I Am Overlord

C374 Control Taikang

C374 Control Taikang

Xiang Shaoyun was a super Battle King when he was in Astral Transformation Stage, but now that he had reached Third Grade of Flying Into Heaven Stage in one go, his fighting strength was naturally even more terrifying.    


The combined power of Tai Kang and the king of the fourth stage was not bad, but it was only enough to destroy his Defensive Strength, it was not realistic enough to try to block his attack.    


Tai Kang was heavily injured, and the fourth stage Ruler was also injured. The two of them revealed shocked expressions, and instantly understood why Xiang Shaoyun gave them the chance to fight.    


"You will have to pay a price if you want to kill us!" The Level 4 King could only endure the pain as he roared. The gun in his hand continued to spin rapidly and a large amount of firepower was sent flying like a wind and fire wheel towards Xiang Shaoyun.    


The area within a hundred meter radius was completely surrounded by firepower. The raging firepower was astonishing. This was no ordinary flame, but some sort of beast fire or special type of fire.    


However, this firepower was not as strong as the Flame of Cloud's, and it was much weaker.    


At this time, the Flame of Cloud in Xiang Shaoyun's body had a strong desire to swallow, causing Xiang Shaoyun to immediately understand its intentions.    


"Not bad, there's a special type of flame that I can consume!" Xiang Shaoyun laughed and released the Flame of Cloud from the third star. A thick thousand year fire swiftly surged out and rushed towards the incoming flames.    


Peng peng!    


In the blink of an eye, the Flame of Cloud had devoured the firepower shot out by the Fourth-rank King, rendering his moves completely useless.    


Xiang Shaoyun took the chance and rushed over, the Seven Claws of Splitting Sun grabbed out once again, the Flame of Cloud attached itself to it, and increased its lethality by several times.    


The king tried his best to defend, but he could not defend against the all-pervasive claw power as well as the high-level flames.    


"What a terrifying flame!" Sensing the terror of the Flame of Cloud, the fourth stage King cried out in alarm before he turned around and fled.    


"Can you escape?" Xiang Shaoyun let out a cold laugh, then rushed up to the top of his head in a quick step. The Flame of Cloud poured down towards him like a river, instantly wrapping him up and turning him into a fiery man.    




The fourth rank king used his king's Qi to block the attack, but he was unable to withstand it. He was quickly burnt to a pulp, and it even invaded his body. The burning pain made him cry out miserably.    


This king struggled with all his might, but it was all in vain as he was completely burnt to ashes!    


Tai Kang watched everything, his entire person felt as though he had fallen into an icehouse, and no longer had any hope of winning.    


When Xiang Shaoyun's gaze turned towards him, he had actually become a coward. He bowed ninety degrees and said, "Please spare me, I'll do whatever you want me to do!"    


Although Tai Kang was confident that he could fight with Fourth Grade of Flying Into Heaven Stage, he was not confident that he could win!    


Furthermore, the other party still has a Demon Emperor guarding this place, causing him to not dare to resist anymore. In her heart, she thought to himself, "Why is my Tai Family's Human Emperor not here yet!"    


"You really can do anything you want?" Xiang Shaoyun asked with interest.    


"Really, I just want you to spare my life!" Tai Kang revealed a panicked expression.    


"Hehe, it's a pity that I don't trust your promise!" Xiang Shaoyun laughed, shook his head, and then said with a cold gaze: "But I will give you a chance to live!"    


After he finished speaking, the Nether Dragon Soul Hoop's incantation immediately flew out from his mind, and rushed towards Tai Kang.    


These incantations directly merged into Tai Kang's head and formed the appearance of a Nether Dragon Soul Hoop, enveloping his soul.    


Tai Kang was overwhelmed with shock. He wanted to fight with all he had, but this Nether Dragon Soul Hoop's power was extremely condensed. No matter how he resisted, he had no way to prevent himself from being bound.    




When Tai Kang was bound by the Nether Dragon Soul Hoop, Xiang Shaoyun continued to chant his incantation, causing him to cover his head and cry out.    


Tai Kang could not hold it in and angrily smashed into the ground, causing his head to bleed. He wanted to use it to alleviate his pain, but to no avail.    


Looking at him in this way, it was quite a tragic sight and it gave people goosebumps.    


As Wu Lai and Dong Ziwan saw this scene, both of them revealed expressions of shock.    


They couldn't understand what kind of method Xiang Shaoyun had used to make a dignified king suffer in such a state.    


After a long while, Xiang Shaoyun finally stopped.    


Tai Kang finally stopped harming himself as he directly laid on the ground, revealing an incomparably sorrowful expression. He thought that he, a dignified second master of the Tai Family, had actually been bullied by others to such an extent, and was truly aggrieved to the extreme.    


Not only that, he also felt that his own fate was no longer within his control.    


"Stop playing dead, get over here!" Xiang Shaoyun ordered Tai Kang.    


The order went straight into the depths of Tai Kang's soul, leaving him no room to resist, he quickly got up and rushed towards Xiang Shaoyun.    


"Do you want to wait for your Tai Family's Human Emperor to come save you? Let me tell you, the three Human Emperor s of your Tai Family have long been annihilated by my people, so you shouldn't count on them! " Xiang Shaoyun immediately understood Tai Kang's intentions, and told him the most brutal of facts.    


Tai Kang's face instantly turned ashen, and he lost all hope.    


"Stay by my side obediently. You will suffer less pain. Otherwise, I will make you suffer a fate worse than death!" Xiang Shaoyun looked at Tai Kang with disgust.    


From Tai Kang's soul, he could feel that Tai Kang's dirty thoughts had actually started to change towards him.    


Although Xiang Shaoyun did not have any feelings for his, he treated her as a good friend. Naturally, he hated his even more.    


"Yes, yes. I will definitely listen to your orders!" How could Tai Kang dare to have any thoughts, his thoughts were already seen through, if he did not give in, he would be courting death.    


At least there was still hope, wasn't there?    


Xiang Shaoyun once again returned to Dong Ziwan's side and said, "He can be dealt with by you, but he absolutely will not dare to say a single word no!"    


Dong Ziwan did not even look at Tai Kang, but stared at him and revealed a bright look, "I never thought you would become so powerful! "Even his cultivation level is higher than mine."    


"Haha, that's right, this young master is destined to be an existence at the peak of martial arts, surpassing a transvestite like you is just a matter of time!" Xiang Shaoyun said rather narcissistically.    


"If you dare to call me a transvestite again, I'm not done for!" Dong Ziwan cursed with a darkened face.    


"Alright, alright, I won't tease you anymore, Brother Dong Zi!" Xiang Shaoyun restrained his smile and said seriously.    


Who's your brother, I'm a woman. Call me Dong Ziwan, or Ziwan! Dong Ziwan rolled her eyes at Xiang Shaoyun and said.    


"En, then call me Ziwan!" Xiang Shaoyun said in a serious tone, he paused for a while and then said: "Come with me, you have family members who are injured, I rushed over because I heard from them that you were in danger."    


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