Martial: I Started The Technological Revolution In Ancient Times

C740 The Power of a Girl with Silver Bells

C740 The Power of a Girl with Silver Bells

Your Highness thinks so too.    


He hurriedly pulled the Advisor to Silver Bell Girl's side.    


"My good daughter, you said it is going to rain now, but we can't avoid it. What should we do? Also, you said that this rain will be very cold and people might even freeze to death. Then... at least these people need to protect their lives."    


The prince sighed and said, "If you have any ideas, my dear daughter, just say it."    


Silver Bell Girl said, "Actually, it is not a good idea, but... it is still better than nothing."    


She jumped off the carriage.    


She first looked left and right along the road.    


Then, she immediately ran to the front of the group and hurriedly ran to the back.    


After calculating for a moment, he immediately returned to the front of the prince and continued, "Didn't we bring a lot of leather along this trip? This thing can be used now."    


"Leather? Can it be used? How can it be used? "    


"We'll talk about this later. The key is the bonfire. If we want the bonfire, the nearby firewood doesn't seem to be enough. But didn't we bring a lot of big boxes this time? Also, the meat can actually be used to burn the fire. "    




His Royal Highness's body trembled, and his face immediately turned bitter.    


There were some things that couldn't be used.    


Those boxes contained a large amount of wealth, enough for them to make a comeback in any place.    


"If we burn these boxes as firewood, what about the goods inside?"    


"Don't worry about being drenched by the rain, just leave them there. If they can't be drenched, then put them in the carriage."    


"In the carriage? That's the only place we can hide now. I think half of us should go into the carriage to avoid the rain, and the other half will think of a way. "    


His Royal Highness said what he thought.    


However, Silver Bell Girl forcefully shook her head.    


She said, "This doesn't seem to work. Big Brother said that when we can make a name for ourselves, you can use the method of differentiating rewards and punishments, but if you don't have any merit, you can earn it. You need to pay attention to fairness and share hardships. Everyone is not afraid of their own treatment. However, they could not stand the fact that some people were treated well, while others were treated poorly. This difference would cause great trouble. For example, if they were to be drenched in the rain now... If half of them weren't drenched in the rain, then even if those people didn't complain at that time... However, there must be resentment in their hearts, wanting to make them continue to be loyal. And even if those people didn't get wet by the rain... They will think about whether they will be given up so easily if they are in danger one day. "    


Silver Bell Girl's careful analysis made the two adults widen their eyes.    


They could not believe that these words came from the mouth of this extremely naive little girl from the Le Tian Sect.    


The key was... This statement could not be more correct!    


In particular, the Grand Advisor's eyes widened as he nodded his head heavily. "The person who can think of such a thing must be someone with great wisdom. Is this also what the princess's elder brother said?"    




Silver Bell Girl appeared extremely proud.    


She nodded her head hard.    


Then she said, "Besides, it's not like everything will be fine after entering the carriage. If it really rained, the carriage would also get colder and colder. It would be fine if there were warm things in the carriage, but our carriage... Most of them did not have a shed, so the insulation effect was not very good. What we really need now is fire. Actually, our team... The most important and the most precious thing is people... We have to protect them first, and..."    


Silver Bell Girl chuckled and said," Most of those precious items are actually not afraid of the rain. The rest of the carriages will definitely be able to be loaded. As long as we are fine and make it through this time... As long as we walk to a safe place where there is a forest... We can immediately create some more boxes. It's the same. "    


His Royal Highness was still hesitating.    


But the advisor immediately said, "Your Highness, what the young princess said makes sense. In our current situation... Even if we lose some wealth, it's still better than losing someone. We can rely on the greatest resources on this journey. It's these people, but the young princess actually understands these principles. The young princess has really grown up. She has become sensible."    


The prince was also very pleased.    


He nodded heavily and then said, "Then let's do it this way!"    


He did as he said, and his Royal Highness immediately ordered people to start smashing boxes.    


