Martial God Conqueror

C110 You Shall Not Lay Your Hands On My Son!

C110 You Shall Not Lay Your Hands On My Son!

His pitch-black eyes were filled with killing intent as the spear in his hand trembled. Enveloped by a layer of electricity, it appeared like a bolt of lightning in the form of a dragon, descending from the heavens and ruthlessly slicing across the void.    




The lightning strike pierced through the runic rings the size of a small star as if they were dried up twigs and crashed down on the black-robed man's chest.    




Thunder clapped as lightning flashed above Stove City!    


"As I've said, you shall pay the price. You aren't capable of acting so arrogant before me."    


As the light dimmed, Du Tingxuan pulled out the lightning spear from the black-robed man's chest and absorbed it back into his strange talisman marks, retracting it back into his palm.    


Looking at the black robed man who was wearing a stiff expression, Du Tingxuan said, "You shall not lay your hands on my son!"    


His voice albeit calm sounded out with great resolve!    




Just as Du Tingxuan's voice diminished, streaks of lightning burst out from the black-robed man's chest as a fountain of blood spurted out from within.    


An opponent so powerful, that even the terrifying Thunder Demon Lion could not defeat nor suppress, had actually been killed with a single move by Du Tingxuan.    


Utterly dumbstruck, everyone's expression in the vicinity changed drastically!    


Both Du Zhenwu and Du Zhixiong were also greatly taken aback, for they clearly were not aware that their Third Brother's true strength had reached such a terrifying level.    


He was not a mere ordinary expert, but rather a master on the list of godly cultivators!    


"Third Master of the Du Family!"    


Amidst the silence, those words were deeply engraved into the minds of everyone present.    


So it turned out that the strongest cultivator in Stone City was neither the Thunder Demon Lion that had been guarding the city for several hundreds of years not the Kind Scaled Demon Tiger that had just appeared recently.    


Instead, it had been Du Tingxuan, that drunkard from the Du Family, Du Shaofu's father all along.    


One was known as the good-for-nothing young master while the other was known as an alcoholic bastard. But now, their presence shook the entire Stone City as their names had been carved deep throughout the city.    


However, everything today was simply far too shocking.    




After that moment of silence, everyone throughout the battlefield sucked in a breath of cold air.    


"Damn it, I've been tricked by my father for 16 whole years."    


Du Shaofu stared at his father who was hovering in the air. Despite having composed himself from his moment of shock, his heart was still palpitating uncontrollably.    


"Why aren't you attacking?" Du Tingxuan asked as he swept his gaze towards the white-robed man before him.    


Amidst the eyes of the white-robed man still lingered a great sense of shock yet to be calmed down. Hearing that, he looked at Du Tingxuan and replied, "Nothing would have changed even if I do make a move. I really never expected you to actually be putting up an act the entire time. We've all really been deceived by you."    


"What are you going to do?" Du Tingxuan asked as he stared at the white-robed man.    


"That depends on whether you intend to kill me too," the white-robed man said with a wry smile.    


"I'm not going to kill you."    


Du Tingxuan looked at the white-robed man and said, "The reason why I killed him was because he intended to kill my son. I won't kill you because I want you to go back and tell them that you were the first ones who broke your promise."    


"We were indeed the first ones who broke the promise."    


The white-robed man laughed bitterly before looking at Du Tingxuan and saying, "However, forgive me for speaking bluntly. Although I may not be your opponent with your current strength, you're simply a mere ant in the eyes of the others. What can you possibly do on your own?"    


With a laugh, Du Tingxuan lifted up the wine pot hanging at his waist and took a sip from it. "I'm still quite young if I say so myself, even more so when it comes to my son. As long as we stay alive, we'll be able to stand a chance."    


"A chance!"    


The white-robed man said with a faint smile, "But in fact, you should be very clear on just how small that chance truly is."    




Du Tingxuan shook his head and retorted, "You should be fully aware that it won't just be me and my son. Since you've broken the promise, it won't just be me and my son taking action."    


The white-robed man instantly let out a waning frown, seemingly rendered speechless.    


"Scram! Go back and tell them that as long as I'm alive to never touch my son again! Otherwise, they'd have to go through me first," Du Tingxuan warned as he glared at the white-robed man.    


"I will pass on your message."    


The white-robed man shot one more glance at Du Shaofu before leaving in a flash, quickly vanished from everyone's line of sight.    


With the white-robed man's leave, everyone's gazes once again fell upon Du Tingxuan, who still hovering in the air.    


Du Tingxuan looked down at the streams of blood on the battlefield, his eyes undulating.    


As a cold breeze blew past, the strong stench of blood whiffed across the entire Stone City.    


"All the blood lost by the people of Stone City today shall be paid for by the blood of the evildoers!"    


With a single wave of his robe, Du Tingxuan summoned countless streaks of lightning runes that flashed across the sky, followed by the sudden condensation of dark clouds as a storm loomed near.    




At that moment, a lifeless look sudden emerged in the eyes of the middle-aged man of Floating Cloud City who had been suppressing Bai Wei all this while, seeming as if the Grim Reaper was caressing his body right then and there. Following which, a bolt of lightning struck down before him, sending out streaks of lightning strikes that bombarded his entire body.    




The Pulse Spirit Stage middle-aged man immediately let out a blood-curdling scream right before a mist of blood spurted out from his body.    




In the next instant, successive screams of agony resounded throughout the battlefield, echoing through the streets of Stone City and causing chills to shiver down one's spine.    


