Martial God Conqueror

C117 Brother Shaofu Is a Good Thing

C117 Brother Shaofu Is a Good Thing

"This particular poison isn't life-threatening. Rather, it's a type of hallucinatory poison the causes anyone inflicted to hallucinate before finally passing out."    


Du Shaofu had learned and gained quite a lot of knowledge from Zhen Qingchun. This hallucinatory poison, albeit strong, won't be difficult for him to deal with. At most, it would only pose a few inconveniences for him.    


During his examination of the beautiful lady's confition, Du Shaofu had also found out that she was a martial cultivator, a rather decent one at that, for she had already broken through to the Initial Level of the Pulsating Stage.    


"Hallucinatory poison? What should we do to treat it?" Dai Xingyu seemed to have heard of such kinds of poison before. Though she started to calm down now, she was still rather nervous.    


"I'll just have to concoct an antidote. There shouldn't be any major issues."    


Du Shaofu nodded and said to Dai Xingyu, "I need to be in a quiet room to concoct the antidote. Please help me guard the door and prevent anyone from disturbing me."    


"Are you also a Spirit Talisman Master?"    


Dai Xingyu looked at him with a strange expression, finding things rather suspicious. "I thought you were a Martial Cultivator since those bastards weren't your opponent at all."    


With saying anything in reply, Du Shaofu gave her a slight smile, hinting that the King Scaled Demon Tiger would stay by his side to protect him while he concocts the antidote.    


The large size and refined appearance of the room, it could be seen that it used to belong to a large family. However, it was now filled with nothing but emptiness. According to Dai Xingyu's words, she and her aunt were the only ones residing in this old house.    


The room, though seemingly uninhabited for a long while, was without a speck of dust. After asking Dai Xingyu and the King Scaled Demon Tiger to guard the door outside, Du Shaofu sat cross-legged in the room as he activated the runes on his hand and congealed a Spirit Talisman Cauldron before him.    


"Most hallucinatory poisons are virtually the same, differing only on small points. As such, the methods used to cure the poison is also rather similar. A stalk of Blood Cleansing Grass and a stalk of Tranquil Spirit Fruit."    


After taking out the ingredients needed to concoct the antidote from his mind, Du Shaofu immediately started the process of refining the antidote. As the five elements fluctuated within the Spirit Talisman Cauldron, a blazing wave of Qi burst forth within.    


Outside the room, Dai Xingyu could feel the blazing wave of Qi gradually diffusing out. Feeling somewhat nervous, her gaze then landed on the King Scaled Demon Tiger who had been squatting outside the room like a kitten. "Why would Brother Shaofu keep a kitten by his side? Wasn't there a saying that stated how men don't avoid raising cats while women avoid raising dogs?"    


The King Scaled Demon Tiger immediately raised its head and glared at Dai Xingyu as it thought to itself in its mind, "You're the cat! I'm a special tiger, different from any other King Scaled Demon Tigers!"    


Seeming to become increasingly interested in the King Scaled Demon Tiger, she circled around it before squatting down and tightly hugging it in her embrace. Stroking the thin scales on the body of the King Scaled Demon Tiger, she said softly, "You're quite a unique one, huh? If I remember correctly, Brother Shaofu called you Xiao Hu, right? However, I don't think that name suits you. Seeing how your scales are in the shape of circles, what do you think about being called 'Xiao Yuanyuan' from now on?" (T/L: "Hu", in this context, refers to a tiger while "Yuan" refers to something round.)    




Glaring at Dai Xingyu, the King Scaled Demon Tiger let out a soft growl from its mouth. However, it sounded more like a "meow" instead.    


Seeing the kitten's response in her embrace, Dai Xingyu immediately burst into laughter and said, "Is that a yes? Then, I'll call you Xiao Yuanyuan from now on."    


At that moment, the King Scaled Demon Tiger's spirits had crumbled. He was a unique beast amongst the other King Scale Demon Tigers, so how could he be given a name like Xiao Yuanyuan?    


"It seems like you're really fond of your new name. I too like it very much. Doesn't it have a nice ring to it? Xiao Yuanyuan," Dai Xingyu said in a proud manner as she continued holding it in her embrace.    


The pitiful King Scaled Demon Tiger had no choice but to remain obedient in her embrace, for it did not dare to reveal its true appearance.    


As time ticked away, Du Shaofu was now focused on refining the herbs by himself within the room. Only then did he realize just how arduous of a task it was to refine medicine. Especially with Zhen Qingchun guiding him by his side, he was truly at a complete loss.    


Even so, during the refining process, Du Shaofu did not make any mistakes. Besides, the antidote was not a high-grade product either, so it was that difficult to make. Moreover, with his current cultivation level as a Three-Star Spirit Talisman Master, he found it much easier to refine medicine than before.    


With that, Du Shaofu continued using his mental energy to detect any changes happening within the Spirit Talisman Cauldron, including any sort of temperature changes, fusion of the ingredients, and so on. He did not dare to relax even for a slight moment, for even the slightest of changes could very well affect the success rate of the refinement process.    


After persisting for several hours, Du Shaofu finally reached the final step. Using his mental energy to control the fusion of the medicinal liquids, he then proceeded to refine the liquid at a high temperature before gradually synthesizing a new kind of medicinal liquid.    


