Martial God Conqueror



"You want to bid for the Profound Spirit Connecting Sky Vine?"    


Gu Xinyan looked at Du Shaofu, she did not know what Du Shaofu's plan was today, and she did not know what Du Shaofu said to the owner of the Castle of Mu Family yesterday either.    


But now, when Gu Xinyan saw that Du Shaofu had directly bid twenty million, such a price was unbearable even for her. Buying a five star mystical Talisman Array was already something she was going all out for.    


"There's no helping it, the Profound Spirit Connecting Sky Vine cannot fall into the hands of others."    


She could only helplessly shrug her shoulders towards Du Shaofu, and now, the only thing she could do was to take the Profound Spirit Connecting Sky Vine into her own hands.    


"Twenty one million Profound Stones!"    


The arrogant voice sounded again. From the voice, it was not difficult to tell that the person who bid was not in a good mood.    


"21 million."    


"22 million!"    


"Twenty two million and one."    


"Twenty-five million!"    


"Twenty-five million one."    


The voice of the bidder kept calling out, the voice was filled with rage, no matter how much he bid, the other party would always have one more piece of Profound Stone compared to him.    


No more, no less, it was just an additional profound stone. This was clearly done on purpose.    


Everyone's gaze fluctuated, their hearts filled with suspicion. Could it be that the two people from the Vip Room had a grudge, or at least a profound stone? This was a provocation, and it had happened several times already. This was clearly an absolute provocation.    


However, adding one profound stone after another, was also in accordance with the rules. The Profound Spirit Connecting Sky Vine s were to be auctioned at a fixed price, with an unlimited starting point.    


"That person over there, what's the meaning of this? Did he do it on purpose? Twenty eight million profound stones, if you dare, raise it again!"    


From within the Vip Room, a wild voice directly shouted towards the room where Du Shaofu was.    


"Twenty-eight million and one hundred thousand. Sir, it's only an auction. The highest bidder has it, yet he still doesn't want to bid."    


Du Shaofu's solemn voice sounded out. Since he had followed the rules, naturally, he did not feel anything amiss.    


"30 million!"    


A dark and solemn gaze shot out from his mouth.    


"301 million."    


When Du Shaofu called out his bid again, the price was already filled with fear.    




The black clothed youth was enraged and prepared to raise the price again.    


"Young Sect Master, we can't raise the price any further. It's already the limit. If we increase the price again, we won't be able to withstand it!"    


Within the Vip Room, a burly man beside the black-clothed youth had no choice but to pull the black-clothed youth. The price of thirty million had already reached the limit.    


"301 million, for the first time."    


"301 million, second try. Are there any higher bids?"    


"301 million. Third time. Deal. Congratulations to the distinguished guest on the third floor for obtaining the Profound Spirit Connecting Sky Vine."    


The enchanting woman looked towards the Vip Room on the third floor. A price of thirty million was definitely the highest price she had obtained in the auction in all these years.    


"Swoosh swoosh!"    


As the enchanting woman's voice fell, the surrounding gazes all uniformly shot towards the Vip Room that Du Shaofu was at.    




Du Shaofu took a deep breath, but at the moment, his face was gloomy.    


As he probed with his mental strength, Du Shaofu discovered that quite a few obscure auras were coming his way. These auras were targeting him, so if he wanted to escape today, it would not be a simple matter.    


"You really bought it." Gu Xinyan's beautiful eyes were also filled with shock, "From now on, I'm afraid that it will be troublesome. From now on, you will have to listen to me no matter what, no matter what the situation is, you have to listen to me, otherwise, I'm afraid that the Profound Spirit Connecting Sky Vine will not be able to return to the Heaven Martial Academy." Du Shaofu turned and looked at Gu Xinyan as he asked.    


Her beautiful eyes that covered her face looked at Du Shaofu for a while, then nodded slightly and said gently: "Alright."    


"Du Xiaoyao, can you avoid this for a moment? We don't want to show off." Du Shaofu asked Du Xiaoyao.    




Du Xiaoyao nodded his head. His crystal clear light golden body flickered with light, and then, under Gu Xinyan's somewhat moving gaze, he transformed into a palm-sized bronze Mountain Rock. Then, he was kept in Du Shaofu's embrace.    


When the two opened up the leaves curtain to reveal the Vip Room, everyone in the auction hall turned to look at Du Shaofu and Gu Xinyan.    


It was just that at this time, Du Shaofu and Gu Xinyan both had their faces covered by cloaks, and no one could see their appearances clearly.    


One by one, the guests from the Vip Room walked out at the right time, and their gazes and obscure auras all landed on Du Shaofu and Gu Xinyan. However, under the cover of their cloaks, they could not see their appearances clearly.    


Not far away, a few cloaked figures walked out from a Vip Room room. They were led by a silver-haired man who looked to be about twenty-five to twenty-six years of age, and his pitch-black eyes swept across Du Shaofu and Gu Xinyan's bodies.    


