Martial God Conqueror

C112 Innate Saint Sovereign

C112 Innate Saint Sovereign

A roar sounded out from the glorious yet terrifying figure as terrifying Qi surged forth behind him. With the voice diminishing and the horrifying Qi fluctuating, countless beasts roared and hissed into the sky like a gathering storm.    


"Haha, who dares to call my son and daughter monsters? It's obvious that they're gifted! Who said it was the heavenly lightning that descended? It was clearly a phenomenon of the heaven and earth, signifying the birth of a deity and a human saint!"    


Next to the woman, a tall and handsome young man burst out with an icily arrogant laughter.    


Dressed in a combat robe, the tall and upright man clenched down on his fists with a steadfast expression. His pair of eyes blossomed with a cold glint as his natural brows looked as if it had been painted. With broad shoulders and a well-built body, he seemed like an extraordinary man capable of battling up to ten thousand men. As his robe fluttered freely amidst the breeze, he shouted, "If you want to lay your hands on my two children, then you'll first have to get past the 'Lightning Dragons' in my hands!"    


As his voice faded, the young man manifested a long spear in his hand and thrusted the back into the ground. Electricity sparked faintly around the surface of the spear as thumber rumbled across the sky.    


"Du Tingxuan, I'll take this opportunity to finish you off today! Everything happened because of you! You and your children shouldn't have existed in this world! Kill them!"    


As the thunderous shout diminished, the scene turned silent for a moment before several astral-like silhouttes lashed out from behind with their divine weapons slashing down on their target.    


"Ao Tong, take good care of Shao Fu and Shao Jing," Du Tingxuan spoke in an imposing manner with a profound temperament.    


Just as the several astral-like figures arrived before him, a wave of boundless Qi rumbled forth.    


"You dare challenge me, Du Tingxuan, with just the few of you? Get lost!"    


Du Tingxuan exclaimed with a resounding voice as he leaped into the air like a heavenly lion. Holding onto the lightning-manifest spear in his hands, his battle robe fluttered about in the air.    




The long spear in Du Tingxuan's danced about as the runes moved swiftly like a bolts of lightning. As thunderclouds converged in midair, a series of sonic booms rippled across the air.    


In an instant, the few astral-like figures were sent flying into the distance as they spewed out mouthfuls of blood. Drenched in layers of crimson, their brilliance was now starting to turn dim. With their strange talisman marks routed, they collapsed onto the ground in a sorry state. At that moment, the ground trembled as the mountains shook in fear. Everyone who witnessed this absurd scene was greatly astonished.    




Having seen their father's martial prowess, the two little fellows in the woman's arms burst with excitement as they began waving their limbs about and cheering aloud.    


However, the woman looked at the two children in her arms with knitted eyebrows and a slightly grave expression.    


"Very well, Du Tingxuan. Even so, it's a pity that you don't have what it takes to provoke us."    


At that moment, a blinding light shot out from the person's figure as strange talisman marks spread across the sky. Then, a gigantic ancient beast soared into the sky and opened its ferocious jaws, capable of tearing the very space apart. In the next instant, it pounced towards Du Tingxuan with its open mouth, intending to shred him into pieces.    


"So what? Whoever wants to lay their hands my wife and children will first have to step over my dead body!"    


Du Tingxuan soared into the air as if he was standing alone in a remote, tall mountain. Spitting a mouthful of blood essence onto the "Lightning Dragon" in his hand, its strange talisman marks instantly began fluctuating.    




With the rumbling thunder and churning clouds, the long spear in his hand transofrmed into a gigantic Lightning Dragon. With earth-shattering might and an ear-piercing roar, it instantly struck down on the ancient beast.    




Heaven and earth trembled and the surrounding mountains exploded into pieces. Giant boulders and trees shot up into the sky, turning into dust as the terrifying aura swept through the area.    


*Tak! Tak!*    


The glorious figure in the air immediately staggered backwards and its brilliance dimmed significantly. The middle-aged man suddenly revealed a dejected expression, his eyes seemingly in pure disbelief.    


Previously, he had always thought that Du Tingxuan's cultivation was far inferior to his. But at this moment, he never expected him to actually erupt with such terrifying strength. It was wonder he was widely known as a genius. Could his will to protect his wife and children have enabled such strength to burst forth within him?    


"The Lightning Dragon is a precious treasure that you mere peasants aren't worthy of having in your possession. I'll just have to take it away from you today!"    


At that moment, when the blinding light began fluctuating, the middle-aged man tossed out a ring of prayer beads shining with Holy Light. Carrying some sort of secret technique within, runes started appearing in the sky and eventually manifested an enormous halo above, encircling the Lightning Dragon within.    




The Lightning Dragon roared aloud. But with the halo shrinking with each second, it could nevertheless not break free from its binding. With no other choice, it reverted back into the form of a spear as its luster dimmed.    


The brilliant figure suddenly appeared before Du Tingxuan and shot out the manifestation of Buddha's palm towards him. With the Holy Light illuminating everything around it, vast and boundless Qi spread across the sky and enveloped Du Tingxuan.    




Du Tingxuan shouted as his battle robe fluttered in the wind. His Qi shook the entire sky as fresh blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, seemingly putting his life on the line. Gaping his eyes wide open, blood dripped down from his battle robe as he sent the manifestation of a large fist flying up against the gigantic Buddha's Palm above, accompanied by the sound of thunder.    


