Martial God Conqueror



"Then let's do it."    


Gu Xinyan said softly. Under the red veil, her beautiful eyes also started to turn cold. Around her beautiful red body, rune started to surge.    


"That woman seems to be Array Talisman Master, be careful of her setting up Talisman Array, attack!"    


A big sized man felt the aura fluctuations coming from Gu Xinyan's body, his face immediately changed. Stopping in the air, he pounced towards Gu Xinyan like lightning, the aura of his Mystery Level of Martial Duke Stage surging as the Profound Qi around his body surged, a fist imprint was thrown out.    




Just at this moment, a loud shout rang out. An extremely powerful aura capable of suppressing the sky descended from the sky, and a wave of rune energy struck the man's fist.    




With a muffled sound of energy, the burly man's Mystery Level of Martial Duke Stage cultivation was also shaken to the point where he was forced to directly stagger backwards.    


"Who dares to sneak attack me!"    


The faces of the surrounding people changed, and the burly man immediately raised his head and shouted.    


"Heaven Martial Academy, General!"    


The shout fell from the sky and a ray of light landed on the arena like lightning. The light converged and a young man appeared.    


The young man was in his early twenties, with a magnificent stature. Under the light of the surrounding energy Rune Light, his bronze colored skin was glowing, and the outline of his five senses were distinct and deep. The aura around his body seemed to cover the sky, as if it could suppress mountains and rivers.    


"And Heaven Martial Academy, Gui Wa!"    


Another figure of light flashed down and converged. A handsome young man dressed in a black robe appeared. His face was as distinct as a sculpture and the aura around him rippled, causing people's hair to stand on end.    


"Heaven Martial Academy, Wu Que!"    


"Heaven Martial Academy, Guo Shaofeng!"    


"Heaven Martial Academy, Bei Ming feng!"    


"Heaven Martial Academy, Li Yuxiao!"    


Four more roars rang out, piercing through the night sky. Space itself rippled as four figures charged over at high speed, four auras descending upon the world.    


Three men and one woman, the woman wore a red wide garment that covered her body, revealing half of her soft breasts, which were like congealed white jade.    


On the wrists of each of his hands, there were strange and ancient green circles around his hands. There were quite a few rough rune s engraved on them, which caused his originally graceful and elegant demeanor to give off a mechanical feeling.    


The second young man had a straight nose, a pointed nose, skin that exuded a faint scarlet hue, and eyes as black as ink.    


The third youth was tall and sturdy. His dark red robe fluttered in the wind and he exuded a devilish aura that caused one's heart to tremble.    


With the appearance of these six people, the entire space around them began to distort. Five youths, one enchanting woman, and six powerful auras rose up into the air, crushing the mountains and rivers, crushing the skies.    


"What six powerful juniors!"    


Sensing the auras of these six people, the fourteen Martial Duke Stage s were also moved.    


"Heaven Martial Academy, Gu Xinyan!"    


Looking at the six people, Gu Xinyan raised her head slightly, she waved her hand and took off her cape, revealing her exceptional appearance, her temperament was like fire and smoke, her beautiful eyes releasing light.    


"Heaven Martial Academy, Du Shaofu!"    


Du Shaofu looked at the six people in front of him, he took off the cloaks on his head slightly, and smiled at them. His resolute face had a smile, his eyes revealed a faint gold color, his Spirit Qi slightly moved, and was overbearing and sharp.    


"General, Budian Shanhe General, Ling Xuan, Jade Daughter Gu Xinyan, Nine Hell too little Gui Wa, Netherworld Princess Wu Que, Universe Sword Guo Shaofeng, these people seem to be ranked in the top five in Heaven Martial Academy!"    


Shock gushed out of one of the men's eyes. It seemed that he had long heard of these titles which could shake the entire empire.    


The six men and two women looked at each other without saying anything. They quickly formed a circle and stood in silence. Eight auras were released and each of them was very powerful.    


"From the looks of it, you've succeeded?"    


The general looked at Du Shaofu and said. On his handsome face, he was not worried about the fourteen Martial Duke Stage s.    


"Success is average, but I haven't seen the Ghost Claw yet." Du Shaofu said as he nodded his head.    


"It's alright. We'll talk about it after we send off these people. Let's fight!" As the general spoke, his eyes began to sparkle.    


"Fight! Let go of me and kill!"    


Gui Wa looked at the fourteen Martial Duke Stage s and spoke softly, but there was a faint sharpness in his voice and the aura on his body fluctuated faintly, giving off a bit of a baleful aura.    


"Don't talk nonsense. Let's settle these suicidal fellows first!"    