Despite it being the most challenging step, Du Shaofu had done an extremely good job. If Zhen Qingchun was watching him now, he would probably be secretly cursing at him.    


With the medicinal liquid fully refined, Du Shaofu withdrew the Spirit Talisman Cauldron and store the medicinal liquid into a jade bottle that he prepared earlier.    




Having finished the final step of the process, Du Shaofu took in a deep breath. Although the antidote was not very difficult to refine, it nevertheless consumed a large amount of his energy, causing his face to turn pale white.    




By the time he opened the door to the room, it was already quite late into the night. Even so, Dai Xingyu was still tightly guarding the door from the other side as instructed.    


When the King Scaled Demon Tiger, who was in Dai Xingyu's embrace saw Du Shaofu coming out, it immediately revealed a wronged expression. At this point, it was on the verge of being annoyed to death by the young lady talking to herself, so much so that it felt as calluses were growing within its ears. However, it could not do anything to stop her.    


Returning to the room where Dai Xingyu's aunt laid unconscious, Du Shaofu gently opened up the tightly closed lips of the beautiful woman. The more he looked down at her lips, the more alluring they became in his eyes.    


With a resolute mind and will, Du Shaofu slowly poured the antidote from the jade bottle into the beautiful woman's mouth.    


"Brother Shaofu, why is my aunt not awake yet?" Dai Xingyu asked nervously, still hugging the King Scaled Demon Tiger tightly in her arms.    


Examining the beautiful woman once again, Du Shaofu said, "There's no longer any major problems, but I'm afraid it'll take a while before she wakes up. However, there seems to be a few more old injuries on your aunt's body. While I'm at it, I might as well treat those injuries now."    


"Thank you, Brother Shaofu. You are truly a kind person. My aunt has always told me that there's nothing good about men. However, Brother Shaofu is clearly a good thing," Dai Xingyu said with a gleeful smile. However, realizing the wrong use of words in her sentence, she immediately corrected, "No, I spoke wrongly. Brother Shaofu is not a thing."    


"That's not right either. Brother Shaofu, that's not what I meant to say!"    


Dai Xingyu was so anxious that she was on the verge of tearing up. At this point, she also didn't not know what exactly she was saying, for everything she uttered did not reflect her intention of expressing her gratitude.    


Helpless, Du Shaofu waved his hand and said, "Alright, I understand what you mean. Why don't you and Xiao Hu go back out and guard the door? Meanwhile, I shall tend to your aunt's injuries."    


"Of course." Dai Xingyu nodded. "Brother Shaofu, this kitten's name, Xiao Hu, doesn't fit it. I've already changed its name to Xiao Yuanyuan. What do you think?"    


"Xiao Yuanyuan?" Du Shaofu was at a loss for a moment before grinning at the King Scaled Demon Tiger. "It certainly has a nice ring to it. Let's call it Xiao Yuanyuan then."    




The King Scaled Demon Tiger growled in protest, but to no avail. In the next instant, it was carried by Dai Xingyu out of the room, leaving Du Shaofu behind in the room with the unconscious beauty.    


If the beauty were to regain consciousness at this moment, she would definitely whip Dai Xingyu up, for she had actually left her alone in a room with an unfamiliar man while she was still in an unconscious state.    


One had to know that there were countless talented individuals and renowned, wealthy merchants throughout the entire Lanling City running wild in their fantasies about her, itching to become intimate with her.    


"She's truly a beautiful woman."    


Looking at the unconscious woman laying on the bed, Du Shaofu scanned through her body thoroughly. The more he looked at her, the more he began admiring her beauty. She was certainly different from Ye Zijin and Bai Caiyi. Though both of them were indeed beauties in their own respect, this woman before him had a sort of temperament and aura capable of attracting the gazes of all men around her.    


At this moment, Du Shaofu felt that he ought to act as an upright gentleman, removing any sort of sinful thoughts he had for the unconscious woman.    


Moreover, he figured that he ought to focus more on his own cultivation at his young age.    


With that, he simply admired the woman's beauty as he proceeded to treat her injuries.    


After two thorough examinations of her body, Du Shaofu discovered old injuries around the area of her abdomen. They appeared to have been there for quite a long time. As such, they have most likely even affected her cultivation, making it much more difficult for her to break through to the next stage.    


According to Du Shaofu's intuition, the injuries must have affected this woman for at least the past three years, preventing her from breaking through ever since then.    


This woman appeared to be at most twenty-one to twenty-two years old right now. Three years ago, she was already at the Initial Level of the Pulsating Stage. Assuming that she had reached such a level of cultivation at the age of eighteen or nineteen, this woman's talent must have been absolutely terrifying.    


However, at this moment, Du Shaofu found himself in a rather troubling predicament. In order to treat the woman's injuries, he had to touch her body, not to mention how the injuries were located around the area of her navel. Though it was covered up by a piece of clothing, it nevertheless appeared quite alluring.    


"I'm simply treating her injuries. She's Dai Xingyu's aunt. In other words, she's my senior."    


Du Shaofu muttered softly as a smile appeared on his face. With that, he activated the runes on his hands and started treating the woman's injuries. As the rune light flickered one after another, he pressed his hands down tightly on the beautiful woman's lower abdomen.    




Even though the beautiful woman was still unconscious, she let out a soft moan from her mouth. As her delicate body trembled slightly, her voice sounded rather titillating.    


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