Martial God Conqueror

C109 He's my Son

C109 He's my Son

If one saw him Du Shaofu as their enemy, they would certainly not give him the luxury of time to grow even stronger. As for himself, he need to grow stronger as fast as possible. After all, only with absolute strength can one protect themselves, their loved ones, and everything that mattered to them. But now, it was already too late for him.    


As the manifestation of the claw closed in and grew larger in his line of sight, Du Shaofu could truly feel just how insignificant he was in front of a true expert.    


"If he were to lose even a single strand of hair, I will make you regret coming to this world!"    


At that moment, when the black-robed figure' claw manifestation was less than three inches away from Du Shaofu, a faint voice could be heard from behind him.    


Then, a tall figure standing upright slowly walked out from behind Du Shaofu. Though his movements seemed quite slow, he instnatly arrived in front of Du Shaofu in the blink of an eye, puzzling everyone who witnessed the scene.    


Upon the appearance of this figure, the powerful, ancient Qi enveloping Du Shaofu's body suddenly diminished, causing the pressure around him to dissipate instantly.    


With the sudden arrival of this figure, both the black-robed and white-robed figures hovering in the air lifted up their robes slightly. For a moment, their bodies trembled slightly though their expressions could not be seen under their hoods. Perhaps they may have also been shocked by the sudden appearance of that person.    


In his moment of daze, the black-robed figure withdrew his claw manifestation that he aimed at Du Shaofu. They seemed to have turned their attention to the person who had just arrived at the scene.    


Everyone present was instantly startled as their gazes fell upon the tall and upright figure that stood before Du Shaofu. But when they finally got a clear look at that person's face, they were all unfathomably shocked.    


"It's the Third Master of the Du Family!"    


"How could he be that alcoholic from the Du Family?!"    


"The Third Master has come? Why is he here?"    


Everyone from various families were incredibly shocked to see that the person who had just arrived in the scene was none other than the Third Young Master of the Du Family, Du Tingxuan.    


His reputation in the Du Family of Stone City was essentially on par with Du Shaofu's reputation when he was still known as a good-for-nothing back then.    


"Third Brother!"    


Du Zhenwu and Du Zhixiong stared at each other for a moment. Shocked, their faces immediately revealed expressions of surprise and anticipation.    


Just as his indifferent voice sounded out, Du Shaofu turned his gaze hastily to the side and looked at his father standing beside him.    


His alcoholic father was as drunk as ever. With his clothes and long hair in disarray, covering up most of his face and forehead, he held an wine jug that seemed inseparable from his hand.    




Du Shaofu was shocked for a moment but soon replaced with a pleasantly surprised expression.    


"You won't die."    


Du Tingxuan said those words nonchalantly towards Du Shaofu as the smell of alcohol lingered in the air.    




Du Shaofu nodded as he noticed a powerful sense of spirit Qi that surpassed him. He could feel that his alcoholic seemed to be different than usual as even his height seemed to be taller than before.    


What surprised Du Shaofu even more was the Qi surrounding his alcoholic father. Though it clearly seemed to just be the stench of alcohol, it somehow emitted some sort of Qi capable of withstand the terrifying aura of the black-robed man.    


"You've finally come out."    


The black-robed figure said as he stared at Du Tingxuan.    


Du Tingxuan raised his head, seemingly able to see the person's face through their hood, and said, "Stop acting so secretive. Did you think I wouldn't know who you were? Just take it off already! It looks just like a loincloth."    




The black-robed figure snorted coldly and took off his hood, revealing his face. He seemed to be a middle-aged man in his forties. With deep and dark eyes, he actually looked quite heroic.    


Suspending in midair, the white-robed figure appeared to hesitate for a moment before taking off his hood.    


The two of them seemed to be around the same age, except for the fact that the white-robed man was slightly thinner than the other. Wearing an indifferent expression, no one could tell just what he was thinking at that moment.    


Just as Du Shaofu's gaze landed on the two-robed men, he felt curious as to how his alcoholic father recognized and even knew those two individuals.    


Du Tingxuan shot a glance at Du Shaofu before looking back at the black-robed man. He then said with a smile, "The two of you have seen my son before, right? He looks very much like me. Though he's finally grown up to this point, he's still keeps causing trouble for me. Raising a child is difficult, huh?"    


Du Tingxuan revealed a pure smile expression as he continued speaking. Even when he mentioned how Du Shaofu looked like him, his smile became even wider as he said, "If you think about it, you've also accompanied him here for nearly seventeen years now, isn't that right?"    




The black-robed man did not know what Du Tingxuan meant, so he snorted and continued looking at him with a gloomy expression.    


"You want to kill my son?" Du Tingxuan asked.    


"If we kill him now, there won't be any troubles in the future."    


The black-robed man twitched slightly before looking at Du Tingxuan with a dark gaze and saying, "That little bastard shouldn't have existed in the first place."    


