Martial God Conqueror



Hearing that, Du Shaofu's eyes trembled, he raised his gaze to look at Du Shaofu, and asked: "Who is Elder Liao?"    


"As far as I know, aside from Ouyang Ling and Yuan Shanshan, your father was the closest to the other two, and one of them was Elder Liao."    


Murong Xi said to Du Shaofu: "Clan Elder Liao and your father had a close relationship during the training outside the academy back then. Your father had once saved your father's life, and Clan Elder Liao had once blocked a blade for your father, so when your mother gave birth seventeen years ago, your father was attacked by the strong warriors of your mother's family. In order to protect your three children, even your father would probably think that Elder Liao had died.    


With that, Murong Xi looked at Du Shaofu and said: "Do you still think that Elder Liao is deliberately attacking you?"    


Du Shaofu's eyes trembled, and stared blankly for a long time.    


As the twilight thickened, the darkness began to weigh down on the entire mountain range.    


In the winding river between the mountain ranges, the surface of the water was as black as ink. The golden ripples infected by the setting sun had long since disappeared into the night.    


On the majestic mountain peak, Du Shaofu appeared in front of a courtyard. Looking at the courtyard, his gaze trembled, as though he wanted to enter, but his steps were heavy.    


"What? You stood there for so long yet you still want me to come out and welcome you?"    


A voice came out from the courtyard. When the voice fell, an old man who seemed to be in his fifties appeared in front of Du Shaofu.    


He did not look old at all, and logically speaking, he should be considered to be in his prime. However, there were a lot of wrinkles on the forehead of this old man, as well as a face with stubble on it.    


This elder was also Elder Liao from the academy.    


"Greetings, Uncle Liao."    


Looking at the old man in front of him, Du Shaofu bowed respectfully and did not get up for a long time.    


Elder Liao looked at Du Shaofu, and after hearing what was said, his eyes became startled for a moment, but he quickly recovered. He turned to Du Shaofu and said: "There's no need for formalities, it was Murong Xi who told you, right?"    


Du Shaofu straightened his body and nodded slightly, tacitly agreeing.    


"In the blink of an eye, seventeen years have passed. You've grown up as well."    


He looked at Du Shaofu, his eyes filled with a hint of bitterness, as though there was moisture in them, and said softly: "When I first saw you, I already knew who you were, and you are just too similar to your father. All these years, you father and son must have been feeling really bad right?"    


"There used to be a lot of kids ?"    


Before Du Shaofu could finish his sentence, Elder Liao interrupted him and glared at Du Shaofu: "You've already called me uncle, isn't that enough? It's just that if you don't cause more trouble in the academy in the future, it would be better to not cause trouble for yourself in the future. For example, that Qian Guyu, the clan backing him is extremely powerful."    




Du Shaofu nodded, looking at the Elder Liao who had blocked the blade for the alcoholic father and protected his family to the point where they were on the verge of death, Du Shaofu's heart was extremely complicated and heavy. He actually thought that the Elder Liao was targeting him in the past.    


"Why are you so honest now? You don't seem to be an honest person, right?"    


Elder Liao looked at Du Shaofu in surprise. He was not used to Du Shaofu's current honest look.    


Du Shaofu smiled bitterly and did not speak further.    


"How has your father been all these years?" Elder Liao asked.    


In the darkness of the night, the moon was dark and the stars were shining brightly. On the peak of the mountain, Du Shaofu told Elder Liao a lot of stories about his alcoholic father's situation during the past seventeen years.    


Du Shaofu then asked Elder Liao about a lot of things from the past, and more importantly, asked Elder Liao about the situation regarding drunk father and this mother.    


"Uncle Liao, who were those people? What did they have to do with my mother? Why did they break up our family?" Du Shaofu looked at Elder Liao, his clear and bright eyes trembling slightly. On his resolute face, there was a sharp look.    


"Your father didn't tell you, naturally for a reason. Actually, I don't know much either."    


He let out a long sigh and said: "If you really want to do something, you have to work hard and become a strong warrior. Some things, other people were born with, yet you have to fight for it.    


"I understand." Du Shaofu took a deep breath, the sharpness in his eyes instantly disappearing.    


Even though you managed to cripple Qian Guyu today, you might not necessarily be able to enter the top ten. Many people actually have the strength to enter the top ten, so when the time comes, I'm afraid many dark horses will be able to leave. " Elder Liao said.    


Early morning of the next day. The sky was slightly bright. The morning breeze blew gently, and the morning light was dim.    


