninth grade?    


Just as Wu Mingliang was distracted, Xiang Shaoyun decided to change his stance.    


This time, he didn't throw out a punch. Instead, he threw out a kick—Tornado Kick!    


Tornado Kick did not have the effect of strength amplification, but it was instead fast enough to make it hard to guard against.    


Xiang Shaoyun sent rapid kicks in succession, each carrying a 1,000-pound force behind it. Every kick targeted the same spot on Wu Mingliang.    


Bang bang!    


Wu Mingliang underestimated his opponent and was distracted. He did not expect Xiang Shaoyun to change his combat skill. He was kicked in the stomach by Xiang Shaoyun, and before he could defend himself, he was sent flying.    




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