Amonst the army of the Floating Cloud County, strange bolts of lightning would strike down on the cultivators above the Pulsating Stage and split them apart.    


Their miserable wails lasted only for a moment. After the thunderous claps resounded through the air, nearly a hundred Pulsating Stage Cultivators were instantly turned into a pile of ashes, leaving not even their burnt corpses behind.    


In an instant, all the cultivators of the Floating Cloud County above the Pulsating Stage had been exterminated like mere bugs.    




Everyone swallowed down their saliva, dumbfounded!    


Upon witnessing such a terrifying method of killing, they could not help but feel their hairs standing on their end!    


Meanwhile, a bolt of lightning landed down on the runes restraining the Thunder Demon Lion's body and shattered it apart, freeing it from the rune's bindings.    




Having regained its freedom, the Thunder Demon Lion roared aloud. It then looked at Du Tingxuan and said, "I never expected your cultivation to be at such a high level. You're truly the strongest cultivator that I've ever seen in Stone City."    


"I still owe you a favor back then." The sharp gaze in Du Tingxuan's eyes diminished as he looked at the Thunder Demon Lion with a smile.    


"Back then, you sneaked into the Ye Family to use the Lightning Pool, yet you had no idea that it would only open once every three years," the Thunder Demon Lion laughed as it shook its majestic body.    


"However, you gave me a drop of your own Blood Essence and even kept it a secret for me, so I've owed you for that over all these years. It's just a pity that I've never really gotten the chance to repay that favor of yours."    


An apologetic look emerged within Du Tingxuan's eyes. After all, it was precisely because of that drop of the Thunder Demon Lion's Blood Essence that he had indirectly obtained so many benefits along his path of cultivation. However, even after so many passing years, he had not yet paid him back.    


"Your son has already returned the favor for you. In fact, he paid off quite a bit of the interest too," the Thunder Demon Lion laughed.    


"Haha, that's my son for you!" Du Tingxian smiled faintly. Just as the surrounding figures began moving once again, he suddenly vanished midair.    




Seeing how Du Tingxuan vanished before him, the Thunder Demon Lion roared and said aloud, "Those who caused bloodshed behind in Stone City, make them pay with their blood! Don't leave a single one of them alive!"    


"Kill them!"    


At that moment, a heaven-shaking killing intent filled the air and the entire area of Stone City!    


Without any strong cultivators left alive within the army of the Floating Cloud County, they could no longer continue their invasion of Stone City anymore. What awaited them was a bloody massacre by the people of Stone City.    


The debt of blood shall be paid with blood as the slaughter shall continue till dusk!    


Along the streets of Stone City, crimson dyed the surroundings as corpses flowed down the streams of blood.    


Leaving the King Scaled Demon Tiger to rampage on the battlefield, Du Shaofu chose not to participate in the final slaughter.    


Instead, he was supported by his cousin, Du Xue, back to the Du Family.    


Meanwhile, Du Hao, Du Gui, Du Yan, Du Yu, and the other junior disciples continued killing the enemies. Stained with blood all over their body, the eyes were bloodshot with great killing intent.    


Fu Yibai was still digging into the ant hill when he saw Du Shaofu, who had just returned. Noticing his brother's weary complexion, he looked up unwillingly and said, "Big Bro, let's make another bet. Whoever stares at the ant nest for the longest time wins. If you lose, you'll have to call me Big Bro from now on."    


"Not interested."    


Du Shaofu was not interested as he needed to immediately recover as quickly as possible so that he could cultivate.    


"Don't go... It's fine if we compete after you fully recover too."    


Fu Yibai exclaimed with a loud voice. Over the past few years, he had always sought to win a bet against Du Shaofu to make up for the one he lost back then. After all, he believed that he couldn't possibly lose in something that he had never lost in before.    


Returning to the courtyard, Du Shaofu didn't see his drunkard of father come back. As such, he went straight back into his room.    


Then, he called for Zhen Qingchun who was inside the small pagoda. However, not hearing any response from Zhen Qingchun, Du Shaofu sat crosslegged on his bed and started meditating.    


In the midst of the night, no one could fall asleep within Stone City as the bloody battles that took place during the day still lingered in their minds.    


Throughout the dusk, all the families, whether large of small, as well as various forces in Stone City, worked together to clean up the corpses of their kith and kins. Looking down at the corpses of their friends and families, the sounds of sobbing could be heard unceasingly all night long.    


Three days later, Du Shaofu finally stopped cultivating in his room.    




Exhaling out a mouthful of impure Qi, the pale golden light in Du Shaofu's eyes dimmed as the pale white face slowly regained its usual color. However, it was not dfficult to tell that he had yet to fully recover, seeing how the Qi within his body was still fluctuating irregularly.    


"Brother Qingchun."    


Taking out the small pagoda, Du Shaofu injected some Profound Qi within but no to avail, for there wasn't a single reaction from inside. This caused Du Shaofu's heart to tighten as he started to began worrying.    


Although he had never spoken about Zhen Qingchun being his sworn big brother, but during this period of time, Du Shaofu had always treated him as his big brother in his heart.    


"He must have just exhausted his Primordial Spirit after using it to its limit and should just be in a deep slumber for now. There shouldn't be any major issues."    


As an indifferent voice jolted over, a tall figure standing upright entered Du Shaofu's room.    


[Author's Note: I have finished releasing all ten chapters for today and will now get some rest after reading through your comments. I will keep working hard tomorrow to release even more chapters!]    


[Once again, thank you so much for all your support, my fellow brothers and sisters!]    


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