Du Shaofu's figure appeared outside the Heaven Martial Talisman Realm, looking at the gigantic mountain and the ancient stone door that was untainted in dust, his gaze slightly moved.    


Inside the ancient stone door was a haze that could not be seen clearly. An ancient aura slowly spread out from the hazy space inside the stone door, and it was unknown just how many years Heaven Martial Talisman Realm had this place stood for.    


The ancient aura was boundless and boundless, causing people to unconsciously feel reverence from the depths of their souls.    


Beside the ancient stone door, Du Shaofu once again saw the burly man who was supposed to be watching over the Heaven Martial Talisman Realm. He was still lying down and napping on a large stone beside the stone door, looking to be about forty years old.    


Taking out his point card, Du Shaofu immediately entered the Heaven Martial Talisman Realm.    


Du Shaofu's original points card had already dropped to zero, but then Inside The Dark Forest caught a guy on the bounty list, and then the Ghost Claw. In the end, the academy didn't add anymore points, and a total of more than six hundred thousand points fell into Du Shaofu's points card, mainly because the points obtained from capturing the Ghost Claw were relatively higher.    


Right after Du Shaofu entered the Heaven Martial Talisman Realm stone door, the middle aged man on the rock faintly opened his eyes. The light in his eyes slightly moved on his clean face, changed his position, and then continued to nap.    


Ripples of light immediately spread out from the hazy edges of the stone door as Du Shaofu walked in. The rune fluctuated and the airwaves like spatial tears spread out, and then, a dazzling radiance appeared. The ancient and boundless aura was released, which was hazy and dazzling, causing one to not dare to open their eyes and look directly at it.    


When the blinding light disappeared, Du Shaofu opened his eyes and found himself standing in the middle of the hall.    


Three fluctuating Space Ripple s appeared in front of him. They seemed like three dimensional gates, which were precisely the spatial gates of Comprehension Realm, War Realm, and the spirit realm.    


Du Shaofu immediately entered the Comprehension Realm, wanting to properly comprehend it when the Heaven Martial Meet begins.    


Although he had easily defeated Qian Guyu in the battle yesterday, it had let Du Shaofu know that there were many people on the Martial Ranking that were extremely difficult to deal with. During this Heaven Martial Great Assembly, he had to enter the top ten rankings no matter what, so it was best to make extra preparations.    


Within the Comprehension Realm, there were many independent spaces. Within each space, there would be things that one wanted to comprehend: Mysterious Bone of Demon Beast, evolution of Talisman Array, process of refining pellets, Artifact Refining Method, and cultivation of martial skills. It only depended on the level of comprehension, so the points required were also different.    


Once he stepped into the 'Comprehension Realm', Du Shaofu once again appeared in the long, formless corridor. The surrounding space sprayed out multicolored light, and it was as if a comet had been released in the sky.    


Glancing over, many Space Ripple s revealed themselves. There were even fist techniques, palm techniques, Sword Spell Blade Arts and many other martial skills that flickered with rune s. There were even array flags, phantom s, Spirit Crucible Talisman Cauldron s and so on.    


All of the mysteries of this space were flickering with light, blurry and illusory, and filled with an ancient, primal aura.    


"Begin comprehending."    


Du Shaofu entered one of the Space Ripple that was flashing with Demon Beast Phantom. Following the fluctuation of the spatial rune, his figure also disappeared.    


As time slowly passed, with the arrival of the Heaven Martial Meet, the entire academy was in an uproar.    


And to those Martial Rankers who had the strength to fight for the top ten, they had all disappeared.    


The absolute experts on the Martial Ranking had not shown their faces outside recently. It was not hard to guess that they had all entered closed-door training to make the final sprint for the Heaven Martial Meet.    


And to those experts who knew it would be difficult for them to enter the top ten of the Heaven Martial Great Assembly, they didn't dare to relax in the slightest. Even if they couldn't enter the top ten, they would still go all out this time.    


The Heaven Martial Great Assembly was also a great reshuffle on the Martial Ranking. The entire Stone Dragon Empire, and even the surrounding empires, were all paying close attention to it. If he performed a little better, it would naturally benefit the future.    


During this period of time, there was even news that the champion of this time's Heaven Martial Great Assembly, other than being able to enter the Heaven Martial Talisman Realm paper to comprehend for half a year, would also be able to obtain a weapon refined by Vice Principal Zhuge using his Profound Spirit Connecting Sky Vine as the main ingredient.    


The moment this news spread out, the entire Heaven Martial Academy trembled, and when the news spread, the entire Stone Dragon Empire was even more shocked.    


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