Martial: I Started The Technological Revolution In Ancient Times

C741 It Couldn't be Burned

C741 It Couldn't be Burned

"It's okay, it won't burn."    


"How can it not burn?"    


Advisor immediately said, "Little princess, don't think that the fire won't burn that high. However, the places where there were no flames were actually very hot. Roasting such a piece of leather was very easy. Many families used to have it because the fire in the house was too strong. It lit up the roof, which caused the fire. No one could escape. How many people die every year because of this! "    


Silver Bell Girl still said, "It's fine. It won't burn."    


The Advisor's face was full of bitterness.    


He turned his head and looked at His Royal Highness.    


The prince was also helpless.    


It was true that he needed a bonfire now, but he also needed these leather to block the rain. It seemed that it was too late to raise it now. Besides, he didn't have any materials, right?    


What should he do?    


The prince thought about it carefully.    


Before he could figure out what to do, Silver Bell Girl said, "My daughter said it was going to rain, so it really was going to rain. Now that my daughter said it won't burn, it definitely won't burn."    




At this moment, just as the prince was about to speak, there was a poof sound.    


It was the sound of raindrops falling from the sky onto the leather.    


It came down? !    


The rain really came down?    


Furthermore, the rain came too quickly.    


It only made a few sounds, and there was no buffer time at all.    


With a Hua sound, it was the heavy rain. Heavy rain!    


The violent winds swept up the rain, shocking everyone present.    


Silver Bell Girl hurriedly ran into the shed and shouted loudly, "Quickly light the fire, otherwise it will be troublesome if it is not lit. Don't get drenched in the rain, it will be very difficult to dry it!"    


When she shouted, everyone was first stunned for a while, but they still followed her instructions.    


Anyway, there was no good way now.    


And the wind was really cold.    


The rain was like pieces of ice that landed on his body, causing his skin and flesh to hurt.    


If they were drenched by the rain and blown by the wind, they wouldn't need anyone to say anything. They knew that their bodies wouldn't be able to withstand it.    


Thus, the bonfires were quickly lit.    


One. The fire was transmitted to the next one at an even faster speed.    


In particular, some bonfires were filled with dried meat.    


The fat in the dried meat was roasted out, instantly making the fire even more intense.    


There was a whistling sound.    


That was the sound of the wind blowing against the flames.    


However, it also brought enough warmth to the people.    


Everyone squeezed into these sheds one by one.    


In the cracks of the shacks, rainwater was flowing down crazily, forming a small river like a curtain of rain.    


The water would naturally splash up and wet their clothes. It was really cold.    


Without even needing to be reminded, they started to avoid the places where the water was leaking.    


Meanwhile, the leather was originally very smooth, but now that the rain gathered on it, the entire skin collapsed, forming a not too beautiful arc.    


It made people worry about how long this thing could last.    


Right now, no one wanted to be drenched by this rain.    




Other than this small slope, the rest of the place was covered in dust from the raindrops. Then, it was pressed down by the raindrops, forming a small pond. Then, the raindrops smashed out bumps, which looked like jumping musical notes. It formed a sound.    




Very quickly, the fire burned the leather on top of it.    


The leather also really turned black.    


It was emitting white smoke.    


It was as if it was about to be ignited.    


Everyone was shocked.    


The leather was their only reliance now.    


They stuck close to their scalps.    


If they let it slip by now, they would definitely turn into chicken soup.    


At this time, they were still trembling. At that time, they wouldn't be trembling anymore. They might really freeze to death.    


Advisor was also sighing at the side.    


He turned his head to look at those horse carriages with sheds and whispered in the prince's ear, "If we miss them later, don't worry about the others. It is better for you to hide with the young princess than anything else. Especially the young princess. She's still young, so she can't stand the cold. "    


The prince nodded and made sufficient preparations.    


However, the smoke from the skin was just smoke.    


It was actually not damaged by the fire!    


Furthermore, waves of white mist rose from the skin.    


The water flowing down from the edge of the leather was no longer as cold as before. When it splashed, it did not seem as bone-piercing as before.    


