I Am Overlord

C16 Bubbling Conspiracy

C16 Bubbling Conspiracy

Wu Mingliang wasn't here, so no one cared about Xiang Shaoyun's proclamation.    


Xiang Shaoyun was no clown, so he ceased his antics and invited Xia Liuhui to the restaurant.    


Although Xia Liuhui was a bit disloyal, Xiang Shaoyun still believed that he was worth befriending. More importantly, he was like a newspaper of the outer court. Easy, cheap, and disloyal way to get knowledge of the recent ongoings—Xia Liuhui!    


"Boss, it seems like Elder Purple Lightning Marquis treats you too well. To give you a jade token so that you can eat at the restaurant, is he trying to make people jealous?" Xia Liuhui quipped as he entered the restaurant for the first time.    


At the same time, he was assured that he was following the right person.    


In the future, with Xiang Shaoyun protecting him, he would be able to eat and drink to his heart's content.    


Thinking of this, Xia Liuhui was elated.    


After ordering quite a few dishes, Xiang Shaoyun asked what was on his mind. "What is this top 10 outer disciples thingy? How does... you know... ap-apply for it?"    


"Boss, you've only been in the academy for a few days, so you might not know some things. Don't worry! I will explain everything to you. It's common knowledge that every one of the outer disples gave the entrance exam and was accepted only after passing it. After that exam, there is another tournament of sorts. It's called the Martial Master Tournament, and the top 10 strongest in that tournament are the top 10 strongest outer disciples. Wu Mingliang is ranked fourth, behind eldest brother Leng, second brother Mo, and third sister Mei. Speaking of which, senior sister Lu Xiaoqing is ranked sixth. Furthermore, she is also one of our top 10 outer court beauties."    


As Xia Liuhui recounted the circumstances of the Hall of Martial Arts outer court one by one, Xiang Shaoyun finally understood a little about the Hall.    


Only the top 10 disciples of the outer court could have jade tokens with points. If anyone else wanted to have a jade token, they must obtain one of the top 10 places.    


Only with a jade plate and points could one freely dine in and out of this restaurant.    


Other than that, Xiang Shaoyun understood some additional features of jade tokens. It could also be used to buy medicine and weapons. The Hall of Elixirs and the Hall of Ordnance would readily accept points as a form of payment.    


In short, jade tokens could be used in many different places in the Hall of Martial Arts. One could buy anything as long as they have enough points.    


Furthermore, the top 10 disciples could enter and leave the Hall of Martial Arts at their convenience. Yes! By becoming one of the top 10, you get the freedom that should rightfully be yours! (E/N:- Overlord in a hostal.)    


This was something yearned by many outer court disciples.    


They were all teenagers. Teenage was the time when everyone's personalities would form. Some would come out as introverts, others as extroverts, and some would even come out as stuck-up young masters. The point being, none of them wanted to spend their teenage years cramped in the hall cultivating. So, going out and taking a break was always a much-appreciated privilege.    


"How can one become a top 10 outer court disciple?" Xiang Shaoyun asked Xia Liuhui.    


"Challenge! If you can defeat one of the top 10 cultivators, you can take their place," Xia Liuhui replied.    


"Hehe. Okay, I have decided. The top 10 disciple seats would be mine to take!" Xiang Shaoyun blazoned.    


"Boss, I've told you so many times, but you just don't get it! Every single disciple on the top 10 list has a cultivation of the ninth grade. You are only in the third grade, so even if you use your dashing heaven-defying appearance—you still won't be able to defeat them. Boss, you need to snap out of it and focus on the reality."    


"Alright, alright. I get it; you don't have to worry. I know what I'm doing. Just wait, and soon you will be the brother of a top 10 expert!" Xiang Shaoyun did not explain anything to Xia Liuhui.    


After all, he had long since achieved a breakthrough and now was a sixth grade cultivator.    


Moreover, that wasn't even the most deciding factor. The one thing that assured Xiang Shaoyun the most was his strength. The strength of a ninth-grade cultivator he possessed as a mere sixth grade cultivator.    




