Martial God Conqueror

C119 Do You Think I'm an Idiot?

C119 Do You Think I'm an Idiot?

"We're looking for a brat called Du Shaofu. Since this place turns out ot be Miss Youruo's home, then I'll be willing to give you face. We're just here to bring that brat with us," Guo Kun said to Murong Youruo as his attitude had suddenly turned quite elegant.    


Murong Youruo frowned as she clearly knew the identities of these people and was aware of how much influence they had. Even within such a large place like Lanling City, they could certainly do as they pleased.    


"Young Master Guo, my niece and I are the only ones in my house right. There's no one else," Murong Youruo said.    


Startled, Guo Kun looked at Murong Youruo's slightly gloomy gaze and said, "It's fine, we'll just search through the place."    


"Young Master Guo, that's not very good, right?" Murong Youruo said.    


Hearing that, Guo Kun's expression gradually darkened. Taking two steps forward, he stared staight into her eyes and said, "Murong Youruo, do you think I'm some sort of idiot?"    


Though Murong Youruo was slightly astonished, she knew full well that Guo Kuo was not a complete fool as she promptly explained, "How could I think of Young Master Guo as a fool? If you were truly a fool, then there wouldn't be a single intelligent person within Lanling City."    


"Since you don't see me as a fool, why did you still have to put me on the spot? Don't that I don't dare lay my hands on you just because you have people backing you up. You should understood that you're simply a person who was sent over from your hometown. I'm only giving you face because of the identities of those people. Otherwise, did you think I would even place you in my eyes? Don't treat me as some sort of fool."    


At this point, Guo Kun was already on the verge of erupting in rage. If it wasn't for the fact that she had people backing her up in the shadows, he would have long since made a move on such a beautiful woman. However, being put on the spot by her at such a time, he could not help but feel extremely irritated.    


Murong Youruo heaved out a sigh, feeling as though she was powerless sometimes. However, she was not in her hometown right now, but rather Lanling City. Here, most people acted on their own volition. If this was the past, even if these people had a powerful background, she would not pay much mind to the. But things were quite different now.    


"Your appearance certainly does befit that of a fool. Could it be that you're unable to tell whether or not you are one?"    


Dai Xingyu looked straight at Guo Kun with a harmless gaze and said, "That's right. Even if you truly were a fool, it would be impossible for you to realize. However, I can assure you that you're an evil person."    


Hearing Dai Xingyu's words, Murong Youruo's face started changing.    


"Haha, how interesting. Guo Kun, could you truly have become a fool?" He Jun smiled. Seeing Guo Kun being scolded by a mere little girl, he could not have himself from bursting with laughter, greatly amused.    


"Little girl, come over here." Guo Kun's face immediately darkened. He could deal with anyone who dared to laugh at him. But since He Jun was the one doing so, he could only vent all his anger on Dai Xingyu.    


"Young Master Guo, that's not what Xingyu meant," Murong Youruo explained, not expecting Xingyu to shoot her mouth off. In that instant, she immediately moved in front of Dai Xingyu.    


"Who do you think you are? You're nothing with the praises of everyone around you. Now, scram!"    


Seeing Murong Youruo obstructing his path, Guo Kun raged like a flame as he swung his hand directly at Murong Youruo.    


Since his right hand had yet to recover from the last fight, he could only use his left hand.    




Suddenly, a sonic boom rippled across the air as a faint golden light surged forth. In the blink of an eye, Guo Kun's body was sent flying into the distance.    


A ray of light flashed past He Jun's eyes, completely taken off guard by the sudden occurrence.    




At that moment, a purple-robed youth with a wild cat accompanying his side appearad before everyone. With a resolute face and a pair of sharp eyes, the youth appeared to be around the age of sixteen or seventeen. However, his gaze alone emitted a sort of pressure that caused everyone in the vicinity to tremble for whatever reason.    


Murong Youruo looked curiously at that purple-robed youth who had appeared from thin air. As her long lashes blinked down, a flash of light shone within her limpid eyes.    


She could tell that Guo Kun's strength was not ordinary, for he appeared to be at the very least a Profound Level Pulsating Stage Cultivator, even more powerful than herself.    


Of course, in these past three years, she had never revealed to anyone that she had cultivated the Martial Dao.    


However, for that purple-robed youth to actually be able to force Guo Kun back with a single move, it showed just how strong of a cultivator he was.    


Murong Youruo could also tell that the purple-robed youth was the one who helped treat her injuries last night, but this was the first time she had seen his appearance. Despite being a few years younger than her, seeing his determined expression and deep eyes, she could feel that this youth was different from Guo Kun and the others.    


"Brother Shaofu."    


Upon seeing Du Shaofu, Dai Xingyu instantly burst with joy as she ran over to his side with a worried expression. "Those bads guys from yesterday came back."    


"Everything will be fine, for I'm the archnemisis of all evil, the incarnation of justice. So, fear not," Du Shaofu uttered with a softened expression as he patted himself on the chest and smiled at Dai Xingyu.    


"You're not someone from Lanling City?" Murong Youruo looked at him with knitted brows.    