The rainwater gradually formed small ditches on the ground, allowing the water to flow smoothly to the side.    


It was not to the extent that it would gather here and form a water pit or something.    


This way, it didn't seem to be so cold here anymore.    


The grandmaster's face was full of shock.    


He could not help but ask, "Why won't these skins be burnt?"    


Silver Bell Girl shook her head and said, "I don't know."    




" Big brother said a lot of things only need to be filled with water. It will not be boiled, just like a pot. If there is no water in there, it will be placed on the stove and burned. It would burn the pot red and destroy it, but as long as there was water, it would be fine. That makes sense. "    


"But... this is not a pot, this is leather!"    


Silver Bell Girl said, "Actually, the skin will slightly seep into the water, so if it is boiled, most of the fire will go to boil water. Big brother had said a word before. What is called... Yes, what does heat spread, as long as the heat of the fire is spread out, it's all right."    


The Advisor was confused when he heard that.    


However, the fact was right in front of him, which made him start to take that "big brother's" ability seriously.    


Before, he thought that "big brother" was just a capable person, but now he finally understood that he was probably an amazing person, not the kind that ordinary people could understand.    


The heavy rain poured down.    


On this small mound, people were roasting and covering the rain.    


Although some people were too close to the edge and would still feel the cold, it was still much better than directly getting rained.    


It was even much better than being in a cold carriage.    


Some infants were previously crying and howling, but now they actually began to fall asleep in their mother's embrace.    


Seeing this scene, the prince let out a long sigh. Then, he said with relief, "Our young princess has really grown up. She has already become so strong. I have always felt that you are like a young lady who will never grow up. But now I know... Sigh, I was wrong before, I should find a good master for you. I should let you learn some real skills."    


Silver Bell Girl giggled.    


She proudly said, "Big Brother only taught me. I think Chu Chu also wanted to learn, but I didn't teach her much."    


" Oh?"    


When the prince heard this, his interest was piqued.    


"In other words, that hostage taught you from the bottom of his heart? And didn't teach anyone else?"    


"Yes, he taught you very seriously."    


The prince nodded, feeling rather gratified.    


He was also very interested in that "big brother."    


The rain started to turn smaller after more than an hour.    


Silver Bell Girl let out a long sigh of relief and muttered, "Fortunately, there was no big black cloud."    


"What big black cloud?"    


The Royal Highness asked curiously.    


Silver Bell Girl said, "Big brother said that in this kind of weather, it is very easy for a very dark and very low cloud to appear. If there is that kind of cloud, then... There would be hailstones, ice balls smashing down from the sky. It is very easy for people to die!"    


"Hailstones? "    


The prince was also shocked.    


The hailstones were a great disaster!    


Whether it was farming or animal herding, hailstones were destructive to a region. They broke wheat seedlings, crushed livestock, and happened almost every year in a region.    


Therefore, as long as they heard this name, they would feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.    


Silver Bell Girl looked at the sky again and said, "Not bad, not bad. It seems that there is no more, but it seems that it is not early anymore. How about... we just set up camp here."    


His Royal Highness wanted to refuse but he subconsciously followed Silver Bell Girl's gaze and looked outside the carriage.    


Only then did he realize that the surrounding area was filled with water pits!    


The rain was too fast, and the ground did not even have time to seep in, so it accumulated into water pits.    


Below the water pits, the sand was still fine, but there was more earth.    


When the earth came into contact with water, it would turn into mud.    


No one knew how deep the mud could be.    


If one encountered a deep place, the carriage would not be able to pass through. Even if one passed through it, it would still be difficult to take a step forward.    


However, if they didn't leave, wouldn't they be trapped here forever?    


Just as he was about to say his worries, Silver Bell Girl had already run to the shed. She pulled out the small knife at her waist and stabbed it into the ground.    


Then she twisted it and pulled the knife out. Her fingers touched the knife a few times and then she smiled, "It's fine. The sand and soil here is very thick. There is no need to wait until tomorrow morning. The road will be easy."    


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