"This person is so evil!"    


As Du Shaofu's mind was observing, he suddenly noticed the gaze. Lifting his head, the man under the cape looked over, the silver haired man's gaze swept over him, causing his heart to suddenly feel cold.    


"Those people are related to Netherworld Religion, they are the people who attacked us that night. Although their auras were restrained, I have some methods that I can use to sense them." Gu Xinyan said softly by Du Shaofu's ear.    


"Netherworld Religion? The Ghost Claw should be related to them, why would it appear at the auction?"    


After Du Shaofu heard this, his eyes immediately turned deep in thought. This did not seem to be normal.    


"Congratulations on obtaining the Profound Spirit Connecting Sky Vine, truly congratulations."    


A young man in a black robe arrived in front of Du Shaofu with a dark look in his eyes.    


Du Shaofu recognized this voice. It was the same voice that had been competing against him for the Profound Spirit Connecting Sky Vine s all this while.    


When he looked at the black robed young man in front of him, Du Shaofu's clear eyes that were hidden behind the cape suddenly turned gloomy.    


Du Shaofu naturally recognized this young man, he had even fought against him more than once. Back then, Mu Zhenghao had mentioned the Black Fiend School's Xue Yunming at the Inside The Dark Forest, hence, he had a very high status within the Black Fiend School. He seemed to be the Black Fiend School's Young Sect Master.    


Seeing the people from the Black Fiend Sect, the cold intent in Du Shaofu's eyes couldn't help but fluctuate. But since this place is the Trading Company of Mu Family, there are still more important things to do. Holding back the cold aura in his eyes, he said softly: "The Profound Spirit Connecting Sky Vine will be auctioned, the highest bidder will have it!"    


What a great price to pay! Even if one has the strength, one must have the strength to do so. Don't worry, the Profound Spirit Connecting Sky Vine is still mine. Looking at Du Shaofu, Xue Yunming's eyes were wild and gloomy.    


"Is that so? When we meet again, I hope you won't regret it." Du Shaofu enunciated each word slowly and softly.    


"If you have the guts, let's see who will regret it then. I will definitely grind your bones into ashes. You won't get the Profound Spirit Connecting Sky Vine."    


Xue Yunming bent his body and whispered into Du Shaofu's ear. Then, his gaze greedily swept over the beautiful curves of Gu Xinyan's body. Finally, he laughed loudly and left with the few people behind him.    


"I also look forward to seeing you again." Looking at Xue Yunming's back, a trace of coldness flashed deep in Du Shaofu's eyes.    


"This person should be the Black Fiend School's Young Sect Master Xue Yunming. Did you know him before?" Gu Xinyan whispered to Du Shaofu.    


"We can be considered acquaintances, our relationship isn't shallow."    


Then, he said to Gu Xinyan, "Let's not talk about Xue Yunming for now. Let's first go to the trading firm to get the Profound Spirit Connecting Sky Vine, then we can think of a way to leave the Dark City."    


After a while, behind the Trading Company of Mu Family, in a secluded little hall, a robust middle-aged man gave three Universe Bag to Du Shaofu and said: "The Dry Carcass of Demon that you wanted are inside the Universe Bag."    


Thank you, Uncle Mu. However, I do not have any Dry Carcass of Demon Profound Stones on me right now.    


Du Shaofu received the three Universe Bag, and revealed a bitter smile. One million and one hundred thousand profound stones, he couldn't take them out either.    


"I've already given you the Profound Spirit Connecting Sky Vine, why would I still care about your one million and one hundred thousand profound stones? I have studied the Dry Carcass of Demon with many other Spirit Talisman Master s for more than ten years, but I still have no clues. Although it is not ordinary, it does not have any substantial effects. The middle-aged man said, a wave of might that was not angry, but carried an aura of pressure for no reason.    


"Send me?"    


Du Shaofu was quite shocked, one million Profound Stones was worth several Spirit Opening Pills and Castle of Mu Family was a little too generous to him.    


"Take it."    


Mu Mingqing looked at Du Shaofu, and looked at Du Shaofu, and said: "You should be clear, once you leave the Trading Company of Mu Family half a step, you will be in extreme danger, are you sure you want to do this?"    


Du Shaofu looked at Mu Mingqing and laughed, "If I do not leave the Trading Company of Mu Family, then the Trading Company of Mu Family would be extremely dangerous. Thank you for your help Uncle Mu, leave the rest to me."    


"You are ambitious. Go, I hope you can succeed." Mu Mingqing nodded and did not say anymore words.    


"Goodbye." Du Shaofu withdrew his three Universe Bag and turned to leave.    


After Du Shaofu walked out of the room, many old people and big men came in. Lu Linchao was among them as he said to Mu Mingqing: "Master of the castle, is this little guy okay? There are too many people outside, I'm afraid someone might make a move before we even reach the Dark City."    


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