Martial God Conqueror

C116 A Beautiful Aunt

C116 A Beautiful Aunt

"Congratulations, you won't cause me any trouble!"    


With a flick of his wrist, a burst of powerful Qi discharged around his body. He had actually reached the Profound Level of the Pulsating Stage. For someone of his age to cultivation to such a stage, he would already be considered quite a talented cultivator.    


As the vigorous Qi surged from the body of the well-dressed youth, he immediately escaped the grasp of the purple-robed young man. Clenching down on his fists, he instantly smashed it towards the purple-robed young man, now only a few inches away.    


His attacks appeared crisp and extraordinary.    


"You don't have what it takes!"    


At that moment, the purple-robed young man's gaze darkened significantly. His hand that hand been flung away by the well-dressed youth charged up and abruptly manifested a faint golden cyclone above with the indistinct fluctuations of talisman runes.    


"Wave Punch!"    


Just as the well-dressed youth was inches away from hitting him, the purple-robed young man riased his hand. Clenched his fingers into a solid fist, he instantly threw a punch out as a shocking burst of Qi exploded forth.    




As the two fists collided fiercely against each other, a low muffled sound rippled through the air.    




At that moment, everyone noticed thirteen waves of Qi layered atop one another within the purble-robed young man's fist. An overwhelming shockwave diffused ruthlessly through the air as it smashed againt the well-dressed youth's fist.    




The loud sound of bones shattering jolted through the air. Amidst the shocked gazes of the crowd, the well-dressed youth's right arm drooped down powerlessly like a ragdoll as he let out a blood-curdling screech.    




Loud shrieks accompanied the sound of bones shattering as the well-dressed youth was sent flying away. Crashing his butt down on the floor, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.    


With just one move, the well-dressed youth had been severely injured!    


"That youth is so strong!"    


"No wonder he dared to obstruct Guo Kun."    


"I wonder just what kind of background that young man comes from. If he doesn't have anyone supporting him, then he's definitely going to die!"    


The surrounding onlookers looked at each other in dismay.    


Though Guo Kun was still young, he had already reached the Profound Level of the Pulsating Stage. Within the entire Lanling City, his strength and cultivation was also considered pretty decent. Thus, no one expected him to be defeated by the purple-robed young man with a single punch.    


"How dare you injure Young Master Guo! Kill that brat now!"    


Amidst the astonishment of the surrounding well-dressed youths, someone shouted abruptly.    


Standing behind those youths, the guards, albeit with glum expressions, immediately pounced towards the purple-robed young man with an extremely powerful Qi like a pack of wolves.    


*Bang! Bang! Bang!*    


As a series of explosive sounds reverberated through the scene, the onlookers standing at the side saw that the figures being thrown away after another into the air in a parabolic fashion.    


Amidst the dozen of burly men, some of them were at the Initial Level of the Pulsating Stage while two of them were at the Profound Level of the Pulsating Stage. Even so, they did not have what it took to fight back.    


*Bang! Bang! Bang!*    


The burly men crashed onto the ground one after another as they coughed out blood. With their tendons ruptured, they couldn't even muster the strength to crawl back up.    


Upon seeing this ridiculous scene, the group of youths who orginally stood behind Guo Kun stood petrified, not daring to attack. Instead, they instinctively took a few steps back before running over to Guo Kun who had been sent flying away previously, frightened.    


"Brat, you actually dared to attack us. But do you have the guts to tell us your name?"    


Seeing how neither Young Master Guo Kun nor the other guards could withstand a single blow from the purple-robed young man, the group of youths was sure that they wouldn't stand a chance either. Panic-stricken, they gazed at the purple-robed young man in utter fear.    


"Du Shaofu!"    


The purple-robed young man's pupils twitched slightly as he turned around to look at the frightened young lady. Doubt appeared in his eyes as he furrowed his brows and asked in a soft voice, "Why didn't you make a move? They might not have necessarily been able to do anything to you."    


The purple-robed young man was precisely Du Shaofu. Not long after wandering around the city streets, he had already seen a young lady being bullied by a group of men who appeared to have some of background within the capital of Lanling. He naturally could not bear to ignore the situation and do nothing. Even so, he did not think much of telling them his name. After all, he wasn't someone of Lanling City anyways. Besides, when he meets the Prefecture Lord of Lanling Prefecture, he would most likely be able to slip away unscathed without having to deal with those spoiled noble brats anymore.    


Finally coming back to her senses, the young lady looked just like a frightened kitten as she swept his bright eyes towards Du Shaofu. Seeming to be on the verge of tears and looking rather pitiful, she said timidly, "I was too nervous. Whenever I get nervous, I would always be at a loss for what to do."    


"It's alright now. You should go back quickly," Du Shaofu said to the young lady.    


"You look like a good person, so would you be willing to do me a favor? Lend me one thousand xuan coins. I want to buy pills to treat my aunt's injury," the young lady raised her head and looked at Du Shaofu with a gaze as pure as white paper.    


Looking at the young girl's innocent gaze, Du Shaofu's heart felt touched as he could not help but think of his younger sister whom he had never seen before.    