"A mere peasant like you cannot hope to step foot into the palace! Shatter!"    


As the thunderous roar sounded out, the Buddha's palm shattered the fist manifested by Du Tingxuan into pieces before its remaning power landed directly on Du Tingxuan's chest.    




At that moment, Du Tingxuan spurted out a mouthful of blood, causing the runes lingering around his body to dissipate.    


"Ting Xuan!"    


Shocked, the woman shouted with her charming voice.    


At that moment, several glorious figures instantly appeared next to the woman and erupted with terrifying Qi. As the surroundings was instantly illuminated by the blinding light, the runes started surging into the sky.    


Prior to giving birth to the two chilldren, the woman would never have been shown even the slightest hint of fear before the presence of these strong clansmen. However, having just given birth, she was currently at her weakest point and did not have much strength to fight against them.    




Admist their confrotation, the woman could not withstand the barrage of attacks. With the two children in her embrace, she could only protect them from the incoming attacks. At that moment, a powerful force suddenly sucked away the child in her left arm and trapped it in a radiant ring.    


The woman, frightened out of her mind, turned bleach pale as she hugged tightly on the other child who too was almost sucked away. She then shouted in a horse voice, "Let go of my son! Ting Xuan, quickly save Shao Fu!"    


"Anyone who dares to harm my wife and children shall die!"    


At some point, Shao Fu had crawled out of the ring binding onto him in a flash albeit coughing out some blood from his mouth. Using some sort of secret technique, he had manifested a bolt of lightning and shot it straight towards the glorious figure. Instantly shattering the halo, the brilliant rays of light shot out in all four directions just like fireworks.    




One of the figures was instantly knocked back as he coughed out blood.    




The little fellow then landed in Du Tingxuan's embrace. Even in the midst of such a chaotic battle, he did not reveal any signs of fear nor panic. In fact, his eyes shone brilliantly as he stared at his father. He even waved his small hands around, seemingly indicating how he wanted to follow his father into battle!    


"Shao Fu, as long as Dad is here, nothing will happen to you!"    


With blood soaked all around his tattered combat robe, Du Tingxuan whispered to the baby in his arms. Although he was in a sorry state, the aura he emitted was still as intimidating as ever. However, the intensity of his Qi was gradually decreasing, for he had seemingly used up the last bit of this strength.    




With a loud exploding sound, a powerful force landed directly on Du Tingxuan's back, causing his body to fly dozens of feet into the distance. Spurting out blood from his mouth, he held his child tightly in his embrace to protect him from any harm.    


"That bastard is a monster! We can't let him live any longer."    


As the man's thunderous roar resounded through the air, a powerful suction force instantly pulled the child back into the halo that radiated as brilliantly as the sun.    


Heavily injured and drenched in blood, Du Tingxuan could no longer move even an inch. Helpless, he could only watch as a large manifested palm landed straight down on the newborn baby trapped within the halo.    




As the large palm crashed down, it pressed down on the child's body mercilessly. Before he even had the chance to cry out in pain, his vision had already blurred out within the sun-like halo. With his eyes shut tightly, the child's small chest bogged up and down once more before his heart finally stopping beating.    


"Shao Fu!"    


Agonizing pain pierced through the hearts of both Du Tingxuan and his wife. Hoarse roars sounded out from their mouths as their eyes started shedding blood and tears.    


However, at this moment, one of them was severely injured, which preventing him from taking even a single step. The other was already captured by the experts of the clan and rendered motionless. Witnessing their child getting crushed by a plam strike before their very eyes, both their hearts seemed to have stopped beating as well.    


"You monster, you shouldn't have been born in the first place!"    


The child whose heart had stopped beating was thrown onto the cold, hard ground. Within the sun-like halo, a large palm once again descended down on the heavily injured Du Tingxuan    


"Ninth Protector, if you dare to kill him, I will commit suicide. If that happens, I'm afraid it won't be good for you when you return to the clan."    


Heavily injured, Du Tingxuan would certainly not be able to survive the palm strike. In his midst of pain, the woman instantly threatened.    


At that moment, the large palm came to a stop right above Du Tingxuan's head before gradually dissipating. From within the sun-like halo, a shout rang out, "Ao Tong, you cannot threaten me. The three of them must die!"    


"Then, I'll just die together with them!" The woman shouted.    


After a moment of silence, the man said, "You can't die now even if you want to. Let's talk about it when we get back home."    


As his voice diminished within the sun-like halo, a rune light suddenly flashed towards Du Tingxuan again.    




A faint sigh seemed to have transcend the sky as a brilliant light suddenly radiated in the sky, as if the sun had just risen up from the heavens.    




At that moment, a strange talisman mark suddenly shot down from the sky, passing through the obstructions within space and time, before landing on the rune light flashing towards Du Tingxuan. Instantly obstructed the rune light in its trajectory, it then vanished into the air.    


"Greetings, Patriarch."    


As the halos and Qi in the vicinity fluctuated, everyone suddenly bowed down.    


Even those ferocious beasts amidst the mountain ranges prostrated on the ground, not daring to even raise their heads.    


"Ancestor, please grant us our wish," the woman looked up into the sky and pleaded.    


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