"He's not a bastard. He's my son," Du Tingxuan said with a calm yet powerful voice.    


"It's because he inherited a part of you that he became a bastard. If it wasn't for you, everything would have been fine," the black-robed man said in a deep voice.    


"You will pay for you words," Du Tingxuan said in calm voice as his sharp aura started fluctuating.    




The black-robed man burst into laughter and looked at Du Tingxuan. "Over these past seventeen years, you have always been drunk. Do you think you're still in your prime? Since you've decided to show yourself today, I might as well take the opportuntiy to settle things with you as well."    


"You won't be able to do so."    


Du Tingxuan raised his head once again, and under the astonished gazes of many people, he stroked his messy long hair all the way to his shoulders, fully revealing the rest of his face that was covered by his long hair.    


He possesed a resolute face, just like that of Du Shaofu. With furrowed brows and long, he also had long, raised eyelashes that softened the original apparent outline. However, seeing how his brows were knitted, he seemed to be deeply worried about something in his mind.    


Under normal circumstances, his handsome face would have been enough to attract the glances of any woman in the vicinity. However, his current drunken appearance, accompanied with his beard, made him seem much older than his age.    


However, he nevertheless possessed a strong masculine charm instead. Even his voice, filled with the scent of alcohol, had a sort of alluring and mellow quality to it. He looked at the black-robed man and said, "You really shouldn't have laid your hands on my son."    


As his calm voice slowly faded, Du Tingxuan's eyes gradually sharpened.    


"I didn't just intend to lay my hands of him. Rather, I want to kill him."    


"Let alone killing the two of you, you should be fully aware of how effortless it would be for us to wipe out the entire Stone City."    


"You? Surely, you're talking about the people standing behind you, right?"    


As Du Tingxuan's sharp eyes twitched slight, he said, "At the very least, you aren't capable of such things, for you were no match for me back then. Compared to them, you are far too inferior. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been dispatched to this border region. It appears that you're not even worth mentioning in their eyes."    


"Du Tingxuan, you're courting death!"    


At that moment, the black-robed man's expression darkened drastically as Du Tingxuan's words seemed to have pricked his sore sport. As the ruthlessness in his eyes surged, a terrifying aura spread out through the area. The rays of rune light radiated in all directions dazzled just like a sea stars.    


At that instant, a terrifying aura swept out across the entire Stone City. With the wind rising and clouds surging, the color in the sky changed drastically!    


The black robed middle aged man shouted ferociously and clenched his fist fiercely. Activating the Strange Talisman Marks around his body, he condensed a the rune energy into a swordbreaker that radiated with brilliant energy. As the runes spread, the black-robed man instantly pounced towards Du Tingxuan as he shouted in a cold voice, "Du Tingxuan, you still can't match up to me. Peasants like you are simply mere ants in my eyes born to remain lowly."    




As his shout diminished, his swordbreaker enveloped in a layer of monstrous Qi radiated brilliantly, causing distortions around the space and tearing through the void. All of which were aimed towards Du Tingxuan's head.    




Just as the swordbreaker approached him, Du Tingxuan's lips moved slightly. His sharp pitch-black pupils instantly filled with killing intent, making him seem like a completely different person as terrifying Qi burst out from his body.    


At this moment, Du Tingxuan was no longer the usual drunken Third Master of the Du Family, for the Qi diffusing from his body was strong enough to even affect the weather!    


With a single movement of his body, rather than advancing, he stepped back instead. At that moment, Du Tingxuan's eyes surged with killing intent as he looked calmly at the incoming swordbreaker with the slightest intention to dodge whatsoever. All of a sudden, the strange talisman marks on the hollow of his palm shone brightly as he manifested a spear in his hand.    


Electricity sparked along the surface of the spear as a bright bolt of lightning began wreaking havoc in the skies, causing everyone to be stunned!    




Space itself shattered before the swordbreaker, but just when it was an inch away from Du Tingxuan, his figure suddenly flashed away leaving behind an afterimage. The swordbreaker pierced through the afterimage, missing its target and sending ripples of energy through the air. The onlookers could not help but be dazzled.    


Just as the swordbreaker pierced through Du Tingxuan's afterimage, the black-robed man's hair immediately stood on its end as his gloomy expression changed drastically, alarmed. At that moment, the tall figure who had seemingly vanished once again flashed less than a meter before him.    




In the midst of his panic, the black-robed man could only manage to manifest a small-star like protective ring of light around him.    


"If I wasn't drunk every single day for the past seventeen years, how would they be able to relax themselves? But did you really think that I was drunk the entire time over all these years?"    


[Author's Note: Xiao Yu does not know how much energy I will have tomorrow or the day after, but I will definitely do my utmost everyday. Since I still have some energy today, I will definitely keep working on the chapters today without slacking off.]    


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