I Am Overlord

C525 Bye Cyan Ghosts

C525 Bye Cyan Ghosts

What Xiang Shaoyun relied on the most was the Nether Prison Devil Puppet, and when the Nether Prison Devil Puppet was entangled by the big net, it could not escape for a moment, and the devouring ghost was also restricted by the Ancestor. As for Jin Wo and the Blood Demon, they had a hard time blocking the other emperors.    


Thus, the only person who could save himself was himself.    


When the Emperors attacked him, he had already activated the Nether Shadow Escape, causing himself to fuse with the world, becoming completely invisible.    


These killers had lost their target, and they were all incomparably shocked.    


At this moment, a group of superior cultivators came out of nowhere and attacked these assassins.    


These experts were even more powerful, and with the existence of the Ancestor, those with Murine Killing were instantly annihilated.    


When the Ancestor saw that the situation was not good, he immediately fled.    


Their killers were like this, they would never force things if they could not be done.    


The Devouring Ghost was unable to deal with the Ancestor's assassination attempt, but the one that came to support the Ancestor chased after him to kill him.    


As for the Nether Prison Devil Puppet, it naturally escaped as well. That large net suddenly disappeared, and no one knew who took it.    


It was also at this time that Xiang Shaoyun quietly appeared beside the Nether Prison Devil's puppet.    


Xiang Shaoyun stared fixedly at the people who were supporting him, and with a single glance, he recognized that they belonged to the people from Ghost-Faced Religion.    


After killing the killers from the Ghost-Faced Religion, they did not bother with Xiang Shaoyun and quickly disappeared from the place, as if nothing had happened.    


Amongst the corpses on the ground, Huo Xudong was not there. It was as if he had disappeared into thin air after talking to a few assassins.    


The people from the Ghost-Faced Religion actually did not discover his existence.    


It had to be said that Huo Xudong's endurance was extremely good.    


The Ghastly Devourer quickly rushed to the bodies and checked the situation of the corpses, then turned to Xiang Shaoyun and said, "This mouse picture should represent a certain power, does Young Lord have a clue?"    


"They say this is a power called Murine Killing! Have you not heard of it? " Xiang Shaoyun said.    


The devouring ghost disdainfully said, "This is a force that has only risen in the last ten thousand years, but such a killing method is only mediocre!"    


"Mn, the person who came to help us just now was someone from the Ghost-Faced Religion!" Xiang Shaoyun said.    


"Since that's the case, let's head straight for the Ghost-Faced Religion. I'm a bit looking forward to see just how this disciple of mine will look once she sees me!" The devouring ghost said with a look of interest on its face.    


Xiang Shaoyun naturally would not object, he had come to find the Devouring Ghost in order to deal with the Sect Master and Cyan Ghost of the Ghost-Faced Religion.    


Even though he and Tang Zhan might not necessarily be afraid of the Cyan Ghost, if Devouring Ghost was able to be acquainted with the Cyan Ghost, it would undoubtedly be a great thing for him.    


After all, he had seen the Cyan Ghost before, and he knew that the Cyan Ghost should be extremely respectful towards the Ghastly Bite, if not he would not be in such a hurry to find the Ghastly Bite.    


Xiang Shaoyun brought the Ghastly Devourer and quickly arrived in front of the Ghost-Faced Religion.    


As the Devouring Ghost looked at the huge ghost mask in front of the sect gate, a complex expression flashed across his eyes. He couldn't help but sigh, "I never thought that I would be able to return here one day!"    


Just as the guard at the entrance of the sect was about to shout at Xiang Shaoyun and the Ghost-Devouring Demon, Demon Woman walked out.    


"Young Master Xiang, please enter!" My Sect Leader has been waiting for you for a long time! " Demon Woman invited.    


"Alright!" Xiang Shaoyun nodded in agreement before he stepped into the Ghost-Faced Religion.    