"How about this. Bring me over to see your aunt, and maybe I'll be able to find a way," Du Shaofu hesitated for a moment before saying softly.    


"Really? Thank you so much. My name is Xingyu, Dai Xingyu." The young girl's clear eyes instantly burst with a great sense of joy.    


"My name is Du Shaofu."    


"I already heard it just now," Dai Xingyu said happily as her slim body stood upright, further accentuating the captivating curves of her figure.    


With that, the two of them disappeared into the crowd. Although the well-dressed youths looked embarrassed, they did not dare to stop them.    


"Young Master Guo, what do we do now?"    


One of the well-dressed youth looked at the youth whose arm had been severely injured by Du Shaofu and asked weakly.    




Just as the youth finished speaking, Guo Kun instantly slapped the him hard on the face with his left hand. With a deep red mark appearing on his cheek, a scorching pain gradually crawled up to his cheek.    


"Remember, if you don't get beaten up the next time I get beaten up, then you can just stop following me in the future."    


Guo Kun looked at the other youths and said, "I will give you all another chance. Find the place where that brat is staying by tomorrow morning at the latest. If you can't find him, then you'll have to bear the consequences."    


After following Dai Xingyu for two entire hours, Du Shaofu finally met the aunt, whom Dai Xingyu had mentioned previously, in a remote residence within the city.    


Laying unconscious on the bed within the residence was a certain lady who appeared rather pale. However, that did not affect her extremely gorgeous appearance and beautiful face in the slightest.    


The unconscious lady seemed to be in her early twenties. Dressed in a qipao that wrapped tightly around her body, one could clearly tell that he had an extremely alluring figure.    


"Brother Shaofu."    


Seeming to have opened up to Du Shaofu, Dai Xingyu looked anxiously at the lady on the bed and started tearing up. "I have already tried examining my aunt's condition. However, I still have no idea what happened to her. Please save her."    


"Is she really your aunt?" Du Shaofu asked with a hint of doubt. Assuming her age through her appearance, she did not look like Dai Xingyu's aunt at all.    


Dai Xingyu nodded her head firmly as she looked at Du Shaofu with clear and bright eyes, as through he was afraid that Du Shaofu would not believe him. "My aunt is much younger than my mother and not much older than me. But she really is my aunt."    


Without give a reply, Du Shaofu walked in front of the woman on the bed.    


Looking at her beautiful appearance, Du Shaofu could not help but scan his eyes thoroughly through her figure before it landed on her curves. He then thought to himself, "Dai Xingyu truly is as pure as a white piece of paper. To think she'd actually bring a complete stranger home to see her beautiful aunt laying unconscious on her bed. Had she made the mistake of bringing someone with evil intentions back, the consequences would have been dire."    


Several thoughts flashed past Du Shaofu's mind in the blink of an eye as his expression turned serious. Condensing rune energy in the hollow of his palm, he shot out a rune light that enveloped the entire body of the beautiful lady lying on the bed.    


Looking at Du Shaofu's actions, Dai Xingyu pulled down at the corner of her clothes as she bit down on her delicate red lips, her limpid eyes filled with worry.    




As Du Shaofu retracted his hand, the runes on his palm dissipated, his gaze turning serious.    


"Brother Shaofu, how is my aunt's condition?    


Looking at the serious expression on Du Shaofu's face, Dai Xingyu started getting even more nervous.    


"You're also a Spirit Talisman Master, can't you tell?"    


Du Shaofu looked at Dai Xingyu with a suspicious gaze. From the faint Qi emitting from Dai Xingyu's body, Du Shaofu could tell that she was actually a Peak Stage Two-Star Spirit Talisman Master.    


Ever since he started cultivating the remnant of the cultivation technique he found from the bones of the beast, Du Shaofu realized that it was now easy for him to determine another person's cultivation. As long as their cultivation level was not too far above that of his, even if they were purposely hiding their cultivation, it would not be difficult at all for Du Shaofu to see through them.    


Thus, Du Shaofu found the situation rather strange. Though Dai Xingyu might not have been able to deal with those spoiled brats even with her current cultivation level, she could very well escape from them without much trouble.    


However, he did not expect this young girl, Dai Xingyu, to actually forget everything about her cultivation and not know what to do upon tensing up.    


Hearing his words, Dai Xingyu looked at him with a slight blush on her face and said, "Brother Shaofu, while I may be a Spirit Talisman Master, I only know how to cultivate. Neither do I know anything about treating illnesses nor is there anyone here willing to teach me."    


At that moment, she seemed to have thought of something and said, "However, I do know how to set up Talisman Arrays. It's just that I won't be able to do it when I get nervous."    


Staring speechlessly at the innocent girl, Du Shaofu said with a frown, "Your aunt was probably inflicted with poison, a rather potent one in fact. So, your original idea of buying pills to treat her illness would unfortunately not have been effective."    


"Inflicted with poison?" Dai Xingy immediately tensed up and nearly burst into tears once again upon hearing his diagnosis of her aunt. Pulling on Du Shaofu's clothes, she said, "Brother Shaofu, you definitely have a method of saving her, right? Please save my aunt."    


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