Courtyard, Dark Town's Mayor Residence.    


"Greetings, Father!" A youth greeted a middle-aged man.    


The youth was none other than Wu Mingliang, and the middle-aged man was his father, Wu Hongxi.    


Wu Hongxi looked to be in his early forties and was currently at the peak of his life. Not only was he a strong practitioner at the Astral Transformation realm, but he was also the mayor of Dark Town and held a position of power within the town.    


"Stand up!" Wu Hongxi looked at his son with mirth and love in his eyes.    


He had seven sons, all of whom were gifted and outstanding. He had high hopes for his seventh son, but his roguish attitude concerned him.    


"I wonder why father summoned me back?" Wu Mingliang asked.    


"It's like this. I saw a flash of green light from your Hall of Martial Arts the day before yesterday. That's without a doubt a phenomenon triggered by a five star talent. Do you know who triggered this abnormal phenomenon?" Wu Hongxi said.    


"I didn't expect that father would notice this as well. I do indeed know the cause," Wu Mingliang replied. With a complacent expression, he revealed, "A new disciple triggered the phenomenon. Despite being a genius, he only has the cultivation of third grade. He is so weak that even I bullied him easily. It's really something."    


"A mere third grade cultivator? That's good. Too good, actually! Haha!" He continued, "Son, do you have any way to lure him out of Hall of Martial Arts?"    


"Could it be that father wants to take him in as a servant? Do you want to take him in as a servant? That would be fantastic. A five star talent as our servent. Haha! We will show him his place!" Wu Mingliang guessed out loud.    


Wu Hongxi replied, "You don't need to care about this matter. As long as you can lure him out of the Hall of Martial Arts, or if he even steps out of the Hall of Martial Arts, inform me immediately. This matter was ordered by your grandfather, so we cannot disappoint him, understand?"    


"Grandfather, he actually alarmed grandfather. Then I'll go back and make the necessary arrangements. I hope he hasn't died yet!" Wu Mingliang revealed a complicated expression.    


"What? He's dying?" Wu Hongxi exclaimed.    


Wu Mingliang explained what happened between him and Xiang Shaoyun in brief. In the end, he said, "With his strength, a mere fifteen minutes could spell disaster for him in the Hall of Limits. I'm afraid that he will die after half an hour."    


"He won't die. The Hall of Limits elder won't let a genius die so easily." After easing his worries, Wu Hongxi waved his hand and said, "Hurry up and go back. If you can't solve this problem, I'll have to ask your elder brothers about it. They will handle it for sure."    


"Dad, don't worry. Your son will handle this matter well!" Wu Mingliang's face flooded with resolve.    




Three days passed in the blink of an eye!    


The news of the battle between Xiang Shaoyun and Wu Mingliang had already spread like wildfire.    


In four days, the two of them would settle their grudge in the arena.    


Everyone thought this low-leveled cultivator, Xiang Shaoyun, was looking for death, and no one was in his favor.    


In these three days, Xiang Shaoyun had been bitterly cultivating in the Hall of Limits during the day and practicing his combat skills at night. His cultivation had also improved by leaps and bounds.    


At this moment, Xiang Shaoyun was meditating and circulating his cultivation method. The stars in his body rippled, and power circled every vein in his body. His 365 acupoints flickered with light like the stary sky.    


This state could only be achieved by those of the peak ninth grade. Yet, Xiang Shaoyun was in this state with his sixth grade cultivation.    


Logically speaking, as long as all of these acupoints were filled with energy, one could use them in battle as a source of star power.    


However, Xiang Shaoyun's physique was different from ordinary people's. His stars were awake since his birth, so there was no need for him to do this.    


He was truly a monstrous genius!    


The energy in his meridians was like a river, his acupoints were glowing, and his strength could no longer be suppressed as it exploded.    


Xiang Shaoyun broke through the seventh grade of the Martial Entering Stage!    


With his current strength, breaking through another grade wasn't a problem. Yet, he was once again suppressed the breakthrough to attain a solid foundation.    


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