Only then did Du Shaofu finally set his gaze on Murong Youruo. Although he had already discovered that she was a beautiful woman yesterday, with her standing right in front of him now, he could not help but be in awe. Under her long lashes were a pair of eyes that radiated with great vigor. In addition, her temperament was just like that of the soft, gentle breeze. She was truly the incarnation of beauty.    


That woman seemed just like a flower, but she was definitely not the flower vase. That was what Du Shaofu truly felt in his heart. Looking at the woman, he could even feel his heart stirring up with all kinds of emotions.    


"Are you feeling alright?" Du Shaofu asked the woman before him, feeling as if he needed to do so.    


"I'm fine, thank you."    


Murong Youruo looked at him with a gratifying expression. But at that moment, her cheeks flushed red as she began recalling how this young man had moved his hands all around her body the night before. Although he did so with sincere intentions to treat her injuries, he was the first man who had ever laid their hands on her, albeit only through her clothes.    


"What am I thinking right now? Why would that suddenly pop up in my mind? That young man is only two or three years older than Xingyu," Murong Youruo thought to herself as her blush gradually faded away.    


"That's good to hear." Du Shaofu nodded, feeling quite comfortable with talking to the woman in front of him.    


Having been sent flying once again, Guo Kun raised his head and looked at Du Shaofu, who had suddenly appeared from thin air. Unsurprised, he swept his gaze towards the burly He Jun and said, "He Jun, that's that brat I was talking about. I'm afraid you won't be his match!"    


Spectating from the side, the guards, who looked like wolves and tigers, did not take any action since the two young masters did not give them to order to do so. Besides, seeing just how powerful the opponent was, they naturally did not want to rush in head first into the tiger's den.    


"He's indeed a strong cultivator. Did you lead me here on purpose to help you deal with him?"    


He Jun stared at the staggering Guo Kun and said, "If you need my help, that's fine by me. However, don't simply take me for a fool. I will soon be preparing to break through and need a few Flutuation Pills to assist me in the process."    


"Does your White Tiger Sect lack any of such lousy pills?" Guo Kun looked at He Jun, knowing full well that his family was not in any shortage of such pills.    


"Well... I like making my own money," He Jun said in a serious tone.    


"You only like robbing people. Meng Laicai is the one who likes making his own money," Guo Kun thought to himself. Even so, he gave He Jun a nod. "No problem, I'll give you some when the time comes."    


"Very good." He Jun revealed a slight smile before walking directly towards Du Shaofu.    


Each step He Jun took foward, cracks could be seen forming beneath his feet. Appearing in an imposing manner, he looked just like a wild beast with that burly figure of his. Shooting a glance at Du Shaofu, he said, "Brat, Guo Kun claimed that you're quite strong, so much so that even I'd find you difficult to defeat."    


With He Jun's burly figure towering past his height, Du Shaofu looked up at him and asked, "Who are you?"    


"He's one of the Four Young Masters of Lanling City, just like Guo Kun. As the young master of the White Tiger Sect, the largest sect within the city, He Jun enjoys stealing from people the most," Murong Youruo said softly from Du Shaofu's side.    


"Murong Youruo has already introduced me. I'm He Jun," He Jun said to Du Shaofu.    


Du Shaofu looked at He Jun once again with a pitiful expression and sighed, "You were sold out by Guo Kun. He only ever had intentions of using you. You ought to avoid making friends with people like him."    




Hearing Du Shaofu's words, Guo Kun snorted coldly from a far and glared fiercely at Du Shaofu.    


"None of that matters. It wasn't as if we had a good relationship with each other anyways. It's just that someone forced the four of us together. As for him taking advantage of me, that doesn't matter either, for I won't suffer any losses," He Jun uttered.    


"You don't seem to understand." Du Shaofu shook his head and said to He Jun in a regretful tone. "Guo Kun didn't bring you here intentionally to deal with me. Rather, he wanted me to tdeal with you. In fact, compared to you, I have a far deeper relationship with him."    


"You have a relationship with Guo Kun?" He Jun asked with a hint of doubt, unable to see through it.    


"Bastard, since when did you and I have any sort of relationship with each other!" Guo Kun shouted aloud, unable to hold himself back any longer.    


Du Shaofu said to Guo Kun with an indifferent expression, "As the saying goes, to scold is to love. For me to have injured both of your hands and even scolded you yesterday, could that not have signified our deep relationship?"    




Hearing those ridiculous words, Guo Kun's face immediately flushed red with anger.    




At that moment, Dai Xingyu could not help but burst out laughing. Even Murong Youruo pursed her lips and laughed. However, looking straight at the youth's back, she felt slightly worried for him.    


"You have a rather glib tongue, just like that of the brat, Meng Laicai. I'm rather not fond of him."    


With a shake of his head, a sinister glint of light suddenly flashed past He Jun's eyes as he stared straight at Du Shaofu. "However, I don't think you're strong enough to defeat me. How about this? If you hand over your Spatial Bag to me, I won't beat you up." At that moment, he sent a burst of terrifying Qi towards Du Shaofu in an attempt to intimidate him.    


Du Shaofu's expression darkened instantly. Looking straight towards He Jun again, he began sizing him up thoroughly.    


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