But at this moment, the young princess said, "There's no rush. The most important thing right now is to gather all the carriages and horses. We have formed a circle. My daughter saw just now that our horses and carriages are big enough to form such a circle. If we can surround them in two circles, that's good. "    


As she spoke, Silver Bell Girl ran to the side of a small hill and stomped on the ground. After confirming it, she nodded her head and said, "This is the place!"    


His Royal Highness immediately walked over and asked, "Why are you here? Why are you surrounding?"    


"Block the wind!"    


Silver Bell Girl said, "Moreover, the terrain here is very high. I have seen it just now. The surrounding terrain is the highest here. If the rain is too heavy, it will be very difficult for the water to drown this place. As long as we can avoid the water, there will always be hope."    


"That... That's good."    


His Royal Highness was somewhat dumbfounded.    


The advisor beside him also had a look of shock on his face.    


The young princess had been wandering for a few days, but when she returned, it was as if she had changed into a different person. This sort of mind, this meticulous way of thinking, could not be mentioned in the same breath. Furthermore, when faced with such a special situation in the wilderness, she actually did it better than he did.    


It seemed like the young princess had really learned a lot from that "big brother."    


Furthermore, it was obvious that the young princess did not hide anything from him. She must have taught him a lot of useful things.    


In this world, teachers were extremely important.    


After all, there was an old saying that taught disciples to starve their masters to death.    


Inheritances meant that he would teach his ability to live a peaceful life to others, giving away the conclusion of his entire life.    


Who would be willing to not get involved with relatives?    


Therefore, it was very important to have a master.    


His Royal Highness had always wanted his advisor to be Silver Bell Girl's master, but he had always been unwilling. On one hand, he was afraid that he would not be able to teach well. On the other hand, he also did not want to teach too much.    


But that "big brother" was different.    


What he taught was the truth. It was something that could allow him to live a peaceful life.    






Advisor really did not understand.    


At this moment, Silver Bell Girl continued, "Hurry up and move. There are still many things that need to be done. If you don't hurry up, I'm afraid it will be too late."    


His Royal Highness was stunned for a moment. He hurriedly nodded and clamored to make arrangements.    


At the same time, Silver Bell Girl asked the advisor to find a few skilled women accompanying her.    


After all, this trip was more like a migration. Many servants brought their families along and there were also many ministers and generals.    


Originally, Sahu's family was actually not a small family. Compared to the Royal Highness's family, it was not much different, but this trip still had dozens of people following. The reason was that no matter what happened, they had to protect Sahu's branch.    


It could be considered to have placed the eggs in different baskets.    


This was usually the way for large families to settle down.    


Silver Bell Girl asked them to bring over all the leather that could be used, regardless of the size.    


She lit the first fire and used a red wooden stick to burn all the fur on the leather.    


Then, the small leather was quickly stitched together. The big leather was spread open and the corners were dug.    


He then used the long stick to support it.    


The umbrella looked like it was attached to each other, standing on this high ground.    


However, they were all very short, and the high ground was uneven.    


In the tallest shed, people had to bend their waist and lower their heads, or they would crash into it.    


After finishing all of this, the carriages and horses had already surrounded them. As expected, they were in two circles.    


Many of the boxes had also been smashed into pieces and turned into wood.    


Silver Bell Girl immediately asked them to place the wood separately in the middle of the leather awns.    


And just as they were halfway done, the originally fine sky suddenly turned dark!    


The wind also began to rush.    


The wind was so strong that it made the sound of leather being blown.    


Some people immediately rushed forward and tightly held onto the poles, ensuring that they could firmly stick them into the ground.    


"Quickly ignite the fire, the rain is coming!"    


The grandmaster was also at the side at this time. He looked at the bonfire and then looked at the leather on top that was so close and was immediately stunned.    


He hurriedly said, "No, we can't light it. This bit of fire is going to burn the leather!"    


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