Super Wealthy Slap in the face System

C230 It Was too Cruel

C230 It Was too Cruel

Guang Chuanliang furrowed his brows. If this situation continued, the Five Sects would be doomed.    


"Could it be that the Five Sects's shame can't be washed away?" The corner of Guang Chuanliang's mouth was tightly curled up as he thought with some unwillingness.    


But now, he didn't have much time to think. Brook had already won. Now, there were still four of them who had the ability to fight. On the Five Sects's side, only Feng Ni'er and himself were left. It seemed like he and Feng Ni'er were really going to fight the two of them alone.    


Whether or not he could win this battle, Guang Chuanliang's heart was pounding. Before he made his move, he was unable to predict the true strength of his opponent. As for the opponent, Jacquemin and Zhang Liang, both of them didn't seem to be good friends.    


Apart from these two, the beautiful girl from the Eagle Country, Natascha... She did not seem to be weak at all. Ordinary people might be confused by Natascha's beautiful face. She had been practicing the Fire Enchantment all year round, even if she could not use it. She also had a vague feeling that she was able to turn all living things upside down.    


However, Guang Chuanliang could feel the aura hidden in her body. She definitely wasn't a good person.    


He only wanted to see if Feng Ni'er, this little girl, could create a miracle.    


Brook rested for a while before the competition continued. This time, the one singing in the Five Sects was Feng Ni'er.    


"Be careful. Maintain your strength and end the battle quickly." Guang Chuanliang reminded her in a low voice.    


"Don't worry. That kid from Wolf Country can only warm me up." Feng Ni'er said very domineeringly.    


The atmosphere on the stage became heated again. After all, seeing a beauty like Feng Ni'er fight with a man, it was still very exciting for the audience.    


"Such a beautiful little girl, if I can get a bruised and swollen face, it would be a pity..." Brook looked at the slim and graceful Feng Ni'er opposite him and said in a somewhat frivolous manner.    


"I'm afraid that you will be the one who will have a swollen face soon." Feng Ni'er gave Brook a fierce glance and said with disdain.    


"The little girl is not old and her tone is not young. I will remind you in advance. Although I like beautiful women, once I start to fight, there is no need to hold back. If I beat you up, you will be disfigured... Then it's none of my business. "    


"If you're afraid right now, there's still a chance. As long as you promise me... After the competition, play with me for a while, and I promise to show mercy when I make a move later. I'll let you lose with dignity, what do you think? " Brook chuckled. His eyes were full of vulgarity.    


"I've changed my mind..." Feng Ni'er rolled her eyes and looked at the ugly Brook in front of her. She suddenly tilted her head and smiled and said slowly.    


"You finally figured it out? Don't worry, you won't lose out. I promise I will make you obedient tonight. I will let you enjoy the happiness of being a woman that you have never experienced before... " Brook licked his lips and smiled like an old chrysanthemum that had been beaten by the wind and frost in late autumn.    


"No, I originally wanted to make your face and nose swollen because of my intelligence. Now I have changed my mind. " Feng Ni'er's sweet smile revealed an undetectable killing intent, "What I want to do now is to smash that self-righteous face of yours. Then make it so that you can no longer be a real man! "    


"Make me unable to be a man anymore? You really have a big mouth. Then, I really want to try out your martial arts." Brook rubbed his fists and said in a cold voice.    


Other than some of his true thoughts, the rest of his words were just to anger Feng Ni'er and make her lose her mind. This way, he would be able to easily find her flaws.    


On the other hand, he wanted to buy some time as soon as possible so that he could recover more of his strength.    


He had read Feng Ni'er's information before and knew that this little girl was a troublesome fellow. He had just experienced a battle and it was not easy to defeat her. So he could only put a little effort into his psychological tactics.    


"Let's test my skills first!" Feng Ni'er had already seen through Brook's trick. She had secretly made up her mind to teach him a lesson, but her mind was not in a mess at all.    


Feng Ni'er's delicate figure moved like a swimming dragon. Her movements were swift and graceful, and her attacks were ruthless. She was not inferior to the other contestants at all. Brook was also secretly shocked. He could only concentrate all his energy and punch her.    


"Bang!" With a loud sound, the two people's fists collided fiercely. Brook's fist was as big as a sandbag. In comparison, Feng Ni'er's delicate fingers were like the hands of a toy doll.    


Many people broke out in a cold sweat because of this beautiful little girl.    


After the smoke dispersed, Feng Ni'er still stood there calmly. Five meters away on the ground, Brook was half-kneeling. He looked down in disbelief at his own fist. There was already blood on it.    


The strength of one punch was actually able to send Brook flying more than five meters away, but he was still standing there unharmed.    


The strength of a Transformation Grandmaster was so terrifying!    


"What a strong girl." Brook wiped away the blood from his wound and slowly stood up. His eyes became serious once again as he threw himself at Feng Ni'er.    


Unfortunately, in the face of absolute strength, any so-called seriousness was useless. At most, it would only make his loss look better, but Brook was in a worse state. Because his loss was not good at all.    


In less than ten minutes, a figure fell to the ground once again. His body was twisted like a cooked lobster.    


"Aaaaaah..." Brook's wails echoed throughout the stands.    


At this moment, his hand was covering his lower part of the stands in an indecent manner. In the battle just now, Feng Ni'er had been waiting for an opportunity, playing with him like a mouse. She waited until Brook revealed a flaw and kicked Brook fiercely.    


"Hiss..." When the male audience in the stands saw this scene, they could not help but close their legs. They subconsciously felt a cool breeze blow by and their bodies trembled.    


The main judge quickly went on stage. After briefly checking Brook's injuries, after announcing Feng Ni'er's victory, the rescue team carrying the stretcher immediately walked up. Brook, who was rolling back and forth on the ground in pain, was carried onto the stretcher.    


At this time, Brook was already in so much pain that he broke out in cold sweat. He no longer had the strength to scream. He just kept breathing in and making sounds similar to sobbing.    


"Hey! If you lose too much blood, remember to choose a good brand of sanitary pad! The effect of sucking blood is super awesome. I guarantee that you will dry up all night without leaking anything! " Feng Ni'er said goodbye in the direction of Brook, her eyes filled with reluctance.    


"Uh..." Brook groaned softly and replied with a look of despair.    


The content came from [Migu Reading]    


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