Li Yuxiao made his move, long dark red hair flying backwards, the light black Evil Qi rolled and engulfed the area. The red eyes surged, with a wave of his hand, the red eyes moved, a dark black large sword appeared and the rune erupted. It immediately locked onto an opponent and pounced, the black large sword seemed to want to cut open the space.    


Gui Wa did not speak anymore, and the dark black Profound Qi's aura that was accompanied by a baleful aura seemed to completely envelop his body like liquid.    




At the same time, Gui Wa's figure turned into a blur, and like a ghost, he took the lead to rush towards the old man in front of him.    


"Universe Sword!"    


Guo Shaofeng waved both of his hands, and the rough rune s started to bloom on his plain and simple wrists, causing two ancient swords to suddenly appear in his hands, the sword beams overflowing the heavens, the rune s to surge, as though they were going to destroy the universe.    


"Chi la!"    


Bei Ming feng's eyes that were as black as ink, turned red, as though a Flame Rune was about to erupt. A flaming blade condensed in his palm, the flaming blade swept across the sky, causing flames to spread out and engulf the entire area.    




Wu Que shouted. Her toes touched the ground and she instantly flew up to the low sky of the dense forest. Her seductive body flew at an arc in the air and a wave of Netherworld Udumbara Flower.    


"Hurry up and finish the battle!"    


When Gu Xinyan made her move, her graceful and beautiful figure moved, and with every move she made, her beautiful appearance would still captivate one's soul.    


"Attack, seize the Profound Spirit Connecting Sky Vine, so what if you're a junior from Heaven Martial Academy!"    


The fourteen Cultivator s also started to move at the same time.    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


Many Martial Duke Stage Cultivator s clashed head on against each other, as if they wanted to destroy this region of the sky as well.    


rune bloomed as energy exploded and spread through the area. Large trees that reached the sky were uprooted and destroyed.    




Within the dark night, strands of rune energy exploded outwards. Contained a powerful Profound Qi, and enveloped the general from all directions.    




A resplendent light burst out. The vast and mighty energy of the rune swept out and a palm was like a torrential flood as it struck forward.    


An elderly man in a long gown took the opportunity to get in front of Du Shaofu, who had not made a move in the end. This elderly man seemed to have sensed that among the eight people, Du Shaofu was the one with the weakest aura.    


"Brat, consider yourself unlucky!"    


The long-robed elder's gaze turned cold as a wave of Profound Qi swept out. Accompanied by Fu Wen Jing's surging gaze, it directly turned into a energy whirlpool of Profound Qi that was around a hundred feet in size.    




The energy whirlpool of rune engulfed Du Shaofu within, wanting to wrap Du Shaofu's body in the spirit energy whirlpool and forcibly destroy him into pieces.    




Inside the Profound Qi's whirlpool, a golden mark appeared and a domineering and sharp Qi swept out. The pale golden Talisman Secret Mark suppressed everything and immediately shattered the Profound Qi's whirlpool.    




A shocking energy spread outwards and Du Shaofu's figure had already turned into a golden light figure that rushed out, instantly appearing in front of the long-robed elder. He was caught off guard, and his fist mercilessly smashed onto the elder's chest.    




With a muffled sound, the old man was sent flying. His defenses were crushed like rotten weeds and blood spurted out of his mouth. He was pushed back several meters before colliding against a towering tree. He finally stopped.    




Just as Du Shao was about to pounce towards the old man, the sound of wind breaking sounded out from the left side, and a sharp claw print wrapped with dense Talisman Secret Mark surged out, warping the space and flying down, instantly arriving in front of him, directly grabbing onto his left shoulder, attempting to tear off his left arm.    


"Bring it on!"    


Du Shaofu gritted his teeth, he did not dodge, and allowed one claw mark to land on his shoulder.    


"Chi la!"    


Just as it was about to land on the skin and flesh on Du Shaofu's shoulder, a faint golden colored Talisman Secret Mark gushed out of Du Shaofu's shoulder. That sharp claw mark was simply unable to advance any further, and that vast and mighty sharp force had only left five shallow lines of blood on Du Shaofu's shoulder.    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


And in the time it took for a spark to fly, one claw was exchanged for one fist, which wrapped around the light gold Talisman Secret Mark, and with thirteen echoes, he directly smashed onto the head of one of the small sized big sized fellows, turning his head into pieces.    


Amongst the eight of them, Du Shaofu was the first to kill one of the Martial Duke Stage s.    




The beast roared as a white robed middle-aged man wrapped around a Demon Wolf Phantom's body.    


The Demon Wolf Phantom seemed to have completely merged with his body, becoming one with him. At that moment, he was the Demon Wolf Phantom, and the Demon Wolf Phantom was the human.    


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