Martial: I Started The Technological Revolution In Ancient Times

C465 A Table of Delicious Food

C465 A Table of Delicious Food

Xiao Yun smiled.    


He smiled happily.    


"You don't understand?"    


"I don't understand. I just feel like there's something wrong with it."    


"Actually, there's no problem. This is called innovation. Almost every kind of innovation can make everyone in the world profit. More or less, because innovation means more."    




"Yeah, think about it. If there wasn't a greenhouse in the first place, then... said Wang Yao. The land in winter was abandoned, and it could not be said to be abandoned. It should be the process of raising the land. After all, land is such a thing. It will also be tiring. If the nutrients are insufficient, it will require a long period of relief to make up for it. "    


"Why do I need to make up for it?"    


Xiao Yun was talking when he was interrupted.    


He said helplessly, "So... you don't even understand this?"    


Fox Eye blushed.    


Xiao Yun said, "In nature, everything is a cycle. The plants grew and absorbed the nutrients of the earth, and finally withered. They die on this land, and the plants themselves rot. The nutrients had returned to the earth. This... was a small cycle that represented the natural wisdom. Or rather, inheritance. However, humans were not like this. Humans needed a large amount of food. If we only take the seeds, then the rhizome and leaves... We can still return to the land, which is barely a balance. But we humans not only take the fruits, but the rhizome can also be burned by the sun. Even if it is some leaves, we can stir them and take them. Feed it to the pig. Everything has been used, nothing left for the ground. "    


"That seems to be the case!"    


"That's why this cycle is broken. The land is merely supplying nutrients. However, there was no return at all. Therefore, if we were to farm like crazy, if you don't talk about rest, it will make the land lose its fertilizer. When that time comes, nothing will grow out."    


"Then... You still want to plant things in the winter? "    


"Because these things can be solved. For example, the fertilizer and our excrement are naturally useless to us, but to the land, they are also a type of fertilizer."    


"This... So that's how it is."    


Fox Eye felt a little nauseous.    


Xiao Yun rolled his eyes and said, "You still feel nauseous? When we were eating, why didn't you dislike that they were grown from feces? Besides, that kind of thing is very complicated. You can't just directly pull it into the ground. Instead, you have to let it ferment first and place it in a place. Refine it into a black gelatinous shape, then sprinkle it into the ground. They had to use their hands to touch it. Sometimes, they would accidentally splash it. When it comes to their mouths, they don't care at all. What they are most afraid of is getting it into their eyes. It's very easy to make their eyes swell up, and they might even go blind. "    


Fox Eye desperately covered her mouth to prevent herself from vomiting.    


Xiao Yun continued, "It's precisely because of these methods of recovering fertilizer that the arable land can be used all year round... Uh, talking about the topic of innovation, fruits and vegetables in this winter. It is just that there are more, originally no, it can even be said to be creating something out of nothing. Then these extra things can provide work positions. It can also be exchanged for money, do you understand now?"    


" Oh!"    


Fox Eye said, "So the greatest good deed is to create more things? "    


"Yes, the greatest good deed in the world is nothing more than this. None of you know that there was once an old grandpa. He successfully increased the output of a type of crop by several times, and the quantity increased by several times. All of them appeared out of thin air. Because of this, that was the reason why the food crisis was blocked, and the food crisis would lead to war. It would cause the entire world to be in chaos, and he did it all. "    


"That's really a good person!"    


Xiao Yun touched his nose and said, "Indeed."    


He walked to the front of the tender potato and said, "After a while, these will be enough."    


"What is this? What kind of fruit is this?"    


"No, this is the experimental field. There are potatoes planted inside."    




Fox Eye had obviously never heard of it.    


Xiao Yun said, "It's easy to plant, but the yield is more than four times that of millet rice."    


"You're talking nonsense again!"    


Fox Eye almost screamed.    


This time she was a little angry.    


"You really think of me as a fool."    


"How should I say it?"    


"How can there be such a crop in this world? "    


"Why can't there be one?"    


"If there was, someone would have planted it a long time ago, and it would still be your turn? "    


Xiao Yun was stunned for a moment.    


Because this was a common idea.    


Everyone in the world had it.    


When faced with a lot of things, while maintaining suspicion, they would say these words.    


If it was to earn money, others would have done it a long time ago.    


If it could be done, others would have done it long ago.    


If it was possible to win the award, it would also be someone else's. Why would you win the award?    




All sorts of comments.    


This was put into the mouths of the huge majority of people.    


It was correct.    


Because ordinary people were just ordinary people.    


Usually, things that suddenly popped up, or "good things," were usually lies.    


In fact, good things are indeed not for ordinary people.    


If it was really good, the influential people would eat it up and wipe it clean.    


If the common people in the world knew that it was a good thing, to be able to earn money, or to do something about it...    


On the contrary, the civilians had to be on guard.    


If everyone knew, then it proved... that it was a trap!    


Because in a short period of time, without any major changes, there was nothing that could make everyone earn money.    


Therefore, Fox Eye's words hurt people's hearts, but Xiao Yun understood it very well.    


Because this was the only way to make people less swindled.    


Xiao Yun said, "It's right not to believe it. As the saying goes, seeing may not necessarily be true. Something you hear must be considered again and again."    


"Is that so..."    


Xiao Yun squatted down, grabbed the vegetable, and pulled it up forcefully.    


There were a lot of earthworms in the soil, and Wu Xi took care of them almost every day.    


He easily pulled out the whole skewer of potatoes.    


The potatoes were now very big. Although they were not at their peak, they were already considered not bad.    


Each of them was the size of a baby's fist.    


Actually, if they were placed in other places, it would already be considered very big.    


But this place was a fine piece of work, there was no more detailed management and planting here.    


So it should be very big.    


But this was also quite a big bunch.    


He directly placed it in front of Fox Eye and smiled, "This is the potato. What do you think?"    


"How is it?"    


Fox Eye naturally could not see anything.    


But she was not stupid.    


She also knew how much crops should be produced normally.    


This was clearly beyond the limit!    


It had even exceeded her mental endurance.    


"This... how do I eat this? Is it a dish?"    


Xiao Yun laughed and said, "This thing is wonderful. It can be used as a dish and also as a meal. It can also make people full."    


"How is this possible?"    


Xiao Yun did not explain. Instead, he took out a few potatoes and used a few methods to cook them.    


Stir-fried potato strips.    


The easiest dish.    


It was something Xiao Yun had never tried in this world.    


Because this thing seemed to be too wasteful, he was afraid that His Majesty would not be able to resist hitting him.    


Coincidentally, Leng Yueling was also here today.    


He used potatoes and some meat to make a table of vegetables.    


He was the only one in this world who could cook stir-fried potato shredded potatoes. The chili pepper was even more precious than this potato.    


There were only so many wild chili in total, and he took them all!    


Stewing potato pieces was also not bad.    


Stewed with beef, beef belly potatoes, but unfortunately, there were no tomatoes.    


However, he did not insist. Instead, he used a few green plums as a replacement. It was also a good choice.    


There were also steamed potatoes and roasted potatoes.    


It could be directly eaten as the main food.    


After a few more dishes, a potato became a table full of delicacies.    


Xiao Yun, Leng Yueling, Fox Eye, and Gua brought along a third aunt who just happened to come over. They were prepared to eat all of these things.    


But coincidentally, Prime Minister Qiu came!    


He was still considered a patient, so they could not kick him away, right?    


Xiao Yun gritted his teeth. Wu Xi and his grandson also came over.    


They formed a table.    


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