The Ghastly Devourer followed closely behind, but Demon Woman stopped him. "Those unrelated people should stay outside!"    


"Little girl, you really want me to stay outside?" The Ghastly Devourer said with a faint smile.    


The Demon Woman did not reply, but her attitude was clear.    


She felt that the Ghost-Devouring Ghost was only Xiang Shaoyun's follower, and didn't have the qualifications to see their Sect Leader.    


"Demon Woman, he must come with me. I will report this matter to your sect leader. If your sect leader is not satisfied, I will take responsibility for it!" Xiang Shaoyun said from the side.    


The Demon Woman hesitated for a while and said, "Okay, but don't say it recklessly!"    


Her words were undoubtedly meant for the devouring ghost to hear.    


The devouring ghost smiled and said, "Interesting little girl."    


Immediately after, he and Xiang Shaoyun entered the Ghost-Faced Religion Hall together.    


When Xiang Shaoyun once again arrived at the Ghost-Faced Religion Hall, the two gigantic devilish beasts who were crawling on the ground walked over.    


One of them even spoke out in the human tongue, "My clan's pure high-grade bloodline, you, you are a descendant of some kind of my Devil Clan?"    


"I remember this kid once a year ago. At that time, his bloodline power was not fully awakened, but now it has been completely awakened!" Another demon beast said.    


These two demon beasts were huge, hideous, and had an intimidating demonic aura. Their words were like a large bell, and were very frightening.    


Xiang Shaoyun had seen all kinds of Devil Beast in the Devil Abyss, so he naturally wouldn't be scared by the Demon Beast. Moreover, he had already seen the Demon Beast a long time ago.    


Xiang Shaoyun looked at the two gigantic demon beasts and laughed, "So what if I have the Devil Clan and bloodline? Would you be able to get away from taking care of me? "It's better to just obediently guard the door!"    


With that, he ignored the two gigantic devils and headed straight for the main hall.    


The two demon beasts were breathing rapidly, but there was nothing they could do.    


They had already been controlled by the Cyan Ghost long ago, it was almost impossible for them to escape his control. Furthermore, the young man in front of them with a high level bloodline was too weak, so it was impossible for him to help them.    


This made them feel helpless and depressed.    


Xiang Shaoyun and the Ghost-Devouring Demon entered the Ghost-Faced Religion Great Hall, and the Demon Woman was the first to respectfully greet the Cyan Ghost sitting in the middle of the great hall. "Sect Leader, Xiang Shaoyun has arrived!"    


The Cyan Ghost sat on the main seat of the main hall, he was still wearing his Cyan Ghost mask, and looked extremely sinister.    


"Mm, who is he? Why did he come in?" Cyan Ghost replied lightly, his gaze landing on the devouring ghost's body, revealing extreme dissatisfaction.    


Before Demon Woman had even opened her mouth, Xiang Shaoyun said from the side, "This is none of my business, I was the one who asked for him to come in with me."    


"Hmph, I haven't asked you yet!" You didn't bring the person I wanted to meet with with with you, but brought an unrelated person with you. Cyan Ghost said with killing intent.    


Before Xiang Shaoyun could reply, the devilish brat had already started laughing maniacally, "Haha, what arrogant words, could it be that you plan on killing us? Xiaoqing thrusts! "    




When the Ghost-Devouring Demon's words fell, the Cyan Ghost slapped the jade table beside him, shattering it into pieces. His green eyes revealed a trace of anger as he shouted, "What did you say!?"    


Immediately after, a terrifying wave of energy enveloped the entire hall, pressing down on Xiang Shaoyun and the Ghastly Devourer so much that they were unable to breathe. It was as though with just a thought from Cyan Ghost, they would die on the spot.    


"Xiaoqing, could it be that you want to kill your teacher?" The devouring ghost's voice became dignified as it shouted out.    


At the same time, his soul emerged from the top of his head and glared angrily at Cyan Ghost.    


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